IGE :: Volume #9

#824: Sentiment disaster

What?! 什么?! Dark saintess? 黑暗圣女? Fights with her, but also was injured? 与她交手,还都受了伤? Ye Qingyu was swept across by wild waves at heart likely together, the whole person unprecedented anxiety, startled and anxious. 叶青羽心里像是被一道骇浪席卷而过,整个人前所未有的紧张,又惊又急。 City of Unmoving Darkness saintess...... Is it possible that is really Song Xiaojun? 黑暗不动城的圣女……莫非真的是宋小君 , Ye Qingyu stability mood, has not disclosed too, as far as possible looks like by oneself tranquil, opens the mouth to ask: „Have you seen that dark saintess? It can be said that what person she is?” 顿了顿,叶青羽稳定心情,还是没有透露太多,尽量让自己看起来平静一些,才开口问道:“你见过了那位黑暗圣女?能说说她到底是个什么样的人吗?” Actually in his moral nature, already had an answer to be vivid. 其实在他心底,已然有一个答案呼之欲出。 The phoenix day female takes a seat slowly, has recalled carefully. 凤凰天女缓缓落座,仔细回想了一下。 Afterward, in her vision is bringing Martial Artist regarding extremely the expert respect, said: Dark saintess? The hearsay she is one of the City of Unmoving Darkness Sovereign, dark King who recently appeared, seems the age is not big, the flame long hair is similar to the flame of flaming combustion is dazzling, the Dark-red battle dress, is strange and mysterious, is more like the dark blood that gathers from the innumerable dead is contaminated, moreover she is bringing the mask similarly, distinguishes the unclear portrait, but that aura and look disclosed that was actually one type with the maturity and callousness that the age did not tally extremely. Nobody knows that she came from where, but her strength, formidable fearfulness.” 随后,她的眼光中带着一丝武者对于极强者的敬意,道:“黑暗圣女吗?传闻她是黑暗不动城主宰者之一,最近才横空出世的黑暗王者,看上去年纪并不大,火红色的长发如同熊熊燃烧的火焰般耀眼,暗红色的战袍,诡异而神秘,更像是从无数死者所汇聚的暗血之中浸染而成,而且她同样带着面具,辨不清真容,但那气息和眼神所透露的,却是一种与年龄极不相符的成熟和冷酷。没有人知道她从何而来,但她的实力,强大的可怕。” Really is she...... Song Xiaojun! 真的是她……宋小君 Ye Qingyu hear phoenix day female description, surface, although does not have the wave without the billows, but in the heart shocks with excitedly. 叶青羽听完凤凰天女的描述,表面虽然无澜无波,但心中一阵震撼和激动。 He can determine that the dark saintess in phoenix day female mouth, is Song Xiaojun without doubt. 他可以确定,凤凰天女口中的黑暗圣女,就是宋小君无疑。 This split second, in the Ye Qingyu mind, cannot help but flashes through a petite simple and beautiful little girl form. 一瞬间,叶青羽的脑海中,不由自主地闪过一个娇小清丽的小女孩身影。 That will wear spacious Chinese-style gown to stand before the people maintains itself, after returning to City of Unmoving Darkness, even if lost remembers, gets rid to protect own Song Xiaojun repeatedly in secret. Has not thought that now City of Unmoving Darkness will present the road of chaos once again, but also becomes as Song Xiaojun strength of dark saintess so fearful, has been able to compare favorably with the phoenix day female unexpectedly. 那个会穿着宽宽大大的袍子站在众人面前维护自己,回到黑暗不动城之后,哪怕已经失去记忆,也多次暗中出手保护自己的宋小君。没有想到,如今黑暗不动城会再度出现混沌之路,而作为黑暗圣女的宋小君实力也变得如此可怕,竟然已经可以媲美凤凰天女。 originally hears Song Xiaojun to reappear . Moreover the strength promotion so rapid news, Ye Qingyu should feel for her happy. 原本听到宋小君重新出现,而且实力提升如此迅速的消息,叶青羽应该是为她感到高兴的。 But at this moment he actually is really happy. 但此刻他却实在是高兴不起来。 Because according to phoenix day female view, City of Unmoving Darkness and a phoenix clan now is at the potential such as the aspect of water and fire, but among them the contradiction, is not Ye Qingyu can be solved obviously. What is more important, to Ye Qingyu, phoenix day female Song Xiaojun, he does not hope that any side has an accident, particularly Song Xiaojun...... 因为按照凤凰天女的说法,黑暗不动城和凤凰一族如今正是处在势如水火的局面,而他们之间的矛盾,显然不是叶青羽所能解决的。更重要的是,对叶青羽来说,无论是凤凰天女还是宋小君,他都不希望任何一方出事,尤其是宋小君…… Ye Qingyu turns the head to look to phoenix day female, plans to ask again has the matter about dark saintess. 