WORIOA :: Volume #6

#222: Announced

Even if using the blade as the eye, uses the blade as the ear, Meng Qi does not see clearly the sound of understanding what is heard upper air at this time, the sky that only then all around crashes unceasingly and embezzles all being shattered is so real, but the nihility of approximate chaos emerges crazily, brings no light the darkness, when the light lotus and thunder live for the first time was illuminated, like monster huge mouth, once touches, the Arhat flying ash, Bodhisattva is difficult to save, is just like end the law. 即使以刀为眼,以刀为耳,孟奇此时也看不清楚听不明白高空的动静,只有四周不断崩塌的天空和吞没一切的破灭如此真实,而近似混沌的虚无疯狂涌现,带来无光的幽暗,在光莲与雷霆乍生时被照亮,如同怪物的巨口,一旦触及,罗汉飞灰,菩萨难存,恰似末法。 Under the terrifying of this world avalanche, the Meng Qi long blade grips tightly, the standing erect summit, opened the pure land, the mudstone precipitated, the livelihood took turn, the flower blossomed to fall another season. 这种天地崩塌的恐怖之下,孟奇长刀紧握,屹立山巅,生生开辟出了一方净土,泥石沉淀,日月交替,花开花落又一季。 The blade light change continuous, the tamper force with mercy, the rock blocked impact that destroys the storm, to strong feeling deep brand mark in Hui Guang(glowing light) Luo Jia and other Monster God hearts. 刀光变化不休,刚柔并济,磐石般挡住了毁灭风浪的冲击,将至强之感深深烙印在了辉光落伽妖神心中。 Qing Qiu(azure mound) looked at even the time to pass the unobservable nihility upper air, looked to control Extreme Blade Meng Qi figure, finally looked, because Golden Cudgel extracted summit large cave/hole that revealed that inside was dark, is difficult to see the bottom, as if forever will be without limits, making the person palpitation, nearby the entrance cover black fog, boiling water that rumble the tumbling, as if boiled. 青丘看了看连时光流逝都难以察觉的虚无高空,又看了看驾驭着绝刀孟奇身影,最后望了望因为金箍棒抽出而显露的山顶大洞,里面幽幽暗暗,难见底部,似乎永无止境,让人心悸,入口附近则蒙上了一层黑雾,咕噜翻滚,仿佛煮沸的开水。 She resembles suddenly, talked to oneself lowly: 她状似恍然,低低自语了一句: So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” No wonder does not need to care about Su Meng to have the thoughts, the intention prevents...... 难怪不用在意苏孟别有心思,意图阻止…… Blocks at the same time of heaven avalanche, the Meng Qi thought fluctuates at heart, associates myriad, he has not thought that the guild of this Spirit Mountain has such change. 挡住苍天崩塌的同时,孟奇心里念头起伏,联想万千,他万万没有想到此次灵山之行会出现这样的变化。 He expected that the arrived trip will not be absolutely smooth, somewhat exists does not look at Monster Clan to emit remaining Great Saint helplessly, expected that the arrived meeting nasty enemy, for example Kasyapa remains, ten thousand Buddha Golden Body of having mystical powers wisdom wait/etc., will not experience personally slightly, how beforehand can guess correctly after Spirit Mountain , the peak seal such terrifying is so such mystical the strange monster, could not guess correctly that critical moment Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong jumps suddenly, after vanishing is eternal, for the first time take action. 