WORIOA :: Volume #6

#217: Empty

The sleeve robe shakes, the blood yellow water hangs upside down just like Heaven River, the volume to Kasyapa remains, compelling Its both hands to tie seal, emits the immeasurable light, resistance. 袖袍一抖,血黄之水宛若天河倒挂,卷向迦叶遗蜕,逼得祂双手结印,放出无量光明,堪堪抵御。 Seizes this opportunity, the Meng Qi overhead, rides the winds and sails about in the void, crossed the cliff from the midair, seems like that the speed is extremely fast, but actually just right avoids the as if huge mouth void crack. 抓住这个机会,孟奇当头,凭虚御风,从半空横渡了断崖,看似速度极快,但却总是恰到好处避开了仿佛巨口的虚空裂缝。 Luo Jia, Hui Guang(glowing light) and other Monster God each other looked at each other one, all sees being astonished and prudent of opposite party, has not said anything, followed closely Meng Qi to cross this cliff, snatched contains spatially in a Kasyapa remains palm, before the racket drew back the Yellow Springs, during the twinkles vanished in the dark mountain road end that secret Divine Wind howled. 落伽辉光妖神彼此对视了一眼,皆看到对方的讶异和慎重,没有多说什么,紧随孟奇越过了这座断崖,抢在迦叶遗蜕一掌含空,拍退黄泉之前,闪烁间消失于三昧神风呼啸的幽暗山路尽头。 Escaping fast, skeleton remains was only absorbed by the Yellow Springs along the way, completely empty, how long one line was useless to feel the mind to relax, was short with absolutely terrified that Kasyapa remains and blood yellow river inner qi involved, has cast off them by far. 遁光飞快,沿途尸骸遗蜕又都被黄泉吸纳,空空如也,一行没用多久就感觉心灵放松,少了与迦叶遗蜕和血黄长河气机牵扯的毛骨悚然,已是将祂们远远甩开。 The footsteps slow down slightly, several Monster God alert all around more and more low and deep condition, is nearer to the Spirit Mountain peak, bumping into Gautama Buddha Great Bodhisattva Great Arhat remains is possibly is bigger and bigger, previously was Kasyapa and Evil God of doubtful Nine Serenities Yellow Springs, waited to refer to erratically is Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Nāmó Akshobhya, Nāmó Śikhin, Nāmó Candanaśrī Buddha. 脚步略微放缓,几位妖神戒备起四周越来越幽沉的状况,离灵山峰顶愈近,撞见佛陀大菩萨大阿罗汉遗蜕是可能是越来越大,先前是迦叶与疑似九幽黄泉的邪神,等下指不定就是文殊菩萨普贤菩萨南无阿閦佛南无尸弃佛南无旃檀功德佛等。 What is more important, although originally these remains danger, but oneself and other Monster God collaborated, deals sufficiently, not fears, regards the harvest, but Spirit Mountain has a mutation now, remains one after another has the little spirit wisdom, the degree of hazard soars, is equal to having the top Heavenly Immortal of legend or Creator (good fortune) characteristics, even exceeds especially, words one-on-one, oneself and other Monster God were not necessarily able to win, but the Spirit Mountain peak or goes to the Spirit Mountain peak on the way, similar remains far more than five and ten? 更为重要的是,原本这些遗蜕虽然危险,但自己等妖神联手,足以应对,毫无惧怕,视之收获,可如今灵山有所异变,遗蜕纷纷生出少许灵智,危险程度直线上升,等于有着传说或造化特征的顶级天仙,甚至尤有胜过,单对单的话,自己等妖神未必能赢,而灵山峰顶或前往灵山峰顶的途中,类似遗蜕何止五具、十具? Matter will not be eventually smooth, after all emits remaining Great Saint, changes the All Heavens Myriad Realms situation the action, definitely will have certain exists to meddle the stop! 事情终究不会太顺利,毕竟是放出残余大圣,改变诸天万界局势的举动,肯定会有某些存在插手阻拦! During the thought rotations, Luo Jia looked to side front Meng Qi, saw only his azure robe to flutter, auspicious clouds, quite had the antiquity real immortal graceful bearing step by step, nodded the head gently said: Many thanks the Daoist immortal rescued a moment ago.” 念头转动间,落伽看向了侧前方的孟奇,只见他青袍飘荡,步步祥云,颇有上古真仙风姿,轻轻颔首道:“多谢真君刚才相救。” Since searches Spirit Mountain, how could to sit by and do nothing?” The Meng Qi smile deals. “既然共探灵山,岂能坐视不理?”孟奇微笑应对。 Does not know how the Daoist immortal did call?” Until this time, experienced Universe Sleeve, Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang recalled itself not to know the opposite party given name. “不知真君如何称呼?”