ED :: Volume #21

#2004: human skin secret

The mountain, does not lie in high, the sea, does not lie in deep, has Grand Dao, then Myriad Law is bright. 山,不在于高,海,不在于深,有大道,则万法明。 Has the innumerable mountain peaks in Library, has the one great river to occupy, mountains and rivers that entire Library occupies can be said as very grand, very deeply moving. 书斋有着无数的山峰,更是有一条条大江盘踞,整个书斋所占的山河可以说是十分的壮丽,也是十分的动人心弦。 In many eyes, although Library collects books trillion, but is the mixed books, there's nothing uses, naturally has person many of such idea is ordinary people. 在很多人眼中,书斋虽然藏书亿万,但都是杂书,没有什么用,当然有这样想法的人多数是属于凡夫俗子。 The true knowledge understood that the Library mysterious person does not believe like this, because in Library is still hiding heaven frightening secret book, here is hiding some bystanders not unimaginable thing, this domain also top Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch can understand. 真知懂得书斋奥妙的人并不是这样认为,因为书斋之中依然藏着惊天秘笈,在这里藏着一些外人所无法想象的东西,这种领域也只有高位的大帝仙王才能懂得的。 A short peak, there's nothing outstanding place, moreover this short peak is the rock is clear, sets up the tree vine grass many, does not grow scatteredly, this short peak has one is stone wall. 一座矮峰,没有什么出众之处,而且这座矮峰是岩石磷磷,树木藤草不多,稀稀落落地生长,这座矮峰有一面是石壁 More specifically, this is one piece of big rock grows there, rock grey hemp, rough incomparable, will trace also to iron the hand with the hand, this will seem like knock down of raindrop knock down on the rock in small hole that will come out to be the same. 更准确地说,这是一块大岩石生长在那里,岩石灰麻,粗糙无比,用手摸上去还会烙手,这就好像是雨点打落在岩石上所打落出来的小坑一样。 Li Qiye sits on the rock to this short peak not far away, looks at this short peak, ponders over big rock that in this short peak is growing at present dull at present carefully. 李七夜就是坐在离这座矮峰不远处的岩石上,呆呆地看着眼前这座矮峰,仔细地琢磨着眼前这座矮峰上所生长的大岩石 Li Qiye gets up to sit there very early in the morning, looks at this short peak has been in a daze, once for a while he also pulls out human skin carefully to watch from the bosom, strokes with the palm carefully, is estimating this human skin earnestly. 李七夜一大早起来就坐在那里,一直看着这座矮峰发呆,时不时他还从怀中掏出人皮来仔细观看,用手掌去细细抚摸,认真地揣摩着这一张人皮 This human skin is obtains from the Samsara Wild Ancestor hand, Samsara Wild Ancestor once maintained life with this human skin, was linking 20 Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch unable to puncture this human skin at that time jointly, can say this human skin extremely heaven defying, extremely terrifying. 这张人皮乃是从轮回荒祖手中得到的,轮回荒祖曾经用这张人皮来保命,在当时连二十位大帝仙王联手都打不穿这张人皮,可以说这张人皮极为逆天,极为恐怖 After Li Qiye obtained this human skin, estimates carefully, this makes him decide Deity Academy. 李七夜得到了这张人皮之后,仔细揣摩,这才让他决定来天神书院的。 This human skin is not big, entire human skin is seemingly complete, it seems like from this human skin from someone peels, or is someone own exuviate trades. 这一张人皮并不大,整个人皮看起来完整,从这张人皮来看它好像是从某一个人身上剥下来,或者是某一个人自己蜕换下来的。 In brief, from this human skin, this person should not be considered as that the tall and strong person, moreover observes and emulates carefully, letting the person is unable to discover that this human skin has what specially unusual place, or is the specially precious place. 总之,从这张人皮来看,这个人应该不算是魁梧的人,而且仔细观摩,让人无法发现这张人皮有什么特别与众不同的地方,或者说是特别珍贵之处。 If this human skin does not obtain from the Samsara Wild Ancestor hand, only feared that many people do not believe this human skin can shoulder the unions of 20 Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch to strike. 如果说这张人皮不是从轮回荒祖手中得到,只怕很多人都不会相信这张人皮是能扛得住二十位大帝仙王的联合一击吧。 