叶青羽转头看向凤凰天女,打算再问一些有关于黑暗圣女的事情。 At this time, suddenly did not have the indication place, in the room, wiped light red clear brilliance to glitter suddenly baseless. 就在这个时候,突然毫无征兆地,房间之中,一抹淡红色的晶莹光华突然凭空闪烁起来。 The phoenix day female is looking at that red light, the look unexpectedly changes. 凤凰天女望着那红光,神色蓦地一变。 She has turned the head, carefully and is staring at Ye Qingyu dedicated, as if must look at the eyeground his appearance manner, carves firmly in the heart. 她转过头,仔细而专注地盯着叶青羽,仿佛是要将他的模样神态看进眼底,牢牢刻在心中。 Time arrived, in the clan Senior is urging me, I must walk......” “时间到了,族中前辈在催我,我得走了……” In the phoenix day female expression, having one to lose. 凤凰天女的语气之中,带着一丝失落。 Ye Qingyu is startled, is almost the instinct start to talk, asked: Where goes to?” 叶青羽一怔,几乎是本能开口,问道:“去哪里?” However, has not waited for the phoenix day female to open the mouth again, in room in addition silver brilliance flashes through from his side together suddenly. 然而,还未等凤凰天女再开口,房间之中的另一道银色的光华突然从他身边闪过。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 Some astonished also many words Ye Qingyu that wants to ask again, but before has not responded, was covered the whole body by the silver rune brilliance, was transmitted directly left this room. 一脸愕然还有许多话想要再问的叶青羽,但在还没有反应过来之前,被银色符文光华笼罩全身,直接被传送离开了这个房间。 When the Ye Qingyu personal appearance was similar to the illusion bubble vanishes generally gradually in the air same time, in room that the phoenix day female was, two ripples moved slightly, two went out from the brilliance ripples. 而当叶青羽的身形如同梦幻泡影一般渐渐地消失在了空气里的同一时间,凤凰天女所在的房间中,两道涟漪微微一动,有两道自光华涟漪之中走出。 One is to put on the silver fights clothes, the appearance is pretty, look ice-cold, but is leading also an immature black Devil race little princess. 一个是穿着银色战衣,容貌俏丽清秀,神色冰冷但却还带着一丝稚嫩的黑魔族小公主。 But another is phoenix day female protecting Daoist. 而另一个则是凤凰天女的护道人 Your Excellency, all prepared, in clan Flamings flame hall Elite, advanced one step to go to the battlefield......” that berm elder to see the phoenix day female, in the eye flashes through one to love dearly with does not endure, after all as Your Excellency protecting Daoist, he followed in phoenix day female many years, almost it can be said that looks that phoenix Your Excellency grows, how can also not know her the regard of this rushing about. 冕下,一切都准备好了,族中【炽炎堂】的精锐,已经先行一步前往战场了……”那位护道长老看着凤凰天女,眼中闪过一丝心疼和不忍,毕竟作为冕下的护道人,他已经跟随在凤凰天女身边很多年,几乎可以说是看着凤凰冕下成长起来的,又岂会不知她这番奔波的心意。 The phoenix day female, nods subconsciously, but vision as before some carelessly. 凤凰天女哦了一声,下意识地点点头,但目光依旧有些胡乱。 The berm elder sees this, was sighing at heart secretly. 护道长老看到这一幕,在心里暗暗地叹息了一声。 He has not thought really absolutely, in clan proud peerless pearl, this ice-cold like is the iceberg goddess that can never melt, making a phoenix clan be as for the God's favored one who the innumerable Alien race Tianjiao going after like ducks crazy pursue actually completely runs into a wall, within such short time, because of Black Demon Abyss 18 area one lines, came from to one Human Race Lower Domain peon unexpectedly was moved. 他真的是万万都没有想到,族内骄傲的绝世明珠,这个冰冷的像是一座永远都不会化开的冰山一样的神女,让凤凰一族乃至于无数异族天骄们都趋之若鹜疯狂追求却又全部碰壁的天之骄子,竟然在这么短的时间之内,因为黑魔渊18区一行,就对一个来自于人族下界的无名小卒动了情。 The berm elder is a seasoned person, follows to be longest in the phoenix day female side, naturally also most understands her. 护道长老是过来人,跟在凤凰天女的身边最久,自然也就最为了解她。 This understanding degree, actually also by far and not Shangfenghuang day female's falling to the enemy degree in sentiment. 只是这种了解程度,却还远远及不上凤凰天女在感情上的沦陷程度。 Yes, the berm elder had realized very much clearly now that the phoenix day female regarding the Ye Qingyu sentiment, can only describe with a word, that falls to the enemy. 