AWE :: Volume #7

#620: Giant Ghost City

Nonsense, the poor life is my, does not belong anybody!” The Bai Xiaochun eye stares, has an intense impulsion, toward at present this black robe Celestial, such bellows. “胡说,小命是我自己的,不属于其他任何人!”白小纯眼睛一瞪,有种强烈的冲动,向着眼前这黑袍天人,这么的大吼一句。 But this words from spread at heart, to the mouth, actually completely changed...... 可这话语从心里传出,到了嘴边,却完全变了样…… Younger generation greetings Senior Wu Chang, many thanks the graciousness of senior life-saving!” Bai Xiaochun blinks, a face is grateful, holds the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance. “晚辈拜见无常前辈,多谢前辈救命之恩!”白小纯眨着眼睛,一脸感激,抱拳深深一拜。 Does not need to thank the old man, must thank, at heart was thanking Your Majesty.” The Duke Wu Chang light start to talk, the right hand lifts wields, immediately in his all around ten zhang (3.33 m) range, blurs instantaneously, presented the distortion, resembles divides with this Heaven and Earth. “不用谢老夫,要谢,就在心里谢王爷吧。”无常公淡淡开口,右手抬起一挥,立刻他四周十丈范围内,瞬间就模糊起来,更是出现了扭曲,似与这天地分割。 The Bai Xiaochun innermost feelings shake, after careful observation, is startled in secret, he discovered that these ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes not only divide, is more like transfers...... Similar to is the puzzle is ordinary, being a here chart, attained another place to put down. 白小纯内心一震,仔细观察后,暗中吃惊,他发现这十丈范围不仅仅是分割,更像是挪移……如同是拼图一般,把属于这里的一块图,拿到了另一个地方放下。 This thought almost just raised in the Bai Xiaochun mind, instantaneous, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering rumbled, reverberates in his ear, the earth of Duke Wu Chang ten zhang (3.33 m) range, vanishes without the shade in an instant. 这个念头几乎刚刚在白小纯脑海里升起,瞬间,一声惊天动地轰鸣,在他耳边回荡,无常公十丈范围的大地,刹那间就消失无影。 But when appears, impressively is...... Before Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering magnificent city! 而出现时,赫然是……在了一座惊天动地雄城之前! This city extremely huge, at this moment is noon, the sunlight is beautiful, the shining earth, making this magnificent city look like more astonishing, is similar to living ancient times ferocious beast, is turning toward the entire world to stretch out the fang! 这城池极为庞大,此刻是晌午,阳光明媚,照耀大地,使得这雄城看起来更为惊人,如同一尊活着的远古凶兽,正向着整个世界伸出獠牙! But this, merely is the imposing manner, is not Bai Xiaochun this moment in the eye looked, but is the mind feels, as for city that his in the eye looks, is makes his innermost feelings shake crazily. 而这,仅仅是气势,并非白小纯此刻目中所看,而是心神所感,至于他目中所看的城池,更是让他内心狂震。 This is his first time arrives at Giant Ghost City, takes a broad view to look that this Giant Ghost City feared has over ten thousand Bai Family cities to be so big fully, among innumerable construction carved railing and jade inlay, dazzling at the same time, can feel in this Giant Ghost City, contained too many soul cultivator and Soul Refiner...... 这还是他第一次来到巨鬼城,放眼看去,这巨鬼城怕是足有上万个白家城那么大,其内无数建筑雕栏玉砌,让人眼花缭乱的同时,也能感受到在这巨鬼城内,蕴含了太多的魂修炼魂师…… This scale, Bai Xiaochun this life has not met, felt in him that this inside person of housing, feared continues surely...... 这种规模,白小纯这一生也没遇到过,在他感觉,这里面居住之人,怕是千万都不止…… But is more astonishing, is place that this Giant Ghost City is, is one also wants huge incomparable heavenly pit compared with Giant Ghost City impressively, this heavenly pit was too big, deeply did not see the bottom not saying that the all around edge was one shortly the end, even if Bai Xiaochun Spiritual Sense has swept , can only realize reluctantly the end was. 