BYSOE :: Volume #49

#4873: Long

The resistance of root of hope...... is successful. 希望之根的抵抗……算是成功的。 The void eye does not have the means to recycle the root of complete hope, therefore before presented Rin , that situation of knowing. 虚空之眼没办法回收全部的希望之根,于是就出现了之前所了解到的那种情况。 The root of hope also had a large part to retain. 希望之根还有很大一部分保留了下来。 But this is not very big to the void eye influence, because it also made root of similar hope divine creative force in other space, but these parts were recycled by it successfully. 但这对虚空之眼影响并不算很大,因为它在别的空间也制造了类似希望之根的造物,而那些部分则被它成功回收了。 As for these spaces, as possibly the recovery crashed, space that therefore Rin sees now only then void dark side. 至于那些空间本身,可能随着回收过程而崩塌了,所以现在见到的空间只有‘虚空的阴暗面’而已。 The root of success hope recycles these stable divine creative force also successfully to make it be at void became stabilized. 希望之根成功回收这些‘稳定造物’也成功让它自身所在的虚空变得稳定了下来。 The space powder dust has very marvelous characteristics, these powder dust originally at unceasingly agitation the condition, somewhat seems like a no regular vortex. 空间的碎末本身有很奇妙的特性,这些碎末原本是处在不断‘搅动’的状态的,有些像是一个没任何规律的漩涡。 After these powder dust absorbed from outside void data, that they compose vortex will become more and more orderly. 而当这些碎末本身吸收了一些来自外面虚空的‘数据’之后,它们组成的这个‘漩涡’就会变得越来越有规律。 They can preserve the data information in any way, so long as there are data of outside civilized lifeform, it will become stable. 它们能以某种方式储藏数据资料,只要有外面各种文明生物的数据,它本身就会变得稳定。 When void eye its divine creative force recycling, this void also had the momentous change. 当虚空之眼将它的造物回收之时,这个虚空也发生了巨大变化。 Also is, originally powder dust constitution that Rin sees now void under the influences of these huge recycling divine creative force, not only becomes stable, they fused...... complete void. 也就是现在所见到的,原本碎末构成的虚空在这些巨大的回收造物的影响之下不只是变得稳定而已,它们重新融合成了……一个完整的虚空。 Although it has various chaotic phenomena, but is quite normal void. 虽然它本身还是有各种混乱现象,但已经算是一个比较正常的虚空。 Simultaneously here also starts born the lifeform besides void eye, seems like is becoming stable. 同时这里也开始诞生出除了虚空之眼之外的生物,看上去一切都在变得稳定。 But the void eye also difficult problem needs to deal, that is this void essence is powder dust gathering place, other void space will collide the powder dust that will produce perishing to come here continually, will become this void part. 但虚空之眼还有一个难题需要应对,那就是这个虚空的本质还是一个碎末汇聚地,别的虚空空间碰撞所产生的碎末还是会持续地‘沉沦’到这里,成为这个虚空的一部分。 With these powder dust becomes many, void it of void eye will become more and more chaotic. 随着这些碎末的变多,虚空之眼的虚空本身还是会变得越来越混乱。 But the void eye has been trying to maintain stably, also becomes the stabilizing these new powder dust, fuses void. 而虚空之眼则在一直试着维持稳定,也就是将这些新加入的碎末也变得稳定化,融合到虚空中来。 When it handles these things, this void also slowly perishing , is away from other void is getting more and more far. 在它做这些事情的时候,这个虚空也在缓慢地‘沉沦’,也就是距离别的虚空越来越远。 At first some lifeform are to know to have such void, it also exists in some civilized legends, but slowly on no one knows that has such a place, that of that several void different, void eye because knows with Rin void and other void almost no happening together. 最初有一些生物是知道有这么一个虚空,它也存在于一些文明的传说中,但慢慢的就没有谁知道有这么一个地方,因为和所知道的那几个虚空不一样,虚空之眼的这个虚空和别的虚空几乎没任何的交集。 But completely has not vanished about this void information, it...... is still being recorded by some place. 但关于这个虚空的信息并没有完全地消失,它还在被某个地方……记载着。 That is the unpredictable place. 那就是不可预见之地。 The unpredictable place is a place of gathering thought that according to this white paste said that is the place that from the beginning has, but earliest unpredictable place unusual small, it also grows in the long years. 不可预见之地是一个汇聚思维的地方,根据这个白膏所说,那是一开始就存在的地方,不过最早的不可预见之地非常的‘微小’,它也是在漫长的岁月中成长的。 When the root of void eye recycling hope, the root of hope had part data flows the unpredictable place to go, this also caused two to have a special connection void. 在虚空之眼回收希望之根时,希望之根有一部分的‘数据’流动到了不可预见之地去,这也导致了两个虚空产生了一种特殊的连接。 This makes two void even is away from is very far, can still gain the information of opposite party mutually. 这让两个虚空即使距离很远,也能相互获取对方的信息。 But at that time what the void eye mainly cared is divulging event. 但虚空之眼当时主要在乎的是‘泄露’事件。 