是的,护道长老如今已经很清楚地意识到,凤凰天女对于叶青羽的感情,只能用一个词来形容,那就是沦陷。 By phoenix day female disposition, once falls into the sentiment tribulation, that is really Undead/Immortal continuous, no matter what happened, absolutely will not turn head, will not change in own heart again the subordinate , when saw that Ye Qingyu and that Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) empress arrive at hear Shengtai hand in hand, that split second, the heart of berm elder looked like by any thing is clutched simply maliciously, he even flushed exits a sword to cut to open impulsive of that two pairs of hands. 以凤凰天女的性格,一旦真的陷入情劫,那就真的是不死不休,不管发生什么事情,都绝对不会回头,也不会再改变自己的心中所属,所在在看到叶青羽和那位天荒女帝手牵着手走到闻圣台的时候,那一瞬间,护道长老的心简直就像是被什么东西给狠狠地揪了起来,他甚至都冲出去一剑斩开那两双手的冲动。 To today, including berm elder, could not bear thinks that initially in the tao low stool range ominous beast peak, oneself agreed with and a strength insisted makes Ye Qingyu follow the phoenix day female to enter lives the gate dark, is a correct decision, is a mistake to the odd choice? 到了今天,连护道长老自己,都忍不住会去想,到底当初在梼杌岭凶兽峰上,自己同意并一力坚持让叶青羽追随凤凰天女进入黑暗生门,到底是一个正确的决定,还是一个错误到离谱的选择? If no Black Demon Abyss 18 areas, the phoenix day female likely isn't today like this will be perhaps passive? 如果没有黑魔渊18区,也许凤凰天女不会像是今天这样被动? Although a phoenix clan and Human Race is the treaty of alliance camp right, but speaks the truth, previous time has the members of phoenix clan to marry Human Race, was how many years ago matters? To lives several thousand years of berm elder to record old continually is not clear. Let alone phoenix day female is relating the phoenix clan destiny and future clan pearl of like this, how possibly to marry to a Human Race nameless boy? 凤凰一族虽说是与人族乃是盟约阵营没错,但说实话,上一次有凤凰族的成员嫁给人族,是多少年之前的事情了?年代久远到连活了数千年的护道长老自己都已经记不清楚了。何况凤凰天女这样关系着凤凰族命运和未来的族之明珠,怎么可能下嫁给人族一个无名小子? Even if the Human Race peerless Tianjiao, wants to get married the phoenix day female, the possibility is not very big. 就算是人族的绝世天骄,想要迎娶凤凰天女,可能性都不是很大。 Let alone present Ye Qingyu, although also had certain fame, has caused the stir of certain extent, but level of distance peerless Tianjiao, but also has missed many many. 何况如今的叶青羽,虽说是也有了一定的名气,也算是造成了一定程度的轰动,但距离绝世天骄的层面,还差了许多许多。 Several times, the berm elder wants to find the opportunity to elucidate the phoenix day female, but has words on the tip of the tongue, looks at her limpid look, could not say again incoming call. 有好几次,护道长老想要找机会开解一下凤凰天女,但话到嘴边,看着她清澈的眼神,却再也说不出来话。 Also sighed in the low lowland at heart, buries these all trains of thought in the heart, the berm elder no longer goes to think other. 又在心里低低地叹息了一声,将这些所有的思绪都埋在心中,护道长老不再去想其他。 Because knew this time, a more important matter, needed the phoenix day female to be done. 因为知道这个时候,还有更加重要的事情,需要凤凰天女去做。 Thinks that analyzes the aspect of soon facing, the berm elder is also some headaches. 想到解析来即将面临的局面,护道长老也是有些头疼。 A he very clear following war, regarding phoenix day female importance. 他非常明白接下来的一战,对于凤凰天女的重要性。 Therefore he has put finally down that heart of faint trace love, the firm start to talk, said as before once again: Your Highness, you must leave as soon as possible, otherwise in the dark prison battlefield, in the clan elite a group of people without a leader, the situation will be more disadvantageous.” 所以他最终还是放下了那一丝丝疼爱之心,坚定开口,依旧再度道:“殿下,您必须尽快动身了,否则暗狱战场之中,族内菁英群龙无首,局势会更加不利。” The phoenix day female nodded. 凤凰天女点了点头。 But his vision is somewhat complex, does not know that is still pondering anything. 但他的目光有些复杂,不知还在思考着什么。 Nearby, does not know why will present the black Devil race little princess here, then winked the nimble and resourceful big eye, looked at around the room, afterward the vision returns to the phoenix day female once again, could not bear laugh mischievously. 