AWE :: Volume #9

#877: things have remained the same, but people have changed

Entire Sect, in the bustling reconstruction, the boom sound time can hear, that is Spirit Stream Old Patriarch and the others, is doing great things but actually the sea by the magic arts, repairs Sect's four mountain range, sound that thus spreads. 整个宗门,都在热火朝天的重建中,轰鸣声时刻可以听到,那是灵溪老祖等人,正在以法术移山倒海,将宗门的四条山脉修复,从而传出的声音。 But Sky Banyan Tree, under a full treatment of Pill Stream lineage/vein, gradually had one to live, disciples of many Pill Stream lineage/vein, unceasingly opened pill furnace, the refinement therapy medicine pill. 空榕树,也在丹溪一脉的全力救治下,渐渐有了一丝生息,同时也有很多丹溪一脉的弟子,不断地开丹炉,炼制疗伤丹药 As for Profound Stream lineage/vein, is so, they coordinate Pill Stream lineage/vein to rescue at the same time, on the one hand patches all Sect's spell formation, similarly also branches out, is the Sect disciple repairs magical treasure. 至于玄溪一脉,也是如此,他们一方面配合丹溪一脉去救助,一方面则是修补所有宗门的阵法,同样还分出一些,为宗门弟子修复法宝 But as this war strength of core, Spirit Stream and Blood Stream lineage/vein, they mostly in closing up therapy, has many, then during was participates in Sect's repairing. 而作为这场战争中的核心之力,灵溪血溪一脉,他们大都在闭关疗伤,更有不少,则是参与到了宗门的修复之中。 When Bai Xiaochun found Song Junwan, she is bustling about in a Blood Stream lineage/vein Middle Peak influence, as the mainstay of Middle Peak, at this moment post-war, she has too many matters to do, even if therefore in the heart also wants to speak with Bai Xiaochun alone, but the responsibility is bigger, therefore cannot attend to Bai Xiaochun. 白小纯找到宋君婉时,她正忙碌在血溪一脉的中峰势力中,身为中峰的中流砥柱,此刻战后,她有太多的事情要做,于是哪怕心中也想和白小纯单独在一起说说话,可责任更大,于是也就顾不上白小纯 But the Bai Xiaochun present status is too high, his whereabouts, the all around disciple sees him, will awe frantic, unceasing greetings, makes the work of repair cannot help but slow. 白小纯如今的身份太高,他所在之处,四周的弟子看到他,都会敬畏狂热,不断的拜见,也就使得修复的工作不由得缓慢下来。 Bai Xiaochun very happy, will say anything, he thinks that own present is necessary, encourages everybody, may not wait for the start to talk, Song Junwan to stare directly, has driven out Bai Xiaochun. 白小纯美滋滋的,正要开口说些什么,他认为自己现在很有必要,去鼓励一下大家,可还没等开口,宋君婉直接一瞪眼,撵走了白小纯 Bai Xiaochun touches the nose, has a mind to refute, may see Song Junwan, he thinks afraid, really when Savage Wilderness, the Maiden Red Dust matter, lets him for fear that knows by Song Junwan and Hou Xiaomei. 白小纯摸了摸鼻子,有心反驳,可一看到宋君婉,他就觉得心虚,实在是在蛮荒时,红尘女的事情,让他生怕被宋君婉侯小妹知晓。 As for Hou Xiaomei why not in Sect, this matter Bai Xiaochun on road, knew from Li Qinghou there, understands that Hou Xiaomei and Ghostfang, in more than half a year ago the selection in one time entire Heavenspan River region were chosen unexpectedly by Heavenly Venerate, went to Heavenspan Island, becomes Heavenspan Island's Protector. 至于侯小妹为何不在宗门,此事白小纯在回来的路上,也从李青候那里知晓了,明白侯小妹鬼牙,居然被天尊在大半年前的一次通天河区域的选拔中选走,去了通天岛,将成为通天岛的侍卫 If Hou Xiaomei and Ghostfang such Protector, once in a while, Heavenspan Island will carry on the one time selection, will choose many cultivator each time. 侯小妹鬼牙这样的侍卫,每隔一段时间,通天岛都会进行一次选拔,每次都会选择出不少修士 It looks like in Sect of entire Heavenspan River region, this is the enormous good fortune, as if reaches the sky in a single bound, and is not all people can keep Heavenspan Island finally, including most can after some time, to be delivered, but each person of coming back, cultivation base can the violent increase much, can keep Heavenspan Island's as for these, regardless of the status or the status, extremely will be high, even if source Sect saw, is polite. 