even if Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, is unable to know that this human skin origin, in fact, among Whole World only feared no one knows this human skin true origin, such as Li Qiye and like Samsara Wild Ancestor, they still only know even some that's all, is unable to determine probably completely, because this inside involved too many heaven frightening secrets. 就算是大帝仙王,都无法知道这张人皮的来历,事实上,举世之间只怕没有人知道这张人皮的真正来历,就算如李七夜、如轮回荒祖,他们也只知道一些大概而己,无法完全确定,因为这里面涉及了太多惊天的秘密了。 About this human skin, Li Qiye knows some legend, is unable to find the record about these legend, can say, only then Li Qiye and Samsara Wild Ancestor such exist(ence) has glanced through the person who survives the epoch record much knows in some heaven frightening secrets. 关于这张人皮,李七夜知道一些传说,关于这些的传说是无法找到记载的,可以说只有李七夜轮回荒祖这样的存在翻阅过不少残存纪元记载的人才知道这里面的一些惊天秘密。 even if once had to survive epoch to record, that also is just few that's all, has not talked over thoroughly, since or Eternal no one really has also known in this concrete mystery. 只是就算是曾有残存纪元记载过,那也只不过是寥寥几句而己,并未深谈,或者万古以来也没有人真正知道这里面的具体奥妙了。 In this world there are no Immortals, or had also once had person who is close to the immortal.” Li Qiye is caressing the human skin on knee gently, muttered said. 世间无仙,或者也曾有过接近仙的人吧。”李七夜轻轻地抚着膝上的这张人皮,不由喃喃地说道。 This issue, too many people have asked that does world have the immortal? This issue no one can give the answer, even Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch is unable to give the answer. In world most powerful was also Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch of 12 life, such as World Emperor they. 这一个问题,太多人问过了,世间有仙吗?这个问题没有人能给出答案,连大帝仙王都无法给出答案。在世间最强大的也莫过于十二条命的大帝仙王了,如世帝他们。 But no matter World Emperor they powerful, they are still not the immortals, therefore until now many people think that world does not have the immortal, if there is an immortal, that also is just False Immortal that's all. 但不管世帝他们有多强大,他们依然不是仙,所以一直以来有很多人认为世间并没有仙,若是有仙,那也只不过是伪仙而己 However, the appearance of this human skin, actually broke some thing. Although Li Qiye also once knew this legend before, but has not actually seen with own eyes, now opened human skin already in his hands, this made Li Qiye be lost in thought again, this made him think of more ancient legend. 但是,这一张人皮的出现,却打破了一些东西。虽然以前李七夜也曾经知道这个传说,但却从来没有亲眼见到过,现在张人皮已经在他手中了,这再一次让李七夜陷入了沉思,这让他想到了一个更加古老的传说 Or, in this has the method.” After Li Qiye received in the hand this human skin, looks at this short and small mountain peak, mutters again at present said: Nonexistent World, this indeed is not possible, but, who knows that this is really impossible, world there's nothing is impossible.” “或者,这里面还是有门路。”李七夜收起了手中这张人皮之后,不由再次看着眼前这座矮小的山峰,喃喃地说道:“不可能存在的世界,这的确是不可能,但,又有谁知道这是不是真的不可能呢,世间没有什么不可能的。” At once, Li Qiye looks at this short peak is lost in thought at present, this short peak deeply attracted him, as if world there's nothing compares it lets the person be fascinated, there's nothing compared it more appealing. 一时之间,李七夜看着眼前这一座矮峰出神,这一座矮峰深深地吸引了他,似乎世间没有什么比它更加让人着迷的了,没有什么比它更加吸引人了。 Deity Academy, constructs in the Immortal Emperor Fei hand, and has Divine Emperor Zhong Nan to support when the foundation, considers, inheritance like Deity Academy when the foundation, it experienced many screening. 天神书院,建于飞仙帝手中,而且在创建之时有终南神帝撑腰,试想一下,像天神书院这样的一个传承在创建之时,它是经历了多少的筛选。 It can be said that when Immortal Emperor Fei founds Deity Academy, Divine Emperor Zhong Nan has the Supreme position in 13 Continents incessantly, even if Immortal Emperor Fei also has very high position in Great Emperor. 可以说,在飞仙帝创建天神书院之时,不止终南神帝十三洲有着至高无上的地位,就算是飞仙帝在诸位大帝之中也有着很高的地位。 If Immortal Emperor Fei wants to choose a place to found Deity Academy, then 13 Continents has too many places to make him choose, even many treasure lands immortal earth make him choose. 