WORIOA :: Volume #6

#220: In the end( everyone year of Monkey pleasant)

Evildoer/Monstrous talent, eat my Old Sun stick!” “妖孽,吃俺老孙一棒!” The sound of calling out reverberates layer upon layer, the end tone bursts open, overcomes along with Golden Cudgel that lengthens again loudly, breaks open the sea of fire, tearing is void, is hitting that only to be pale the gold/metal near yellowish pink Gautama Buddha giant palm. 暴喝之声层层回荡,尾音迸开,伴随着再次变长的金箍棒轰然打下,破开火海,撕裂虚空,正正击中那只淡金近肉色的佛陀巨掌。 Bang! 轰隆! Camouflages the Spirit Mountain pale gold/metal to be split up, at once by void sweeping across of disintegrating, is changed to the ash to fly, does not have a point to remain again, previously let „Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) wait/etc. the Buddha palms of strength of passivity on such vanish like smoke in thin air. 遮蔽灵山的淡金四分五裂,旋即被分崩离析的虚空席卷,化作灰飞,再无一点残留,先前让“妖神辉光等毫无抵抗之力的佛掌就这样烟消云散了。 Struggles Hui Guang(glowing light) that stands up first to stare strongly, then appears the stunned, surprised and exciting facial expression, the phoenix eye is misty, blurted out: 竭力挣扎站起的辉光先是一愣,接着浮现错愕、惊讶和激动的神情,凤眼濛濛,脱口而出: Great Sage Equal of Heaven?” 齐天大圣?” The Monster Clan legend does not know that many years Great Sage Equal of Heaven returned! 妖族传说不知多少年的齐天大圣归来了! He has not fallen from the sky in Spirit Mountain! 他未曾陨落于灵山 This time, Hui Guang(glowing light) all proud all power and prestige disappear, as if returns to the arrived childhood that only pure small phoenix, listening to the elder to tell that the Great Sage Equal of Heaven legend deeds, is imagining the elegant demeanor of this Monster Clan matchless hero, was regretting he under other Great Saint for rescuing, falls from the sky Spirit Mountain. 这个时刻,辉光所有的自傲所有的威风都不见了,仿佛到了幼年那只单纯的小凤凰,听着长辈讲诉齐天大圣的传说事迹,想象着这名妖族盖世英雄的风采,惋惜着他为了救下其余大圣,陨落灵山 At this time now carves, saw that the Golden Cudgel traveller far from home goes home, witnesses that only furry golden color apes and monkeys great hand, heard to eat my Old Sun good calling out, Hui Guang(glowing light) like entering the legend story, entered in once dream. 今时今刻,看到金箍棒游子归家,目睹那只毛绒绒的金色猿猴巨手,听见吃俺老孙一棒的暴喝,辉光就像进入了传说故事,进入了曾经的梦里。 This is a senior, this is also the object of worship! 这是前辈,这也是崇拜的对象! In front of Great Sage Equal of Heaven, will she have the proud meaning? 齐天大圣面前,她又怎么会有自傲之意? Great Sage Equal of Heaven!” Proud such as Tai Li also showed the rare exciting facial expression at this time, from post-war of Spirit Mountain, the Great Sage Equal of Heaven prestige spread various biography Monster Clan, grew along with the generations of Monster Clan powerhouses, was their goals, was their powers, is realm that they yearned. 齐天大圣!”骄傲如太离此时也是露出了难得的激动神情,自灵山之战后,齐天大圣的威名遍传妖族各部,伴随着一代代的妖族强者成长,是他们的目标,是他们的动力,是他们向往的境界 Originally wants to rescue survives Great Saint, cannot think that strongest that is also living, and is still powerful! 本来只是想救出残存大圣,想不到最强那位还活着,且依旧威风凛凛! The scarlet azure yellowish white black five colors circulation, has not brushed falls has rippled, indicates the Tai Li mood. 赤青黄白黑五色流转,未曾刷落已是荡漾,足见太离的心情。 Small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound), Qilin Monster God Luo Jia, Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang, is the similar response, when Great Sage Equal of Heaven morning how unruly, with is Monster Clan is not lenient, after he to save other Monster Clan Great Saint dying in battle Spirit Mountain, all deeds all legends become deify, true may be called all previous famous first monster! 