
LNMTL - Ninth and probably last Anniversary, unless Ko-fi works

12*&#@()! I honestly don't know how to start. We have reached the perfect number of 9 years in this "small" project that grew out of control and it's also perfect time to prepare for closure. I am thankful for all those years we have spent together trying to read chinese webnovels quicker than human translators could feed us.

Now fate of LNMTL lies completely in your hands

Google Adsense and Google in general shown LNMTL middle finger, and LNMTL was being funded this year entirely through what was left, donations from two users and whatever crumbs new advertiser threw our way (roughly $70 per two months).

How much it costs to keep LNMTL going in minimal capacity

Main server, $70 monthly (expires on 25th). Domain $70, yearly (paid on 9th). Translators servers, $300 yearly (expires on december 25th).

Introduce Ko-fi

Buy Me a Coffee at

On main page there is Ko-fi widget, where you can donate money to keep LNMTL going. I have no idea if LNMTL is useful to anyone, but if it is, and you can spare few bucks, please consider donating, to keep LNMTL alive longer. If we get above $110 per month, then LNTML will keep on running indefinitely (or more likely until ko-fi kicks us out) otherwise we will run as long as possible. If we don't, then with what ads provide and translation servers paid only to 25th december, LNMTL will most likely get closed.

What about updates on LNMTL

Finally I did some digging, and those are my findings:

  • Piaotian is out of question for automatic updates. It has cloudflare protection and only users manually reporting can use it. If you know how to bypass it, ping me on discord.
  • 69shuba, sometimes works, most likely they have also protection from too many requests.
  • that one works, and it successfully added missing 6370-7197 of Emperor's Domination. I have also changed raw source to Tushumi for Against the Gods and Absolute Resonance. I have also added two novels from Tushumi. If users manage to fund LNMTL, I promise to add 2 novels per month.

Try to persevere what you like from LNMTL

On github you can find plenty of downloaders that can download whole novels from lnmtl. If you do so, please use ones that use google webcache rather than the ones directly downloading from lnmtl. I will also try to persevere and store all glossaries from novels on Discord.

All depends on Ko-fi

For now we are preparing for closure of website, unless some miracle occurs and it turns out there is more users that need LNMTL than I think. Hopefully, everyone will keep on using LNMTL Discord even after closure of website as place to post memes and exchange stuff about machine translations.


Merry Christmas 2023

Visit our discord and propose novel bonuses for christmas in channel #christmas-2023-bonuses

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

LNMTL - Eighth Anniversary

Hi, Hello, Welcome.

This year had been shabby one, but anniversary is only once a year, and I still want to thank everyone for being here.

I don't know how long we can go on without good income from ads, to maintain translation machines, and whole thing is kinda dour, but adding bonus novels is mandatory.

Since this year amount of bonus novels on anniversary will be only in region of 7-10 novels, there will be maybe slightly more for christmas.

Remember to post your propositions ond (you need to be logged and have some points, more info in FAQ) and remember to join our to be able to join additional propositions pools for events.

Thank you for being here, and hopefully - we will solve whole ads thing and see each other there next year!

Google Adsense disabled ads on lnmtl

LNMTL for it's whole life has lived of adsense revenue, without revenue all servers required for it to work will be left unpaid and site will disappear into abyss.

We are currently in panic mode searching for possible solutions, any propositions welcome on discord channel

Merry Christmas 2021

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

For that Christmas to be merry, we have added 7 bonus novels that were proposed on our discord channel by readers, have fun.