BYSOE :: Volume #96

#9590: Change

Chapter 4856 changes 第4856章变化 This place...... as if mixed the thing of unpredictable place. 这地方……似乎混合了不可预见之地的事物。 A Rin wool ball travels by flight vehicle that is spliced by the seat, is flying in void eye. 的一颗绒球搭乘在由座位拼接成的飞行器中,在‘虚空之眼’中飞行着。 This place to the feeling of Rin and ‚the void dark side almost, seems like very normal void, but will frequently present some strange things. 这个地方给的感觉和‘虚空的阴暗面’差不多,看起来是个很正常的虚空,但经常会出现些奇怪的东西。 For example now, Rin can see outside the flight vehicle to have thing of one group of similar flesh lumps to move. 比如说现在,就能看见飞行器外面有一团类似肉块的东西在活动着。 It seemingly has more than 100 meters, and is still inflating continually, but the Rin seat flight vehicle by it has flown, suddenly shines an intense ray. 它看起来有一百多米大小,并且还在持续地膨胀着,而的座位飞行器在它旁边飞过之时,忽然亮起了一阵强烈的光芒。 Rin discovered that three large-scale flight vehicles appeared in this...... nearby the flesh lump. 发现有三艘大型的飞行器出现在了这个……肉块附近。 These flight vehicles look very interesting, they have to be close to one kilometer length, seems like the ellipsoidal structure by the metal being constituted, the surface has the crowded square shape trace. 这些飞行器看起来挺有趣的,它们有着接近一公里的长度,看上去是一个由金属构成的椭球形,表面有着密集的方形纹路。 In appearing that they then project the intense ray to this flesh lump, the flesh lump reduce in the glare quickly unceasingly, clean that finally vanishes. 在出现的那一颗,它们便对这个肉块射出强烈光芒,肉块很快就在强光中不断缩小,最后消失的一干二净。 Also, these flight vehicles then turn toward the distant place to fly, they do not seem like the flight vehicle that notices Rin this seat to constitute. 随之,这些飞行器便向着远方飞去,它们似乎没有注意到这个座位构成的飞行器。 When they attack the flesh lump, Rin has made the wool ball launch some miniature unit to attach in the surfaces of these flight vehicles, follows them to fly to the distant place. 而在它们攻击肉块时,已经让绒球发射了一些微型兵种附着在这些飞行器的表面,跟随它们飞向远方。 The speeds of these flight vehicles are not quick, but they will have marvelous matter when the flight frequently, probably periphery shines suddenly, like entering star, then sometimes will be glittering the ray of similar thunderstorm, but also periphery void will present the fluttering thing of massive shape similar cell microorganism sometimes. 这些飞行器的速度不算很快,不过它们在飞行时经常会发生很奇妙的事情,像是周围突然亮起,如同进入了恒星内部,有时则会闪烁着类似雷暴的光芒,还有些时候周围的虚空会出现大量形态类似细胞微生物的飘荡物。 In these thing mostly situations appeared shortly then vanished, but sometimes Rin also saw to continue was quite long. 这些东西大多情况下都只是短暂地出现然后就消失了,但也看见有些时候会持续的比较久。 For example now, Rin in aircraft surface miniature unit on seeing around void twisted probably presented massive vortex like that these vortex had several hundred meters diameter, moreover when each vortex just appeared flew to project the innumerable black sharp thorns. 比如说现在,在飞行器表面的微型兵种就看见周围的虚空像是扭曲了那般出现了大量的漩涡,这些漩涡都有数百米的直径,而且每个漩涡刚显现时就从中飞射出了无数黑色尖刺。 The flight vehicle also scatters the ray to counter-attack from the whole body immediately, massive beams intercepted almost all sharp thorns, but some in aircraft surface. 飞行器也立即从全身散射出光线进行反击,大量的射线拦截了几乎所有尖刺,但还是有些扎在了飞行器表面。 These points puncture several meters . Moreover the might is very strong, gripped to penetrate in the aircraft surface instantaneously, these three flight vehicles in several seconds by to bind several hundred hole holes. 这些尖刺有数米长,而且威力还挺强的,扎在飞行器表面就瞬间穿透了进去,这三艘飞行器在数秒内就被扎出了数百洞孔。 At this time the surrounding phenomenon also vanished, the sharp thorn that these vortex and fly to shoot without a trace, changes the original blackness void, but these flight vehicle wounds have not vanished. 此时周围的现象也消失了,那些漩涡和飞射的尖刺无影无踪,虚空也变回原本的漆黑,但这些飞行器身上的伤口没有消失。 They continue to move forward, but Rin miniature unit also follows the aircraft surface by to bind hole hole to flight vehicle. 它们继续向前移动,而的微型兵种也顺着飞行器表面被扎出的洞孔到了飞行器内部。 Rin discovered that in the battleship has many channels, high-speed movement of large number of small machinery in these channels, these small machineries are gathering in the punctured position fast, and tries to cultivate/repair to patch to damage. 发现战舰里面有着许多的通道,大量小型机械在这些通道内高速移动,这些小机械都在快速地聚集到被打穿的位置,并试图修修补好损伤。 But the climate change compared wants quick many that they patched, Rin to find that outside presented the drastic change again, this time was a lot of mist and dust things covered entirely surrounding void. 而外界的环境变化比它们修补的要快的多,发现外面再一次出现了剧变,这次是大量烟尘般的东西布满了周围的虚空。 Just entered this smoke and dust environment, the outer coverings of these flight vehicles started one to be separated piece by piece, probably was being dissolved like that. 刚进入这种烟尘环境,这些飞行器的外壳就开始一片片地脱离,好像在被溶解那般。 However according to Rin examines these mist and dust is not the entity material, is similar to the feeling of Rin to before has seen the material transformation energy. 