WOTMW :: Volume #3

#271: Deconstruction

Now, this you!” “现在,该你了!” Leylin has turned around, coldly is gazing at Reisman. 雷林转过身来,冷冷注视着雷斯曼 ...... …… Several days later, an explosive news disseminated in South Coast. 数日之后,一个爆炸性的消息在南海岸传播开来。 Dark Magus attacked the Four Seasons Garden headquarters once more, Magus that Four Seasons Garden remained behind was unable to escape by luck completely, the Secret plane front door destroyed at the scene, level 2 Magus Reisman that even/including to come rescued also died in battle. 黑巫师再次袭击了四季花园总部,四季花园留守的巫师全部未能幸免,秘境大门当场毁灭,连来救援的二级巫师雷斯曼也是战死。 But what is most surprising, in this campaign, attacks a side Dark Magus not to fall the advantage, was not only Coburn of head died in battle, elite Dark Magus that dispatched continually was also annihilated. 而最令人惊讶的是,在这场战役当中,进攻一方的黑巫师也没有落到好处,不仅为首的科本战死,连派往的精锐黑巫师也是全军覆没。 But after the war, the Leylin's reputation thoroughly has also disseminated. 而在大战之后,雷林的名声也是彻底传播了开来。 As striking to kill two level 2 Magus, even destroys the chief criminal of Secret plane front door, Leylin received Dark Magus and light Magus collaborates to issue a warrant for arrest. 作为击杀两名二级巫师,甚至还是摧毁秘境大门的罪魁祸首,雷林受到了黑巫师白巫师的联手通缉。 Any level 2 Magus, in South Coast is the pivotal character, enough brings to the attention. 任何一名二级巫师,在南海岸都是举足轻重的人物,足够引起重视。 And, unrestricted acting alone level 2 Magus, but also has that type to be able in a flash about battlefield terrifying ability, Leylin's exists, has caused dreading of many high-grade Magus! 并且,一个不受约束的独行二级巫师,还拥有那种可以一瞬间左右战场的恐怖能力,雷林的存在,已经引起了很多高级巫师的忌惮! He Demonic Poison King title, spreads in secret. 他“剧毒魔王”的称号,也是暗中流传开来。 ...... …… West South Coast, a film title called place of Yongguang region. 南海岸西部,一片名叫永光之地的区域。 Is standing upside down probably the inversion castle constructs, strange stands erect there, constructs superficial defense rune unceasingly glittering dazzling light , since this has been the hearsay has had is predicting the innate skill Portell Family station, although recent for several hundred years some deterioration, but also kept the several points of strength of heyday, two strange lithical guards from castle front door can look. 一座好像倒立着的颠倒城堡建筑,奇异地矗立在那里,建筑表面的防御符文不断闪烁荧光,这是一直以来传闻拥有着预言天赋波特利家族驻地,虽然最近几百年来有些衰败,但也保留了全盛时期的几分实力,从城堡大门旁边的两个奇异石质守卫就就可以看得出来。 Before the castle front door, stands erect two to hold the great sword to invert in the bodyguard statue of ground, these two statue several meters high, 2-3 meters width, the facial features blade truncates the pitching chisel, disclosed a resolute aura. 在城堡大门之前,矗立着两个持着巨剑倒插在地上的卫士雕像,这两个雕像都有十几米高,两三米宽,面容刀削斧凿,透露出一股刚毅的气息。 At this time, in the castle, is filling in the cave of white cold air. 此时,在城堡内部,一个充满着白色寒气的地窖里面。 Everywhere is translucent giant ice pieces, but in the most center of ice bunker cave, in a transparent ice coffin, both hands surrounds overlapped, places the lower abdomen place, the elegant noble young girl, calmly lies down in inside. 到处都是半透明的巨大冰块,而在冰库地窖的最中心,一个透明的冰棺里面,一个双手重叠环抱,放在小腹处,气质高雅的贵族少女,正静静躺在里面。 Although Jenna in lethargic sleep, but the curse wound on her neck started to proliferate unceasingly, black sarcoma spread with the blood vessel unceasingly, but in the Jenna face, a black gas condensation is not loose, the probably close small snake same is circling. 珍娜虽然还是在昏睡,但她脖子上的诅咒伤口已经开始不断扩散,一个个黑色的肉瘤和血管不断蔓延,而在珍娜面部,一圈黑色的气体凝聚不散,好像细密的小蛇一样盘旋着。 As the small snake occupies unceasingly, the face upper eyelids of Jenna rolled unceasingly, presented the fierce painful color. 随着小蛇不断盘踞,珍娜的脸上眼皮不断滚动,出现了剧烈的痛苦之色。 