WDQK :: Volume #13

#1305: Jin entered Ancestor Realm

Chapter 1305 第1305章 Above Chaos Demonic Sea, the beautiful white skirt beautiful figure flies high to stand together, she grasps three feet azure front, 3000 black hair let fall from that slender waist place, that is perfect slightly not the slight defect appearance, is bringing allow some chilly as well as rare swift and fierce, tight is looking at that remote nothingness place, there, an extreme fearful pressure, proximity rapidly. 乱魔海之上,一道绝美的白裙倩影凌空而立,她手持三尺青锋,3000青丝垂落自那纤细腰肢处,那张完美得没有丝毫瑕疵般的容颜,正带着许些清冷以及罕有的凌厉,紧紧的望着那遥远的虚无处,那里,一种极端可怕的威压,正在急速的接近。 That Emperor of Strange Demon , must come. 异魔皇,要来了。 Ling Qingzhu white hands gently ** azure front long sword, ** micro sip, she looks down under one that innumerable [say / way] to be frightened at once, but desperate vision, then changes that gorgeous ice lotus, in the chilly pupil, has to wipe to reappear soft. 绫清竹玉手轻轻**着青锋长剑,**微抿,旋即她低头看了一眼下方那无数道惊惶而绝望的目光,接着又是转向那绚丽的冰莲,清冷的眸子中,有着一抹柔软浮现出来。 Before, always makes you pursue me, this time, makes me protect you.” “以前,总是让你追逐着我,这一次,就让我来保护你吧。” Is grasping the white hands of long sword once again **, the slight blue vein trace highlights from that white jade flesh on, on Ling Qingzhu that beautiful cheeks, was passed over gently and swiftly wipes color decidedly. 握着长剑的玉手再度**,细微的青筋纹路自那白玉般的肌肤上凸显出来,绫清竹那绝美的脸颊上,也是掠过一抹决然之色。 The innumerable [say / way] vision look at that [say / way] to fly high the vertical beautiful figure, breeze blow come, the long hair is floating, that chilly refined makings, just like exile the immortal to be ordinary, making the person wallow. 无数道目光望着那道凌空而立的倩影,微风吹拂而来,长发飘飘,那种清冷脱俗的气质,犹如谪仙一般,令人为之沉迷。 Bang. 轰隆。 The sound of low and deep demon thunder, is getting more and more near, sees only that above nine days, Demonic Qi just likes the dark cloud capping comes, finally in that frightened vision, has filled sky over Chaos Demonic Sea. 低沉的魔雷之声,越来越近,只见得那九天之上,魔气犹如乌云般的压顶而来,最终在那一道道恐惧的目光中,弥漫了乱魔海上空。 But in that billowing Demonic Qi deep place, seemed has the evil and indifferent vision looks to this stretch of world, finally, that vision, stayed, in Ling Qingzhu was slender ** above. 而在那滚滚魔气深处,似乎是有着邪恶而冷漠的目光望向了这片天地,最终,那目光,停留在了绫清竹窈窕的**之上。 Really is strength that is familiar with...” “真是令人熟悉的力量啊…” During the demon cloud deep place, indifferent sound spreading slowly, that sound just likes nine is together quiet the demon god, does not have the slight emotion, but has a terrifying power of command day earth tremor millet to fill the air. 魔云深处,一道漠然的声音缓缓的传出,那声音犹如九幽之中的魔神,没有丝毫的情感,但却是有着一种令天地颤粟的恐怖力量弥漫出来。 Emperor of Strange Demon ...” 异魔皇…” Lord of Life and Death they look pale looks at that to cover the sky the demon saying that there has the Demonic Qi throne together to appear faintly, above that throne, as if also has the demon god form together, no matter what just no one sees clearly his appearance. 生死之主他们面色苍白的望着那笼罩天空的魔云,那里隐隐有着一道魔气王座出现,在那王座之上,仿佛是还有着一道魔神般的身影,只不过任谁都是看不清楚他的容貌。 