如果说飞仙帝想选一个地方创建天神书院,那么十三洲有着太多的地方让他选择了,甚至有不少宝地仙土让他去选择。 But finally Immortal Emperor Fei and Divine Emperor Zhong Nan actually chose this place, moreover in the past this place was the place of without owner, very bleak. Although is so, Immortal Emperor Fei and Divine Emperor Zhong Nan still established Deity Academy here, finally after experiencing generations of operations, had Deity Academy today's scale. 但最终飞仙帝终南神帝却选择了这个地方,而且当年这块地方是无主之地,十分的荒凉。尽管是如此,飞仙帝终南神帝依然是在这里建立了天神书院,最终经历了一代代的经营之后,才有了天神书院今天的规模。 In the past Immortal Emperor Fei and Divine Emperor Zhong Nan gave up so many treasure lands immortal earth not wanting, actually constructed Deity Academy in such one piece of bleak place, behind this has the generation of later generation unable the [comprehend/comprehension] secret. 当年飞仙帝终南神帝放弃那么多的宝地仙土不要,却偏偏把天神书院建在了这样的一块荒凉之地,这背后是有着后世之辈无法参悟的秘密。 If can behind the secret regarding this be able to know -and-a-half claws, that belongs to peak Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, the range in this involving, this by far was not the category that general High God or Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch can browse. 如果说能对于这背后秘密都能知道一丝半爪的,那都是属于巅峰大帝仙王,这里面所涉及的范围,这远远不是一般的上神或者大帝仙王所能涉猎的范畴了。 Deity Academy this back is hiding many secrets, in fact regarding these secrets, Li Qiye many understands clearly in the heart, but some thing actually have lingered in the heart, can only peep its spot, cannot see the overall picture. 天神书院这背后藏着很多秘密,事实上对于这些秘密,李七夜多数都了然于胸,但有一些东西却一直萦绕于心,只能窥其一斑,未能见全豹。 For example this short and small mountain peak, has pondered over in beforehand Li Qiye at present, moreover pondered over for a long time was very very long, even pondered over era, how but regardless of Li Qiye pondered over, peeped spot that's all, is unable to see the overall picture, this inside ultimate mystery was still the dull non-solution. 就比如说眼前这一座矮小的山峰,在以前李七夜都曾经琢磨过,而且琢磨了很久很久,甚至琢磨了一个时代,但不论李七夜如何琢磨,也只是窥其中一斑而己,无法见全豹,这里面最终极的奥妙依然是索然无解。 These obtained this human skin from Samsara Wild Ancestor time, this gave Li Qiye to open a window door, making Li Qiye have brand-new perspective, it is for this reason that this made Li Qiye think Deity Academy the short peak, these came back time, he was in [comprehend/comprehension] this profound principles, because this human skin of this short peak in his hand has the greatest relations, has the origin that the bystander did not know. 这一次从轮回荒祖得到了这张人皮,这给李七夜打开了一扇窗门,让李七夜有了一个全新的角度,正是因为如此,这让李七夜想到了天神书院的这座矮峰,这一次回来,他就是要参悟这里面玄机的,因为这座矮峰与他手中这张人皮有着莫大的关系,其中有着外人所不知道的渊源。 About this epoch, many too many secrets have not known for the world, in fact many people do not know that actually own epoch how long, as for before this epoch, the world does not know. 关于这个纪元,还有许多太多的秘密不为世人所知,事实上很多人都不知道自己纪元究竟有多长,至于在这个纪元之前,世人更加不知道了。 But Li Qiye belongs knowing one of the secrets extreme small numbers of people, it is for this reason that he will ponder over with hardship, he will need these times, will need these thing, after all a ultimate war, will not be then the simple matter, some people have succeeded otherwise. 李七夜属于知道这些秘密的极为少数人之一,正是因为如此,他才会苦苦去琢磨,他需要这些时机,也需要这些东西,毕竟最终极一战,并不是那么简单的事情,否则的话早就是有人成功了。 Li Qiye sits there one moves motionless, just like looked that stayed was the same, calmly sits there, probably changed to the stone carving to be the same. 李七夜坐在那里一动都不动,宛如是看呆了一样,在那里静静地坐着,好像是化作了石雕一样。 Was in a daze looks at in Li Qiye the second day of this short peak, Ye Xinxue looks for Li Qiye at present, but she noticed that Li Qiye sat there motionlessly, looks at this short peak, she finds it strange at present. 