I Just Want To Slack Off in Cultivation 我只想安静的做个苟道中人

"Ding Dong!"

"Welcome to the Smart Cultivation System!"

"You have chosen to cultivate the Bone Forging Art. The system will start cultivating for you. The system has detected that the host is missing the Bone Tempering Pill. Please wait a moment..."

"Ding Dong!"

"The system successfully stole ten Bone Tempering Pills for you, and the cultivation will continue..." "Important reminder, while the system is cultivating, you will lose lose control of the body..."

After getting the Smart Cultivation System, Pei Ling began to grow stronger rapidly. He was prepared to become a deity until one day...

"Ding Dong!"

"You have chosen to cultivate an unknown technique. The system has identified this as a dual cultivation method. The system will start to cultivate for you. The system has detected that the host is missing a Dao Partner. The system is looking for a Dao Partner for you..."

So, Pei Ling watched as he ran to the fairy's training room next door, drugged her, and carried her into his room...

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2022-04-10 16:24:05
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