WORIOA :: Volume #6

#218: Back side of the mountain seal

Golden Body remains, Gautama Buddha skeletons, all are palatial huge, noticeable, after becoming Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation continually, is more noticeable, having the feeling is full, even if in the upper air, can still see, now all disappears unexpectedly! 一具具金身遗蜕,一尊尊佛陀尸骸,皆是巍峨巨大,引人瞩目,连成万佛大阵后,更加不可忽视,存在感十足,即使身在高空,也能一眼望见,如今竟然全都不见了! The so strange condition makes the Meng Qi heart flash through the ominous feeling suddenly, the omen from Eight-Nine Mysterious Art can make his right hand search into the sleeve, pulled out a section of purple bright long blade. 这般诡异的状况让孟奇心头忽地闪过不祥之感,来自**玄功的预兆之能让他右手探入袖中,抽出了一截紫色剔透的长刀。 When Sha Wujing carries the mysterious skeleton, Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation stands erect as before this place, the Golden Body remains not lacks! 沙悟净背出神秘尸骸时,万佛大阵依旧屹立此地,金身遗骸毫无缺少! Was Spirit Mountain some mutations created their disappearance? 灵山的些许异变造成了祂们的消失? But what kind of change will their disappearances bring and danger? 而祂们的消失又会带来怎样的变化与危险? All sorts of questions exude, Meng Qi lived in the footsteps, inner qi is reserved, the blade intent deep conceals, is looking out the Spirit Mountain peak. 种种疑问泛起,孟奇顿住了脚步,气机内敛,刀意深藏,遥望着灵山峰顶。 Previous Kasyapa remains as if had the spirit wisdom, here Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation dissipates, everyone needs discretely.” Small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) also put out Monster Saint Spear, the phoenix wing coal, the dark fire winding, set off attracts Innate her to be many much valiant. “先前的迦叶遗蜕似乎有了一点灵智,这里的万佛大阵又消散一空,各位需得谨慎。”小狐狸青丘同样拿出了妖圣枪,凤翅黑金,暗火缠绕,衬得魅惑天生的她多了不少英姿飒爽。 Tai Li snort/hum: „The Spirit Mountain fruit has the mutation, some exist really does not think that we rescue Great Saint.” 太离哼了一声:“灵山果有异变,有的存在真的不想我们救出大圣。” I and others got together, the biography could not say, can the turn big storm?” Qilin Monster God Luo Jia slightly proud say/way. “我等齐聚,传说不出,又能翻得起多大的风浪?”麒麟妖神落伽略显自傲道。 Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) looked at his one eyes: If myriad Gautama Buddha, Great Bodhisattva and Great Arhat look like Kasyapa to have the little spirit wisdom, closes, simultaneously take action, can you block? Can ten you block?” 妖神辉光看了他一眼:“如果万千佛陀大菩萨大阿罗汉都像迦叶般生出少许灵智,一拥而上,齐齐出手,你挡得住吗?十个你挡得住吗?” They were once various only Supreme, even if the body falls eternally, cannot treat lightly.” “祂们都是曾经诸界唯一的大能,纵然身陨万古,也不能等闲视之。” Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang haha smiled one: Hui Guang(glowing light) you were too dignified, didn't we estimate good Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation the condition of remains one after another rebirth spirit wisdom before? Leads away them, emits Great Saint, all things may put down.” 鲲鹏妖神非想哈哈笑了一声:“辉光你太凝重了,我们之前不就预想好万佛大阵遗蜕纷纷重生一点灵智的状况吗?引开祂们,放出大圣,诸事可平。” „The situation of but previously considering is they exists in the peak as before, now vanishes strangely, letting the person has to guard.” Hui Guang(glowing light) phoenix four look into the distance, tries to seek for the traces. “但先前考虑的情况是祂们依旧存在于峰顶,如今诡异消失,让人不得不防。”