TME :: Volume #19

#1826: First Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death

The flash that nine deity soldier breaks up first, the heart of Ji Hao shrank fiercely. 九件先天神兵崩解的一瞬间,姬昊的心脏剧烈的抽缩了一下。 When nine innate most precious objects, murder sharp weapon, the great antiquity is used nine god soldier sharp weapons that suppresses Tong Jiong Daoist to have more than enough to spare, unexpectedly one was struck the smashing by extremely wicked Yu, only takes the innate spirit gathering integrates a chart! 九件先天至宝,杀伐利器,洪荒之时用来镇压仝炅道人都绰绰有余的九件神兵利器,居然被极恶禹馀一击粉碎,只取其中一点先天灵萃融入阵图! So method, so disposition, verve swift and fierce and overbearing peerless, worthily is the incarnation that Yu Daoist are extremely wicked to cut at the same time. 如此手段,如此心性,刚猛凌厉、霸道绝伦,不愧是禹馀道人极恶一面斩出的化身。 Sees in extremely wicked Yu hands one group of seven rainbow light extreme twists, during is void gasifications of the primordial chaos chaos to come for the be continuous trillion li (0.5km) broad tide, pours into this group of rainbow light unceasingly. In addition, has Ji Hao the destruction and good fortune two main road that rhymes knows extremely well extremely to multiply in the chaos nihility, similarly integrates the rainbow light unceasingly. 就看到极恶禹馀手中一团七彩虹光急速旋转,虚空之中一道道鸿蒙混沌之气化为绵延亿万里的恢弘潮汐呼啸而来,不断注入这团虹光。除此之外,更有姬昊已经极其熟稔的毁灭、造化两大道韵于混沌虚无中滋生,同样不断融入虹光。 A destruction rhyme, making this group of rainbows only baseless many meaning of the murdering . Moreover the air/Qi of murdering promoted gradually, gradually was pure, gradually murdered China , Italy to have air/Qi of dark deathly stillness to occur without being noticed from that the air/Qi of deathly stillness changed has free time gradually the Mongolian nihility, a desperate ice-cold meaning scattered in all directions, from ice-cold China , Italy of that empty nihility, strength of the dying out multiplied gradually 毁灭道韵,让这团虹光中凭空多了一份杀伐之意,而且杀伐之气逐渐提升,逐渐精纯,渐渐的从那杀伐之意中就有一股冥冥死寂之气悄然而生,死寂之气逐渐变得空濛虚无,一股让人绝望的冰冷之意四散开来,从那空洞虚无的冰冷之意中,逐渐就有一丝寂灭之力滋生 But that good fortune rhyme, is lets in the rainbow light all sort of murders, deathly stillness, ice-cold, air/Qi of nihility and dying out just likes five grain materials, mixes after the same place, after the careful fermentation fermentation, gradually becomes mellow pleasant and tasty, gathered jug aging good wine from five grain raw materials. 而那造化道韵,则是让虹光中的诸般杀伐、死寂、冰冷、虚无、寂灭之气犹如五粮材料,掺合在一起后,经过细心的酝酿发酵,逐渐变得醇厚甘美,从五粮原料汇聚成了一坛子陈酿美酒。 Therefore rainbow only all sort of rhymes become perfect harmonious, gradually fuses the induction, finally changes into one type mysterious indescribable, to slaughter to destroy to live purely, is more complex and is exquisiter, mysterious existence that is hard to ponder over. 于是虹光中的诸般道韵就变得完美和谐,逐渐融合归纳,最终化为一种玄而又玄难以言喻的,纯粹为了杀戮而毁灭而生,却更加复杂、更加精妙,更加难以琢磨的神奇存在。 With not accurate analogy, this resembles the life always one dead, but the cause of death has the difference respectively, was drown to death, plunged to death, died in battle, hung to death, burns and is battered to death all sort of causes of death to be unpredictable, making people be hard to ascertain the assurance. 用个不怎么确切的比方,这就好像人生总有一死,但死法却各有不同,溺死、摔死、战死、吊死、烧死、砸死诸般死法变幻莫测,让人难以捉摸把握。 You are preventing being drown to death, since then does not approach the rivers and streams lake sea, was actually not careful that was choked by water. 你预防着溺死,从此再也不靠近江河湖海,却不小心被一口水呛死。 You are preventing plunging to death, henceforth does not climb up to look, was actually battered to death by together the high place crash stone. 你预防着摔死,从此再也不登高远望,却被一块高处坠落石头砸死。 You are afraid the battle dead, henceforth shuns the world to live in seclusion to be far away from the right and wrong, actually the bitter experience brave fighter in the wooded mountain throws. 你害怕会战死,从此避世隐居远离是非,却在山林中遭遇猛虎扑死。 