Really made place that one fondly remembered, but... Symbol Ancestor that fellow, as if , was really not a pity.” “真是令人怀念的地方,不过…符祖那家伙,似乎不在了呢,真是可惜。” The terrifying pressure is filling the world, that sound resounding slowly, he resembles at once is a Xiaoxiao (smiles) sound disclosed the ridicule finally: This fellow, obviously with me is the general goal, finally must go to the [say / way] of that so-called principle of righteousness...” 恐怖的威压弥漫着天地,那道声音缓缓的响起,旋即他似是一笑笑声终于透露了一些讥讽:“这家伙,明明与我是一般的目的,结果偏偏要去走那所谓的大义之道…” Ok... After all I won.” “算了…终归还是我赢了。” That sound chuckle, his vision is shifting from Ling Qingzhu on at once, looked to that gorgeous ice lotus, evil both eyes in Demonic Qi has congealed slightly: Attacks Ancestor Realm? Poured has indeed belittled you on this day life, this opportunity, I will perhaps not give you...” 那声音轻笑着,旋即他的目光自绫清竹身上转移而过,看向了那绚丽的冰莲,魔气中的邪恶双目微微一凝:“冲击祖境吗?倒的确是小觑了你们这天地中的生灵不过,这种机会,我恐怕不会给予你们的…” In his voice falls, sees only that everywhere Demonic Qi suddenly to rush forth, viscous Demonic Qi condensation fast comes, finally changes into one group of huge black flame unexpectedly. 就在他话音落下间,只见得那漫天魔气陡然奔涌,粘稠的魔气飞快的凝聚而来,最后竟是化为一团巨大的黑色火焰。 The flame curls the ascension including the sound of breakage the space is exudes extremely roasts roasts, in that flame, seems has endless is evil is surging. 火焰袅袅升腾连空间都是发出不堪炙烤的破裂之声,那火焰中,仿佛是有着无尽的邪恶在涌动。 „!” “咻!” The black flame is wriggling, indistinct as if changed into a ferocious ugly face, then the demon fire directly howls, is going to that gorgeous ice lotus suddenly to shot. 黑色火焰蠕动着,隐约的似乎是化为了一道狰狞的鬼脸,而后魔火直接呼啸而出,对着那绚丽冰莲暴射而去。 Ling Qingzhu ** moves, appears before the gorgeous ice lotus directly, above that beautiful cheeks covers entirely the ice to be cold, at once suddenly has light of chaos to sweep across from its body plaster in suddenly. 绫清竹**一动,直接是出现在绚丽冰莲之前,那绝美脸颊之上布满着冰寒,旋即突然有着一波波混沌之光陡然自其体垩内席卷而出。 Along with sending out of that chaos ray, on this day as if at this time resonance, the strength of inexhaustible world, at this point ** the gathering comes. 随着那种混沌光芒的散发,这天地仿佛都是在此时共鸣了起来,无穷无尽的天地之力,在此时**的汇聚而来。 Remote antiquity, cuts the demon!” “太上,斩魔!” Ling Qingzhu white hands ** three feet azure front, then a sword wields, any exquisite style, has not been only with wielding of its sword potential, sees only under Chaos Demonic Sea, by tearing a number by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge deep gully. 绫清竹玉手**三尺青锋,而后一剑挥下,其中并没有任何的精妙招式,只是伴随着其剑势的挥下,只见得下方乱魔海中,都是被生生的撕裂出了一道数以万丈庞大的深深沟壑。 Chaos sword glow, howls together, finally chops to chop above that terrifying ugly face demon fire, immediately the latter erupts the grating pitiful yell sound, had been resisted by that not swift and fierce specially sword glow unexpectedly, but the demon fire surges , is corroding that chaos ray unceasingly. 一道混沌剑芒,呼啸而过,最后劈砍在那恐怖的鬼脸魔火之上,顿时后者爆发出刺耳的惨叫声,竟是被那并不算特别凌厉的剑芒抵挡了下来,只不过魔火涌动间,也是在不断的侵蚀着那种混沌光芒。 Actually can utilize this degree this strength... Really this person of world gets the advantage...” The demon cloud deep place, that demon god form sees this, resembled sighed one. “竟然能够将这种力量运用到这种程度了…果然还是本世界的人对此更占优势啊…”魔云深处,那魔神般的身影见到这一幕,似是感叹了一声。 