他预料到了此行绝对不会顺利,有些存在不会眼睁睁看着妖族放出残余大圣,也预料到了会遇见难以对付的敌人,比如稍有灵智的迦叶遗蜕、万佛金身等,可不是身临其境,事先又怎能猜到灵山后峰封印着那样恐怖那样神秘那样诡异的怪物,更加猜不到关键时刻齐天大圣孙悟空突然蹦出,消失万古后首次出手 But two at least Creator (good fortune) Great Divine Expert fight, is only the complementary waves and other below the legends the peak powerhouse changes to the fragment powder sufficiently, if not Extreme Blade absorbs the Ānanda charitable disposition, breaks through some Demon Buddha brand marks, oneself feared that can only place hopes in Chaos Green Lotus Seed unable because of this degree of being shattered to cut off with relation, thus escape alive, remoulds Dharma Body in Jade Void Palace. 而两个至少造化大神通者交手,光是余波就足以将自己等传说以下最顶尖的强者化作齑粉,若非绝刀吸纳阿难善念,突破部分魔佛烙印,自己怕是只能寄希望于混沌青莲子与本身的联系不会因这种程度的破灭而断绝,从而逃出生天,在玉虚宫内重塑法身 As for in light of projection the energy of Blood Drop Rebirth, is in Spirit Mountain, situated in so destroys in status greatly, lived died, died fresh, is unable to leave, will consume finally! 至于结合投影的滴血重生之能,身在灵山,处于如此大毁灭状态中,生了又死,死了又生,无法脱出,终将消耗一空! blade light walks randomly, is creating a side world, resists various collapse to extinguish spreads, the Meng Qi heart lake is being quiet, is assured to the result of upper air fierce combat. 刀光游走,创造着一方天地,抵御着各种崩灭的蔓延,孟奇心湖沉静,对高空激战的结果非常笃定。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong was the idol of childhood, was honored as in antiquity new generation with Yang Jian most hopeful ascended to Pāramitā two, before Spirit Mountain war, Creator (good fortune) is then complete, now reveals itself, injury completely duplicate/restores, even if were not Pāramitā, definitely was the apex in Creator (good fortune) Great Divine Expert, but that became Supreme True Buddha although the monster the origin was mystical, the strength was strange, the exposed aura was fearful, perhaps also belonged to Creator (good fortune) complete Great Divine Expert, but It as if had the hidden danger, most did not start full power take action. 齐天大圣孙悟空是自己儿时的偶像,和杨戬一起被誉为上古新生代里最有希望登临彼岸的两位,灵山大战前便已造化圆满,如今重新出世,伤势尽复,哪怕不是彼岸,在造化大神通者里也肯定属于顶尖,而那尊自成“无上真佛”的怪物虽然来历神秘,实力诡异,展露的气息非常可怕,恐怕也属于造化圆满的大神通者,但祂似乎身有隐患,以至于最开始未曾全力出手 Under this status, why can It block under Pāramitā Great Sage Equal of Heaven that is good at fighting? 这种状态下,祂凭什么挡得住彼岸之下最擅长战斗的齐天大圣 Waited to fight to finish, uneventful, wanted whereabouts Great Sage Equal of Heaven to want a signature, took a group photo, or recorded a video, invited him to Reality World knew the symbol user to pay new year's call...... takes All Heavens Myriad Realms outstandingly idea bracelet, Meng Qi started seriously seriously to ponder very much very much this issue, in the mind seemed like already to appear everyone's commentary: You sufficed! 呃,等下战斗结束,风平浪静,要不要去向齐天大圣要个签名,合个影,或者录制一段视频,请他向真实界通识符用户拜个年……作为诸天万界出类拔萃的“想法跳脱者”,孟奇开始很严肃很认真地思考这个问题,脑海里似乎已经能浮现出大家的评论:你够了! I am help rescue remaining Great Saint, has not done the destruction with enough time, should be able to climb up the friendship, moreover everyone practice 8-9 Profound Art , always has inexplicable warm feelings! 我是来帮忙解救残余大圣的,还没来得及搞破坏,应该可以藉此攀上交情,而且大家都修炼八九玄功,总有种莫名亲切感吧! During train of thought fluctuating, Meng Qi takes the blade to read for Divine Consciousness, is inducing the changes of various Spirit Mountain places, somewhat worried at heart here crashes thoroughly, affects the Buddha Ancestor seal, making Demon Buddha work loose, then on all things all up with. 思绪起伏间,孟奇以刀念为神识,感应着灵山各处的变化,心里有些担忧这里彻底崩塌,影响佛祖封印,让魔佛挣脱,那就万事休矣了。 