直到这个时候,见识了袖里乾坤,鲲鹏妖神非想才记起自己不知对方名讳。 To Dao Sect cultivator of Heavenly Immortal level, often called the Daoist immortal, like Immortal Venerated of legend correspondence, in Creator (good fortune) outstanding and Pāramitā was called Heavenly Lord generally, but this was only the title of being established by usage, did not correspond completely, some powerhouses have continued to use at first name, did not make the change, can therefore be called Heavenly Lord Immortal Venerated by the people, definitely extremely for a while, but was called the Daoist immortal actually did not represent certainly is only Heavenly Immortal. 天仙级的道门修士,往往称呼真君,就像传说对应的仙尊,造化中出类拔萃者与彼岸则笼统称为天尊,但这只是约定俗成的称号,并不完全对应,有的强者会一直沿用最初之名,不做变动,所以能被众人叫做天尊仙尊的,肯定强极一时,但称为真君的却不代表一定只是天仙 Monster Saint successor Qing Qiu(azure mound) inserts said: Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace Headmaster Su Meng True Monarch Su.” 妖圣传人青丘插言道:“昆仑山玉虚宫掌教苏孟苏真君。” Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace?” Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) and the others the vision has swept Meng Qi, the twinkle is uncertain, quite stunned. 昆仑山玉虚宫?”妖神辉光等人目光扫过孟奇,闪烁不定,颇为愕然 Person the shadow of famous tree, among antiquity years Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, but Dao Sect Holy Land, the name passes on ten thousand boundary/world, even after eternal, because Sea Calming Bead melts the inheritance that All Heavens blesses brings to be unceasing, still heard three to Monster God, knowing this is of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Three Pure Ones Dao Temple, who is Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning? It is ancient most powerful Pāramitā Being! 人的名树的影,上古年间昆仑山玉虚宫可是道门圣地,名传万界,即使事隔万古,但因为定海珠所化诸天庇佑带来的传承不断,三位至妖神也是有所耳闻,知晓这是三清之一元始天尊道场,而元始天尊是谁?祂是最古老最强大的彼岸者 Can take on Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace this reputation, can become Headmaster, this Su Meng True Monarch Su is not simple! 能担当昆仑山玉虚宫这个名头,能成为掌教,这位苏孟苏真君不简单啊! If the irrelevant person and others used Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace this name rashly, the strength fortunately, the child plays meanly, but if has certain influence, that will withstand big karma absolutely, dies a violent death. 若是无关人等贸然使用昆仑山玉虚宫这个名称,实力低微还好,孩童游戏罢了,可如果有一定的势力,那绝对会承受大因果,死于非命。 Only is of reveal Universe Sleeve deserves consideration, no wonder Qing Qiu(azure mound) must ask him to help...... Hui Guang(glowing light) inwardly nod, starts the opponent who Meng Qi regards as the same level, like Fei Xiang and Luo Jia, each other is close, mutual diversion. 光是露的那一手“袖里乾坤”就值得重视,难怪青丘要请他助拳……辉光暗自点头,开始将孟奇视作自身同一层次的对手,就像非想落伽一样,彼此难分胜负,互相牵制。 The Luo Jia facial features of arrogant few language have moved slightly, as if suddenly. 一直高傲少语的落伽眉眼微动,仿佛恍然。 Originally is the inheritance of Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace! 原来是昆仑山玉虚宫的传承! Universe Sleeve that no matter he learns from where, is unable to be equal to his strength, many jade clear divine ability have not definitely displayed. 不管他是从何处学到的袖里乾坤,都无法等同他本身的实力,肯定还有诸多玉清神通未曾施展。 Five Colored Divine Light Tai Li, Universe Sleeve Su Meng, cannot similarly negligent teammate, will not pay attention slightly the say/way. 五色神光太离,袖里乾坤苏孟,是同样不能大意的“队友”,稍不留神就会着了道。 Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang hehe said with a smile: This thinks that Monster Clan has the Journey to the West world, has to do to for three days, the inheritance is unceasing, must far strong in Human Clan, cannot think that also has Headmaster Su this grade of character, the least bit is not inferior I and others.” 