WORIOA :: Volume #6

#219: Return

Gautama Buddha Golden Body annihilations, dreamlike, gathered variably two characters exactly, the thing in world, which eternally unchanging and never the ruined truth, the sentiment is so, the person is so, the immortal is so, Buddha also so. 一尊尊佛陀金身湮灭,如梦似幻,恰好合了“无常”二字,世间之物,哪得永恒不变、永不破败的道理,情是如此,人是如此,仙是如此,佛亦如此。 Inadequate Dao Fruit can not be aloof. 不成道果不得超脱。 The assorted colored glaze flutters about, pale gold/metal dark gold sprinkles, Meng Qi sees at present becomes empty and bright, place of as if stone made/system seal giant lotus throne, ten thousand Buddha remains regarding core stack. 各色琉璃纷飞,淡金暗金洒落,孟奇眼前所见变得空荡而鲜明,封印之地仿佛石制的巨大莲台,万佛遗蜕围绕着核心堆放。 The Meng Qi Golden Body flowing light, the right palm such as including the pure land, the discrete vanguard, arrived in the seal core layer upon layer. 孟奇金身流光,右掌如含层层净土,谨慎前行,抵达了封印核心。 If I must prove Bodhi......” “若我得证菩提……” Supreme True Buddha......” 无上真佛……” Fills including the low and deep voice reverberation of strange charm, probably for a lot of years read aloud day after day read the residual trace. 满含奇异魅力的低沉嗓音回荡,像是千百年来日复一日诵念残留的痕迹。 Meng Qi lives in the footsteps, inclines the head and listens attentively, sound that will reverberate continually complete words: 孟奇顿住脚步,侧耳倾听,将回荡的声音连成了完整的话语: If I must prove Bodhi, then numerous Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Vajra and Vidyārāja all for my Incarnation.” “若我得证菩提,则众佛陀菩萨罗汉金刚明王悉数为我化身。” If I must prove Bodhi, Three Realms Ten Directions and All Heavens Myriad Realms, only I, as soon as reveres Supreme True Buddha.” “若我得证菩提,三界十方诸天万界,唯我一尊无上真佛。” Hear, the Meng Qi mind has shaking unexpectedly, because the Final Tribulation high tide will soon approach with see worry that the result does not produce well and irritable to emerge, had several points of ruthless severe this sentiment, wants to disregard, massacred directly the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning projection that has the spirit wisdom, attracts them, fast enhancement. 声声入耳,孟奇心灵竟有摇动,因为末劫高潮即将来临和所见不好结局产生的担忧和急躁涌现了出来,有了几分狠厉这之情,想要不管不顾,直接杀掉了产生灵智的元始天尊投影,吸纳祂们,快速提高。 Thump thump thump, he shakes the head fiercely, Buddhist Heart beat, contained not the good thought that here seemed like the pure land, unexpectedly had the ability that attractive extreme and degenerated! 咚咚咚,他猛地摇了摇头,佛心跳动,遏制了不好念头,这里看似净土,居然有诱人偏激和堕落的能力! Concentrates the eye to look, the giant encrinite core place, remains most purely purest colored glaze buddhist light, does not accommodate the otherness besides me purely and pure. 凝目看去,巨大石莲核心处,残留着点点最纯粹最纯净的琉璃佛光,除我之外不容他物的纯粹与纯净。 Then near demon.” Why does not know, in the Meng Qi mind flashed through this thought suddenly. “至极则近魔。”不知为什么,孟奇脑海内忽地闪过了这个念头。 I beside am Evil Cult am the heresy, must assimilate, without make sense may say, this is not the demon, what is the demon? “我”之外为邪教为异端,必须同化,没有道理可讲,这不是魔,什么是魔? Again about one step, the Meng Qi mind palpitates suddenly, because in purest colored glaze buddhist light has most purely some by the karma induction that oneself are familiar with. 再近一步,孟奇心灵忽有悸动,因为最纯粹最纯净的琉璃佛光里有着些许让自己熟悉的因果感应。 Demon Buddha Ānanda! 魔佛阿难 Has It peak after Spirit Mountain really had the contact with the monster of seal? 