
Throne of the Apocalypse

Throne of the Apocalypse

Zhuang Bifan 97 2018-09-30

16 Negative
9 Neutral
62 Positive

A world where magic brought civilization to its zenith, is about to be destroyed.The last survivor traveled thousands of years into the past to the time when magic civilization just began. Magicians’ path is still thorny. Our hero came from the end of time to set upon the exalted throne.

Almighty Athlete

Almighty Athlete

Victory General 36 2018-09-30

42 Negative
9 Neutral
23 Positive

Athletics, sprints, high jump, long jump he could do it all, breaking the world records was known as the “Emperor Track and Field”;

In the arena of basketball with his invincible shots

In the football stadium did not lose a game known as “the undefeated king”

On the tennis court he won four Grand Slam in one year.

On the track created numerous “firsts”

He is the greatest Olympic champion.

He has many world records


Great Meltdown in the Last of Days

Great Meltdown in the Last of Days

22 Blade Flows 119 2018-09-11

11 Negative
7 Neutral
85 Positive

One day, darkness enshrouded the world.

According to the Meltdown theory, Earth’s magnetic field faced a change, and along with it, natural laws changed too.

One of the biggest disasters brought by the magnetic field’s change was the zombification of more than 80% of the world’s population.

After years of struggling, a few lucky survivors would evolve and awaken a hibernating power hidden in them.

Chu Han was never that lucky…

Ten years after the mysterious meltdown, the world dominated by humans changed hands. Zombies were the new overlords, and humanity was facing extinction.

One day, Chu Han`s consciousness returned ten years before the end of the world. Chu Han’s sudden reincarnation brought an unexpected power, which he hadn’t had in his previous hellish world. The Meltdown System!

This is a story about a world on the edge of ruins, the Meltdown System, and Chu Han, trying his best to save the people he could not save before.

Dropped In the Marvel World As a Superhero

Dropped In the Marvel World As a Superhero

Liqunxizhu 148 2018-09-11

39 Negative
22 Neutral
100 Positive

After an accidental electric shock, Jackson traversed into a parallel world filled with supreme beings—beings whose might and strength could hold the skies on their shoulder.

At first, Jackson preconceived the idea that he’d only traversed on the other side of the world, the United States, until that is various peculiarities popped up.

While watching the news channel, Jackson wondered whose the big green guy jumping up and down the buildings of New York without care.

Who is that bodybuilder statue donned in a red-blue uniform standing tall and proud in the Memorial Hall?

And who is that man flying the skies with a big hammer calling himself a God?

Jackson wondered if he should advise his parents to move away from New York.

But after a moment of thought, Jackson pulled out his mobile phone and dialed a number. “Mr. Stark, for the safety of mankind, I think it’s necessary to discuss the developments of technology and advanced armors with you.”

This is the story of a young man living in the world of Marvel who only wished to live a quiet and stable life but as fate would have it, fate had other plans for him.



Free of favours 250 2018-09-09

28 Negative
14 Neutral
129 Positive

Falling from cloud nine to becoming a lowly slave, Luo Zheng accidentally transformed himself into a weapon. The already closed curtain on his story, got ripped apart with a bang. Relying on a body comparable to the strongest of weapons, relying on a conviction to never compromise, he strode towards the summit, step by step. Grand battles for glory, powerful races fighting for power, sky trembling ground shaking. With a body like magical treasures, he overcame all adversaries in the world. The moment Luo Zheng opened his eyes, his legend began…

Two Dimensional Fantasy System

Two Dimensional Fantasy System

Yinshanzhifeng 162 2018-09-09

15 Negative
13 Neutral
85 Positive

After crossing over to another world which seemed to be a fusion between many anime worlds, The Fantasy System was unlocked for Mu Fan. After finishing the tasks given by the system, Fantasy points are given which allows him to gain access to the Fantasy store that was full of daily talents and more.

Yuuki Asuna: You know how to cook a lot of dishes, Can you teach me?

Sagiri: I don’t know anyone called Eromanga-Sensei.

Many more characters and interesting plots await us.

Rightful Lord Ye

Rightful Lord Ye

Moon Passage 30 2018-09-09

4 Negative
3 Neutral
10 Positive

他世袭罔替,却非王侯;他出身世家,却非高门。作为六扇门中的一个牢头儿,他本想老老实实把祖上传下来的这只铁饭碗一代代传承下去,却不想被一个神棍忽悠出了那一方小天地,这一去,便是一个太岁横空出世。   杨凌人称杨砍头,杨帆人称瘟郎中,他却有着更多的绰号,疯典史、驴推官、夜天子……,每一个绰号,都代表着他的一个传奇。

Drunkenly Resting Head Against Rivers and Mountains

Drunkenly Resting Head Against Rivers and Mountains

Moon Passage 14 2018-09-09

4 Negative
3 Neutral
11 Positive








Return to Ming Dynasty as Prince

Return to Ming Dynasty as Prince

Moon Passage 23 2018-09-09

14 Negative
3 Neutral
8 Positive





Dimensional Crossover Battle

Dimensional Crossover Battle

Haemophobia Lamb 135 2018-08-16

26 Negative
14 Neutral
61 Positive








