AWE :: Volume #10

#924: Absorbs a father-in-law hair...

Ding seven, are representing four lineage/vein cultivator, can pay respect to Heavenly Venerate. 钟声七下,代表着四脉修士,可以去参拜天尊 This ding is enormous and powerful, among spread Heaven and Earth, causes the vault of heaven multi-colored sunlight ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), shines upon the all around golden Heavenspan Sea water, has formed a wonderful peerless picture. 这钟声浩荡无比,扩散天地之间,使得苍穹霞光万丈,映照四周金色的通天海水,形成了一幕美妙绝伦的画面。 Especially the Heavenspan Island deep place, that three shakes the heavens mountain peak, has rays of light dispersing at this moment, is similar to world focuses attention on, at the same time, fills the pressure on Heavenspan Island, in this moment, is also more boundless. 尤其是通天岛深处,那三座惊天山峰,此刻更有光芒散开,如同世间瞩目,与此同时,弥漫在通天岛上的威压,也在这一刻,更为磅礴。 All four lineage/vein cultivator including Bai Xiaochun, at this moment when hearing ding, immediately goes out of the respective residence, gains ground, saw the multi-colored sunlight of vault of heaven, feels that Three mountain peaks rays of light broad imposing manner in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 包括白小纯在内的所有四脉修士,此刻都在听到了钟声后,立刻走出各自的居所,抬头时,就看到了苍穹的霞光,感受到那三座山峰光芒万丈中的恢弘气势。 Also at this time, was responsible for leading four lineage/vein cultivator to go to Protector of Heavenspan Island deep place, respectively arrived at four lineage/vein cultivator residences, Bai Xiaochun there, was look elegant female cultivator, this female cultivator was not yesterday brings Bai Xiaochun to come this person, but has traded one. 也正是在这个时候,负责带领四脉修士前往通天岛深处的侍卫,也都各自来到了四脉修士的居所,白小纯那里,是一个相貌秀美的女修,这女修不是昨日带着白小纯来此之人,而是换了一个。 Although cannot see the opposite party from that lineage/vein, but this female when facing Celestial Realm Bai Xiaochun, obviously the pressure is not small, although all the way is not specially respectful, may also very be polite, even if after all she as Heavenspan Island's accurate Protector, does not dare in front of Celestial dissolute. 虽看不出对方是来自那一脉,可这女子在面对天人境白小纯时,显然压力也不小,一路上虽不是特别恭敬,可也很是客气,毕竟哪怕她身为通天岛的侍卫,也都不敢在天人面前放肆。 In fact also indeed so, as accurate Protector, although she only then Core Formation cultivation base, but even if Nascent Soul, must to her very be polite, when faces Celestial, she does not dare to rely on the status. 实际上也的确如此,身为准侍卫,她虽只有结丹修为,可就算是元婴,也要对她很是客气,不过面对天人时,她就不敢自恃身份了。 Really is Celestial Realm to Heavenly Venerate, its important degree, is far from her such accurate Protector may compare. 实在是天人境天尊来说,其重要的程度,绝非她这样的准侍卫可比。 Then, in this female directs, Bai Xiaochun stepped that huge mountain range to Heavenspan Island deep place, until following mountain range, entered the Heavenspan Island's deep place...... 就这样,在这女子一路的指引中,白小纯踏上了那条通往通天岛深处的巨大山脉,直至顺着山脉,进入到了通天岛的深处…… This place fine spring day, seems fairyland, the all around greenery scallion scallion, spiritual energy, from time to time can see many spirit beast richly, flashes past in this shade. 此地鸟语花香,好似仙境,四周绿树葱葱,灵气浓郁至极,时而可以看到很多灵兽,在这绿荫内一闪而过。 This also next, Bai Xiaochun when entering this Heavenspan Island deep place discovered that here finds at everywhere unexpectedly much outside extremely rare Spirit Grass! 