The blade read everywhere, the as if most basic strength, spread Spirit Mountain, was perceptive of the finest detail, suddenly, Meng Qi discovered that after the dark Golden Body shadow is avoiding together by oneself stopped , the residual complementary waves, flashed before unceasingly, lived the lotus step by step, toward peak calm and steady pure land racing to come. 刀念无处不在,仿佛最基本的力量,遍及灵山,明察秋毫,忽然,孟奇发现一道暗金身影正躲避着被自己阻拦后残留的余波,不断闪现,步步生莲,向着峰顶这安稳净土奔来。 Kasyapa remains? Meng Qi feels stunned, at once sighs with regret: 迦叶遗蜕孟奇微感愕然,旋即慨叹: After having the little spirit wisdom, Kasyapa remains knows that became to avoid disaster, hides to the safety, no wonder Gautama Buddha Bodhisattva Golden Body in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation was absorbed by the monster, but Kasyapa remains can still barely manage to maintain a feeble existence...... 有了少许灵智后,迦叶遗蜕都知道趋吉避凶,躲向安全所在了,难怪万佛大阵内的佛陀菩萨金身都被怪物吸收了,而迦叶遗蜕尚能苟延残喘…… All was absorbed, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence...... in the Meng Qi mind to flash through suddenly together miraculous, where understood the Supreme True Buddha hidden danger and weakness! 全都被吸收,苟延残喘……孟奇脑海内突地闪过一道灵光,明白了无上真佛的隐患和弱点何在! His so-called when must prove Bodhi, numerous Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Vajra and Vidyārāja all for Its Incarnation, Three Realms Ten Directions and All Heavens Myriad Realms, only this Supreme True Buddha, are not the simple description and great aspirations, but is elaborating a fact, when more and more Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Vajra and Vidyārāja become Its Incarnation , after was swallowed the absorption by It, It will be getting more and more complete, is getting stronger and stronger, until Three Realms Ten Directions and All Heavens Myriad Realms, all Gautama Buddha Bodhisattva was held by It, then only this Supreme True Buddha, the card results in Dao Fruit! 祂所谓的得证菩提时,众佛陀菩萨罗汉金刚明王悉数为祂化身,三界十方诸天万界,只此一尊无上真佛,不是简单的描述和宏愿,而是在阐述一个事实,当越来越多的佛陀菩萨罗汉金刚明王成为祂化身,也就是被祂吞噬吸收后,祂就会越来越圆满,越来越强,直到三界十方诸天万界,所有佛陀菩萨都被祂容纳,则只此一尊无上真佛,证得道果 Now Spirit Mountain various Buddha Bodhisattva remains Golden Body still has Kasyapa not to absorb, therefore It was unable to stabilize Creator (good fortune) complete realm, therefore most starts to control take action, feared that creates passing of strength! 如今灵山诸佛菩萨遗蜕金身尚有迦叶未曾吸收,故而祂还没能稳定造化圆满的境界,所以最开始节制着出手,怕造成力量的流逝! Therefore, It and others only slaughters to himself purely **, center of gravity on Kasyapa remains, after Great Sage Equal of Heaven appears, It does not have first to retreat disappears, does not give up the complete own opportunity! 因此,祂对自己等仅是单纯地杀戮**,重心在迦叶遗蜕上,当齐天大圣出现后,祂没有第一时间退走消失,是舍不得圆满自身的机会! What is more important, Great Sage Equal of Heaven also has the body of Gautama Buddha, Victorious Battle Buddha! 更为重要的是,齐天大圣也有佛陀之身,斗战胜佛 The miraculous glow one presently, the Meng Qi heart suddenly thump, had toward the action of Spirit Mountain peak avoidance to Kasyapa remains with the former entirely different judgment. 灵光一现,孟奇心头忽然咯噔了一下,对迦叶遗蜕灵山峰顶躲避的举动有了与之前截然不同的判断。 It was fearing the monster seizes the chance to swallow! 祂是在怕怪物趁机吞噬! Thinks of here, his left hand lifted, pushed a Daoist monk's cap. 