辉光凤目四眺,试图寻找蛛丝马迹。 The life is most ancient also the most intense sentiment is frightened, but is most ancient also the most intense fear to come from unknown, presently Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation mysterious does not see, lets a Hui Guang(glowing light) palpitation. How is unable to imagine can live the terrifying change. 生灵最古老也最强烈的感情是恐惧,而最古老也最强烈的恐惧则来自未知,当前万佛大阵神秘不见,让辉光一阵心悸。无法想象会生怎样恐怖的变化。 Luo Jia thinks saying: „When can be the blood yellow river of taking the form of Yellow Springs absorbed the Spirit Mountain remains skeleton a moment ago, Golden Body in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation also held.” 落伽想了想道:“会不会是刚才形似黄泉的血黄长河吸纳灵山遗蜕尸骸时,将万佛大阵内的金身们也容纳了进去。” Cannot.” Meng Qi categorical say/way that has calmly audited. “不会。”一直静静旁听的孟奇斩钉截铁道。 Does not raise on the Yellow Springs also to have the brand mark, light/only experienced in the past can make him make this judgment, past in Spirit Mountain. When oneself confronts Kasyapa remains by the Yellow Springs skeleton, similarly the sacrifice bleeds the yellow river, similarly held full mountain zombie Evil God, but has not affected the Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation slightest. 不提黄泉身上还有自家烙印,光是以往经历就能让他做出这个判断,昔日灵山之中。自己以黄泉尸骸对阵迦叶遗蜕时,同样祭出了血黄长河,同样容纳了满山僵尸邪神,但都未曾影响万佛大阵分毫。 Tai Li looked at Meng Qi, slightly nod said: If the blood yellow river held in Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation numerous legend and Creator (good fortune) Golden Body. Does not stop in like that the prestige energy, makes us be annihilated sufficiently.” 太离看了看孟奇,微微点头道:“若血黄长河容纳了万佛大阵内众多的传说、造化金身。绝不止于那般威能,足以让我们全军覆没。” He is judging from another aspect. 他从另外一个方面判断着。 To be honest, seeing Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation to vanish, my also quite palpitation with worrying, now but most abstains then delays hesitant, enters does not enter, draws back does not draw back, not only possibly wastes the opportunity, but also same will fall into the dangerous situation, what decision no matter therefore makes. Most important makes the decision as soon as possible, avoids being hesitant to advance, retrocedes does not think.” Qilin Monster God Luo Jia said confidently. “老实说,看见万佛大阵消失,我也颇为心悸和担忧,但如今最忌讳的便是犹豫耽搁,进也不进,退也不退,不仅可能浪费机会,而且一样会陷入危险处境,故而不管做出什么样的决定。最重要的就是尽快做出决定,避免裹足不前,后退不想。”麒麟妖神落伽坦然说道。 He lived many years, step by step from young small accomplishment long to Monster God, has the say/way of complete working. 他活了很多年,一步步从幼小成长为至妖神,自有完整的做事之道。 The Hui Guang(glowing light) nod said: I am this idea, the present am to also reach the peak, doing an inspection all around?” 辉光点头道:“我也是这个想法,如今是登上峰顶,还是巡查四周?” What does all around have to do an inspection?” Fei Xiang looks at around the peak the clear environment to say with a smile, illuminates me looks like, when to hit quickly slowly, immediately ascended to peak. Receives Golden Cudgel, rescues remaining Great Saint, their, even if the strength ten do not save one. Also sweeps away the rebirth to have the little spirit wisdom sufficiently merely ten thousand Buddha Golden Body, when the time comes, comes 1-2 Creator (good fortune) Great Divine Expert not necessarily unable to block again, has what fears it?” “四周有什么能巡查的?”