在整个通天河区域的宗门看来,这是极大的造化,仿佛一步登天,且也并非所有人最终都可以留在通天岛,其中有大半都会在一段时间后被送回来,而每一个回来之人,修为都会暴增不少,至于那些能留在通天岛的,无论地位还是身份,都将极高,哪怕源头宗门看到,也都非常客气。 Bai Xiaochun bottom of heart some did not feel relieved throughout that may actually unable to find the reason of not feeling relieved, calculates the time in bottom of heart, knows Hou Xiaomei that peerless pre-war to be elected in Savage Wilderness, he was then gentle. 只是白小纯心底始终有些不太放心,可却找不到不放心的理由,在心底算了算时间,知晓侯小妹是在蛮荒那绝世之战前被选走,他这才平缓了一些。 Perhaps is I first impressions are most lasting?” Bai Xiaochun has hesitated, comforts own at the same time, ponders over is finding an opportunity as soon as possible, sees Hou Xiaomei. “或许是我先入为主?”白小纯迟疑了一下,安慰自己的同时,也琢磨着尽快找个机会,去见见侯小妹 Some non- ampere hours in Bai Xiaochun here heart, he saw Shangguan Tianyou. 白小纯这里心中有些不安时,他看到了上官天佑 Shangguan Tianyou was maturer, at this moment he before has stood near a cliff, in the look was bringing sadly, recalled, some in the eye round of spatial, resembled to look out under. 上官天佑比以前成熟了很多,此刻他站在一处悬崖边,神色内带着悲伤,更有追忆,目中有些发空,似遥望下方。 Sees Shangguan Tianyou this expression, Bai Xiaochun stares, thinks, also walked, when following the Shangguan Tianyou vision looks, he immediately sees under that not deep cliff in the jungle, vaguely seems to be wooden cabin. 看到上官天佑这个表情,白小纯一愣,想了想后也走了过去,顺着上官天佑的目光看去时,他立刻就看到在那不深的悬崖下方丛林内,依稀似有一间木屋 By this wooden cabin, there is one...... Grave package. 木屋旁,有一处……坟包。 In the hand of Shangguan Tianyou is taking a blue colored ribbon, firmly was held by him, resembles, even if day died, he is not willing to loosen, at this moment silently is looking at that wooden cabin, is looking at the grave package, for a very long time did not speak. 上官天佑的手中拿着一条蓝色的彩带,被他紧紧的抓住,似哪怕有一天死亡,他也都不愿松开,此刻默默的望着那木屋,望着坟包,久久不语。 Bai Xiaochun looks at grave package, has hesitated, in the mind also after thinking deeply about oneself this time comes back, but also who has not seen, quick, he has remembered a person, is thinking that the instance of this person, the Bai Xiaochun body trembles. 白小纯看着坟包,迟疑了一下,脑海里也在思索自己此番回来后,还有谁没有看到,很快的,他就想起了一个人,在想到这个人的瞬间,白小纯身体一颤。 That is the Xinqi grave.” Shangguan Tianyou opens the mouth in a soft voice, the sound is hoarse, is bringing bitterly and astringently, when he to Bai Xiaochun once envious hatred, passing of years, had not cancelled all youth impulsive and impulsions sufficiently. “那是心琪的墓。”上官天佑轻声开口,声音沙哑,带着苦涩,他对白小纯已经没有曾经的嫉恨了,岁月的流逝,足以抹去一切少年时的鲁莽与冲动。 Senior Sister Zhou......” the Bai Xiaochun breath obstructs, in his mind appears immediately Zhou Xinqi in memory, that is the Li Qinghou disciple, was on past Scented Cloud Mountain, was very big Senior Sister that focused attention on...... Bai Xiaochun still remembers Spirit Tailed Chicken, but also remembers that in the past jumped on own initiative, helping Zhou Xinqi grasp Mad Chicken-Stealing Devil...... Afterward always tease Martial Niece Xinqi. 周师姐……”白小纯呼吸一窒,他的脑海里立刻就浮现出记忆中的周心琪,那是李青候的弟子,更是当年香云山上,很是瞩目的大师姐……白小纯还记得灵尾鸡,还记得当年自己主动跳出来,帮周心琪去抓偷鸡狂魔……还有后来自己总是调侃的“心琪师侄女”。 All these, now became the recollections, Bai Xiaochun some are unable to accept this, his breath fierce is rapid, his body shivers slightly, does not have anything again, compared with the death of peer, let in the person heart depressing. 这一切,如今已成为了回忆,白小纯有些无法接受这一幕,他的呼吸猛的急促起来,他的身体微微颤抖,再没有什么,比同辈人的死亡,更让人心中压抑的了。 The female in memory, became Eternal, the picture in memory, became the grey...... 