But, this may also by far insufficient...” “不过,这可还远远不够啊…” Along with falling of this sound, sees only that ugly face demon fire to erupt the startled day incisive sound in this time unexpectedly, the ascension that the demon fire blots out the sky opens, that chaos sword glow, was compelled to retreat in defeat again and again in this time directly, the light of that chaos, even more dim. 随着他这道声音的落下,只见得那鬼脸魔火竟是在此时爆发出惊天般的尖锐之声,魔火铺天盖地的升腾而开,那混沌剑芒,直接是在此时被逼得节节败退,那种混沌之光,也是愈发的黯淡。 Ling Qingzhu white teeth ** **, among the bright and clean volumes has the close sweat to reappear, on the beautiful cheeks was also passed over gently and swiftly wipes the paleness of lightly, although she tried another method, making have the extremely special and formidable strength, but this faced Emperor of Strange Demon that the true body was arriving, obviously as before was somewhat weak. 绫清竹贝齿**着**,光洁额间有着细密的汗水浮现出来,绝美的脸颊上也是掠过一抹淡淡的苍白,虽然她另辟蹊径,令得自己拥有了极为特殊而且强大的力量,但这面对着真身降临的异魔皇,显然依旧是有些无力。 The strength of that suppression, is not present she can contend absolutely. 那种绝对压制的力量,不是现在的她所能够抗衡。 Squeek!” “吱!” The ferocious ugly face demon fire fierce keenly blowing makes noise, a great mouth span, pouches that chaos sword glow one unexpectedly, but Ling Qingzhu ** trembles, a bloodstain overflows from the lip angle, but was actually endured by her. 狰狞的鬼脸魔火猛的尖啸出声,巨嘴一张间,竟然是将那混沌剑芒一口吞进,而绫清竹**一颤,一丝血迹自唇角溢出来,但却被她是生生的忍了下来。 Below Lord of Life and Death they see that the facial color also changes, cannot stop. 下方生死之主他们见状,面色也是一变,果然,还是阻拦不住啊。 You to some of my functions, seize actually well you.” “你对我倒是有些作用,将你擒下来也好。” In the demon cloud, that demon god form lightly smiles, at once his palm stretches out, sees only a giant incomparable pale palm, then in the clouds pierces from the demon, one is grasping to Ling Qingzhu. 魔云之中,那魔神身影淡淡一笑,旋即他手掌伸出,只见得一只巨大无比的苍白手掌,便是自魔云中洞穿出来,一把对着绫清竹抓去。 Along with falling of that pale palm, seemed erupts to be unable to withstand the load on this day ** sound. 随着那苍白手掌的落下,这天地仿佛都是爆发出了不堪重负的**之声。 The space of Ling Qingzhu whole body, almost at this moment all was imprisoned, this command she is unable to move, even if so the dangerous situation, in her eyes has not had many flurried color as before, but deeply inspired, in eye decidedly, even more rich. 绫清竹周身的空间,几乎是在此刻尽数的被禁锢,这令得她根本就无法动弹,不过即便是这般险境,她眼中依旧未有多少慌乱之色,只是深深吸了一口气,眼中的决然,愈发的浓郁。 The Ling Qingzhu slender white hands coincide gently, then changes into together extremely ancient Seal Art, but along with join of this Seal Art, all people feels that on this day as if erupted buzz the sound of cry. 绫清竹修长玉手轻轻相合,然后化为一道极为古老的印法而随着这道印法的结成,所有人都感觉到,这天地仿佛爆发出了嗡鸣之声。 „!” “咻咻!” Chaos rays, shoot from various world places, finally covers in Ling Qingzhu ** above, but under the sweep of that ray, her clear like jade flesh on, actually reappeared ancient trace one after another. 一道道混沌光芒,从天地各处射来,最后笼罩在绫清竹**之上而在那种光芒的笼罩下,她那晶莹如玉般的肌肤上,竟然是浮现了一道又一道的古老纹路。 That texture, just likes the texture of world, mysterious and nature. 那种纹理,犹如天地的纹理,神奇而自然。 Starts to have the intense chaos ray to well up from the Ling Qingzhu body plaster, all around the space of imprisonment unexpectedly is gradual loosening, that by that chaos ray is also resisted to the pale big hand that she was stressing. 