非想望着峰顶四周一目了然的环境笑道,“照我看来,当以快打慢,立刻登临峰顶。收起金箍棒,救出残余大圣,祂们一出,即使实力十不存一。也足以横扫仅仅重生出少许灵智的万佛金身,到时候,再来1-2造化大神通者都未必挡不住,有何惧之?” As the matter stands, not only can complete mission, and may guarantee all things security. Why not? Delays again, could not say that appeared does not change well!” “这样一来,既能完成任务,又可保诸事安全。何乐而不为呢?再耽搁下去,说不得就出现不好变化了!” Hears his proposition, the Luo Jia chin approval: Indecisive is the danger, as for certain has the own balance!” 听到他的提议,落伽颔赞同:“犹豫不决最是危险,至于某些存在自有制衡!” Tai Li and Qing Qiu(azure mound) look at each other one, looked at Meng Qi, presently he has no particular preference, therefore follows saying: That tries, I and Headmaster Su, Hui Guang(glowing light) guard to change, you receive Golden Cudgel, relieves the seal. Book 太离青丘对视一眼,看了看孟奇,现他无可无不可,于是跟着道:“那就试一试吧,我与苏掌教辉光防备变化,你们收起金箍棒,解除封印。书” Haggles over readily, one line of several between then ascended to extremely, arrive around five fingers Foshan and Golden Cudgel. 计较停当,一行几步之间便登临绝顶,来到五指佛山与金箍棒附近。 Qing Qiu(azure mound) looks dignifiedly to that seven color bright Bodhi Wonder Tree, the sinking sound reminds: Do not move here anything, otherwise I and others cannot escape, the dead shape fortunately, feared pitifully since then becomes the Demon Buddha puppet.” 青丘凝重望向那株七彩剔透的菩提妙树,沉声提醒道:“千万别动这边任何事物,否则我等没一个能逃得出去,死状凄惨还好,就怕从此成为魔佛傀儡。” The vision has all swept above bright pure Bodhi Wonder Tree, at once the arrived flower blossoms to fall, by thunder mine destruction fresh Golden Cudgel, Meng Qi, Hui Guang(glowing light) and Tai Li dispersing, the protection surrounding, Luo Jia, Fei Xiang and Qing Qiu(azure mound) about several steps, are meditating the long incantation. 目光皆在剔透清净的菩提妙树之上扫过,旋即到了花开花落,雷灭雷生的金箍棒旁,孟奇辉光太离散开,防备外围,落伽非想青丘更近几步,默念着冗长的咒文。 Meng Qi is very near from five fingers Foshan, the innermost feelings palpitate, have the subtle induction, as if inside suppresses is oneself. 孟奇距离五指佛山很近,内心悸动,有微妙感应,似乎里面镇压的就是自己。 He deeply inspires, not only stands guard the outside world to change, but also guards has the Monster God dark bosom sinister design, wants to emit Demon Buddha while this opportunity! 他深吸了一口气,不仅警戒着外界变化,而且提防着有妖神暗怀鬼胎,想趁此机会放出魔佛 cicada sheds its shell? 金蝉脱壳 Zhen Ding Tathagata in the Meng Qi mind flashes through the innumerable thought innumerable guesses instantaneously, but always peeps not the broken that matter dense fog, is difficult the affirmation. 真定如来孟奇脑海内瞬间闪过无数念头无数猜测,但又始终窥不破那层迷雾,难有肯定。 Since Golden Cicada possibly is Buddha Ancestor makes the Reduce to Emptiness product, his mortal flesh why cicada sheds its shell? 既然金蝉子可能是佛祖减求空的产物,那他的凡胎又为何金蝉脱壳 don't tell me this is Buddha Ancestor the law of true taking off/escaping, makes Reduce to Emptiness, cicada sheds its shell, escapes Grand Dao? 