一旁,不知道为什么会出现在这里的黑魔族小公主,则是眨了眨灵动的大眼睛,看了看房间四周,随后目光再度回到凤凰天女身上,忍不住调皮大笑了起来。 Ha Ha...... Elder sister, your this appearance...... Well? Liked Ye Qingyu really? Ha Ha, do not say are not, otherwise, how you will not hesitate to hold the body of injury, one side does not hesitate to put a battlefield of phoenix clan temporarily, in catches up with this Tong Tian City surely, to see one side him.” “哈哈……姐姐,你这副模样……咦?是不是真的喜欢上叶青羽了吧?哈哈,你可不要说不是,不然的话,你怎么会不惜托着受伤之躯,不惜将凤凰一族的战场暂放一边,千万里赶来这通天城,就是为了见他一面。” Your this kid...... I just am because before , once had promised him, wants, when Heaven Wasteland Domain rating here.” Phoenix day female manner and expression become the nature, but in her heart actually as if not repel that little princess's view. “你这小家伙……我只不过是因为之前曾许诺过他,要在天荒界评级的时候来这里。”凤凰天女神态和语气都重新变得自然,但她的心中却似乎并不排斥那位小公主的说法。 Oh, it seems like you really liked Ye Qingyu, Ha Ha, a commitment can make you so rush about in such crucial time, it seems like that this commitment was important the facial expression that......” the black Devil race little princess showed to be suddenly enlighted, hurried the double hand back after behind, exhibits one to draw the conclusion intentionally the proper appearance, said: Elder sister, you were moved.” “噢,看来你是真的喜欢上叶青羽了,哈哈,一个承诺就能让你在这么关键的时刻如此奔波,看来这个承诺非常重要啊……”黑魔族小公主露出恍然大悟的神情,赶紧吧双手背在身后,故意摆出一副得出结论的正经模样,道:“姐姐呀,你动情了哦。” You know anything.” The phoenix day female beautiful pupil stares. “你知道什么。”凤凰天女美眸一瞪。 After the beforehand some cooperation, Black Demon Abyss and relations of phoenix clan entered the honeymoon, because is the homogeneous relations, in addition once had the experience that the life and death has been locked in a stalemate in the Black Demon Abyss 18 areas, the black Devil race little princess and phoenix day female, the actually rare disposition gets along well, being together is the close friend is ordinary. 经过之前的一些合作,黑魔渊和凤凰一族的关系已经进入了蜜月期,而因为是同性的关系,加之曾经在黑魔渊18区之中有过生死相持的经历,黑魔族小公主和凤凰天女,倒是难得的性格投契,相处的似是密友一般。 The black Devil race little princess actually thinks little regarding phoenix day female categorically denying. 魔族小公主对于凤凰天女的矢口否认却不以为意。 This kid looking pensive nodded, said: Hee hee, does not want not to acknowledge that the elder sister you likes him actually, this is also very normal, this Ye Qingyu, the strength potential or the bearing elegant demeanor, can indeed can be called are ten thousand clan youth first person in one generation, if I early live for several years, age long several years old, only feared again also will like him liking like mad.” 这个小家伙若有所思地点了点头,道:“嘻嘻,不要不承认嘛,其实姐姐你喜欢他,这也很正常,这个叶青羽,无论是实力潜力还是气度风采,的确都可以称得上是万族青年一代之中的第一人呢,我若是早生几年,年龄再长几岁,只怕也会喜欢他喜欢的要死要活呢。” Your this kid, even more talked nonsense,” phoenix day female offered a sacrifice to a space link, opened door of the space in the room directly, said: It seems like I must make the person return to Black Demon Abyss you.” “你这个小家伙,越发胡言乱语了,”凤凰天女祭出一枚空间手环,直接在房间里打开了一座空间之门,道:“看来我要让人把你送回黑魔渊了。” During the speeches, three forms enter the gate of space, vanished in same place. 说话之间,三个身影进入空间之门,消失在了原地。 ...... …… ...... …… Ye Qingyu does not know one leave the dialog that the later that room has. 叶青羽并不知道自己离开之后那个房间发生的对话。 Obviously that transmission of final time, is not the phoenix day female control, actually Ye Qingyu also wants to ask something, particularly involved City of Unmoving Darkness, this simply was a Ye Qingyu worry, if can clarify a battle reason between phoenix clan and City of Unmoving Darkness, can perhaps melt...... 显然最后时刻的那个传送,并不是凤凰天女掌控,其实叶青羽还想多问一些事情,尤其是涉及到了黑暗不动城,这简直就是叶青羽的一块心病,如果能够弄清楚凤凰一族和黑暗不动城之间的争斗来由,说不定能够化解……
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