小狐狸青丘,麒麟妖神落伽,鲲鹏妖神非想,皆是相似的反应,不管齐天大圣早时如何桀骜不驯,同为妖族也丝毫不手软,他为拯救妖族其余大圣“战死”灵山后,一切的事迹一切的传说都变得神化,真正的堪称历代驰名第一妖! Meng Qi also fluctuated the expression, this treats takes advantage of Netherworld's Skeleton, Overlord's Extreme Blade and Martial Dao struggles hard he to be bewildered, standard ignorant compels status, becomes the expression package in the Myriad Worlds Communication World contact exchange tool sufficiently. 孟奇亦变幻了表情,本待依仗黄泉骸骨霸王绝刀和自身武道苦战一番的他一脸茫然,标标准准的懵逼状态,足以在万界通识天地的联络交流工具内成为表情包。 My grass, how did Great Sage Equal of Heaven jump? 我艹,齐天大圣怎么就蹦出来了? Oneself come Spirit Mountain to ponder over where each time Great Sage Equal of Heaven went, vanished in a puff of smoke, was rescued, was rescued by whom, why has not appeared again, only keeps Golden Cudgel here, after finally Spirit Mountain , after peak monster break free, Great Sage Equal of Heaven braved suddenly. 自己每次前来灵山都会思忖一番齐天大圣去了哪里,是灰飞烟灭,还是被人救走,被谁救走,为何再也没出现,只留金箍棒在这里,结果灵山后峰的怪物脱困后,齐天大圣突然就冒了出来。 Really has to plant you to have one, I should a child feeling. 真有种你出一子,我应一子的感觉。 Naturally, playing chess definitely is not oneself, is in Journey to the West, behind a side inevitably is Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue! 当然,下棋的肯定不是自己,身在西游,其中一方背后必然是道德天尊 But Gold Sovereign makes Sha Wujing carry the mysterious corpse in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation ahead of time, it is estimated that then expects arrived this time, otherwise Spirit Mountain falls from the sky so many years, It has enlivened a long time, why doesn't carry early does not carry late? 金皇沙悟净提前背出万佛大阵内的神秘尸体,估计便是预料到了这一遭,否则灵山陨落这么多年,祂活跃过很长一段时间,为何早不背晚不背? It is not feared , after the peak monster emits, absorbs that mysterious corpse? 不就是怕后峰怪物放出后,吸纳掉那具神秘尸体? It makes Luoism enter the Spirit Mountain means to tell Monster Clan finally, perhaps then wants to promote the development, wants to have now this aspect. 祂最终让罗教将进入灵山的办法告诉妖族,或许便是想推动发展,希望出现如今这个局面。 During the thought rotations, in the midair has shone to arrive at the busy ray together purely, one after another, three ten thousand sides I to revere the terrifying vast aura swing rapidly, compared with Gautama Buddha giant palm powerful far more than billion times? 念头转动间,半空之中已然亮起一道纯粹到无暇的光芒,一道接一道,一股三界万方我为尊恐怖浩瀚气息急速荡开,比起刚才的“佛陀巨掌”强大了何止千百万倍? Not only legend, at least Creator (good fortune)! 岂止传说,至少造化 Really after is Spirit Mountain, peak that monster...... some Meng Qi early judgments, now finally arrived confirmation. 果然是灵山后峰那怪物……孟奇早有判断,现在终于得到了证实。 The monster is quite intelligent and cunning, copes with itself the strength that could not wait for the enemy of legend only to have radically can strike to kill exactly, finally was blocked with the aid of Netherworld's Skeleton by oneself struck, now facing all previous famous first monster, unable to deal with other, can show own prestige finally completely. 怪物相当聪明和奸猾,对付自己等不到传说的敌人根本只出了恰好能击杀的力量,结果被自己借助黄泉骸骨挡住了一击,如今面对历代驰名第一妖,终于顾不得其他,将自身的威能完全展现。 Why starts to receive the strength as for him, rather than fights a battle to force a quick decision, perhaps has scruples anything, for example initiates Spirit Mountain to change, for example was worried that to interfering with, for example it by the seal many years, status had the issue, even absorbed Golden Body remains in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation, still hidden danger, once will put forth will have the condition that backlash or the strength will pass to appear full power. 