


Hellsing 54 2018-06-01

9 Negative
5 Neutral
33 Positive

Qi Condensation. Foundation Establishment. Core Formation. In the current world, only these three realms are known to be achievable. Nascent Soul is but a legend and the realms above it lost to the the long river of time. The modern era is known as Cultivation Civilization, a balance of power and civility, excess and moderation. While cultivation remains a secret practice, it has long since exposed itself to the mundane world, quietly intertwined with each facet of society. While the world appears to be at peace, what lies underneath is a conflict between human, cultivator, and demon, brewing for ages and waiting to implode. Yet in the wake of humanity’s rapid industrialization, qi—and consequently cultivation—is dying.

Besieged on all sides by demon and human, Xu Yangyi, our protagonist, strives to reach the apex, armed only with esoteric knowledge and his cool pragmatism, and to avenge the unjust deaths of both his parents. Embroiled in conspiracy and with adversity waiting at each turn, he is undeterred in his conquest to seek the Grand Dao and break free of this world’s shackles, claiming his title as the pioneer of an era!

Monarch of the Dark Nights

Monarch of the Dark Nights

October Incense 31 2018-06-01

21 Negative
4 Neutral
14 Positive

A rain of blood poured down from the sky as the prelude for the end of day.

Sunshine was but only forever a dream whilst the living was filled with eternal crimes.

To survive, the strong plundered till death as the weak struggled for their last breath.

Then, society collapsed as everything began to relapse.

For a piece of stale bread, an olden pure maiden spread her legs.

Humans were only animals as their lusts and greed eternally prevailed.

A man’s soul went back to his former life to face the darkness and survive.

Clad in a dark-blooded coat, he traversed on the path of oaths.

For a hope he forever shielded, he rushed to the last battlefield.

King of Hollywood

King of Hollywood

Martial Power Mighty Martial 56 2018-05-04

12 Negative
7 Neutral
25 Positive

他既是公众最喜欢的导演,也是让影评人爱恨交织的导演 “艺术那玩意儿和我半点关系也没有,我只是讲故事,顺便赚点钱” 他拥有着惊人的才华,无数经典电影背后都有他的身影 “它们就放在那里,我不过只是走过去拿了起来,然后向你们展示” 他的权势无人能比,是渴望成名的人的捷径 “我喜欢好莱坞喜欢电影,所以我有了现在的事业” 他的私生活让每个男人羡慕嫉妒恨 “我只想试试能不能打破沃伦·比蒂的记录,事实证明不行,所以只好从质量上下手” 他拥有好莱坞

Demon's Path

Demon's Path

Nirvana's Dance 66 2018-05-04

8 Negative
5 Neutral
20 Positive

100 years of cultivation to become a demon, 1000 to become Buddha. But Ling Xiao was no saint, so 100 years would suffice.

How would Ling Xiao cultivate? By throwing shade at those who were an eyesore, trampling on those who dared to slander him, and beating up anyone with the idea of walking all over him!

Ling Xiao believed in a simple philosophy: Whoever dared to compete with him over women and money deserved death!

Infinity Armament

Infinity Armament

0 Chance 83 2018-05-04

8 Negative
2 Neutral
49 Positive

This world is Heaven.

Because this world has everything you dream of, everything you wish for.

This world is Hell.

Because everyone in this world are parts of a never-ending massacre.

Are you fighting to survive, or fighting to come home?

Rebirth in Hollywood

Rebirth in Hollywood

#White-13 45 2018-05-04

8 Negative
9 Neutral
37 Positive

电影对我来说首先是赚钱的工具,其次是娱乐工具,至于艺术?那是什么! 关于艺术的话题,我和她辩论了一生,胜负?太容易分了,放眼全球看看是她受欢迎,还是我受欢迎! 一个电影院放映员重生到了天使之城,整个好莱坞因他而改变,这个世界从此多了一位超级巨星,小金人拿到手软,留声机不屑一顾。 他在电影史上留下了无数经典瞬间,他的作品票房相加超过了百亿美元,他就是最特别的那一个……他就是世界之王!

Virtual Evolution

Virtual Evolution

Hundred Refinments to become War Dead 73 2018-05-04

15 Negative
9 Neutral
41 Positive

In the virtual world, power is what you seek. In reality, it’s the pursuit of truth.

But the game is not actually a game.


Fantasy Falls

Fantasy Falls

Precious and Dreamy 86 2018-05-04

14 Negative
10 Neutral
60 Positive

What would happen, if one day fantasy collides with reality?

Dragon Talisman

Dragon Talisman

Dreaming The Prophecy 105 2018-05-04

10 Negative
8 Neutral
57 Positive

Skyseal Emperor Gu Taxian is perhaps the greatest Emperor in all of history. He crushed the Hundred Empires and brought them to heel, built the vast Great Stone Wall to keep out the deadly wilders, relocated mountains and rivers to promote commerce, set up roads and highways, and even promoted free academies of learning for the common man in an attempt to uplift them. But the Skyseal Emperor’s ambitions involve more than just this – he is preparing to launch a great campaign to stamp out all pagan religions, wishing to allow all men to become like gods instead of merely worshiping them. Deities, demons, and immortals alike tremble and rage at the Skyseal Emperor’s ambitions.

Gu Chensha is the nineteenth son of the Skyseal Emperor. His mother had been of the royal Chen clan of the Xian Dynasty, one of the Hundred Empires, which had betrothed her to the Skyseal Emperor in an effort to strengthen ties between them. When they refused to submit once the Skyseal Emperor began his grand campaign, he crushed them along with the rest of the Hundred Empires. Chensha’s mother then committed suicide, leaving him alone and friendless at court.

For years, Chensha played the part of a fool to avoid being targeted by the other princes… but by accident or design, he one day discovers the long-lost scroll containing the ancient technique only meant for the Sons of Heaven, the ‘Son of Heaven’s Consecration’. This technique supposedly gave the ancient Sons of Heaven the power to make mortals into gods… or strip the gods of their godhood.

Finally, Chensha had the power to change his destiny, but he still needed to be careful – his imperial siblings have spent years building up their powerbases, and neither they nor the maternal clans supporting them will take kindly to Chensha pushing his way into their ranks. Moreover, if anyone discovered that he held onto the Rites of Celestial Sacrifice instead of offering them to his imperial father, the punishment would undoubtedly be death! Only time will tell if he can make use of this opportunity to rise up to become a dragon amongst men, or just become a footnote to the grand history of the Aeternal Imperium.

Lord's Empire

Lord's Empire

Divine Heavens Clothes 332 2018-05-04

39 Negative
27 Neutral
245 Positive

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground.

With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive.