God of Thunder 霸天雷神

After being transported to another world, Lei XinFeng must struggle to survive. His village is settled in a forest, far away from any major cities.

The simple hunter’s life is the norm. The village struggles every year to gather enough food in summer to store for winter.

However, this world is not as simple as it seems. After just turning 16 years old, his grandpa is ready to begin Lei XinFeng’s LunLi training.

Just what is Lunli, and what past did his grandpa have? Will the new training help improve his current life, and what obstacles will the coming winter bring

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19 Negative
14 Neutral
95 Positive


Translation that you see on this page are machine translations

For human translations visit Moon Bunny Cafe where it is being translated by Puttty

Novel Informations
Xiao Qian
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
3 times
Latest retranslation at
2017-02-09 12:41:51
Glossary changes till next retranslation
43 / 143
Favorites 133
Ratings 128
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