这还其次,白小纯更是在进入这通天岛深处时发现,这里居然随处可见不少在外面极为稀有的灵草 But now, these outside rare Spirit Grass, unexpectedly is only the embellishment of Heavenspan Island shade! 而如今,这些在外稀有的灵草,居然只是通天岛绿荫的点缀! But makes Bai Xiaochun feel to be startled, is astonishing medicinal herbs that he also saw some it is said be lost, and has many, in the year, casual takes, may make the outside go crazy...... 而更让白小纯感到吃惊的,是他还看到了一些据说已经失传的惊人药草,且其中有不少,在年份上,随便一株拿出去,都可让外界发狂…… This was also too rich......” Bai Xiaochun to think one also calculated experienced, may swallow saliva as before, endured for quite a while, this suppressed to take off an impulsion conveniently. “这也太富有了吧……”白小纯觉得自己也算见多识广了,可依旧还是咽下一口唾沫,忍了半天,这才强忍着不去顺手摘下一朵的冲动。 In this continues, shock of Bai Xiaochun bottom of heart, has not stopped, he not only saw Spirit Grass, he even saw...... ownerless magical treasure! 更是在这继续走下去时,白小纯心底的震撼,就没有停过,他不但看到了灵草,他甚至都看到了一些……无主法宝 These magical treasure are quite good, even was born Artifact Spirit, they howling in groups on this Heavenspan Island, is similar to the life is ordinary, lets person dumbstruck. 这些法宝一个个都极为不俗,甚至诞生了器灵,它们在这通天岛上成群的呼啸而过,如同生灵一般,让人目瞪口呆 But in the ground, often can see some small brooks, in these small brooks flows is not the golden sea water, but nearly purple...... Although the color is deep, but is feeling, spiritual energy that this purple river water embodiment contains, unexpectedly surpass golden sea water! 而地面上,时常可以看到一些小的溪流,这些小溪流内流淌的已经不是金色的海水了,而是近乎紫色……虽颜色深沉,可在感受中,这紫色的河水内蕴含的灵气,竟超越了金色的海水! But all around of each rill, Bai Xiaochun can feel there conceal even if he, the aura that must attach great importance, this aura either came from herb, either came from magical treasure, but bigger possibility, is there conceal one is enduring to compare Celestial's spirit beast! 而每一条小溪的四周,白小纯都可以感受到那里藏着就算是他,也都要重视的气息,这气息要么来自草木,要么来自法宝,而更大的可能,则是那里藏着一尊堪比天人的灵兽 These, making Bai Xiaochun only think here, absolutely is Between Heaven and Earth, richest place, Savage Wilderness' Kui Imperial City, although is astonishing, but if compares, is unable to compare with Heavenspan Island. 这一幕幕,让白小纯只觉得这里,绝对是天地间,最富有的地方,蛮荒的魁皇城虽惊人,可若真比起来,根本就无法与通天岛比较。 Here, is the fairyland!! 这里,才是仙境!! Female Protector that direction guides, sizes up Bai Xiaochun secretly, saw that Bai Xiaochun all these was shocked, in the heart raising intermittent pleased with proudly, cannot help but, her bottom of heart regarding own present accurate Protector status, has been full of the ownership and approval, is the hope can one day, becomes true Protector. 那指引带路的女侍卫,偷偷打量白小纯,眼看白小纯被这一切所震撼,心中升起阵阵得意与傲然,不由自主的,她的心底对于自己如今的准侍卫身份,充满了归属与认同,更是渴望能有一天,成为真正的侍卫 Bai Xiaochun has not noted this female cultivator mentality to change, he only thinks to have a parched mouth at this moment, that type arrived at a treasure mountain, any same goods, may be enhanced by own cultivation base obviously, even life essence increases, may actually unable to move the feeling, making him grasp with the cat. 白小纯没注意到这女修的心态变化,他此刻只觉得口干舌燥,那种来到了一座宝山,明明任何一样物品,都可让自己修为提高,甚至寿元增加,可却偏偏不能去碰触一下的感觉,让他心里跟猫抓似的。 Until...... In this Heavenspan Island's deep place, in distance that Three mountain peaks more and more recently, Bai Xiaochun's footsteps fierce, he only thought one resemble to shuttle back and forth light barrier that one level could not see. 