祂竟然与封印在灵山后峰的怪物有过接触? Narrowed the eye, is only Zhen Ding Tathagata this Incarnation Meng Qi, although is unable revolution Cause of All Fruits, but the delicate relations between Demon Buddha with the aid of oneself detects arrived to seem to have met before, understands that this came from Demon Buddha Ānanda. 眯了眯眼睛,只是“真定如来”这尊化身孟奇虽然无法运转诸果之因,但还是借助自己与魔佛之间的微妙关系察觉到了似曾相识,明白这来自于魔佛阿难 As the Buddha Ancestor two disciple as well as Sahā Pure Land future Lord Ānanda should know after Spirit Mountain , the place of place of seal peak, knows that in actually the seal anything......” Meng Qi was lost in thought. “身为佛祖二弟子以及娑婆净土未来之主的阿难应该知道灵山后峰之处封印之地,知道里面究竟封印了什么……”孟奇陷入了沉思。 Actually is what to let Ānanda this obtaining enlightenment eminent monk, broke many obsession Great Arhat also a little obsession not, finally degenerates the demon? 究竟是什么让阿难这得道高僧,断了诸多执念大阿罗汉还有一点执念未了,最终堕落成魔? After he receives Spirit Mountain, day after day the influence of peak monster, therefore is getting more and more extreme, that is obsession getting stronger and stronger? 是不是他日复一日受灵山后峰这怪物的影响,于是越来越偏激,那点执念越来越强? Moreover, when Ānanda counter practices Tathagata Divine Palm becomes Demon Buddha, not direct ascended to Pāramitā, but leaves its pure land, disappears without a trace, when appears again, has proven Pāramitā, these days Its whereabouts is unclear, whether comes arrived this place, breaks through with the aid of the monster? 另外,阿难逆练如来神掌成为魔佛时,并没有直接登临彼岸,而是离开本身净土,不知去向,再次出现时,已证彼岸,这段时间祂行踪不明,是否来到了此地,借助怪物突破? What is more important, Ānanda knows that attempts counter to practice Tathagata Divine Palm? 更为重要的是,阿难怎么会知道去尝试逆练如来神掌 A Meng Qi finger day, touches single-handedly, the Golden Body sparkle, crossed purest colored glaze buddhist light to step into the place of seal core. 孟奇一手指天,一手触地,金身闪耀,越过最纯净的琉璃佛光踏入了封印核心之地。 ............ ………… The multi-colored sunlight breath shake, puts receives, closely is twining Qing Qiu(azure mound), Fei Xiang and Luo Jia, read aloud by the strength of three Monster God reads the incantation, restrained Golden Cudgel, so took time , indicating strongly its. 霞光呼吸般震荡,一放一收,紧紧缠绕着青丘非想落伽,以三位妖神之力诵念咒文,收摄金箍棒,亦是如此费事,足见其强。 Buzz humming sound, Spirit Mountain had rocked slightly, because Golden Cudgel with the multi-colored sunlight is shaking, but swung fiercely, started to reduce little, reduced at the visible speed. 嗡嗡嗡,灵山有了轻微晃动,因为金箍棒在随着霞光震荡而剧烈摇摆,开始一点点缩小,以肉眼可见的速度缩小。 Ok!” Qing Qiu(azure mound) exudes one to shout, is being full of the happiness. “好了!”青丘发出一声呼喊,饱含着欣喜之情。 Fei Xiang and Luo Jia half is relaxes half is happy, the Monster Clan Great Saint prestige listens respectfully since childhood, has yearned, in the present can pay a visit them finally. 非想落伽半是松气半是高兴,妖族大圣们的威名从小聆听,一直向往,今朝总算能拜见他们了。 Meng Qi is concentrating on Zhen Ding Tathagata the Incarnation experience, has not made Netherworld's Skeleton that controls begin to prevent several Monster God. 孟奇正专注于“真定如来化身所见所闻,并未让重新掌控的黄泉骸骨动手阻止几位妖神 His already had had a premonition, matter is impossible to succeed with ease, must live the mighty waves! 已经有所预感,事情不可能那么轻松成功,必生波澜! At this moment, Hui Guang(glowing light) again well: 就在这时,辉光再次咦了一声: That type darkly and deeply a point......” “那种幽暗又深了一点……” She looks up subconsciously, the vision solidified suddenly, sees only covers entirely the upper air of thunder and blue lotus is fully occupied by a pale gold/metal near yellowish pink giant palm! 