而更惊人的,是这巨鬼城所在的地方,赫然是一处比巨鬼城还要巨大无比的天坑,这天坑太大了,深不见底不说,四周边缘更是一眼看不到尽头,哪怕白小纯灵识扫过,也都只能勉强察觉尽头所在。 But this, is not depth, but is the range...... 而这,还不是深度,而是范围…… This Giant Ghost City is not small, but this heavenly pit, feared that has dozens Giant Ghost City sizes fully.” Inspiration of Bai Xiaochun makes an effort, but Giant Ghost City, impressively by one giant pillar that rises straight from the ground from this deep hole, city of picking up! “这巨鬼城就不小了,而这天坑,怕是足有数十个巨鬼城的大小啊。”白小纯用力的吸了口气,而巨鬼城,赫然是被一根从这深坑内拔地而起的巨大的柱子,生生的托起的城池! Under the city, is the heavenly pit abyss, can clear saw that haze fills the air piece by piece, in these haze, transforms the innumerable fierce heads from time to time, sends out silent whooshing toward all around, had the innumerable ghost impressively. 城池下,就是天坑深渊,可以清晰的看到一片片阴霾弥漫,在那些阴霾中,时而幻化出无数的狰狞头颅,向着四周发出无声的嘶吼,赫然是存在了数不清的鬼魂。 These ghosts were too many, almost surrounded entire Giant Ghost City...... 这些鬼魂太多了,几乎环绕了整个巨鬼城…… But in all around of this city, had purple shackles, in these shackles any iron ring, fully person big, locks after the same place, is similar to the bridge, has connected the rock wall of city and heavenly pit edge, these shackles, obviously are Giant Ghost City the mouths of difference. 而在这城池的四周,存在了一条条紫色的铁链,这些铁链中任何一个铁环,都足有一人多大,锁在一起后,如同桥梁般,连接了城池与天坑边缘的岩壁,这些铁链,显然就是巨鬼城的出入之口。 At this moment, Bai Xiaochun on distant seeing, innumerable long rainbow when approaching Giant Ghost City, does not dare to fly, but falls one after another, treads the shackle to go. 此刻,白小纯就远远的看到,无数长虹在临近巨鬼城时,都不敢飞行,而是相继落下,踏着铁链而去。 Comes to be also good, goes to Also fine, is so. 来也好,去也罢,都是如此。 But following direction that Bai Xiaochun is , when following his vision, looks to Giant Ghost City, he saw one...... Let him breathe has stopped the astonishing statue! 而顺着白小纯所在的方向,顺着他的目光,看向巨鬼城时,他看到了一尊……让他呼吸都停顿了一下的惊人雕像! That is fresh two horns, whole body green Giant Ghost, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, stand erect fully there, seems supporting Heaven and Earth to be ordinary, but in the top of the head of this statue, had a royal palace impressively! 那是一尊头生双角,全身青色的巨鬼,足有数万丈之高,屹立在那里,仿佛正在支撑天地一般,而在这雕像的头顶上,赫然存在了一处王宫! That royal palace is somewhat slurred, but can construct in this place, what among lives is, has not needed Bai Xiaochun extremely to guess. 那王宫有些模糊不清,可是能修建在这种地方,其内居住的是谁,已经不需要白小纯去太过猜测了。 In that certainly is Giant Ghost King......” Bai Xiaochun with rapt attention raise head, at the same time of looking, he also felt in that royal palace, spread one to cover the entire Heaven and Earth pressure. “那里面,一定是巨鬼王……”白小纯凝神抬起头,看去的同时,他也感受到了在那王宫内,传出了一股笼罩了整个天地的威压。 This pressure, to the person a strong feeling, as if lives in that royal palace is not a person, but is one god! 这威压,给人一种强烈的感觉,仿佛居住在那王宫内的不是人,而是一尊神祇! In this giant ghost statue lifts played on chest high both hands, had two palaces impressively, above is setting upright huge stele respectively, left hand Wu Chang, right hand Underworld Yin! 