想到这里,他左手抬起,推了一下道冠。 figure that dark gold holds the fist in the other hand is approaching Spirit Mountain fast, saw with own eyes that must border on the pure land, at this moment, It emits gold/metal behind suddenly, the as if giant tentacle, the tip has the eyebrow to be perforated together, like a face, full pities the meaning of mercy, but mouth big, reveals 40 white teeth, swallows to Kasyapa remains, forms the strange contrast with the facial features, is particularly frightened. 暗金抱拳的身影飞快靠近着灵山,眼见就要濒临净土,就在这时,祂身后忽然冒出一道金芒,仿佛巨大触手,尖端有眉有眼,如同一张脸孔,满是怜悯慈悲之意,但嘴巴大张,露出四十颗洁白的牙齿,一口就吞向迦叶遗蜕,与面容形成诡异对比,分外惊悚。 The Kasyapa remains whole body dark gold luster faded much, obviously before with Supreme True Buddha in the collision receives arrived to weaken enormously, facing spreading out gold/metal, the great mouth of opening, unexpectedly seems so small and weak, no matter Myriad Things All Emptiness, in the palm the light, is other Yun Han(contain) Buddhism true intent divine ability or Martial Dao, is not all able to break through gold/metal, or was rebounded or absorbed, was broken through instantaneously, will soon encounter gold/metal to wrap and melt. 迦叶遗蜕周身暗金色泽消褪了不少,显然在之前与“无上真佛”的碰撞中受到了极大削弱,面对摊开的金芒,张大的巨嘴,竟显得如此弱小,不管是万般皆空,掌中光明,还是其他蕴含佛门真意神通武道,皆无法突破金芒,或被反弹或被吸收,瞬间就被突破,即将遭遇金芒包裹和融化。 At this time, the peak of green sword light after Spirit Mountain projects together, dim, resembles the imaginary seems true|really, full is the meaning of Bodhi, probably was related to guide inexplicably, just right bypassed a everywhere shatter slit, separates to land to be near. 此时,一道青碧剑光从灵山后峰射出,朦朦胧胧,似幻似真,满是菩提之意,像是被莫名联系引导,恰到好处绕过了一处处破碎缝隙,隔空降临。 Another side, has fearless grand figure to lord over the peak pure land midair, in the palm is grasping the long sword of scarlet azure yellowish white black five colors circulation, cuts fiercely with the stance of strength broken vacuum, at the same time, the white clothing swordsman body circles phoenix cry, the wind cremation makes the sword light, chops coldly. 另外一边,有昂然雄伟的身影高踞峰顶净土半空,掌中握着赤青黄白黑五色流转的长剑,以力破真空的姿态猛地斩出,同时,白衣剑客身绕凤鸣,风火化作剑光,冷冽劈下。 Most terrorist is the jet black twinkle pure white giant skeleton, treads the pure land directly, condenses the blood yellow river, changes to together avici Yuan slaughter fearful sword qi, pierces is shattered, points to the monster. 最为恐怖的则是漆黑中闪烁洁白的巨大骸骨,直接踏出净土,凝聚血黄长河,化作一道阿鼻元屠般的可怕剑气,洞穿破灭,直指怪物。 Four swords unite, executing the immortal is becomes, all ends! 四剑合一,诛仙乃成,一切终结! Overlapping sword formation contracts suddenly, gold/metal tentacle of fierce Gautama Buddha packages in which the face presently. 层层叠叠的剑阵猛然收缩,将脸现狰狞佛陀的金芒触手包裹其中。 The sword qi entanglement, the sword light opens and closes, the space and time does not cooperate, the sense is confused, the tentacle monster that Supreme True Buddha branches out went haywire with completely in the middle of being shattered. 剑气纠缠,剑光捭阖,时空不协,感官错乱,“无上真佛”分出的触手怪物完全陷入了混乱与破灭当中。 sword formation more shrinks is smaller, the shape such as chicken, resembles the chaos, but Kasyapa remains passes through the cavity that Meng Qi deliberately left behind while this opportunity, entered the peak pure land. 剑阵越缩越小,形如鸡子,状似混沌,而迦叶遗蜕趁此机会穿过了孟奇刻意留下的空洞,进入了峰顶净土。 