Me, Creator of Evil Gods! 我,邪神创造者!

Traversing into the world where evil gods are peeping and monsters are rampant, Lu Yu activated the monster editing system before he was about to be put on the altar by the cultists.

He extracted materials from all things in the world to edit and create monsters. Obtaining monsters is a talent skill and part of their power. This embarks on the road of game with the evil god.

[99 Evil Eyes] + [Cyclops Body] + [Primal Chaos Source Stone] = Primal Chaos Evil Eyes, demon eyes with the innate skill to directly kill, all things dying under its gaze

[Angel’s Blood] + [Nightmare Corpse] = Sacred Nightmare, the innate skill to call forth paradise, the dimensional space where hell and heaven blend, can exile everything.

[Seed of the Twilight World] + [Egg of a Mutated Lesser Dragon] = Dragon of the End, innate skill, natural disaster domain, incarnation of the god of natural disasters, the end of all things.

Void Shadow Spider, Hundred Armed Giant…

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One year, one dilapidated glory
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2022-01-09 22:54:20
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