难道这才是佛祖的真正脱之法,做减求空,金蝉脱壳,遁出大道 But why can Golden Cicada say by the Buddha Ancestor two disciples? That obviously is Ānanda! 但为何金蝉子要以佛祖二弟子自称?那明明是阿难 Cannot disguise actually not, but why why bother, not to have related as 11 disciple 12 disciples, only if in this Yun Han(contain) special meaning 倒不是不能假装,而是何必何苦,作为十一弟子十二弟子又没关系,除非这里面蕴含着特别的意味 Meng Qi leads the way gradually, walks by the arrived cicada slough used in Chinese medicine, in the eye intelligent light flashes before, is sizing up splitting carefully, sees only inside emptily, truly nothing, but the place that splits piled up the illusory years dust, looked was not recently cicada sheds its shell, at least experienced the long time washout. 孟奇缓步前行,走到了蝉蜕旁边,眼中慧光闪现,仔细打量着裂开,只见里面空空荡荡,确实没有一物,而裂开的地方堆积了虚幻的岁月尘埃,一看就不是最近才金蝉脱壳的,至少经历了漫长的时光冲刷。 After Monk Tang's mortal flesh class/flow to here, then immediately cicada sheds its shell? Meng Qi is thinking looking pensive, the right hand extends, does to execute the fearless seal shape, emits the colored glaze golden light, binds the cicada slough used in Chinese medicine, reduced unceasingly, changed to thumb size one grain, then received, prepared taking away to let the main body with Cause of All Fruits examination, where having a look at the Thread of Karma even/including of cicada slough used in Chinese medicine to approach. 唐僧的凡胎流到此处后便立刻金蝉脱壳孟奇若有所思想着,右手一伸,做施无畏印状,放出琉璃金光,将蝉蜕裹住,不断缩小,化作了拇指大小一粒,然后收了起来,准备带去让本尊用“诸果之因”察看,看看蝉蜕的因果之线连向何方。 Completes all these, he continues after Spirit Mountain the peak deep place line goes, turns around the level area, at present suddenly one bright, because the front has the situation that the peaks and ridges collapse, revealed deeply hid bottom of a Spirit Mountain cavern. 做完这一切,他继续往着灵山后峰深处行去,拐过山坳,眼前忽然一亮,因为前方有峰峦垮塌的情况,露出了深藏灵山底部的一处洞穴。 The cavern fills the colored glaze gloss that the pale Jin Wanzi symbol is composing, seems the indestructible seal, but has been broken open now. 洞穴弥漫着淡金万字符组成的琉璃光泽,似乎原本是坚不可摧的封印,但现在已被破开。 The white clothing monk Meng Qi revolution mental perception, buddhist light jumps, careful view, heart immediately thump, because survives the part the revolution trace to look from the seal, breaks open shortly after! 白衣僧人孟奇运转慧眼,佛光迸,仔细一观,心头顿时咯噔了一下,因为从封印残存部分的运转痕迹看,破开没多久! What monster had to escape from the seal recently? 有什么怪物最近逃出封印了? What seal is what monster? Is don't tell me the product after cicada sheds its shell? 封印的是什么怪物?难道金蝉脱壳后的产物? Is holding this doubts, Meng Qi appears also incomplete Tathagata Golden Body, changes to Gautama Buddha, the hand pinches Divine Palm, escaped carefully, inside was dense and numerous, piled up with the Golden Body skeleton, looked casually, on present Manjushri Bodhisattva remains that tied five hair bun five brightness! 抱着这种疑惑,孟奇现出还不完整如来金身,化作一尊佛陀,手捏神掌,小心遁了进去,里面密密麻麻,堆满了金身尸骸,随便一看,就现了头结五髻五慧的文殊菩萨遗蜕 In addition, have tears Gautama Buddha all here! 除此之外,一尊尊有泪佛陀皆在此处! This, this is disappearance Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation!” Zhen Ding Tathagata is terrified is startled. “这,这是消失的万佛大阵!”真定如来再次悚然一惊。 Gautama Buddha was Bodhisattva Golden Body of Spirit Mountain peak moved arrived here? 