Numerous all sorts, are hard to describe completely \; Under good fortune rhyme the strength of fermentation of good fortune, in rainbow light all sort of slaughters the strength of extinction becomes even more subtly and even more complex, one such as hundred years of aging sincere and complex taste, lets the human desire of nice wine - immortal - desire - dies, dies and dies. 林林种种,难以全部描述\;在造化道韵的造化之力酝酿下,虹光中的诸般杀戮绝灭之力变得越发的微妙、越发的复杂,一如百年陈酿厚重而复杂的口感,让好酒之人欲-仙-欲-死、死而又死。 The dead bottle gourd and live bottle gourd contained the life and death two-pole excellent main road, Tong Jiong Daoist obtains this covering treasure innumerable years, actually cannot perceive through meditation mysterious. To extremely wicked Yu hands, he actually no matter actually in this dead bottle gourd and live bottle gourd contained the what kind world to be mysterious, he was only the finger shakes, two bottle gourds broke up immediately, the bottle gourd main body integrated the rainbow light rapidly. 死葫芦和活葫芦蕴藏了生死两极绝妙大道,仝炅道人得到这一套儿宝贝无数年,却没能参悟出其中玄妙。到了极恶禹馀手中,他却不管这死葫芦、活葫芦中究竟蕴藏了何等天地玄妙,他只是手指一抖,两个葫芦顿时崩解,葫芦本体迅速融入虹光。 Seven color gods originally only become even more complex, contained the black and white two colors in seven colors gradually, moreover black and white two colors gradual thick rich, the geostatic pressure crossed seven color rays gradually, changes into the chaos seven colors, rainbows in extremely wicked Yu hand only also become even more sincere unpredictable. 原本的七彩神光就变得越发的复杂,在七彩之中逐渐蕴藏了黑白二色,而且黑白二色逐渐的浓厚浓郁,渐渐地压过了七彩光芒,将七彩化为混沌,极恶禹馀手中的虹光也就变得越发的厚重难测。 The innate first wisp of murderous intention inflates in extremely wicked Yu hands rapidly, tumbles the air/Qi of primordial chaos chaos comes to be swallowed by this wisp of murderous intention in all directions crazily, bone-chilling cold kills intent to scatter in all directions to fill the air, listens to sonorously crisp whining noise to be lingering on faintly, Ji Hao only thinks that cold air head on. 先天第一缕杀机在极恶禹馀手中急速膨胀,四面八方翻滚而来的鸿蒙混沌之气被这一缕杀机疯狂吞噬,一股凛冽杀意四散弥漫,就听‘铿锵’脆鸣声不绝于耳,姬昊只觉一道道寒气扑面而来。 The Pangu clock moves suddenly, buzz air/Qi of continuously chaos rewinds, has the Pangu clock to protect the host bountifully on own initiative, Ji Hao does not look up, a killing intent of wisp of invisible non- mark heads on, left behind one deeply to be possible on his face stiffly and wound of bone. 盘古钟骤然一动,‘嗡’的一声缕缕混沌之气倒卷而下,饶是有盘古钟主动护主,姬昊一个不查,一缕无形无迹的杀意扑面而来,硬生生在他脸上留下了一条深可及骨的伤口。 The blood spews out, Ji Hao stimulates to movement on the Blood Essence repair face with amazement the injury. 鲜血喷涌而出,姬昊骇然催动精血修复脸上伤势。 Takes Ji Hao now cultivation of Pangu body of the emperor as, he has consumed enough the quarter unexpectedly, this -and-a-half feet, three points of wide wound repair! 姬昊如今盘古圣体的修为,他居然耗费了足足一刻钟,才将这一条半尺长、三分宽的伤口修复! That wisp invisible does not have the mark actually cold and gloomy fearsome murderous intention entanglement in the Ji Hao surface gate wound, the swift and fierce stern murderous intention one and twisted Ji Hao stimulation of movement past Blood Essence cuts to kill broken, nearby the scar on Ji Hao face the bloody water splash, lost the active blood plasma to sprinkle place massively thoroughly, Ji Hao has then repaired the wound! 那一缕无形无迹却森冷可怖的杀机纠缠在姬昊面门的伤口上,凌厉森严的杀机将姬昊催动过去的精血一并绞碎斩杀,姬昊脸上的伤痕附近血水飞溅,大量彻底失去活性的血浆洒了一地,姬昊这才修复了伤口! Ji Hao the pure human body cultivates to be possible be called now in the Pangu world extremely, his mortal body had the Pangu clock active defense mortal body with ease to be cut the wound by this wisp of murderous intention particularly, was hard to repair slowly, if it can be imagined other people were hit by this wisp of murderous intention, can be the how pitiful fate. 姬昊如今纯粹的肉体修为在盘古世界堪称绝顶,他的肉身尤其是有了盘古钟主动防御的肉身都被这一缕杀机轻松斩伤,更是迟迟难以修复,可想而知其他人若是被这一缕杀机命中,会是多么凄惨的下场。 The murderous intention lingers, a good fortune rhyme integrates in which the innate first wisp of vitality in live bottle gourd. 杀机萦绕,偏偏造化道韵又将活葫芦中的先天第一缕生机融入其中。 