而在这尊巨鬼雕像抬起到了胸口高度的双手上,也赫然存在了两座宫殿,其上各自竖着巨大的石碑,左手无常,右手阴冥 This, Bai Xiaochun after seeing, his mind shakes again, immediately judges, this surely is the Celestial residence, but Wu Chang of left hand...... Ten have *, refers to is the black robe old man of side. 这一幕,白小纯在看到后,他心神再震,立刻就判断出,这必定是天人居所,而左手的无常……十有*,指的就是自己身边的这位黑袍老者。 When regarding Giant Ghost City, Bai Xiaochun also by no means such as just by Teleportation to Savage Wilderness like that strange, in fact in Bai Fam­ily's recently, he also had inquired much, regarding Giant Ghost City, although does not know concretely, may also some general understanding. 对于巨鬼城,白小纯也并非如刚刚被传送蛮荒时那般陌生,实际上在白家的这些日子,他也打探了不少,对于巨鬼城,虽不知晓具体,可也有一些大概的了解。 For example he knows that this Giant Ghost City is divided into the inside and outside two cities, Inner City is stern, does not have certain status, cannot step into slightly, and is some Giant Ghost City merit expensive generations, has the qualifications housing. 比如他知道这巨鬼城分为内外两城,其中内城森严,没有一定的身份,不可踏入丝毫,且都是一些巨鬼城的勋贵之辈,才有资格居住。 But Outer City is Giant Ghost City subjects residence, is very lively. 外城则是巨鬼城子民居所,很是热闹。 Between Inner City and Outer City, by a moat room partition, the water in this moat, had Half-God restrictions, the might is enormous, does not have the special token, is unable to step into slightly, melting of bone touching *. 至于内城外城之间,是被一条护城河隔断,这护城河内的水,存在了半神禁制,威力极大,没有特殊的令牌,无法踏入丝毫,触之融骨*。 The Bai Xiaochun heart cannot bear the beat speed up, he does not know after one were brought, how that Giant Ghost King will arrange, at this moment at heart disturbed, can only reveal the clever appearance, follows in Duke Wu Chang behind, bottom of heart is pondering over, no matter how Giant Ghost King arranges, oneself can smooth to this Giant Ghost City, is the good deed, the direction that after all he goes home, looks at this moment, Teleportation Formation is the only choice. 白小纯心脏忍不住跳动加快,他不知道自己被带来后,那巨鬼王会如何安排,此刻心里忐忑中,只能露出乖巧的样子,跟随在无常公身后,心底琢磨着,不管巨鬼王如何安排,自己能顺利的到这巨鬼城,也是好事,毕竟他回家的方向,此刻去看,传送阵是唯一的选择。 Mask can hide the truth from Bai Family spell formation to Celestial, what issue then hides the truth from Teleportation Formation should not?” Bai Xiaochun whispered at heart. “面具能瞒过白家阵法以至天人,那么瞒过传送阵应该没什么问题吧?”白小纯心里嘀咕。 All the way Duke Wu Chang unemotionally, does not say a word, bringing Bai Xiaochun not to walk the shackle, but is across the sky goes directly, during the leaps, steps into Giant Ghost City. 一路上无常公面无表情,一言不发,带着白小纯没有走铁链,而是直接横空而去,飞跃间,踏入巨鬼城 Almost in the instance that he enters a city, under these protection soul cultivator Protector here, eyes reveals are frantic, respectful worships on bended knees. 几乎在他进城的瞬间,下方那些守护在这里的魂修侍卫,一个个都目露狂热,恭敬的跪拜下来。 greetings Duke Wu Chang!” 拜见无常公!” Is so, when greetings, these people secretly is also sizing up Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun also saw these Protector, he ponders over Giant Ghost King to summon itself, if oneself display is better, making this Duke Wu Chang speak the word of praise to oneself, can perhaps mix a title with little power in this Giant Ghost City, in this case, how Bai Family can. 一路都是如此,在拜见时,这些人也在偷偷打量白小纯,白小纯也看到了这些侍卫,他琢磨着巨鬼王召见自己,自己若是表现的好一些,让这无常公给自己说说好话,说不定能在这巨鬼城内混个一官半职的,这样的话,白家又能如何自己。 „It is not good, here is too dangerous, finds the way to go to Teleportation Formation earlier, how has a look to return to Great Wall...... Was a pity that I also lack Celestial soul.” “不行,这里太危险,还是想办法早点儿去传送阵,看看怎么回长城吧……只是可惜,我还缺一个天人魂。” Thinks of here, Bai Xiaochun spunks up, goes along with Duke Wu Chang. 