记忆里的女子,成为了永恒,记忆里的画面,成为了灰色…… Saw Bai Xiaochun's shivered, heard the Bai Xiaochun's breathing, Shangguan Tianyou in the eye was even more sad, in these years that Bai Xiaochun departed, he does not know when one from started, likes Zhou Xinqi, even he can also feel Zhou Xinqi slowly to his favorable impression, may until the Zhou Xinqi death, has not accepted his vindicating. 看到了白小纯的颤抖,听到了白小纯的呼吸声,上官天佑目中越发悲伤,在白小纯离去的这些年,他也不知自己从什么时候开始,喜欢上了周心琪,甚至他也能感受到周心琪慢慢对自己的好感,可直至周心琪死亡,也没有接受他的表白。 But she...... Also one time more than ten years ago goes out, has had the fight of small scale with Polarity River Court cultivator, the fragrant disappearing jade perishes, although this enmity, was reported by Shangguan Tianyou personally, may starting from that day, his disposition also completely change. 而她……也在十多年前的一次外出中,与极河院修士产生了小规模的战斗,香消玉殒,尽管此仇,已被上官天佑亲手报了,可从那一天开始,他的性格也彻底改变。 Uncommunicative that changes, as in the past extreme that no longer changes, he cultivates diligently, step by step, became this Dheri, in River Defying Sect, recognized strongest disciple. 变的沉默寡言,变的不再如当年般极端,他更努力的修炼,一步步,成为了这一代里,逆河宗内,被公认的最强弟子。 In his heart, forever is hiding Zhou Xinqi silhouette, the blue colored ribbon of that finger, is the Zhou Xinqi relic, by his Eternal kept the side. 只是他的心中,永远都藏着周心琪身影,那手指的蓝色彩带,正是周心琪的遗物,被他永恒的留在了身边。 Bai Xiaochun is silent, looks at Zhou Xinqi tomb, bows toward the grave package of cliff bottom slowly does obeisance...... 白小纯沉默,怔怔的看着周心琪坟墓,慢慢的,向着悬崖底的坟包躬身一拜…… Shangguan Tianyou has closed the eye, when opens, he opens the mouth in a soft voice. 上官天佑闭上了眼,睁开时,他轻声开口。 Bai Xiaochun,...... said thank you that Shangguan Tianyou turns around, walks toward the distant place, his back in Bai Xiaochun's in the eye, is very dreary...... 白小纯,谢谢你……”说完,上官天佑转身,向着远处走去,他的背影在白小纯的目中,很是萧瑟…… For a long time for a long time, Bai Xiaochun has not restored from this mood, he low, deep looked at Zhou Xinqi tomb, in the mind has wielded unable to disperse past silhouette throughout. 许久许久,白小纯都没有从这情绪里恢复过来,他低落中,深深的看了一眼周心琪坟墓,脑海里始终挥散不掉当年的身影 He also suddenly understands that perhaps Li Qinghou these white hair, have because of Zhou Xinqi his satisfied disciple die, there are many connections. 他也忽然明白,李青候的那些白发,或许也有因周心琪这个他满意的弟子陨落,有不少的关联。 Why...... cultivating, must kill......” Bai Xiaochun to mutter in a soft voice, was saying when this he just stepped into cultivation world in the past, words that said frequently. “为什么……修行,一定要打打杀杀……”白小纯轻声喃喃,说着这他当年刚刚踏入修真界时,经常说出的话语。 But at present, experienced these many matters, he seemed had the answer, but careful thinks that as before was...... Without the answer. 可眼下,经历了这么多事情,他好似有了答案,可仔细一想,依旧是……没有答案。 Silent, Bai Xiaochun left, he discovered that these many years have not come back, do not know regarding a lot, but in back that Sect wins, in fact are also hiding too much tears, his Divine Sense dispersing, he wants carefully looks at own family|home. 沉默中,白小纯离开了,他发现这么多年没回来,对于很多事情都不知晓,而在宗门大胜的背后,实际上也藏着太多的泪水,他的神识散开,他想要去仔仔细细的看一看自己的家。 Almost in Divine Sense dispersing flickers, he saw Beihan Lie...... 几乎在神识散开的一瞬,他看到了北寒烈…… In the Sect's back side of the mountain, there has a stretch of astonishing tomb, inside is burying these years, all hero's souls of dying in battle...... Beihan Lie at this moment, sits in front of a tombstone, that tombstone is very new, after is he just personally buried, personally vertical tablet. 宗门的后山,那里有一片惊人的墓地,里面葬着这些年,所有战死的英魂……此刻的北寒烈,就坐在一处墓碑前,那墓碑很新,是他刚刚亲手埋葬后,亲自竖的碑。 