直至……在这通天岛的更深处,在距离那三座山峰越来越近时,白小纯的脚步猛的一顿,他只觉得自己似穿梭了一层看不到的光幕 At this moment after stepping into this light barrier, near his ear has broadcast the sound of waterfall, looks up, immediately sees that outside, picture that cannot see!! 此刻在踏入这光幕后,他的耳边就传来了瀑布的声音,抬头一看,立刻就看到那在外面,看不到的景象!! That Three mountain peaks, about two, have the waterfall to fall from the summit unexpectedly, when such as the river of Nine Heavens, appears suddenly, falls on, converges in a giant island the sea!! 三座山峰,左右两座,竟有瀑布从山顶落下,如九天之河,自天而降,落在下方时,汇入一片巨大的岛中之海!! The place of Heavenspan Island's core, unexpectedly is not the flat land, but is...... A piece like sea giant lake! 通天岛的核心之地,竟不是平地,而是……一片如海般的巨大湖泊! The water of this lake impressively is also the purple, above Three mountain peaks, stands erect in the lake, in which about two, the waterfall is falling into the lake, raises the huge sound, is the ascension endless water vapor. 这湖泊的水赫然也是紫色,其上三座山峰,屹立在湖泊上,其中的左右两座,瀑布正在落入湖泊里,掀起巨大的声响,更是升腾无尽水汽。 But palaces, in this water vapor, following the Three mountain peaks construction, until arriving at the mountain peak peak, have formed have advocated two, three luxurious to pinnacle, unequalled astonishing main hall! 而一座座宫殿,就在这水汽内,顺着三座山峰修建,直至到了山峰的顶端,形成了一主二副,三座奢华到了极致,无与伦比的惊人大殿! The Bai Xiaochun vision sweeps, the palace quantity on this Three mountain peaks, boundless incomparable. 白小纯目光一扫,这三座山峰上的宫殿数量之多,磅礴无比。 Especially the middle prominent peak, on its summit is standing erect impressively a giant statue, the appearance of this statue, Bai Xiaochun recognizes...... Heavenly Venerate! 尤其是正中间的主峰,其山顶上赫然屹立着一座巨大的雕像,这雕像的样子,白小纯一眼就认出……正是天尊 But in his under foot, is in Heavenspan World, the peak main hall of authority! 而在他的脚下,才是通天世界里,权力的巅峰大殿! Heavenly Venerate palace! 天尊殿! But this complete range, there is one by the common people frantic name...... Name...... Dao Palace! 而这全部范围,有一个被世人狂热的名字……叫做……道宫 The Bai Xiaochun mind vibrates, when the breath is somewhat rapid, looks, although these water vapor unceasingly under spread, are causing entire Dao Palace, is in dimly within, but Bai Xiaochun can see as in that Dao Palace, the palace maid are innumerable, massive Protector, are very peaceful, is only that in the eye arrogant meaning, is very obvious. 白小纯心神震动,呼吸有些急促,看去时,虽那些水汽在不断地扩散下,使得整个道宫,都处于朦胧之内,可白小纯依旧还是能看到在那道宫内,宫女无数,还有大量的侍卫,一个个都很安静,只是那目中的高傲之意,很是明显。 After this place, quick, under the influence of that female cultivator, bringing Bai Xiaochun to arrive by the lake, in a giant square, there to the prominent peak, was gaining ground may on the clear seeing prominent peak, Heavenly Venerate that resembled to support the Heaven and Earth giant statue. 到了此地后,很快的,在那女修的引领下,带着白小纯走到了湖泊旁,一处巨大的广场上,那里正对着主峰,抬头就可清晰的看到主峰上,天尊那似能支撑天地的巨大雕像。 Square at this moment, had many four lineage/vein cultivator to arrive, in the eye are frantic, excited looks at all around, the statue on looks at that prominent peak. 此刻的广场中,已有不少四脉修士到来,一个个都目中狂热无比,激动的看着四周,看着那主峰上的雕像。 Big Fatty Zhang and the others , among, at this moment is choked up with emotions, after noting Bai Xiaochun to come, the person of Heavenspan Eastern Vein, gathered. 张大胖等人,也都在其内,此刻都心潮澎湃,注意到白小纯来了后,通天东脉之人,纷纷汇聚过来。 