Movie World's Archvillain 电影世界大反派

Mc is killed but he's saved by the Villain System. He has to go to different movie worlds and complete tasks to earn villain points. There's more to the system and the story than just going to movie worlds. The story is somewhat simple, sometimes doesn't make sense but it's funny and entertaining. I think it's definitely worth the read. Just don't expect a serious literary masterpiece or something. Obviously.

Movies: Captain America. Transformers. RE. Marvel. HP. Fast and Furious. Underworld. The Monkey King. Avengers 2. A chinese odyssey. Spiderman. X-men. And more.

Harem: Main girls from these movies. No girls left behind. There are some originals too. Mc steal girls from the og characters obvs. Basically netori. No NTR at all. And, for those who care, all girls are 'pure' even if they had bfs before haha

Description from Azazelx
38 Negative
3 Neutral
41 Positive


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Shā Hé Liú Jīng
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2020-01-30 15:42:53
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