Above does not have the name, only then by the Beihan Lie quarter the drawing, in that drawing is a dog...... Big black dog. 上面没有名字,只有一副被北寒烈刻下的图画,那图画里是一条狗……一条,大黑狗。 In the hand of Beihan Lie is taking pot liquor, passing of years, on him especially obvious, his two temples were white, in whole person vicissitudes, there are some feeling of being drunk, drinks unceasingly, unceasingly looks at tombstone, look complex, recalls, there is a bitterness and astringency, there is sigh with emotion. 北寒烈的手中拿着一壶酒,岁月的流逝,在他身上格外的明显,他的两鬓已白,整个人沧桑中,也有了一些醉意,不断地喝着酒,不断地看着墓碑,神色复杂中,也有追忆,也有苦涩,也有感慨。 The big black dog, to save him dies. 大黑狗,是为了救他而死。 Bai Xiaochun has mixed feelings, he discovered that he also has too many matters not to know, the death of big black dog, let in his heart also bitter and astringent at the same time, he has not gone to disturb Beihan Lie, but was Divine Sense has swept on that everywhere tombstone. 白小纯心情复杂,他发现自己还有太多的事情不知晓,大黑狗的死亡,让他心中也苦涩的同时,他没有去打扰北寒烈,而是神识在那一处处墓碑上扫过。 On looks at that some are familiar, some strange name, Bai Xiaochun's body shivering even more, the lip is trembling. 看着那上面一个个有的熟悉,有的陌生的名字,白小纯的身体越发的颤抖,嘴唇哆嗦着。 Also at this time, the Gongsun Wan'er elder brother, Gongsun Yun, had found Bai Xiaochun, he was also old, although cultivation base Core Formation, has been possible actually to be Core Formation Early Stage , compared in the Spirit Stream Sect North Bank Chosen status with him in the past, he was progresses slowest one. 也正是在这个时候,公孙婉儿的哥哥,公孙云,找到了白小纯,他也苍老了很多,修为虽已结丹,可却是结丹初期,与他当年在灵溪宗北岸天骄身份比较,他算是进展最慢的一个了。 Beihan Lie, or is Ghostfang, by far lags behind him, but he not low, even in the heart has to be his pride every so often, what he is proud is own younger sister. 无论是北寒烈,又或者是鬼牙,都将他远远拉下,可他没有低落,甚至很多时候心中都有属于他的骄傲,他骄傲的是自己的妹妹。 Although this younger sister , since Fallen Sword Abyss, changes somewhat indifferent, but he always thought that after is own blood younger sister, but even if he not if other people, but his sister Gongsun Wan'er, that is by the peerless arrogant female who Starry Sky Dao Polarity Sect ordered by the emperor personally elects, is only, all these along with the past people by Teleportation to Savage Wilderness, he are die regarding the younger sister are the live worries, is enormous to his attack, in his heart anxious is intense incomparable. 虽然这个妹妹自从陨剑深渊后,就变的有些冷漠,可他始终觉得,那毕竟是自己的亲妹妹,而他哪怕不如其他人,可他的妹妹公孙婉儿,那是被星空道极宗都钦定选走的绝世骄女,只是,这一切随着当年众人被传送到了蛮荒,他对于妹妹是死是活的担心,对他的打击极大,他心中的焦急更是强烈无比。 White...... Old Patriarch Bai...... You came back, Song Que also came back, Divine Predictor also came back, I...... My younger sister?” The Gongsun Yun body shivers, is somewhat anxious, may actually not dare the words to dash, after doing obeisance, asked in a low voice. “白……白老祖……您回来了,宋缺也回来了,神算子也回来了,我……我妹妹呢?”公孙云身体颤抖,有些紧张,可却不敢言辞冲撞,一拜后,低声问道。 Bai Xiaochun is silent, complex looks at present Gongsun Yun, after he has hesitated one next, has not told opposite party that brutal truth, but opens the mouth in a soft voice. 白小纯沉默,复杂的看着眼前的公孙云,他迟疑了一下后,没有告诉对方那残酷的真相,而是轻声开口。 Wan'er in the past, died in battle on Great Wall...... She to save others dead in battle......” 婉儿当年,战死在了长城上……她是为了救人而战死……” Gongsun Yun stiff under has stood wooden long time, the tears could not bear flow, in fact he this premonition, at this moment had already closed the eye, in the tears, did obeisance toward Bai Xiaochun, departed silently. 公孙云僵了下木然站了良久,眼泪还是忍不住流了下来,实际上他早就有了这个预感,此刻闭上了眼,泪水中,向着白小纯一拜,默默离去。
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