不过根据检测这些烟尘不是实体物质,给的感觉类似于之前见过的物质转化成的‘能量’。 Simultaneously after these flight vehicles as if the energy contacts, had some response, making their outer coverings strip automatically. 同时这些飞行器似乎和能量接触后就产生了某种反应,使得它们的外壳自动剥离。 Although this also only continued a meeting, but they became are also scarred. 虽然这也是只持续了一会,但它们也变得更加伤痕累累了。 Then, Rin continued to see the multiple changes, let them each time by the crisis, after these days navigation, two flight vehicles had been destroyed, the last surface was almost also stripped, turns into seemed like the damage seriously...... the cake, this was also Rin travels by. 接下来,继续见到了多次变化,每次都让它们饱受危机,在经过这一段时间的航行之后,有两艘飞行器都已经被摧毁,最后一艘的表面也几乎被剥离,变成一艘看上去损坏严重的……块状物,这艘也是搭乘的。 Destination that it arrives , is also an vortex. 它所抵达的目的地,也是一个漩涡。 This vortex sends out the white ray, the diameter has to be close to 100 kilometers, when revolves slowly also has the sharp thorn to depart from the vortex unceasingly. 这漩涡散发着白色的光芒,直径有接近一百公里,在缓缓地旋转之时也从漩涡中不断有着尖刺飞出。 Seemingly with the beforehand these vortex is similar, the vortex that but flies to project from here is slow, only has one. about 100 seconds the meters speed, as if no threat. 看上去好像和之前那些漩涡是同类,不过从这里飞射出的漩涡非常缓慢,只有一秒一百米左右的速度,似乎没什么威胁。 But the destination of flight vehicle, something that then flutter around this vortex, they seem like several kilometers block, each side covered entirely large number of buildings. 而飞行器的目的地,则是在这个漩涡周围飘荡的一些东西,它们看上去像是数公里大小的方块,每一面都布满了大量建筑物。 The damage serious flight vehicle was close to a block, in this block had a very big cylindrical construction, the flight vehicle flew into this cylinder slowly. 损伤严重的飞行器接近了一个方块,这个方块上有一个很大的圆筒状建筑,飞行器缓缓地飞入了这个圆筒中。 In this is one very seems like the harbor place, the interior of cylinder has large number of cross rods, each cross rod is anchoring a flight vehicle. 这里面是一个挺象是港口的地方,圆筒的内部有着大量的横杆,每个横杆都停靠着一艘飞行器。 This seems like the individuality lifeform civilization, but Rin has not seen here resident at present. 这看起来像是个个性生物文明,不过目前没有见到这里的居民。 No matter flight vehicle, now sight in this harbor, is large number of small machinery, these machineries do not have the intelligence, they defer to the simple instruction to act and maintain the flight vehicle, the machinery in port seems like with the flight vehicle interior is the same type. 不管是飞行器内部,还是现在在这个港口里的见到的,都是大量的小型机械,这些机械并没有智能,它们只是按照简单的指令来行动和维护飞行器,港内的机械看起来和飞行器内部是同一种的。 As for the flight vehicle also through establishing the good system movement, as if has no lifeform to drive directly. 至于飞行器本身也是通过设定好的系统移动,似乎并没有什么生物直接驾驶。 But when the Rin observation harbor situation, Rin suddenly discovered that the surrounding environment changed. 而就在观察港口情况时,忽然发现周围的环境又发生了变化。 The surrounding all things, turned into the twilight state of including the flight vehicle that Rin travelled by seeming like the thick fog, said simply was they all atomizes. 周围的所有事物,包括搭乘的这艘飞行器都变成了一种像是浓雾的朦胧状态,简单的说就是它们全都雾化了。 Meanwhile, Rin discovered that the entire atomization the harbor starts to shine, some graphs appear in the surface of thick fog. 与此同时,发现整个雾化的港口开始发光,一些图形出现在浓雾的表面。 Rin knows that this is a language, in fact this is Rin and great nebula exchange knows. 知道这是一种语言,实际上这是和巨星云交流得知的。 Before Rin entered this void eye void, through a corpse of great nebula, but in that corpse also the consciousness of small some great nebulas. 之前进入这个‘虚空之眼’的虚空,就是通过一个巨星云的尸体,而那个尸体里还有一小部分巨星云的意识。 This consciousness of Rin after conducting some research successfully and conducted the exchange, it told Rin a lot, but not void in the eye news, but Rin said matters of their race and their race various lifeform in the journey. 在进行一些研究后成功地和这个意识进行了交流,它告诉了很多事情,不过并没有虚空之眼内消息,只是和说了它们种族和它们种族在旅途中遇到的各种生物的事。 And what some lifeform uses is present Rin the language that sees here. 其中某种生物就用的是现在在这边看到的语言。 Recent change is fierce, now unexpectedly only comes back one......” “最近的变化非常剧烈,现在居然只回来了一艘……” The graph in the thick fog glittering seemed to be expressing has many things to exchange. 浓雾中闪烁出的图形似乎表示着有很多个东西在进行交流。 Right, this is its final struggling, but we will definitely succeed, this was the final part.” “没错,这就是它最后的挣扎,但我们肯定会成功的,这就是最后的一部分了。” Never expected that we can achieve this matter unexpectedly, will the void eye really vanish?” “没想到我们居然能做到这种事情,虚空之眼真的会消失吗?” „...... Certain meeting.” “啊……一定会的。” Rin discovered the content that they discussed was very interesting, generally speaking can translate to...... the consciousness of void eye is only left over a small part, but they are making this small part vanish diligently. 发现它们讨论的内容很有趣,总的来说可以翻译为……虚空之眼的意识只剩下一小部分了,而它们正在努力让这一小部分消失。
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