Cursed from the Leylin arrangement, passed for nearly one month, but Jenna curse, will soon have achieved the thorough eruption status/mode. 距离雷林布置下诅咒,已经过去了将近一个月的时间,而珍娜身上的诅咒,已经即将达到彻底爆发的状态 If there is not been able to obtain to rescue, Jenna finally inevitably becomes with the same bleached bone! 如果还没能获得解救,珍娜最后势必会成为和曼拉一样的枯骨! Bang! The front door of icehouse one was pulled open, before just the old woman walked with Leylin has met with. 砰!冰窖的大门被一下拉开,之前刚刚与雷林会面过的老妪走了进来。 Jenna! Direction of our present age! According to the decree of great peaceful mother! You will certainly continue to save the world!” 珍娜!我们当代的指引者!根据伟大的和平之母的旨意!你必将继续存世!” The old women were muttering, has placed above a scarlet key the refrigerator. 老妇人喃喃着,将一枚血色的钥匙放在了冰柜上方。 Humming sound! A blood red ray sends out from the key, slowly seeps to the refrigerator, the red ray has proliferated the body of Jenna in the flash. 嗡嗡!一蓬蓬血红色的光芒从钥匙当中散发出来,慢慢向冰柜里面渗透,红色的光芒在一瞬间就遍布了珍娜的身体。 Under the photo penetrating of red ray, the black air/Qi on Jenna face abates slowly, curse fearful Strength, abated at the naked eye obvious speed. 在红色光芒的照彻下,珍娜脸上的黑气慢慢消退,诅咒的可怕力量,以肉眼可见的速度消退了下去。 Solution incantation rune that Leylin gives, is really effective!” The old woman looks to send out the red ray refrigerator, on the face is revealing the obvious happy expression. 雷林给出的解咒符文,果然有效!”老妪看着散发着红色光芒的冰柜,脸上露出明显的喜色。 At the process with the Leylin's transaction, after inheritance incomplete high-grade Meditation technique obtains rune of understanding incantation, keeps hurrying back to the family, finally before the curse erupts rushes. 在经过和雷林的交易,用传承的残缺高级冥想法获得了解咒的符文之后,就一路不停地赶回了家族,终于在诅咒爆发之前赶到。 Leylin Farlier! Your this desecrater! Will certainly receive mother's of peace sanction!” In the old woman hand delimits several hand signals, as if prayed in a low voice. 雷林?法雷尔!你这个亵渎者!必将受到和平之母的制裁!”老妪手里划出几个手势,低声仿佛祈祷道。 Drops the drop! 滴滴! A little bit blood red liquid, melts from key, penetrates the thick ice layer, drops to the Jenna snow white nape of the neck position directly. 一滴滴的血红色液体,从钥匙里面融化出来,穿透厚厚的冰层,直接滴落到珍娜雪白的脖颈位置。 Incites! Massive white clouds ascension, under coverage of scarlet liquid, the Jenna neck above wound, restore to come at the naked eye obvious speed. 滋滋!大量的白气升腾,在血色液体的覆盖下,珍娜脖子上面的伤口,以肉眼可见的速度恢复过来。 Buzz! 嗡! Jenna that has remained unconscious has opened the eye suddenly! 原先一直昏迷不醒的珍娜突然张开了眼睛! Bang bang bang! The refrigerator shatter becomes the innumerable ice pieces scatters, strange fluctuations, reverberate in the entire icehouse. 砰砰砰!冰柜破碎成无数冰块四溅,一圈圈奇异的波动,在整个冰窖里面回荡开来。 This fluctuation of energy old woman is familiar, when is their this lineage/vein direction is at the prediction external phenomenon! 这种能量波动老妪非常熟悉,是她们这一脉的指引者在预言时的外在现象! Unexpectedly now starts to direct?” On the old woman face appears the surprised uncertain look. “居然现在就开始指引了?”老妇人脸上浮现出惊疑不定的神色。 I saw endless death! Fiendish people! Is grasping the violently poisonous ability fiendish person in rapid close middle......” “我看到了无尽的死亡!魔王!掌握着剧毒能力的魔王正在飞速接近当中……” The eye of Jenna turned into a piece of sclera suddenly, sends out low and deep and short sound from her mouth. 珍娜的眼睛突然变成了一片眼白,从她嘴里发出低沉而又短促的声音 Violently poisonous? Fiendish people? Is......” old woman one startled, suddenly has thought of the recent information. “剧毒?魔王?难道是……”老妇人心里一惊,突然想到了最近的情报。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! The beforehand blood red key floats suddenly in the middle of the midair, sends out a dazzling ray. 之前的血红色钥匙突然漂浮在半空当中,散发出一股耀眼的光芒。 Localization mark? It is not good!!!” The pupil of old woman shrank needle eye! “定位印记?不好!!!”