
Thriller Paradise

Thriller Paradise

San Tian Liang Jiao 77 2017-10-09

12 Negative
7 Neutral
65 Positive

This is a game that surpasses dimensions.

It is also a competition for the search of truth.

Unknown seals, a game of chance with ghosts and gods…

The digital struggle, the redemption of humans…

In the virtual world that links with reality——It consciously decided us. It consciously chose us. It consciously decided our consciousness.

And now, throw away your fear.

Throw away your selfish thoughts, questions, and resistance… Free your mind.

Welcome to: Thriller Paradise.

Virtual Evolution

Virtual Evolution

Hundred Refinments to become War Dead 73 2018-05-04

15 Negative
9 Neutral
41 Positive

In the virtual world, power is what you seek. In reality, it’s the pursuit of truth.

But the game is not actually a game.


Virtual World: Unparalleled Under the Sky

Virtual World: Unparalleled Under the Sky

Shi Luo Ye 66 2017-02-25

19 Negative
5 Neutral
34 Positive

Lu Chen was one of the ranked players on CGL Hall of Fame for the VRMMORPG , and his in-game name Fallen Dust was resounded throughout China.

When , a new VRMMORPG released by the same game producer as , was released, he, along with thousands of other players, decided to have a brand new start on the highly anticipated game. Then, the guild master of his previous guild on , He Yi, suddenly decided to create a game studio and dragged him along. Thus began the journey of the legend of an unparalleled player, Fallen Dust…

Rebirth of the Super Thief

Rebirth of the Super Thief

Yuandian yigediao 64 2017-05-29

19 Negative
8 Neutral
33 Positive

Let go of your burden and chase the footsteps of your predecessors from the shadow.

Blinded in the past life, hence train the body to locate enemy by sound.

Upon rebirth, using the future information, obtain the best equipment! Purgatory transcript on strategy! The strongest thief skills!

With a dagger in my hands, slaughter the world of those who oppose me.

Traditions does not die only fade away

Super Landgraf of the Online Game's Three Kingdoms

Super Landgraf of the Online Game's Three Kingdoms

Three Hearts With Two Defects (三心二缺) 59 2019-06-02

8 Negative
5 Neutral
27 Positive

The virtual reality game, «War of Worlds», engulfs the globe as it takes various countries' classical histories and legends as the background. With access via brain waves and 100% simulated physical sensation, it becomes known as humanity's second world. But the biggest gift from «War of Worlds» is the controlled condition of cashing in game characters and having them appear in reality!

Conceive a reality where one can fight with Zhao Yun and Guan Yu together, or a reality where you could walk around with Diaochan and Oichi and take in the amazed gazes of passerbyers! Naturally, as the game progresses there will be even more splendid things to discover...


Because of a rebirth pill, he had been chased through the game and reality to his death. With his second chance here now, Yang Rui re-enters the game and vows to solve the doubts in his heart...