她下意识抬头望去,目光忽地凝固,只见布满一道道雷霆与青莲的高空被一只淡金近肉色的巨大手掌占满了! Give an exaggerated account of things, the colored glaze light revolutions, the Buddha sound reverberates suddenly: 天花乱坠,琉璃光转,佛音猛然回荡: If I must prove Bodhi, then numerous Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Vajra and Vidyārāja all for my Incarnation.” “若我得证菩提,则众佛陀菩萨罗汉金刚明王悉数为我化身。” The Gautama Buddha giant palm falls, as if completely accepts in the Spirit Mountain peak the hand, nothing gaudy, like this is average not wonderful pressing to fall, in another side, in the Banshan(half mountain) waist place, the similarly pale gold/metal superhuman hands covers, hit to Kasyapa remains, the palm opened a mouth, revealed 40 teeth, showed several points of appalling strangeness. 佛陀般的巨掌落下,似乎将灵山峰顶尽纳手中,没有任何花哨,就这样平平无奇的按落,在另外一边,在半山腰处,同样有一只淡金巨掌笼罩而下,打向迦叶遗蜕,手心开了一张嘴巴,露出四十颗牙齿,透出几分让人毛骨悚然的诡异。 If I must prove Bodhi, Three Realms Ten Directions and All Heavens Myriad Realms, only I, as soon as reveres Supreme True Buddha.” “若我得证菩提,三界十方诸天万界,唯我一尊无上真佛。” The Buddha sound is intermittent, shakes the will of the people, is hard to give birth to reading of resistance, „Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) has hung the top of the head with Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda fortunately, hangs the evil ways saying that the light of Merit Virtue aids the whole body, exempted the fate of Tai Li woodcarving clay figurine. 佛音阵阵,撼动人心,难以生出对抗之念,还好“妖神辉光一直用天地玄黄玲珑宝塔高悬头顶,垂下道道功德之光护佑全身,才免了太离般木雕泥偶的下场。 She closes tightly jaw, launches the wing, five virtue patterns were greatly bright, condense a picture roll and Blessing Virtue deep purple of black and white Yin-Yang fish each other winding are pleasant, and a Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda launching to the midair, met the approaching enemy according to falling the palm. 她咬紧牙关,展开羽翼,五德花纹大亮,凝聚出了一张黑白阴阳鱼彼此缠绕的图卷和一柄福德深厚的紫色如意,并天地玄黄玲珑宝塔一起飞向半空,迎击按落的手掌。 With this at the same time, her holding up the head light cry, sends out the wonderful voiceless sound that hundred birds bow the head, penetrates all around slit, awakened Tai Li, Fei Xiang and other Monster God. 与此同时,她昂首轻鸣,发出一声百鸟俯首的美妙清音,穿透四周缝隙,惊醒了太离非想妖神 The Daode(way of virtue) picture roll, the myriad things decide initially, does not live the mighty waves, attacks from disappearing, Blessing Virtue becomes to avoid disaster pleasant, the dead tribulation is torrential, goes easily and freely, the Merit Virtue golden tower, ten thousand laws do not invade, are hard to break through, is three great defense divine ability, should be impregnable, however pale gold/metal near yellowish pink giant palm touches, the yellow and black contaminates killing intent, Daode(way of virtue) disintegrates, Blessing Virtue insufficiently behind, simultaneously disintegrates, cannot block including the instant time unexpectedly. 道德图卷,万物初定,不生波澜,攻击自消,福德如意趋吉避凶,死劫滔滔,如履平地,功德金塔,万法不侵,难以攻破,皆是三界一等一的防御神通,本该固若金汤,然而淡金近肉色的巨掌一触,玄黄沾染杀念,道德分崩离析,福德不够身后,齐齐瓦解,竟然连刹那的工夫都没能挡住。 ! In scattering Exquisite Treasured Pagoda and in the Primal Chaos Diagram volume and Blessing Virtue pleasant fragment, Hui Guang(glowing light) spouts a phoenix real blood, drops from the midair in the place, pounded the big hole, merely was damage reflection force, made her be seriously injured, was difficult to resist, can only look at the giant palm to fall helplessly. 噗!在散落的玲珑宝塔太极图卷、福德如意碎片之中,辉光喷出一口凤凰真血,从半空跌落于地,砸出了大坑,仅仅是反震之力,就让她身受重伤,再难对抗,只能眼睁睁看着巨掌落下。 