
The Rise of the Shen Family

The Rise of the Shen Family

Shenmu Golden Knife 12 2022-07-01

0 Negative
0 Neutral
3 Positive

In the land of Lingnan, the meeting of the wind and the clouds, the ordinary disciples of the small family, led the family to rise up in this cruel immortal cultivation world. Mortals, farming.

The Righteous Players

The Righteous Players

No Praying for Ten Strings 12 2021-11-11

4 Negative
0 Neutral
11 Positive

Annan transmigrated to a new world – the Land of Dense Fog. He had become a rare elite NPC who possessed the player’s system.

However, he had the heart of a player.

I like to stir up matters, and unbridled. But, I’m a kind player. The ally of justice who is favored by this world.

I’m on a main mission. As the righteous player, I’m following my destiny to eradicate you, the evil NPC!

Dear player, I’d recommend you to stop running away. The mission is completed. I’m the righteous NPC now to punish you, the evil players…

In the long dark night, the crimson moon hangs high in the sky.

Hoarse whisper patrols the streets. The brass steam engine is emitting blood mist.

Your brain is in ecstasy; your eyes are enchanted.

With cracked skins, it sprouts new flesh.

In the gray mists, shirek cries come from the flesh wall that consumes thousands of corpses…

“Stop crying, our players don’t bite. They just want to play with you.”

The Solitary Schemer, Number 1 Player, Land of Dense Fog’s Savior, Leader of 13 Saints, Friend of 12 Upright Deity, Pioneer King, “The Righteous One,” Gatekeeper of Forth Disaster, Crownless Deity, the great Annan advised kindly.

The protagonist is obviously strong but he's too cautious!

The protagonist is obviously strong but he's too cautious!

Stealing God Month 43 2020-10-09

5 Negative
4 Neutral
29 Positive

Introduction? What introduction? For the sake of being cautious, I won't write any introduction.

The Portal of Wonderland

The Portal of Wonderland

Wang Yu 154 2016-10-05

6 Negative
7 Neutral
90 Positive

A wonder falling down from heaven! A boy possessed by strange blood! Gods tremble! Demons flee! A boy from the land of Dong Zhou. A pink skull as his sworn friend until death. A story of a determined warrior struggling for power. A legend that shakes the galaxy and disturbs the worlds of god, demon and man.

The Overly Decent Human Immortal

The Overly Decent Human Immortal

Get Back To The Point 34 2021-03-18

1 Negative
3 Neutral
16 Positive

A relatively handsome genius is cursed by a strange disease that causes him to lose consciousness whenever a woman touches him.

The Outcast

The Outcast

Mao Ni 28 2019-06-12

8 Negative
6 Neutral
12 Positive

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them:the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.—Immanuel Kant.

When Xule read these words, he looked up the sky. He felt anger instead of shocked by the words.

In Xule’s mind, the stars are so blinding that no one can tolerate them. And if anyone were lighted by the stars they will become idiots.

So Xule gave up his dream as a graceful naval commanders auxiliary officer, and now he begin to fall as a pool doorkeeper… He does not even know what he should follow and where he should go in this Great Age of the Spectacular.

Xule, a citizen in Eastwood, came from a half-deserted star. With the ingenious and strange knowledge from some unknown power in his body, he stepped into a equally boring and interesting world.

The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament

The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament

Watching Chess 15 2022-08-09

2 Negative
3 Neutral
14 Positive

Beneath the vast Immortal Firmament, the brilliance of an era is nothing but fireworks blooming at the fingertips. Overlooking the earth, for thousands of years, life and death, where are they all? The Immortal Sects, the Sovereign Dynasties, and the Supreme Holy Lands are all just a handful of loess under the Immortal Firmament. Ten thousand years of glory, turned to dust. In the depths of the ruined earth, ashes sprout, and you and I strive to be the trees that reach the sky. What's on the other side of the Immortal Firmament?

The Original Vampire

The Original Vampire

Radish on the Scales 15 2021-12-31

3 Negative
0 Neutral
5 Positive

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water!

The Omniscient

The Omniscient

Magical Vicissitudes of the Moon 53 2020-07-19

4 Negative
6 Neutral
36 Positive

What you see can tell you everything that has happened, what you hear can see through the treacherous hearts of people, and what you feel can reveal the secrets hidden in the depths of other people's memories.

The more you know, the more unhappy you are. Looking up at the starry sky, Huang Ji feels the malice from the entire universe and the desperate situation of mankind.

Just a mere small farmer in the countryside of Earth, he had to lament, "I know too much."

Whether it was technology or mythology, or the hidden bugs of the universe... there was no escaping the perception of information.

Faced with the insoluble predicament of humans being captive to a higher civilization without knowing it, Huang Ji could only compare himself to the aliens, who knew more!

The Noble Heir is Very Fierce

The Noble Heir is Very Fierce

Young Master Guanguan 14 2021-09-28

2 Negative
0 Neutral
7 Positive

The world is like chess while the people are the pieces.

Mutual deception within the Imperial Court, the affections and hatreds in JiangHu, the four emotions of the common people, these are all nothing more than pawns used to establish ties and relationships on the chessboard, merely pieces used to burst out with a speck of flame.

In the period of Zhao Hong, it is widely rumored on the streets that a Vassal State King is lying in wait for an opportunity to seize the Imperial Throne within the Golden Palace.

In response, the Emperor summoned every Vassal State King's noble heir to study in the Imperial Capital, but the true motive is to hold them captive.

Xu Buling, as King Su's noble heir, went to the Imperial Capital and should have cautiously been in line with the phrase 'avoiding doing something that one is clumsy at to save face'.

The result......

The masses: "Noble heir Xu has both integrity and talent, he truly embodies the phrase 'Never boasting aloud, amazing the world with a single brilliant feat'.

Xu Buling: "That's not what I was doing, don't talk nonsense."

The masses: "Noble heir Xu is a wise man, he has the talent to pacify an entire country."

Xu Buling: "I don't have such talent, shut up!"

The masses: "Noble heir Xu is both talented in literature and military strategy, thus is a man who can rule the world as a minister, the greatest in these troubled times......"

Xu Buling: "You sons of bit-......"