灵山峰顶的佛陀菩萨金身被搬到了这里? Was broken the monster of seal to move arrived here by that? 被那破开封印的怪物搬到了这里? The Meng Qi right hand is hoodwinking colored glaze golden light, extended, tries to inspect Manjushri Bodhisattva Golden Body, just contacted, Golden Body collapses to disintegrate suddenly, is only left over outermost one unexpectedly, in already empty like this! 孟奇右手蒙着一层琉璃金光,伸了过去,试图检查文殊菩萨金身,刚刚接触,金身忽地崩溃瓦解,竟然只剩下最外面一层,内中早就空荡如许! Gautama Buddha Golden Body also ashes fly, all is only left over the outer covering, probably was absorbed to swallow the Dharma Body essence by whom! 一尊尊佛陀金身随之灰飞,全都是只剩下外壳,像是被谁吸收吞噬了法身精华! By that monster absorption digestion? 都被那怪物吸收消化了? So many Gautama Buddha, Great Bodhisattva and Great Arhat Golden Body remains! 如此多佛陀大菩萨大阿罗汉金身遗蜕 Meng Qi held breath a cold air, it seems like had to exist deliberately relieved this place seal! 孟奇倒吸了口凉气,看来是有存在刻意解除了此地封印! But initially was the seal that who arranged? 而当初又是谁布置的封印? Where did the escaped monster go to? 逃出的怪物去了哪里? Thinks of this festival, his stunned raised the head, looks to the Spirit Mountain peak! 想到此节,他愕然抬头,望向灵山峰顶! Peak, Meng Qi, Tai Li and Hui Guang(glowing light) discrete alert, does not dare to have neglects slightly, Luo Jia, Fei Xiang and Qing Qiu(azure mound) body week has the multi-colored sunlight to reappear gradually, during the shakes and Golden Cudgel had the resonance, shouted attracts, swung in a flash. 峰顶处,孟奇太离辉光谨慎戒备,不敢有丝毫怠慢,落伽非想青丘身周渐渐有霞光浮现,震荡之间似与金箍棒有了共鸣,一呼一吸,一摇一晃。 At this moment, Meng Qi vision suddenly dignified, sizes up all around again, he receives the picture that arrived Zhen Ding Tathagata Incarnation sees. 就在这时,孟奇目光忽地凝重,再次打量四周,他接收到了真定如来化身所见的画面。 But Hui Guang(glowing light) knits the brows, the doubts said: How to feel that here was also dark a point 辉光则皱了皱眉,疑惑道:“怎么感觉这里又暗了一点” Luo Jia and Fei Xiang hears word shakes the head, hints itself not to feel similarly. 落伽非想闻言摇了摇头,示意自己没有类似感受。 Meng Qi inspires gently, because he feels arrived similarly, the peak probably were many a shadow, was covered by some giant shadow! 孟奇则轻轻吸了口气,因为他同样感受到了,峰顶像是多了一层阴影,被某个巨大的影子笼罩了! Beyond Thirty-Three Heavens, the wonderful flower puts, spirit spring Benyong, Tushita Palace timeless stands erect. 三十三天外,奇花盛放,灵泉奔涌,兜率宫亘古不变般屹立此间。 The Daoist garments old man sits cross-legged to sit before the Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace, both eyes ajar half whole, the two sides gold and silver young lad is dominating the crucial moment. 道装老者盘腿坐在八卦炉前,双眼半开半阖,两边金银童子把持着火候。 Suddenly, this Daoist garments old man opened the eye, inside the dense piece, such as other concealed All Heavens Myriad Realms, opens the mouth to say slowly: 忽然,这道装老者睁开了眼睛,内里氤氲一片,如藏别的诸天万界,缓缓开口道: This open the furnace.” “该开炉了。” This open the furnace? Golden Horn Boy and Silver Horn Boy stunned looks, looks to the big master. 该开炉了?金角童子银角童子愕然望,看向大老爷。 Did this furnace refine more than 600 years of Immortal Pill to open the furnace?( To be continued.) 这炉炼制了六百多年的仙丹要开炉了?(未完待续。)
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