老妪的瞳孔缩成了针眼! At this moment, outside the standing upside down castle, put on Leylin of black Chinese-style gown to appear there. 就在这时,在倒立城堡之外,穿着黑色袍子的雷林出现在了那里。 „Is this standing upside down castle in hearsay? Really very strange!” “这就是传闻中的倒立城堡么?果然非常奇异!” Leylin lifts the following topee, looks at present the strange construction, exudes one to acclaim. 雷林掀开后面的兜帽,看着眼前奇异的建筑,发出一声赞叹。 Before, after striking to have killed two level 2 Magus, knows one will definitely receive him who two sides issue a warrant for arrest and chase down, immediately Yi Rong re-equips, mixed from other Eternal River Secret plane exit / to speak. 在之前,在击杀了两名二级巫师之后,知道自己肯定会受到两方通缉和追杀的他,立即易容改装,从恒河秘境另外的出口混了出来。 Although each Secret plane entrance has the strict test approach, but these most are the examination have the precious commodity of Eternal River Secret plane aura, prevents to smuggle. 虽然各个秘境入口都有严格的检测手段,但这些最多是检测带有恒河秘境气息的珍贵物资,防止夹带。 In the Leylin level 2 Warlock method, naturally was with ease mixed. 雷林二级术士的手段,自然是非常轻松地混了出来。 As for plundering the commodity and so on, places in the Space leather bag, has the impediment of Space rune, precisest examination law cannot discover the trace. 至于搜刮的物资之类,都放在空间皮囊里面,有着空间符文的阻隔,就连最精密的检测法阵都不能发现痕迹。 Leylin lifts the right hand, on his right hand wrist, a blood red key mark, is sending out an intermittent bright. 雷林抬起右手,在他的右手腕上,一个血红色的钥匙印记,正在散发着一阵阵的亮光。 Was here!” “就是这里了!” Leylin looks the guidance mark on own hand, on the face shows a light smiling face. 雷林看着自己手上的引导印记,脸上露出一个淡淡的笑容。 The family site that Jenna is covert, even if Haitaer must be able to enter through the direction of old woman, does not have the concrete road map. 珍娜所在的这个家族所在地非常隐蔽,就算是海塔尔也必须通过老妪的指引才能进入,没有具体的路线图。 In this and transaction of old woman, old witch of Jenna family, although has not settled the good intention, wants to make Leylin practice incomplete high-grade Meditation technique to overstate, but Leylin does not have what good intention similarly, in the middle of giving solution incantation rune of old woman, has mixed in the register mask. 在这次和老妪的交易当中,珍娜家族的老巫婆虽然没安好心,想让雷林修炼残缺的高级冥想法而走火入魔,但雷林同样没有什么好意,在给老妪的解咒符文当中,混入了定位标记。 Under the direction of mark, searched for the den of Jenna this family finally. 在印记的指引下,终于将珍娜这个家族的老巢搜了出来。 Saint Light Candle Fire this high-grade Meditation technique, even if the incomplete version, has the uniqueness! This characteristics are troublesome, in other words, in this world, has a person to practice......” 圣光烛火这个高级冥想法即使是残缺版的,也有着唯一性!这种特性非常麻烦,也就是说,在这个世界上,只有一个人可以修炼……” The Leylin corners of the mouth appear violent murderous intention, entrains the family that goes to the space regarding this, he did not have what favorable impression, since now had found the opposite party den, naturally is good of getting it over and done. 雷林嘴角浮现出猛烈的杀机,对于这个拽到天上去的家族,他也一直没有什么好感,现在既然找到了对方的老巢,自然是一劳永逸的好。 Halts!!!” The two giant lithical statue guards of castle entrance, lived immediately, muscle was smooth, shouts the low and deep words. “站住!!!”城堡门口的两个巨大石质雕像护卫,立即活了过来,身上的一块块肌肉流畅无比,喊出了低沉的话语。 Two Spell creature? Collaborates to have close level 1 Magus strength!” In the Leylin pupil one dodges, saw the details of these two guards. “两个巫术生物?联手有着接近一级巫师的实力!”雷林眸子里面一闪,已经看出了这两个守卫的底细。 This degree of defense, in the Magus family, is not bad!” “这种程度的防御,在巫师家族里面,也是不错的了!” A Leylin move, two huge black Fireball depart, welcomes the giant lithical guard who has wielded a sword to chop. 雷林手一招,两颗巨大的黑色火球飞出,迎上了挥剑砍来的巨大石质守卫。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! The Fireball collision on the lithical great sword, resembles the water fluid same to cover the lithical guard whole body immediately, these two guards start flaming to burn immediately like two huge black torches. 