开始有着强烈的混沌光芒自绫清竹体垩内涌出来,周遭禁锢的空间竟然都是逐渐的松开,那一只对着她抓来的苍白大手也是被那种混沌光芒抵御了下来。 However, this resistance, obviously is also on that pale big hand of temporariness, is black such as the dragon Dragon Ban demon muscle rapidly to wriggle, then starts to force to draw back that chaos ray. 不过,这种抵御,显然也是暂时性的那苍白大手上,黑得如虬龙般的魔筋急速的蠕动着,然后开始将那种混沌光芒逼退。 Two terrifying strengths, interweave in the sky to relying on, no matter what everyone is looks, that chaos ray is the oil lamp is completely dry. 两种恐怖的力量,在天空上交织对恃,但任谁都是看得出来,那混沌光芒已是油尽灯枯。 Lord of Life and Death their both hands **, prepares to get rid at any time, but they also understand, once gets rid, they must burn Samsara, otherwise at all impossible to contend with one with Emperor of Strange Demon 生死之主他们双手**,随时准备出手,而他们也明白,一旦出手,他们就必然要燃烧轮回,不然的话根本不可能与异魔皇抗衡一 Buzz.” “嗡。” The chaos ray, under that pale big hand, is getting more and more weak, was suppressed to a Ling Qingzhu whole body ten zhang (3.33 m) range, she sees that in the heart also gently sighed, at once no longer any hesitation, ** above was covering entirely the ancient trace, started in this time becomes a blazing fierce ache, filled the body. 混沌光芒,在那苍白大手下,越来越薄弱,已是被压制到绫清竹周身十丈范围,她见状,心中也是轻轻一叹,旋即不再又任何的犹豫,**之上布满着的古老纹路,开始在此时变得炽热一种剧烈的疼痛,弥漫身体。 „!” “咻!” The originally suppressed chaos ray, counter-attacks at an astonishing speed in this time, was shakes that pale big hand unexpectedly has drawn back, but all people can see that the Ling Qingzhu whole body chaos ray was getting stronger and stronger, then, as if this entire world, vibrated in this time. 原本被压制的混沌光芒,在此时以一种惊人的速度反扑出来,竟是将那苍白大手都是震退了一些,而所有人都是能够见到,绫清竹周身混沌光芒越来越浓烈,而后,仿佛这整个天地,都是在此时震动起来。 She wants...” “她想要…” Lord of Life and Death they see that the heart is actually one startled, obviously is also realized that Ling Qingzhu is also using a similar combustion Samsara method to contend with Emperor of Strange Demon . 生死之主他们见状,心头却是一惊,显然也是察觉到了绫清竹也是在施展一种类似燃烧轮回般的手段来抗衡异魔皇 Only can sacrifice really...” They are looking at each other, deep being incapable, wells up to be careful. “真的只能一个个的牺牲吗…”他们对视着,一种深深的无力,涌上心间。 Ling Qingzhu both eyes, closing slowly, she can feel her body, as if in this with the entire world fusion in one, so long as stimulates to movement again one step, then can mobilize the most formidable strength, stops that Emperor of Strange Demon , is Lin Dong wins the final time. 绫清竹双目,缓缓的闭上,她能够感觉到她的身体,仿佛是在这一与整个天地融合在了一起,只要再催动一步,便是能够调动最为强大的力量,将那异魔皇阻拦下来,为林动争取到最后的时间。 Lin Dong, said goodbye.” 林动,再见了。” Together low muttered to pass over gently and swiftly from the Ling Qingzhu heart, then her Seal Art suddenly changed, but, in she soon will thoroughly release in the body plaster that flash of strength, in the world, has the gorgeous ray eruption to open suddenly. 一道低低的喃喃声从绫清竹心中掠过,然后她印法陡然一变,不过,就在她即将彻底释放体垩内力量的那一霎那,天地间,突然有着绚丽的光芒爆发而开。 But under shining of that gorgeous ray, Ling Qingzhu feels suddenly that her the condition of the world fusing, by the strength of another extreme terrorist, compelling had been drawn back unexpectedly. 而在那种绚丽光芒的照耀下,绫清竹突然感觉到,她的那种与天地融合的状态,竟然是被另外一股极端恐怖的力量,生生的逼退了出来。 