As void perishes unceasingly, its consciousness also starts to divulge, the part flowed the unpredictable place, part fluttered the proliferation with the space powder dust. 随着虚空不断地沉沦,它的意识也开始泄露,有一部分流动到了不可预见之地,还有一部分则随着空间的碎末飘荡扩散。 In brief, it felt that oneself consciousness is dissipating. 总而言之,它感觉到自己的意识正在消散。 In order to correspond this situation, it tried to handle a lot, looks like such that Rin knew, but has not recalled own thought finally. 为了对应这种情况,它试着做了很多事情,就像是知道的那样,但最后还是没有挽回自己的思维。 Meanwhile, probably finally froth and so on lifeform also dissipated in the void eye later was born, but this void also entered one type natural development condition. 与此同时,像是终沫之类的‘生物’也在虚空之眼消散之后诞生了,而这个虚空也进入了一种‘自然发展’的状态。 Naturally actually withering away of void eye used very long time, before this compares void, has considerable many changes, finally forms the appearance that Rin sees now. 当然其实虚空之眼的消亡是用了很长的时间的,这个虚空相比以前也有着相当多的变化,最后形成了现在看到的样子。 After very long years, void eye void as before continually perishing, but it actually very marvelous and in normal void connection. 在很漫长的岁月之后,虚空之眼的虚空依旧在持续地‘沉沦’着,但它却很奇妙的和正常虚空连接上了。 This is mainly void shadow birth. 这主要是‘虚空阴影’的诞生。 Void shadow marvelous large space is some abandoned spaces composes, moreover it connected on space that was called the void dark side. 虚空阴影这个奇妙的大型空间是一些被遗弃的空间组成的,而且它连接上了被称为虚空的阴暗面的空间。 Void dark side it has also been connecting void of void eye, moreover it also together unceasingly perishing. 虚空的阴暗面本身也一直连接着虚空之眼的虚空,而且它也一起不断地‘沉沦’。 Contact of both sides enables normal to arrive at void of this void eye void, naturally Rin also comes. 双方的接触使得正常虚空有可能到达这个虚空之眼的虚空,当然也就是这么来的。 Related this actually white paste does not know, white paste told Rin, the goal of sea of creation was to seek for this last void. 有关这一段其实白膏并不知道,白膏告诉,创造之海的目标就是寻找这最后一个虚空。 The sea of creation goes forward in the unpredictable place, it gained lots of information in inside, included the information of void eye. 创造之海在不可预见之地中前进,在里面它获取到了大量的信息,也包括了虚空之眼的情报。 Said accurately is the sea of creation already passed through the void eye and unpredictable place junction, can understand this void detailed information from there. 准确的说是创造之海已经经过了虚空之眼和不可预见之地的‘连接点’,从那里就能了解到这个虚空的详细情报。 But the sea of creation believes, this is last void. 而创造之海认为,这是最后一个虚空。 In the unpredictable place can understand that all void information, but here should be last, so long as found it, all void will link. 在不可预见之地里能了解所有虚空的情报,而这里应该就是最后一个,只要将它找到,所有的虚空都将会连接在一起。 During goal of sea of creation seems like its acquired all data...... spreads to each is void. 创造之海的目的似乎是将它收集到的所有数据……扩散到每个虚空之中。 Also is the data of cell lifeform. 也就是细胞生物的数据。 Since the past long years, the creator in normal void had proliferated grows, thus made the innumerable cell lifeform, these lifeform in growth process all nuclear information data, has by sea of including creation. 在过去漫长的岁月以来,创造者在正常虚空中扩散生长,从而制造了无数的细胞生物,这些生物在生长过程中的所有‘核信息’数据,都是有被创造之海收录的。 Now it has the extremely huge data, but it plans...... to disseminate each these data void. 现在它有着极为庞大的数据,而它打算将这些数据……散播到每个虚空中。 This white paste was sent to carry out this great plan. 这个白膏就是被派来执行这项‘伟大的计划’的。 However white paste and cell biological energy void so spreads in this rapidly, mainly because of this void characteristics, it does not have the means that to affect in other place quickly, but will have a big change generally speaking. 不过白膏和细胞生物能在这个虚空如此迅速地扩散,主要还是因为这个虚空本身的特性,它在别的地方没办法那么快地影响,但总的来说都会发生不小的变化。 Goal that it does that possibly with record area the goal is the same, connects together, the words that these scatter does that void will become a true whole void. 它这么做的目的,可能是和‘记录区’的目标一样,将这些散落的虚空连接到一起,这么做的话虚空会成为一个真正的整体。 Not only before void of sea of connection creation Rin, that three that knows, but is all void. 创造之海连接的虚空就不只是之前知道的那三个,而是所有的虚空。 These information some are white paste tell Rin, some are of Rin basis discovery speculate all the way. 这些信息有些是白膏告诉的,有些则是根据一路上发现的自己推测而来。 In brief, this white paste as the sea of creation envoy, it the main goal almost achieves at present. 总而言之,这个白膏作为创造之海的‘使者’,它目前主要的目标差不多达成了。 So long as it makes the extirpator desperate, can thoroughly seizure this void. 它只要让根除者绝望,就能彻底地‘占领’这个虚空。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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