This Dao Palace, is my this whole life has seen, most luxurious place!” “这道宫,是我这辈子见过的,最奢华的地方!” You saw, I when the road, saw before unexpectedly Xianluo spent, Heavens, that was only then antiquity, Immortal Grass that occasionally presented that after the legend ate up, can let mortal direct Core Formation!!” “你们看到了么,我之前在路上,居然看到了一朵仙罗花,天啊,那可是只有上古时,才偶尔出现的仙草,传说吃下后,可以让凡人直接结丹!!” This is anything, I also saw double headed Giant Dragon, that is the dragon, is the double headed...... Heaven and Earth is unusual!” “这算什么,我还看到了一尊双头巨龙,那可是龙啊,更是双头……天地少有!” The Heavenspan Eastern Vein people, in the mind vibration, each other unceasingly whoop at this moment, other three lineage/vein also so, few people can at this time, maintain tranquil. 通天东脉的众人,此刻都在心神震动中,彼此不断地议论纷纷,其他三脉也都如此,很少有人能在这个时候,保持平静。 Really is this Dao Palace, making all people shock incomparably. 实在是这道宫,让所有人都震撼无比。 Bai Xiaochun also again and again inspires, looks up to the Heavenly Venerate's statue, this statue is lifelike, with Bai Xiaochun memory, had seen Heavenly Venerate, exactly the same, almost does not have what difference. 白小纯也都连连吸气,抬头看向天尊的雕像,这雕像惟妙惟肖,与白小纯记忆里,曾经看到过的天尊,一模一样,几乎没有什么不同之处。 Especially in the forehead of Heavenly Venerate statue, Bai Xiaochun even saw one...... Scarlet hair! 尤其是在天尊雕像的额头,白小纯甚至都看到了一根……血色的头发! In seeing this scarlet hair instant, the Bai Xiaochun's heart trembled, at this time, he heard not far away, in Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sect, Cloud Thunder Twins with its side cultivator, was breathing out the words. 在看到这根血色头发的刹那,白小纯的心都颤了一下,也正是在这个时候,他听到不远处,九天云雷宗内,云雷双子正在与其身边修士,低声说出的话语。 You saw Sir Heavenly Venerate blood hair of forehead, in the legend, that blood hair was Heavenly Venerate he, vitality Supreme Treasure that refined, had the infinite strength, the good fortune myriad, mystical!” “你们看到天尊大人额头的血发么了,传说中,那根血发天尊他老人家,炼制出的生机至宝,有无穷之力,造化万千,神秘莫测!” This words are only Cloud Thunder Twins gave the introduction of its side cultivator, but the Bai Xiaochun ear spirits, at this moment after hearing, he is immediately more anxious, afraid incomparable. 这话语原本只是云雷双子给其身边修士的介绍,可白小纯耳朵灵,此刻在听到后,他立刻就更为紧张,心虚无比。 He does not have no way afraid, is really he was extremely worried, if Heavenly Venerate knows its precious incomparable blood hair, by oneself attracting...... Does not know that can refine a hair oneself. 他没法不心虚啊,实在是他非常担心,若是天尊知道其珍贵无比的血发,被自己给吸了……不知道会不会把自己炼成一根头发。 That blood hair does not have is so marvelous, after I who Cloud Thunder Twins said have attracted, but lets Undying Bone of the great circle.” Bai Xiaochun bottom of heart is violating the whisper, at this moment disturbed, ponders over is depending on itself to relate with Du Lingfei's, if again about one step, this Heavenly Venerate perhaps were own father-in-law Sir. “那血发云雷双子说的那么奇妙啊,我吸了后,只是让不死骨大圆满而已。”白小纯心底犯着嘀咕,此刻忐忑中,琢磨着凭自己与杜凌菲的关系,若是再近一步,这天尊或许就是自己的岳父大人了。 But an absorption father-in-law Sir hair, according to truth...... Even if after the opposite party, knew, should not be the important matter...... 而吸收岳父大人一根头发,按照道理来说……就算对方以后知道了,应该也不是什么大事…… Thinks of here, Bai Xiaochun blinked, hurries the vision to seek for Du Lingfei. 想到这里,白小纯眨了眨眼,赶紧目光四下寻找杜凌菲 Browsing reading address: 浏览阅读地址:
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