When she was compelled withdraws from that condition, together the familiar flavor, has headed on, ** the crook of the elbow closely has surrounded her slender waist, hugs in her the bosom. 而在她被逼退出那种状态时,一道熟悉的味道,已是扑面而来,一只**的臂弯紧紧的环绕过她那纤细的腰肢,将她搂进怀中。 Again like this, that pain, do not make me try the second time again?” He embraces tightly in her the bosom, then muttered, in that sound, has the vicissitudes that was difficult to cover. “不要再这样了,那种痛苦,不要再让我尝试第二次了,好吗?”他将她搂紧怀中,然后喃喃道,那声音中,有着难掩的沧桑。 Familiar flavor, familiar sound, even if at this moment is Ling Qingzhu that lonesome and quiet mood slightly trembles, her raise one's head , is looking at that face slowly, merely is only the one month time, was the vicissitudes and profound to the black pupil, that appearance, as if he experienced thousand Samsara. 熟悉的味道,熟悉的声音,这一刻即便是绫清竹那幽静的心境都是微微一颤,她缓缓抬头,望着那张脸庞,仅仅只是一月的时间,那对黑色的眸子却是沧桑与深邃了许多,那番模样,仿佛他经历了千般轮回 Then, gives me.” “接下来,就交给我吧。” Lin Dong behind, but also has the gorgeous ray of blotting out the sky to surge, he is looking at Ling Qingzhu, shows a faint smile, said. 林动身后,还有着铺天盖地的绚丽光芒在涌动,他望着绫清竹,微微一笑,道。 Um.” “嗯。” Ling Qingzhu that ties tight ** soft slowly, at once broad and handsome forehead lightly. 绫清竹那紧绷的**缓缓的柔软,旋即螓首轻点。 Below Chaos Demonic Sea, moves in this time suddenly E, countless people are looking at that Lin Dong that at this moment presents, on face is has thick wild with joy to well up... Did they, wait till finally? 下方的乱魔海,也是在此时暴垩动起来,无数人望着那在此刻出现的林动,脸庞上皆是有着浓浓的狂喜涌出来…他们,终于等到了吗? „Did he succeed?” “他成功了?” Lord of Life and Death they look at this time Lin Dong, the heart are shaking, looking at each other that an item of belt shocks, in heart when panic-stricken, has the pleasant surprise that is difficult to cover, they can feel that Lin Dong at this time the fluctuation on body, unexpectedly was past Symbol Ancestor, was without change! 生死之主他们望着此时的林动,心头一震,目带震撼的对视着,心中在惊骇之余,也是有着难掩的惊喜,他们能够感觉到,林动此时身体上的波动,竟是当年的符祖,一般无二! Obviously, his real breakthrough to to Ancestor Realm! 显然,他真的晋入到了祖境 On this day the place, could be saved finally! 这天地,终于有救了! In the sky, Lin Dong loosens Ling Qingzhu, then looks up that demon cloud deep place, lightly is smiling, said: Solemn Emperor of Strange Demon your honorable self visit, Lin Dong said one in this generation of this day innumerable lives, waited for a long time.” 天空上,林动松开绫清竹,然后抬起头望着那魔云深处,淡淡一笑,道:“堂堂异魔皇大驾光临,林动在此代这天地无数生灵说一声,久等了。” Demonic Qi that in the sky, howled, as if also receives the suppression of that gorgeous ray in this time, became peaceful, then seemed has the demon light together to let fall, in that demon light, a shadow, gradual reappearing, the ray diverged finally, together person's shadow, appeared in the world under the gaze of innumerable [say / way] vision. 天空上,原本呼啸的魔气,仿佛也是在此时受到那绚丽光芒的压制,变得安静了一些,而后仿佛是有着一道魔光垂落下来,在那魔光中,一道黑影,逐渐的浮现,最后光芒散去,一道人影,也是出现在了天地间无数道目光的注视下。 That as before is together the person's shadow, he wears the black robe, the body is joyful long, the appearance is of outstanding ability, when Lin Dong sees his appearance, both eyes slightly have actually narrowed the eyes. 那依旧是一道人影,他身着黑袍,身体欣长,面目俊逸,只不过,当林动见到他那面目时,双目却是微微的眯了起来。
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