鲲鹏妖神非想呵呵笑道:“本以为妖族西游世界,有奈何三天,传承不绝,必远强于人族,想不到还有苏掌教这等人物,半点也不逊色我等。” The Su Meng truly no small matter, deserves consideration, but oneself are not bad, below the legend, who said can win? 苏孟确实非同小可,值得重视,但自身也不差,传说以下,谁言能胜? both sides in same level. 双方在同一层次。 Final Tribulation approaches, the antiquity will inherit the one after another present world, Human Clan will not miss.” Meng Qi shows a faint smile, resembles open-mindedly. 末劫来临,上古传承纷纷现世,人族自不会差。”孟奇微微一笑,状似虚怀若谷。 Flies the escaping vanguard, looks all around, Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) suddenly ground submergence sound said: Spirit Mountain has the mutation, how waits to do?” 边飞遁前行,边环顾四周,妖神辉光忽地沉声道:“灵山有异变,等下该如何做?” She projects the vision to Meng Qi on, starts to value his opinion. 她将目光投射到孟奇身上,开始重视他的意见。 If remains in peak Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation looked like Venerable Kāśyapa to have the mutation, we certainly were extremely He Qiang to rush to the possibility, best be divided into two teams, one team tempted the peak the remains skeletons, one team seized the chance ascended to, received Golden Cudgel.” Meng Qi confident said. “若峰顶万佛大阵内的遗蜕都像迦叶尊者般发生了异变,我们绝无任何强闯可能,最好分成两队,一队将遗蜕尸骸们诱出峰顶,一队趁机登临,收起金箍棒。”孟奇胸有成竹般道。 The Tai Li nod said: Good way, who to tempt, who comes the info clerk?” 太离点头道:“好办法,谁来引诱,谁来收纳?” Qing Qiu(azure mound) looked at Meng Qi one saying: Headmaster Su, Tai Li Monster God, Hui Guang(glowing light) Monster God, your three have Universe Sleeve, Five Colored Divine Light and Five Virtues Treasure respectively, is most suitable to tempt, is insufficient to be surrounded, I and Luo Jia Monster God and Fei Xiang Monster God info clerk Golden Cudgel, eradicates the seal.” 青丘看了孟奇一眼道:“苏掌教,太离妖神,辉光妖神,你们三位分别具备袖里乾坤五色神光五德之宝,最适合引诱,不至于被包围,我与落伽妖神非想妖神收纳金箍棒,破除封印。” Hui Guang(glowing light) hesitated, nods said: Good!” 辉光沉吟了一下,颔首道:“好!” The Su Meng strength cannot be underestimated, as Human Clan, needs to guard against him to destroy rescues the matter of remaining Great Saint, making him lead away skeleton remains to be just appropriate, but oneself and Tai Li has the tyrannical place respectively, does not fear Universe Sleeve, forms a team to be able his disloyalty to suppress with him not to have. 苏孟实力不容小觑,又身为人族,需要防备他破坏救出残余大圣之事,让他引开尸骸遗蜕正合适,而自己与太离各有强横之处,不是太惧怕袖里乾坤,与他组队能够将他的异心压制到无。 Qing Qiu(azure mound) also vigilant, understands to guard against Human Clan, so division. 青丘还算机警,懂得提防人族,如此分队。 Sees Hui Guang(glowing light) to agree, Tai Li had no particular preference to comply, Luo Jia and Fei Xiang understand that thoughts in secret, have not raised the objection. 辉光首肯,太离无可无不可答应了,落伽非想明白暗中的心思,没提出异议。 Waits to rescue remaining Great Saint, many accidents/surprises do not fear! 等救出残余大圣,再多的意外都不怕了! Meng Qi sees that including saying with a smile: So also good.” 孟奇见状,含笑道:“如此也好。” Haggles over readily, Qing Qiu(azure mound), Fei Xiang and other hearts such as fell the big stone, one after another quickened the step of advance. 计较停当,青丘非想等心头如落大石,纷纷加快了前进的步伐。 When they were far away from this region, during is dark fills the blood yellow mist suddenly, goes out of a huge terrifying from the blackness gradually the skeleton that jet black profound flows the vitality abundant pure white, the bone is prying into void, colludes various places, the body week is fluctuating ten thousand different Death God figure, remains Netherworld's Skeleton of Meng Qi brand mark! 等到他们远离了这片地域,幽暗之中忽地弥漫血黄雾气,从漆黑里缓步走出一具庞大恐怖的尸骸,漆黑深邃中流动着生机盎然的洁白,骨刺探入虚空,勾连各处,身周浮动着万界不同死神身影,正是还残留着孟奇烙印的黄泉骸骨 It looks the direction that Qing Qiu(azure mound) Hui Guang(glowing light) wait/etc. departed, roared lowly, sound near Meng Qi, resembles to smile, in the eye socket, is glittering the blood yellow glimmer. 