李七夜发呆地看着眼前这一座矮峰的第二天,夜欣雪就来找李七夜了,但她看到李七夜一动不动地坐在那里,看着眼前这一座矮峰,她都不由觉得奇怪。 Ye Xinxue unclear before the eyes this short peak has what attractiveness, saw that Li Qiye looks at this mountain peak is in a daze at present, Ye Xinxue is also pondering over at present this short peak carefully, but she cannot see what clue. 夜欣雪不明白眼前这一座矮峰有什么好看,看到李七夜看着眼前这座山峰发呆,夜欣雪也不由仔细地琢磨着眼前这座矮峰,但她看不出什么端倪来。 Naturally, if Ye Xinxue can [comprehend/comprehension] have what clue, Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch of all previous generations did not need to mix, after all this inside profound principles top Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch is unable continually the ginseng/partake end. 当然了,如果夜欣雪都能参悟出什么端倪了,历代的大帝仙王都不用混了,毕竟这里面的玄机连高位的大帝仙王都无法参端。 Although Ye Xinxue is unable from this short peak to see that what profound principles comes, but she has the patience to wait for, is waiting for Li Qiye in side, waits for Li Qiye to recover. 尽管夜欣雪无法从这一座矮峰中看出什么玄机来,但她还是十分有耐心地等待着,在旁边待候着李七夜,等待着李七夜回过神来。 day the sunset, toward having the evening falls, day-by-day in the past, Li Qiye hit quickly grasping the meaning of something finally, when he sobers all of a sudden, rustle makes noise just like petrification him, his whole body exposes many dust. 日起日落,朝起暮落,一天天过去,终于李七夜打了一个激灵,当他一下子清醒过来的时候,宛如石化的他都沙沙作响,他全身抖落不少灰尘。 This is possible, possibly.” Li Qiye recovers, muttered said. At this time his an eye becomes profound, muttered said: old man has also become aware in the past years, no wonder he will say that has told me.” “这不无可能,不无可能呀。”李七夜回过神来的时候,不由喃喃地说道。此时他的一双眼睛变得深邃,喃喃地说道:“老头在当年也是有所悟呀,难怪他会说已经告诉我了。” After thinking comprehend and understand, Li Qiye deeply shouted inspires, this made him possibly think some. 明悟之后,李七夜不由深深地呼吸了一口气,这让他想到了一些可能。 At this time, Li Qiye both eyes becomes profound, muttered said: Or this is also a transformation time, some people had Heavenly Treasure indeed are extraordinary, but, world also not only then Heavenly Treasure that's all, the human affairs always makes one be hard the anticipation!” 此时,李七夜双目变得深邃,喃喃地说道:“或者这也是一个转变的时候了,有人拥有天宝的确是了不得,但是,世间也不仅仅只有一件天宝而己,世事总是那么的让人难于意料!” Li Qiye is completely relaxed, this comprehension harvested to him is really big, this made him open leaf of portal, in fact this matter some people had tried hard before. 李七夜心旷神怡,这一次领悟对于他来说收获实在是太大了,这让他打开了一扇门户,事实上这件事情在以前就曾经有人努力过。 Finally Li Qiye laughs, patted clapping, stood, Li Qiye is the intention is happy at this moment. 最终李七夜不由大笑一声,拍了拍手,站了起来,此时此刻李七夜是心怀大悦。 Teacher-- saw Li Qiye to recover finally, is waiting for in side Ye Xinxue has walked up, to Li Qiye deep bowing the body. 老师——”见李七夜终于回过神来了,一直在旁边待候着的夜欣雪走上前去,向李七夜深深一鞠身 When Li Qiye is in a daze, she does not dare to disturb Li Qiye, feared that alarmed the Li Qiye ponder. 李七夜发呆的时候,她是不敢打扰李七夜,怕惊扰了李七夜沉思。 Li Qiye took back the vision from the short peak, the vision falls in the body of Ye Xinxue, looked at Ye Xinxue, smiles lightly, said: You considered.” 李七夜从矮峰上收回了目光,目光落于夜欣雪的身上,看了看夜欣雪,淡淡一笑,说道:“你考虑好了。” Ye Xinxue has come prepared, at this time she no longer hesitates, although is still has three points tender timid, but among the manners is firm. 夜欣雪已经是有备而来,此时她不再犹豫,虽然依然是有着三分的娇怯,但神态间已经是坚定了许多。 Teacher said right.” The Ye Xinxue firm place nod, said: I indeed should walk, I indeed should not continue to withdraw in the own fortress.” 老师说得没错。”夜欣雪坚定地点了点头,说道:“我的确是应该走出来的时候,我的确不应该继续龟缩在自己的堡垒之中。” Please pay attention to desolate health/life public number „the Xiao Residence regiment. 请关注萧生的公众号“萧府军团”。
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