至于他为何开始要收着力量,而不是速战速决,或许是顾忌什么,比如引发灵山变化,比如担心遭至干涉,比如本身被封印多年,状态有问题,即使吸收了万佛大阵内的金身遗蜕,也还有隐患,一旦使出全力会有反噬或者力量流逝的状况出现。 The upper air as if presented one group purely light/only, light/only, purifies the myriad things, does not only accommodate the otherness light/only, saw merely, Meng Qi such as was lit on the whole body, must burn thoroughly, turns into the light part, any impurity does not remain possibly! 高空似乎出现了一团光,最纯粹的光,净化万物的光,不容他物的光,仅仅只是看到,孟奇就浑身如被点燃,要彻底燃烧,化成光的一部分,任何杂质都不容许残留! In addition, is unable to look straight ahead again, is also hard to see again. 除此之外,再也无法直视,再也难以看到。 Meng Qi inspires gently, Divine Consciousness spreads into Extreme Blade, the purple electricity bursts out, said to make threatening gestures, searches into faintly, colluded the basic strength, colluded Grand Dao, changed to a thunder great eye, finally completely understood the pure busy light group, looked in arrived that monster, swallowed in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation the monsters of almost all Golden Body skeletons. 孟奇轻轻吸了口气,神识蔓延入绝刀,紫电迸发,道道张牙舞爪,探入幽微,勾连了基本之力,勾连了大道,化作一只雷霆巨眼,终于看透了纯净无暇的光团,看到了里面那只怪物,吞噬了万佛大阵内几乎所有金身尸骸的怪物。 It resembles Gautama Buddha, stands erect proudly, all over the body not obviously pale gold/metal, dark gold, azure and other colored glazes condition, but is the as if pure white light concentrates, does not have the impurity, the ends of long fine hairs bursts out, passes through into the single layer heavy dark profound universe. 祂状似佛陀,傲然屹立,通体不显淡金、暗金、青色等琉璃之态,而是仿佛纯白之光所凝,毫无杂质,毫芒迸发,贯穿入一重重幽暗深邃的宇宙。 Sees this, Meng Qi feels suddenly familiar, the eye the symbol of One Dao Colored Glass Lamp this Cause of All Fruits, discovers radiant stellar lines of understanding presently. 看到这一幕,孟奇忽感熟悉,眼现道一琉璃灯诸果之因的象征,发现了一条认识的璀璨星线。 This connects the karma relation of Old Universe Depraved Exalted Emperor! 这是连接旧日宇宙堕落上帝因果联系! It is transmitting the blood black meaning, tries to contaminate this Supreme True Buddha. 它正传来血黑之意,试图沾染这尊“无上真佛”。 Originally Demon Buddha drags Old Universe Exalted Emperor to degenerate after the layout copes with Spirit Mountain the monster of peak! Meng Qi suddenly realize, at this moment, this pure Gautama Buddha body week appears phantom, has gold/metal wing Great Peng Vidyārāja, has Manjushri Bodhisattva that pulls five great wisdom hair buns, as well as other Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat, almost the arrange/cloth became Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation! 原来魔佛拖着旧日宇宙上帝堕落是为了布局对付灵山后峰的这头怪物!孟奇恍然大悟,就在这时,这尊纯净佛陀身周浮现出一道道虚影,有金翅大鹏明王,有头挽五大智慧髻的文殊菩萨,以及其余佛陀菩萨罗汉,几乎布成了一个万佛大阵 The thought only flashes in fast, in instantly, upper air sea of fire one volume that the immeasurable light group appears, received, changes to the flaming combustion the red cloak, crowded around golden suddenly/violently ape, he wore the phoenix wing purple gold crown, wore the golden chain armor, treadonned lotus root thread step cloud Lv, in the eye projects two gold/metal, completely understood the purest light group, then lifted up high Golden Cudgel most purely, appeared Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation, treadonned the Spirit Mountain distant place, the top of the head palatial heaven, wild of aura, the terrifying of power and influence, made void unexpectedly from the crack, each crack to lead to the different universe different world, numerous figure Return. 