This also is only the opposite party diverts attention Kasyapa remains strikes, this is the opposite party had not revealed the true body, finds out some palm merely strikes. 这还仅是对方分心迦叶遗蜕的一击,这还是对方连真身都未显露,仅仅探出某只手掌的一击。 At this time, scarlet azure yellowish white black five radiance shone, included the world, contained the material, brushed to that giant palm. 这时,赤青黄白黑五道光华亮起,囊括了天地,包容了物质,刷向了那只巨掌。 Covered the giant palm of upper air to fall Enthralled light/only , the stop, such as was brushed slightly falls, but drags Five Colored Divine Light to press down at once, probably put on Xia Pei! 覆盖了高空的巨掌落入神光之中,微微停顿,如被刷落,但旋即就拖着五色神光按下,像是披上了霞帔 Bang! Tai Li also looks deathly pale, is arrogant is standing erect not but actually. 砰!太离也脸色惨白,高傲着屹立不倒。 Luo Jia both eyes projected light, the destiny adds the body, destiny kind consideration, but under a palm, the least bit storm has not exuded, was held the wind to sweep merely, lost care, smashed into the peak ground, struggled is not being able to set out, the Fei Xiang complexion was dignified, an eye of reveal flinched, appeared Kunpeng True Body, took a wing west the eastern wing, crossed 90,000 li (0.5 km) to escape. 落伽双眼射出道光,气运加身,命运垂顾,可一掌之下,半点风浪都未泛起,仅仅是被掌风扫中,就失去了眷顾,砸入了峰顶地面,挣扎着无法起身,非想脸色凝重,目露退缩,现出了鲲鹏真身,就要一翅在东一翅西,横渡九万里而逃。 But, the giant palm blocks the sky, becomes one, 90000 miles away as before is a giant palm. 可是,巨掌遮天蔽日,自成一界,90000里外依旧是巨掌。 Thump! Huge Kunpeng falls to the ground, shakes Spirit Mountain to shake, takes the form of a beach mud, the aura was weaker. 咚!庞大的鲲鹏落地,震得灵山摇动,形似一滩烂泥,气息微弱了许多。 Multi-colored sunlight dissipation most, the reduction of Golden Cudgel stops suddenly. 霞光消散大半,金箍棒的缩小戛然而止。 Qing Qiu(azure mound) saw that four big Monster God suffer defeat instantaneously, is wounded respectively, a complexion blanch, then appears Five Virtues Body, lifted Monster Saint Spear. 青丘看到四大妖神瞬间败北,各自负伤,脸色一阵发白,然后现出五德加身之相,抬起了妖圣枪 Suddenly, she at present one dark, presented a terrifying skeleton that endures compared with Kunpeng True Body, during is jet black is pasting pure white, life and death continuous, blood yellow winding. 突然,她眼前一暗,出现了一具堪比鲲鹏真身的恐怖骸骨,漆黑之中流转着洁白,生死不休,血黄缠绕。 But in the shoulder of skeleton, the azure Daoist robe, graying at the temples and five senses delicate and pretty and mature Jade Void Headmaster Su Meng sits cross-legged to sit, appears chaos celebration cloud. 而在骸骨的肩头,青色道袍、两鬓斑白、五官俊美而成熟的玉虚掌教苏孟盘腿而坐,现出一朵混混沌沌的庆云 Dark celebration cloud departs, blood yellow river racing wells up, became pictures that continually lets Qing Qiu(azure mound), Luo Jia and Hui Guang(glowing light) and other Monster God was hard to put behind, they change to a great hand, greets the Buddha palm upward. 幽暗庆云飞出,血黄长河奔涌,连成了一副让青丘落伽辉光妖神难以忘却的画面,它们化作一只巨手,往上迎接佛掌。 Bang! 轰隆! The world shakes, Spirit Mountain such as must crash, the strong winds rise from all directions, the great hand and Buddha palm that the blood yellow and coexists darkly solidify in the midair, all around exudes the shatter sound. 天地震荡,灵山如要崩塌,狂风四起,血黄与幽暗并存的巨手和佛掌凝固在半空,四周发出吱吱嘎嘎的破碎声。 Blocked unexpectedly! 竟然挡住了! The so fearful monster was blocked unexpectedly! 如此可怕的怪物竟然被挡住了! Hui Guang(glowing light) and Fei Xiang and other Monster God saw only the skeleton both feet to fall into the peak ground, but the Jade Void Headmaster Su Meng azure robe flutters, the slightest is motionless. 辉光非想妖神只见骸骨双脚陷入了峰顶地面,而玉虚掌教苏孟青袍飘扬,分毫不动。 When he subdued skeleton that displays Yellow Springs divine ability? 