At this moment, chicken splits, gold/metal monster flushed, although dim many, but breaks through the formation by the strength purely, is exceptionally terrorist. 就在这时,鸡子裂开,金芒怪物生生冲了出来,虽然黯淡了不少,但纯粹以力破阵,异常恐怖。 Luo Jia, Fei Xiang and other Monster God look at this contending, only thinks soul-stirringly, without using Peerless Divine Armament, Jade Void Palace Headmaster Su showed itself and others completely not unimaginable Heavenly Immortal level strengths. 落伽非想妖神看着这番相争,只觉惊心动魄,在没动用绝世神兵的情况下,玉虚宫苏掌教展现出了自己等完全无法想象的天仙级实力。 They think in Monster God Heavenly Immortal this level, oneself already ascended to most peak, waits to compare I for me broken, opens Gate of Legend, the strength was impossible to be increased again, however now, they understand finally make further progress can also go a step further, not strongest, was stronger! 他们原本以为在妖神天仙这个层次,自己已经登临最顶峰,就等着勘破“我之为我”,打开传说之门,战力不可能再提升了,然而现在,他们终于明白百尺竿头还能更进一步,没有最强,只有更强! But is still so, that monster can also work loose, the essence high is unable to contend simply. 而犹是如此,那怪物亦能挣脱,本质之高简直无法抗衡。 Suddenly, a azure golden Gautama Buddha great hand finds out from the nihility, the palm including the pure land, contains Three Realms Ten Directions layer upon layer, directly according to gold/metal monster. 忽然,一只青金色佛陀巨手从虚无中探出,掌含层层净土,包容三界十方,直接按在了金芒怪物身上。 , The monster changed to the diced meat, the diced meat changes makes the meat sauce, the meat sauce vanished in a puff of smoke. 啪的一声,怪物化作了肉丁,肉丁变做肉酱,肉酱灰飞烟灭。 A palm! 只是一掌! Meng Qi looks up, seeing one to illuminate thoroughly the All Heavens Myriad Realms layer upon layer illusory mental perception. 孟奇抬头望去,看见了一只照透诸天万界层层虚幻的慧眼。 Victorious Battle Buddha! 斗战胜佛 You have the body of cutting tail, I have the body of Gautama Buddha! 你有断尾之躯,我有佛陀之身! Meng Qi has not transferred other thought with enough time, felt that soars to the heavens monster qi to gush out from the , changed to the dim dim environment all around. 孟奇还没来得及转过别的念头,就感觉到冲天妖气从附近喷薄而出,将四周化作了朦胧昏暗的环境。 big cave interior that Golden Cudgel leaves behind when first went out of a great large shadow, vigorous and healthy tyrannical, fresh bull horn, every step took as if to shake ten thousand boundary/world, making the Meng Qi instinct turn very quiet. 金箍棒留下的大洞里当先走出了一道巨硕的黑影,健壮强横,头生牛角,每一步迈出都仿佛震荡了万界,让孟奇都本能屏住了呼吸。 Good domineering feeling! 好强势的感觉! The shadow raised the head to have a liking, laughs, revealed two rows of white teeth, sparkling: 黑影仰首看上,哈哈大笑,露出了两排白生生的牙齿,闪闪发光: All Heavens Myriad Realms, my old ox came back!” 诸天万界,俺老牛又回来了!” Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven!” Hears these words, Fei Xiang whispers to make noise, Luo Jia Hui Guang(glowing light) and other Monster God also look excitedly, this may be Great Saint in legend! 平天大圣!”听到这句话,非想低语出声,落伽辉光妖神亦面露激动,这可都是传说里的大圣啊! Hears Bull Demon King announced, Meng Qi got back one's composure from shock instantaneously, the corners of the mouth twitched slightly, the whole face was wooden, cannot bear the left hand hold the volume, sighed to talk to oneself gently: 听见牛魔王的“宣告”,孟奇则瞬间从震撼里回神,嘴角微微抽搐,满脸木然,忍不住左手扶额,轻轻叹息自语了一句: Township ballad......” “乡土风……”
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