念头仅是在电光石火间闪现,在无量光团出现的刹那,高空火海一卷,收了起来,化作熊熊燃烧的赤色披风,簇拥出了一头金色暴猿,他头戴凤翅紫金冠,身穿黄金锁子甲,脚踏藕丝步云履,眼中射出两道金芒,看透了最纯粹最纯净的光团,然后高举金箍棒,现出法天象地,脚踏灵山远处,头顶巍峨苍天,气息之狂暴,威势之恐怖,竟让虚空自裂,每一道裂缝都通向着不同宇宙不同世界,重重身影归来。 Really is Great Sage Equal of Heaven! 真的是齐天大圣 When the golden great monkey lifts up high Golden Cudgel, that Supreme True Buddha periphery phantom lives to change suddenly, Manjushri Bodhisattva exuded the great sound: , Is lame .” 金色巨猴高举金箍棒时,那尊“无上真佛”周围虚影突生变化,文殊菩萨发出了宏大之声:“阿,啰,跛,者,娜。” Single-handedly lifts, the thumb middle finger touches, the watcher smiles. 一手抬起,拇指中指相触,观者为之一笑。 Tathagata Divine Palm, picking flowers with a smile. 如来神掌,拈花一笑 Beside him, other Golden Body Gautama Buddha Bodhisattva phantom also display Tathagata Divine Palm that itself grasps respectively, has to refer to day of Only I Am Venerated that touches the place, has to contain Buddha Country layer upon layer Pure Land In The Palm, there are to enter nirvana Nirvana Purifying of seal, nine type Tathagata Divine Palm simultaneously appear. 他之外,其余金身佛陀菩萨虚影亦是各自施展本身掌握的如来神掌,有指天触地的唯我独尊,有包含层层佛国掌中净土,也有结出入灭印的涅槃清净,九式如来神掌齐齐出现。 Ten thousand Buddha pushes, Bodhisattva simultaneous/uniform An, does not know that many heavy Tathagata Divine Palm formed one, in the end! 万佛共推,菩萨齐按,不知多少重如来神掌汇成了一道,九九归一! That as pure as the extreme Supreme True Buddha final both hands open, such as the hug world, erupts the inexhaustible ray, is in harmony with strength of the Tathagata Divine Palm in the end together. 那尊纯净到极点的“无上真佛”最后双手张开,如拥抱天地,爆发出无穷无尽的光芒,与九九归一的如来神掌之力合于一道。 Divine Palm is uneven, creates the century! 神掌齐,创世纪! The ray concentrates the giant palm, as if opened the space and time, the myriad things created to live, beginning era became, hit enormously and powerful to golden suddenly/violently ape. 光芒凝成巨掌,似乎打开了时空,万物创生,纪元初成,浩浩荡荡打向了金色暴猿。 Must have the light, then has the light, wants you to crash into the dust, then crashes into the dust. 要有光,便有光,要你坠入尘埃,便坠入尘埃。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven Golden Cudgel also wielded, the body locates acupoint to change to the single layer true universe to collapse every time into the stick, does not know that many year of accumulations the mood also poured into. 齐天大圣金箍棒也挥了下来,身体每处窍穴都化作一重真正宇宙坍缩入棍内,不知多少年积累的情绪也灌注了进去。 The hatred, the suffering, is hostile, changed to this stick all. 痛恨,煎熬,仇视,尽数化作了这一棒。 The flame cloak raises, the illusory river appears, invested, Golden Cudgel welcomed Tathagata Divine Palm in the end to divide. 火焰披风扬起,身后虚幻长河浮现,也投入了进去,金箍棒迎着九九归一的如来神掌就劈了下去。 What is true Myriad Things Return Emptiness, this is true Myriad Things Return Emptiness! 什么是真正的万物返虚,这才是真正的万物返虚 Eats my Old Sun stick again!” “再吃俺老孙一棒!” The upper air darkness, such as turns over to the nihility, without space, as if did not have the time, Meng Qi could not see the scene that there fought again, only heard bang the loud sound, the Spirit Mountain midair crashes thoroughly, slump, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water unrestrained sweeping empty is swallowed a layer upon layer at once secretly, flowers light/only put, just like happiest Apostle, thunder burst out, illuminated quick destruction Spirit Mountain, they are all hugging the 1st Heavenly Layer place, but this heavy world just opened falls into being shattered, the flower fell thunder disappears. 