他什么时候收服了施展黄泉神通的骸骨了? Another side, the Buddha palm presses to fall, both hands collision with Kasyapa remains, bang in the sound, the mountainside collapses, formed a cliff again. 另外一边,佛掌按落,与迦叶遗蜕的双手碰撞,轰隆声中,山腰坍塌,再次形成了一处断崖。 Kasyapa remains falls into the cliff bottom, sends out the immeasurable light, illuminated the penetrating Spirit Mountain. 迦叶遗蜕跌入崖底,发出无量之光,照彻了灵山 ............ ………… Meng Qi stepped into the place of pure purely buddhist light covering, looked that some arrived people sit cross-legged has sat the trace, but in another side corner, bright clear gem, is glittering the Bodhi azure light. 孟奇踏入了纯净纯粹佛光笼罩之地,看到了有人盘腿坐过的痕迹,而另外一边的角落里,有一枚剔透晶莹的“宝石”,闪烁着菩提青光。 The gem makes Meng Qi have the feeling of unusual being familiar, absorbs carefully, puts out a hand to touch, feels the arrived pain, to struggle, compunction and other mood. 宝石让孟奇有异常熟悉之感,小心摄起,伸手触摸,感受到了痛苦、挣扎、内疚等情绪。 His mind bang makes noise, is understands that what this is. 他脑海轰隆作响,已是明白此为何物。 Demon Buddha Ānanda enters Demon Empress, before proving Pāramitā, had truly come here, why does not know, sheds drop of tears, contains the Ānanda charitable disposition all guilty and painful tears. 魔佛阿难魔后,证彼岸前,确实曾经来过此处,不知为何,流下一滴眼泪,包含阿难善念所有愧疚与痛苦的眼泪。 After this, good does not save, the evil thought comes up in great numbers and from all sides! 从此之后,善者不存,恶念横生! To the Monster Saint compunction, to the Sahā Pure Land compunction, tip emerges, the Meng Qi heart moves suddenly, in the hand are many long blade that a purple electricity winding became. 妖圣的内疚,对娑婆净土的内疚,点点滴滴涌现,孟奇心头忽然一动,手中多了一口紫电缠绕而成的长刀。 Extreme Blade arrives at Incarnation from the main body unexpectedly, jumps the electricity generation glow fiercely, absorbs that drop of tears. 绝刀竟从本尊来到化身,猛地迸发电芒,将那滴眼泪吸纳。 The Ānanda charitable disposition enters, immediately has the crashing collision with the Demon Buddha brand mark, seizes this opportunity, a Extreme Blade strength show/unfolds, the electromagnetism erupts, ran out of a suppression by the boundless strength! 阿难善念一入,当即与魔佛烙印发生激烈碰撞,抓住这个机会,绝刀力量一展,电磁爆发,以磅礴之力冲出了一层压制! ............ ………… The Spirit Mountain peak, sits cross-legged to sit in the Meng Qi right hand of Netherworld's Skeleton shoulder to search into the sleeve, extracted Extreme Blade again, sees only its purple brilliantly to show deeply, had the entirely different change with the past. 灵山峰顶,盘腿坐于黄泉骸骨肩头的孟奇右手探入袖中,再次抽出了绝刀,只见它紫色绚烂中透出深沉,与以往有了截然不同的变化。 Lifts upward, looked to the upper air, Meng Qi closed the eye. 抬起往上,看向高空,孟奇闭上了眼睛。 At this moment, Beyond Thirty-Three Heavens, Tushita Palace, Daoist robe old man right hand, turned on pill furnace, inside ran out of bright gold/metal. 就在这时,三十三天外,兜率宫在,道袍老者右手一拉,打开了丹炉,里面冲出了一道灿烂金芒。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Spirit Mountain sky caught suddenly scarlet, such as the sea of fire cloak, inserted in Golden Cudgel of peak makes fiercely, shoots, changed to the big dragon, flew to the midair. 灵山天空忽然染上了赤红,如火海似披风,插在峰顶的金箍棒猛地一挣,弹了出来,化作巨龙,飞向了半空。 At this time, a furry golden great hand found out from the sea of fire, held that big dragon, held Golden Cudgel, showed to sell the aura of Spirit Mountain avalanche, called out makes noise: 这个时候,一只毛绒绒的金色巨手从火海探出,抓住了那条巨龙,抓住了金箍棒,展现出让灵山崩塌的气息,暴喝出声: Evildoer/Monstrous talent, eat my Old Sun stick!” “妖孽,吃俺老孙一棒!”
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