BYSOE :: Volume #49

#4879: Start

Affects other lifeform with the data of cell lifeform? It indeed is doing that...... had in fact started, I saw by these data influence lifeform, then you do want to do that?” “用细胞生物的数据去影响别的生物吗?它的确在这么做……实际上已经开始了,我见到了一些被这些数据影响的生物,那么你要这么做呢?” „...... Consciousness with that part.” “用那部分……意识。” Rin also told Sharin to have sea the matter about creation, it seems to have discovered much by the sea of influence lifeform creation. 也告诉了莎琳有关于创造之海的事情,它似乎已经发现了不少被创造之海影响的生物。 Because Sharin has examined fuses the later situation void, therefore it to these quick discovered. 因为莎琳一直都检测虚空融合之后的情况,所以它对这些很快就发现了。 Simultaneously Rin also and Sharin studied sea of the creation in the situation of unpredictable place, before the sea of creation, what is somewhat different was it was divided into branch many. 同时也和莎琳研究了一下创造之海在不可预见之地的情况,创造之海和之前有些不同的是它分成了很多的‘支流’。 These branches toward the different potential flow of unpredictable place, moreover these branches have very chaotic data. 这些支流向着不可预见之地的不同位置流动,而且这些支流都有着非常混乱的数据。 Simple was similar to it gives to mess up the data of all lifeform, simultaneously it seemed like wants to transport these data to different void goes. 简单的来说类似于它把所有生物的数据都给弄乱了,同时它似乎是想把这些数据全都输送到不同的虚空去。 Therefore Rin needs to make the good guiding arrangement rapidly.. 因此需要迅速地建造好引导装置。。 Rin are not many in unit that the void dark side keeps, but there is such a thing to be suitable to be used to handle the current matter, that is silver pipeline. 在虚空的阴暗面留的兵种不算很多,但有那么一个东西非常适合用来做目前的事情,那就是‘银色管道’。 The silver pipeline after the transformation of deep pool low fungus, turned into one to start the installment of void eye channel, but Rin conducted the further analysis and research to this pipeline, Rin can discover various in void dark side through it now junction. 银色管道在经过渊低菌的改造后,变成了一个能开启虚空之眼通道的装置,而则对这个管道进行了进一步的解析和研究,现在能通过它发现虚空阴暗面中的各种‘连接点’。 Also may connect on the unpredictable place position. 也就是有可能连接上不可预见之地的位置。 Rin has examined many places, included the void dark side to be used to connect some normal void that spaces, was void shadow, in Rin after the investigation, Rin had discovered indeed had such a position to suit is used to connect. 检测过很多地方,也包括了虚空阴暗面用来连接正常虚空的那部分空间,也就是‘虚空阴影’,在经过很多调查之后,已经发现的确有那么一个位置适合用来连接。 In fact this position is also the position that the silver pipeline is at...... the void eye void entrance. 实际上这个位置也是银色管道所在的位置……虚空之眼虚空的入口。 Long ago the void eye the root of hope will once pull out in this place leaves, but had roots of the part of hope in the extraction flowing to the unpredictable place. 很久以前虚空之眼曾经在这个地方将希望之根抽离,而在抽取的时候有一部分的希望之根‘流动’到了不可预见之地。 Then situation caused here to produce a giant junction, can play the role until present this junction. 当时的这个情况导致了这里产生了一个巨大的连接点,直到如今这个连接点还是能发挥作用。 Rin can the data of sea of creation get so far as the void dark side in this, then transmits in the space of void eye. 可以在这将创造之海的数据弄到虚空的阴暗面,然后再传递到虚空之眼的空间里。 In there, said that it can get so far as the void shadow in all data nucleus, can creating the thought of sea conducts analysis mainly them to arrive at the reason in void eye, after they come here, can continually the sensation to their actions. 在那里,诺表示它可以将所有的数据都弄到虚空阴影的核心中,诺能对创造之海的思维进行解析主要还是它们来到了虚空之眼中的缘故,它们来到这里后,诺就能持续地感知到它们的行动。 At present Rin has started to act fast got up...... that establishes a giant junction device, puts through the unpredictable place and void eye conducts the transmission of data. 目前已经开始快速地行动了起来……那就是建立一个巨大的连接装置,接通不可预见之地和虚空之眼来进行数据的传输。 But here just has this type of thing, that is...... the root of hope. 而这里刚好有这种东西,那就是……希望之根。 Although the root of hope has dissipated the remaining some fragments, but its design process also preserves in nucleus of void eye, can extract these procedures to give Rin. 希望之根虽然已经消散剩下一些碎片,但它的‘设计程序’还储藏在虚空之眼的核心中,诺可以提取出这些程序给 This part is very indeed interesting, this part procedure/program is quite complex, related to the void dark side in powder dust can also be said as energy regulation, they design a pattern of automatic constitution. 这部分的确挺有趣的,这部分‘程序’比较复杂,涉及到对虚空阴暗面中的‘碎末’也可以说是‘能量’的调控,它们设计成一种自动构成的模式。 But Rin can make these with the silver pipeline, Rin first conducted small some tests, with the silver pipeline regulates void energy change, making them assemble to become to plant the thing, but according to this procedure/program, Rin can let they constitute the root of hope...... a small part. 可以用银色管道来做这些,先进行了一小部分测试,用银色管道来调控虚空中的‘能量’变化,让它们组装成某种东西,而根据这个程序,能让它们构成希望之根……的一小部分。 