火球碰撞在石质巨剑上面,立即好像水液一样覆盖到石质守卫全身,这两个守卫立即就像两支巨大的黑色火炬开始熊熊燃烧起来。 Under the attack of Leylin Latent Fireball, these two inherited over a thousand years of lithical guard, shortly will change into pile of black powder. 雷林潜影火球的攻击之下,这两个传承了上千年的石质守卫,就在倾刻间化为了一堆黑色的粉末。 Enemy raids!!!” Who is?” “敌袭!!!”“是谁?” Rapid sound resound in the castle unceasingly, immediately also has the chilly certainly swift and fierce copper ding, rune of entire castle surface starts to wriggle. 一声声急促的声音在城堡里面不断响起,随即还有凄绝凌厉的铜钟声,整个城堡表面的符文开始蠕动起来。 The defense of this ancient family, once stimulates to movement completely, even if level 1 peak Magus, cannot break through in a short time. 这种古老家族的防御,一旦全部催动起来,就算是一级巅峰巫师,也不能在短时间内突破。 Shouted......” “呼……” Leylin puts out long air/Qi, faint trace silver Spiritual Force extends unceasingly from him, immediately, his entire body floats strangely in the middle of the midair, turned into a huge silver face. 雷林吐出一口长气,一丝丝银色的精神力不断从他身上伸展出来,随即,他整个身体诡异地漂浮在半空当中,化成了一张巨大的银色脸孔。 Toxic Bile!!!” 剧毒之胆!!!” From the lip of huge silver face, has put out the ice-cold incantation sound. 从巨大银色脸孔的嘴唇当中,吐出了冰冷的咒文声。 Toxin from Ancient terrifying creature Giant Kemoyin Serpent, starts to start to seep to the entire castle silently! 来自上古恐怖生物科莫音巨蛇的毒素,开始无声无息地向整个城堡之内开始渗透! Outside entire castle rune, as if absolutely does not have the effect to this toxin attack, people in castle, Apprentice and servant, even is official Magus, fell down, the body started to corrupt. 整个城堡外面的符文,似乎对这种毒素攻击完全没有效果,在城堡里面的一个个人,不论是学徒、仆役,甚至是正式巫师,都纷纷倒在了地上,身体开始腐烂起来。 The castle, around the successive several li (0.5km) plant starts incessantly gradually withered and yellow, falls to the ground rottenly. 不止城堡,连周围十几里的植物都开始渐渐枯黄起来,落地腐烂。 Silent! Silence of death! Immediately has covered a big region centered on castle. 寂静!死亡的寂静!顿时笼罩了以城堡为中心的一大片区域。 In the middle of this general region, any creature cannot escape by luck, fell into during the eternal death. 在这个广大的区域当中,任何生物都不能幸免,陷入了永恒的死亡当中。 ...... …… Bang! Grey obsolete front door, above also had to be full of the pattern of historical aura, calmly fell down. 砰!灰色陈旧的大门,上面还有充满了历史气息的花纹,静静地倒在了地上。 Under the violently poisonous corrosion, entire castle Defense Magic, constructs Host's Body ruinous to be attacked incessantly. 在剧毒的腐蚀下,整个城堡不止防御巫阵,就连建筑主体都受到了毁灭性的打击。 It seems like in the firm incomparable granite, at this time was tattered and torn, has filled with the decayed aura, the entire castle creakies, Leylin felt that as if he wants a promoter, this entire castle will drop down loudly. 看似坚固无比的花岗岩里面,此时已经千疮百孔,充满了腐朽的气息,整座城堡摇摇欲坠,雷林感觉,似乎他只要一推手,这整座城堡都会轰然倒下。 In filling decayed flavor corridor, corpse that everywhere is corrupted. 在充满了腐臭味道的走廊里面,到处都是正在腐烂的尸体。 Leylin follows Mark imprint to be thorough, finally arrived at the icehouse position of castle deep place. 雷林跟随着标记印记一路深入,最后来到了城堡深处的冰窖位置。 He enters to fill the white mist icehouse, looks that two corpses silent did not speak. 他走进充满白色雾气的冰窖,看着两具尸体默然不语。 Before has seen the old woman died was quite painful, in the hand also grabbed to think of the different disintoxicating potions test tube, but did not have any function very much obviously, muscle also in unceasingly rotten. 之前见过的老妪死的极为痛苦,手里还抓着装着不同的解毒药剂的试管,但很明显没有任何作用,身上的肌肉还在不断腐烂。 As official Magus, her human body resistance obviously compared with average person strong point, even if died has also compared ordinary Apprentice to be hard to destroy. 作为正式巫师,她的肉体抵抗度明显比普通人强点,即使死了也比普通的学徒更加难以毁灭。
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