The life and death relies on one another, two meters transform, a destruction rhyme and good fortune [say / way] cloud, murderous intention and vitality, the unpredictable Yuan magnetic field force, in extremely wicked Yu hands is holding in addition the group of chaos light groups change gradually, the internal aura becomes especially mysterious profound, even if Ji Hao has one wisp to lose concentration to integrate, is hard completely to know mysteriously. 生死相依,两仪幻化,毁灭道韵、造化道云、杀机、生机,加上变幻莫测的元磁力场,极恶禹馀手中托着的这团混沌光团逐渐变化,内部气息变得格外的玄妙深邃,哪怕姬昊有一缕分神融入其中,也难以尽识其中玄妙。 Does not know how long, extremely wicked Yu has drunk suddenly greatly, his hand shakes, square is lingering all over the body the faint trace fresh air, the interior has a chart that the black and white two color wonderful light appear intermittently to appear faintly in his hands. 不知道过去了多久,突然极恶禹馀一声大喝,他手一抖,一幅四四方方通体萦绕着丝丝清气,内部隐隐有黑白二色奇光隐现的阵图出现在他手中。 Extremely wicked Yu shouted to clear the way fierce: „A chart has become, your where?” 极恶禹馀厉声喝道:“阵图已成,你的阵器何在?” Ji Hao cried loud and long, he opened the eye fiercely, for a penny and for a pound, has thrown into a chart the Pangu sword, the Pangu clock and Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge completely. 姬昊长啸一声,他猛地睁开眼睛,一不做二不休,将盘古剑、盘古钟、天地金桥全部丢进了阵图。 Thunders, in extremely wicked Yu hands a chart emits immeasurably auspicious only, originally several feet chart expansion rapidly, suddenly has opened a surrounding area over a billion li (0.5km) Fang Dazhen space in the primordial chaos chaos. 一声轰鸣,极恶禹馀手中阵图放出无量祥光,原本数尺大小的阵图急速的扩展出去,眨眼间就在鸿蒙混沌中撑开了方圆上亿里的一方大阵空间。 Pangu clock float in the chart sky over, the air/Qi of faint trace chaos rewinds, making big firmly difficult broken. 盘古钟悬浮在阵图正上空,丝丝混沌之气倒卷而下,让大阵坚固难破。 Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge changes into the Golden Light shining Hongqiao to cross a chart together, Ji Hao can shuttle back and forth in this big at will, instantaneous intercourse. 天地金桥化为一道金光灿灿虹桥横贯阵图,姬昊在这大阵中可以随意穿梭,瞬间往来。 Position of Pangu sword straight inserting center the chart, continuously sword glow ascends from the Pangu sword, in the chart fluctuation, continuously invisible non- mark a strength of carrier of Yuan magnetism carries to float, the innumerable sword shades in big partly visible, black and white two color sword glow cold air ascend, let in the person heart intermittent sending cold. 盘古剑端端正正的插在阵图正中位置,一缕缕剑芒从盘古剑中升腾而起,阵图波动中,一缕缕无形无迹的元磁之力载波载浮,无数剑影在大阵中若隐若现,黑白二色剑芒寒气升腾,让人心中一阵阵的发寒。 The Ji Hao stride enters in a chart, his Qing ate delicacies, saw in a chart the god only to appear intermittently, a square formation chart space produced baseless. The sky is jet black, earth snow white, next flash sky snow white, the earth is jet black, during the black and white transformations a faint trace misty sword air/Qi shuttle is void, the meaning of suffocating slaughtering produces baseless, ‚’, in a chart beside the myriad things except Ji Hao annihilates all. 姬昊大步走进阵图中,他一声清啸,就看到阵图中神光隐现,一方阵图空间凭空生成。天空漆黑,大地雪白,下一瞬间天空雪白,大地漆黑,黑白转换之间一丝丝蒙蒙剑气穿梭虚空,让人窒息的杀戮之意凭空生成,‘啪’的一下,阵图中除开姬昊之外万物尽数湮灭。 Good chart, the murder to consider agily.” Extremely wicked Yu satisfied nods, take Taiyi Yuan magnetism to make for the main body, sacrificed the dead bottle gourds, the live bottle gourds and nine innate most precious objects to murder the sharp weapon altogether 11 most precious objects, brings up the rear the chart with the Pangu clock, the Pangu sword and Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge as the town again “好阵图,杀人当是利索。”极恶禹馀满意的点了点头,以太乙元磁令为本体,牺牲了死葫芦、活葫芦、九件先天至宝杀伐利器一共11件至宝,再以盘古钟、盘古剑、天地金桥作为阵器镇压阵图 Clever person, gives him the giving a name character!” Extremely wicked Yu pulled out a pitch-dark liquor bottle gourd from the sleeve, satisfaction toward the mouth has filled big liquor. “乖徒儿,给他起个名字!”极恶禹馀从袖子里掏出一个黑漆漆的酒葫芦,满意的往嘴里灌了一大口酒。 Ji Hao slightly one hesitates, said with a smile in a soft voice: Naturally is first Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death sword.” 姬昊微一沉吟,轻声笑道:“自然是‘先天元磁两仪生死’剑阵。”
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