This process is not quick, but Rin can see the growth of root of hope clearly, its growth process probably many materials appear in void suddenly, then gathers. 这个过程并不算很快,不过能清楚地看到希望之根的生长,它的生长过程好像是很多物质忽然在虚空中出现,然后又汇聚起来。 Because Rin has adjusted, they will grow into the appearance that Rin expects. 因为调整过,它们会长成所期望的样子。 Meanwhile, plans to handle something in another side Rin, that is...... void of void eye. 与此同时,在另一边也打算做些事情,那就是……虚空之眼的虚空。 In this void, the army of sea of creation is preparing to attack the position that ultimate wisdom is at this time again. 在这个虚空中,创造之海的部队此时正在准备再度攻击‘终极智慧’所在的位置。 They come here main purpose are to make the data spread to all void, void does not stay behind......, therefore they will attack this place continually. 它们来到这里的主要目的就是想让数据扩散到所有的虚空,一个虚空都不留下……所以它们会持续地攻击这个地方。 Because previous time young tumbling by Rin controlling, this time them built up the huge army. 由于上次的小翻滚者已经被给控制了,这次它们则集结了庞大的军队。 These armies mainly that space that is at from beforehand young tumbling, several kilometers length...... battleship. 这些部队主要是从之前小翻滚者所在的那个空间中出来的,数公里长度的……战舰。 Their contours seem like an outer covering smooth snow white ellipsoidal structure object. 它们的外形很像是一个外壳光滑雪白的椭球形物体。 These in fact are by recent round of data generation the thing of lifeform constitution, these battleship altogether over ten thousand, but also in unceasing constitution. 这些实际上是由新一轮数据生成的生物构成的东西,这些战舰一共有上万艘,还在不断构成中。 However they have not waited for all battleships to construct to attack, but made part to send. 不过它们没有等所有战舰都构造好才来进攻,而是制造了一部分就派出来了。 Although here is also connecting the unpredictable place, but because is completely by the condition of sea of positive governing creation, therefore does not have the means to be used for the transmitted data. 这里虽然也连接着不可预见之地,但由于是完全被创造之海直接控制的状态,所以没办法用来传输数据。 Therefore Rin must do is ultimate intelligent space that’...... makes them occupy assents to be , the sea of creation thinks that it had found all void, like this it will start to transport the data toward here. 所以要做的就是……让它们占领诺所在的‘终极智慧空间’,创造之海认为它已经找到了所有的虚空,这样它就会开始往这边输送数据。 Naturally does not make them really seize. 当然不是让它们真的占领。 Before Rin lets, arrived at the entrance that the ultimate intelligent space was by young tumbling of Rin control, here is waiting for outside fleet arrival. 让之前被控制的小翻滚者来到了终极智慧空间所在的入口处,在这里等待着外面的舰队到来。 This young tumbling had been transformed by Rin completely, when fleet from entrance since, young tumbling then launched the fierce fight with them. 这个小翻滚者已经被完全地改造,当舰队从入口进入时,小翻滚者便和它们展开了激烈的战斗。 This fleet assembled very interesting weapon, Rin thought that can call it ‚the saw of powder dust, simple was similar one pile to change the void powder dust of position unceasingly, it used some method powder dust fetter in the battleship, and can bring to the intelligent space. 这次这支舰队装配了很有趣的武器,觉得可以称之为‘碎末之锯’,简单的来说就类似一堆不断改变位置的虚空碎末,它用某种方法将碎末‘束缚’在了战舰内,并且可以带到智慧空间里来。 When attack they then saw launch this type, almost can stir the material basis structure that breaks to pieces to contact to saw. 攻击时它们便把这种‘锯’发射出去,几乎能搅碎所有接触到锯的物质基础结构。 Naturally even has this type of weapon, Rin young tumbling can resist them, because here was similar the Rin consciousness space. 当然即使有这种武器,的小翻滚者还是能对抗它们,因为这里本来就类似的意识空间。 Rin can directly affect the actions of these battleships with the way of similar brain wave, thus makes the small tumbling launch miniature unit storm ball solve them. 可以直接用类似脑波的方式影响这些战舰的行动,从而让小翻滚者发射微型兵种风暴弹解决它们。 These miniature unit can package these battleships to invade them rapidly, finally complete control internal structure. 这些微型兵种能迅速地包裹这些战舰侵入它们内部,最后完全控制内部的结构。 When Rin controls these battleships, then can creating the sea sends some information with it. 控制这些战舰时,便能用它对创造之海发送一些信息。 The consciousness of sea of creation can feel some situations in void eye directly, but it is unable the sensation to this intelligent space, therefore needs its army feedback the information to know that roughly had anything. 创造之海的意识本身是能直接感受到虚空之眼中的一些情况,但它无法感知到这个智慧空间,于是需要它部队回馈的信息才能知道大体发生了什么。 But Rin can send some wrong information to give it, making it be mistaken that here had been seized. 则可以发送一些错误的信息给它,让它误以为这里已经被占领了。 Therefore Rin also needs to imitate its complete detail completely, lets it will not produce any...... suspicion. 为此也需要完全模仿它的全部细节,让它不会产生任何的……怀疑。 However also a possibility, suspected that even it may still send the data toward here. 不过也有一种可能,就算怀疑它也有可能往这里发送数据。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) …… …… Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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