想到这里,白小纯打起精神,随着无常公而去。 Duke Wu Chang is having under Bai Xiaochun several directly, goes in the city Pools inside shuttle of this huge, the speed is extremely fast, is several time of breath, impressively was bringing moat between Bai Xiaochun to Inner City and by the Outer City, stood there, was motionless. 无常公直接带着白小纯几步之下,就在这庞大的城池内穿梭而去,速度极快,也就是几个呼吸的时间,就赫然带着白小纯到了内城外城之间的护城河旁,站在那里,不动了。 The water black of this moat, to the person a very intense dangerous feeling, after Bai Xiaochun looked, hurries to withdraw several steps, eager looks at Duke Wu Chang, how the bottom of heart surprise opposite party not to walk. 这护城河的水黑色,给人一种很强烈的危险感,白小纯看了看后,赶紧退后几步,眼巴巴的望着无常公,心底诧异对方怎么不走了。 Senior, that...... We do not go to there......” Bai Xiaochun to blink, finger of distant place giant ghost statue of cautiously. “前辈,那个……我们不是要去那里么……”白小纯眨了眨眼,小心翼翼的一指远处的巨鬼雕像 Li Xu, has not seen me!” Duke Wu Chang has not paid attention to Bai Xiaochun, but is the light start to talk, the sound has not spread too far, may make that moat fierce fluctuates, presented vortex instantaneously unexpectedly, from that vortex, rapidly departs three middle-aged men. 李旭,还不来见我!”无常公没理会白小纯,而是淡淡开口,声音没有传开太远,可却让那护城河猛的就波动起来,瞬间居然出现了一个漩涡,从那漩涡内,急速的飞出三个中年男子。 Bai Xiaochun thinks something is not right, hurries to look that sees only these three people of current people, puts on green long robe, although cultivation base is not Celestial, may also be Half-step Celestial, his behind two people, were weaker in the imposing manner, obviously focusing on this person of appearance. 白小纯觉得不对劲,赶紧看去,只见这三人当前之人,穿着青色的长袍,修为虽不是天人,可也是半步天人,他身后二人,则在气势上弱了一些,明显是以此人为主的样子。 This black clothing man look was quite respectful, after departing, immediately arrived at the Duke Wu Chang front, held the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance. 这青衣男子神色极为恭敬,飞出后立刻到了无常公的面前,抱拳深深一拜。 Humble General Li Xu, greetings Duke Wu Chang.” 末将李旭,拜见无常公。” This person of Bai Hao, delivers you here, gives him in the Devil Prison arrangement Prison Guard status.” Duke Wu Chang indifferent start to talk, after finger of Bai Hao, has not had the second words again, turns around in a flash, directly soars giant ghost statue to go. “此人白浩,送你这里,给他在魔牢安排个狱卒的身份吧。”无常公淡然开口,一指白浩后,没再有第二句话语,转身一晃,直奔巨鬼雕像而去。 Your Majesty gives his mission, comes back the Bai Hao belt, to the status, as for any status, this minor matter, Giant Ghost King naturally cannot pay attention, Duke Wu Chang has not considered too many, to throw Giant Ghost City Devil Prison simply directly. 王爷给他的任务,是把白浩带回来,给个身份,至于什么身份,这种小事,巨鬼王自然不会去理会,无常公也没考虑太多,索性直接就扔到了巨鬼城魔牢 The Li Xu three people of hastily names are, sees off Duke Wu Chang. 李旭三人连忙称是,恭送无常公 Devil Prison! Prison Guard?” Nearby Bai Xiaochun heard that has also gawked, he thinks that perhaps that Giant Ghost King will summon itself...... Also or can also to oneself like the Protector status, be possible actually not to think inferiorly inferiorly that unexpectedly was delivered to Devil Prison to make Prison Guard...... 魔牢狱卒?”一旁的白小纯闻言也愣了一下,他本以为或许那巨鬼王会召见自己……又或者最次最次也能给自己一个如侍卫般的身份,可却没想到,居然是被送到了魔牢作一个狱卒……
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