高空黑暗,如归虚无,没有了空间,也仿佛没有了时间,孟奇再也看不到那里交手的场景了,只闻轰隆巨响,灵山半空彻底崩塌,一层层坍落,地火风水肆掠又旋即被虚暗吞噬,一朵朵光之花盛放,宛若最美好的神使,一道道雷霆迸发,照亮了快毁灭的灵山,它们皆是拥抱着一重天地,而这重天地刚刚开辟就陷入了破灭,花落雷消。 So terrifying complementary waves spread, nearly the legend strikes, blanch that Tai Li, Hui Guang(glowing light), Luo Jia and Fei Xiang and other complexions were hard to contain, heard the arrived death the flavor. 如此恐怖的余波蔓延而下,近乎传说一击,太离辉光落伽非想等脸色难以遏制的发白,闻到了死亡的味道。 Even when most flourishing, they collaborate, cannot block such complementary waves! 即使全盛之时,他们联手,也挡不住这样的余波! The Qing Qiu(azure mound) body trembles slightly, held up Monster Saint Spear fiercely, she seems to be muttering, attempt makes Monster Saint Spear further regain consciousness, to cross crisis, but the vision is somewhat flurried, has never experienced so the aspect, 青丘身体微微颤栗,猛地举起了妖圣枪,她似乎在喃喃自语,试图让妖圣枪进一步苏醒,以渡过危局,而目光有些慌乱,从未经历过如此局面, In they tense and desperate line of sight, saw thunder suddenly, having Splitting Heaven and Earth is unable the thunder of description, has to control Divine Mountain, controls a thunder, has inexhaustibly thunder from the All Heavens Myriad Realms. 就在他们紧张又绝望的视线里,忽然看见了一道道雷霆,有开天辟地无法描述之雷,有主宰神山,掌控一界之雷,有着无穷无尽来自诸天万界之雷。 Various thunder unite, form together, coincides with the brilliant purple light that cuts suddenly, chops to the midair complementary waves, the terrifying imposing manner makes several Monster God somewhat tremble, like facing Great Saint! 诸雷合一,汇成一道,与猛然斩出的绚烂紫光相合,劈向了半空余波,恐怖的气势让几位妖神有些瑟瑟发抖,如同面对大圣 blade light is putting the wonderful path, restrains in addition of ten thousand strength to hold, cut collapsing silently, but under was full of the destruction the world. 刀光划着美妙的轨迹,收敛着万界之力的加持,无声无息斩中了坍塌而下充满毁灭的天地。 The light lotus and thunder and are disillusioned a blade to open, verve is similar to matchless, at once to just transfers to softly, all around all sorts of rules appear, sunrise Yue Luo(moon fall), the flower bloom and fade, becomes one, the port of as if taking shelter from wind, in Spirit Mountain is shattered greatly stands erect firmly. 光莲、雷霆和破灭一刀而开,刚猛如同无俦,旋即至刚转至柔,四周种种规则浮现,日出月落,花开花谢,自成一界,仿佛避风之港,在灵山大破灭中牢牢屹立。 The world does not save, my body saves alone! 天地不存,我身独存! The Meng Qi azure robe flutters, the right hand is gripping tightly Extreme Blade, like supporting a day of mountain, half-step does not draw back, leaves behind such figure in the Hui Guang(glowing light) Luo Jia and other Monster God eyes. 孟奇青袍飘荡,右手紧紧握着绝刀,如同撑天之山,半步不退,留下这样的身影辉光落伽妖神眼中。 Legendary Level Peerless Divine Armament!” 传说级绝世神兵!” He really has Peerless Divine Armament!” “他竟然有绝世神兵!” Moreover regains consciousness arrived Legendary Level!” “而且苏醒到了传说层次!” How many Monster God stunned whispered, has not thought that Jade Void Headmaster Su Meng also had such pressure bottom thing, can sweep away present All Heavens Myriad Realms simply, oneself and did he form a team to crack a joke? 几位妖神愕然低语,万万没想到玉虚掌教苏孟还有这样的压箱底事物,简直可以横扫如今的诸天万界,自己和他组队是在开玩笑吗? After absorbing the Ānanda charitable disposition, Extreme Blade has pressed Demon Buddha brand mark some, finally can display the legend to be able! 在吸纳了阿难善念之后,绝刀压过了魔佛烙印一些,终于能发挥出传说之能了! This blade verve first. 此刀刚猛第一。 Induced to the Extreme Blade aura, Monster Saint Spear calls one lightly, the extraordinary splendor burst out, bright with many colors, resembling to further regain consciousness, but subsided finally. 感应到绝刀气息,妖圣枪轻鸣了一声,异彩迸发,五光十色,似要更进一步苏醒,但最终还是平息了下来。
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