祂看着青丘辉光等离去的方向,低低咆哮了一声,音近孟奇,状似哂笑,眼眶内则闪烁着血黄微光。 ............ ………… After stepping into Spirit Mountain the peak, the Meng Qi as if flash lost all senses, in the heart chaos, slow the moment adapted, clarified the surrounding scene. 踏入灵山后峰,孟奇仿佛一瞬间失去了所有感官,心内一片混沌,缓了片刻才适应了过来,弄清楚了周围场景。 Here endures compared with the Spirit Mountain peak darkly, the water of high, void crack towering cloud crossing is slowly enormous, difference can tear the Dharma Body strange wind. 这里幽暗堪比灵山峰顶,凌云渡之水缓缓上流,虚空裂缝极大,出入者能撕裂法身的怪风。 Was popular one following the river, the Meng Qi front shore soil wriggled suddenly, crawls grotesque skeletons, probably bred the life here to be fallen the influence by ten thousand Buddha, transferred the Evil Demon malicious ghost. 顺着河流行了一阵,孟奇前方岸边泥土突地蠕动,爬出了一具具奇形怪状的尸骸,像是原本孕育在这里的生灵被万佛同坠影响,转为了邪魔恶鬼。 Their Three Heads and Six Arms, some face chaos, the aura gloomy and cold contamination, is stronger than Bodhisattva remains, welled up densely and numerously, must drag Meng Qi to launch, covers up the scene of distant place. 他们有的三头六臂,有的面部混沌,气息阴冷污秽,比菩萨遗蜕还强,密密麻麻涌了过来,要拖着孟奇下水,遮掩住了远处的场景。 White clothing monk Meng Qi sighed, changes into Golden Body Gautama Buddha that a mercy pitied, the right hand stretches out straight in front of oneself, resembles Pok, then the colored glaze golden light burst out, swayed honeydew just like the willow branch, selected point dropping. 白衣僧人孟奇叹了口气,化为一尊慈悲怜悯的金身佛陀,右手平伸,状似施福,然后琉璃金光迸发,宛若杨柳枝挥洒甘露,点点“滴落”。 Evil Demon of gloomy and cold contamination bumps into this golden light, immediately vanish like smoke in thin air, like shaking off the shackles, resulted in the arrived extrication, short instantaneous, the front empties thoroughly. 阴冷污秽的邪魔一碰到这金光,当即烟消云散,如同挣脱了桎梏,得到了解脱,短短瞬间,前方彻底清空。 Buddha has great wish, Salvation to All Living Things! 佛有大愿,普度众生 The line of sight, Meng Qi proceeds to march forward, lives the lotus step by step, walked one, the scene of dark deep place mapped his view: 视线一空,孟奇往前行进,步步生莲,走了一阵,幽暗深处的场景映入了他的眼帘: towering cloud crossing hence and finally, changes to park park the spring, inside year sinks to carry to float a pale golden great cicada! 凌云渡至此而终,化作泊泊泉眼,里面载沉载浮着一具淡金色的巨蝉! golden cicada? Golden Cicada? Monk Tang's mortal flesh little reversion changes, finally returns this turns over to beginning, appears golden cicada's body? The Meng Qi intention is serious, the colored glaze makes the eye, concentrates the eye to look, sees only back of the great cicada to split, inside is completely empty! 金蝉?金蝉子?唐僧的凡胎一点点逆向变化,终于返本归初,现出金蝉之身?孟奇心念郑重,琉璃做眼,凝目看去,只见巨蝉背部裂开,里面空空如也! cicada sheds its shell? 金蝉脱壳 Meng Qi is startled terrified. 孟奇悚然一惊。 ............ ………… Skeleton remains, Meng Qi one line approached the Spirit Mountain peak along the way rapidly. 沿途尸骸遗蜕一空,孟奇一行迅速靠近了灵山峰顶。 They look into the distance as far as the eye can see, there broad and level, passes through Golden Cudgel of the world as if to appear at present, the flower blossoms to fall, the thunder mine destruction lives, side has Five Fingers Mountain to stand erect, on inserts seven color bright Bodhi Tree, meaning of great purity, great freedom, great bliss and great wisdom fills the air. 他们极目眺望,那里一片坦荡,贯穿天地的金箍棒似乎已出现在眼前,花开花落,雷灭雷生,旁边则有五指山屹立,上插七彩剔透的菩提树枝,大清净大自在大极乐大智慧之意弥漫而出。 All these such as Meng Qi saw initially, does not have any change. 这一切如孟奇当初所见,没有任何变化。 However, surroundings stone forest Golden Body Gautama Buddha disappear, composes Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation remains to disappear. 但是,周围石林般的金身佛陀们不见了,组成万佛大阵的一具具遗蜕不见了。 Disappear! 不见了!
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