WORIOA :: Volume #6

#203: Also calculates conscientious Extreme Blade

Five fingers such as the ball pipa, stretches, but strokes orderly, as if can always hit in some world natural node, making the material break up, makes void shatter, making the rule chaotic, brings piece of unrestrained sweeping Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, rice gruel that scarlet azure yellowish white as if boils, rumble tumbling, viscous danger. 五根手指如弹琵琶,舒展而有序地拂出,似乎总能打在天地自然的某个节点,让物质崩解,让虚空破碎,让规律混乱,带来一片肆掠地火风水,赤青黄白仿佛煮沸的米粥,咕噜翻滚,粘稠危险。 The blade of Overlord counter cutting falls into, more and more slow, had exhausted the strength, saw that the body must be swallowed by Earth, Fire, Wind, Water. 霸王逆斩之刀陷入进去,越来越缓,已是耗尽了力量,眼看身体都要被地火风水吞噬了。 At this moment, the purple light disappears, is missing in the middle of chaotic Four Symbols strangely, probably integrated illusory, launches the attack from other world. 就在这时,紫光一消,诡异地失踪于混乱四象当中,像是融入了虚幻,从另外的天地发起进攻。 Blade shadow towering emergence, has delimited little scarlet azure yellowish white, cuts on back of the hand that arrived Meng Qi strokes. 刀影突兀出现,划过少许赤青黄白,斩到了孟奇拂出的手背上。 The collision is silent, blade shadow as if solidified on the skin, but Meng Qi dangled the dim light that camouflaged the line of sight by Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud at present, strange sparking, in the nihility boiled up a purple intent pure long blade, it as if cut from mysterious Karma World, before breaking through the eave, impediment of water curtain! 碰撞无声无息,刀影仿佛凝固在了皮肤上,而孟奇太上无极元始庆云垂下的幽光遮蔽了视线的眼前,奇诡闪亮,虚无里迸出了一口紫意纯粹的长刀,它似乎从神秘的因果世界斩来,突破了檐前水幕的阻挡! This is Overlord counter cuts a Demon Monarch peak blade, compared with „the past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air still further, not only can cut off the relation, but can also draw support from the relation, counter cuts the main body. 这是霸王逆斩魔君的巅峰一刀,比“过去种种,烟消云散”更进一步,不仅能斩断联系,而且能借助联系,逆斩本尊。 Normal, the karma relation will also be melted by Extreme Nihility Seal, but during both hands of Meng Qi attack are not at the chaos dim light to protect, therefore Overlord attacks thing taking advantage of the shape, bypassed the defense of Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud directly, the long jab main body. 正常而言,因果联系也会被无极印消融,但孟奇攻击的双手不在混沌幽光保护之中,于是霸王“借形攻物”,直接绕过了太上无极元始庆云的防御,直击本体。 Is better than Demon Monarch, even if only Incarnation, even also in deep sleep, but still absolutely strong any Heavenly Immortal, under this blade, is still unexpected, is injured, bleeds, incarnadine bronze bronze coffin. 强如魔君,即使只是化身,即使还在沉睡,但也绝对强过任何天仙,这一刀下,依旧猝不及防,受了伤,流了血,染红了青铜古棺 at this very moment, Overlord treats the Demon Monarch stance to deal with Meng Qi, indicates to attach great importance, fighting intent is even more soaring. 此时此刻,霸王对待魔君的姿态应对孟奇,足见重视,战意愈发高昂。 Extreme Blade is insightful, performing is the slight purple electricity, under contrast of chaos dim light, following the mysterious relation, is unable to respond stance pocket that is unable to avoid cuts to fall, but the Overlord suppressed imposing manner starts to rise again, a move goes well. Assaults surely again and again, making in resisting that the opposite party can only be tired out from the press move toward the failure. 绝刀通透,尽是细微紫电,在混沌幽光的衬托下,循着神秘的联系,以无法反应无法躲避的姿态兜头斩落,而霸王被压制的气势开始回升,一招得手。必定连连抢攻,让对方只能疲于奔命的招架里走向失败。 Suddenly, he disappeared with the aid of palatial Deity Meng Qi that divine armament induced, vanished thoroughly. Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud and chaos dim light also vanished, is only left over colored glaze ancient lamp that same place is dragging such as the bean flame, it emitted such as the empty as imaginary black and white ray to illuminate the innumerable radiant stellar lines. 突然,他借助神兵感应到的巍峨神人孟奇消失了,彻底消失了。太上无极元始庆云与混沌幽光也消失了,原地只剩下一盏摇曳着如豆火苗的琉璃古灯,它放出如虚似幻的黑白光芒照出了无数璀璨星线。 His main body original form? The Overlord thought rotates, long blade extremely quick whereabouts. 他的本体原形?霸王念头转动间,长刀极快下落。 Then that is unable to extinguish with language description colored glaze ancient lamp strangely, all become jet black and chaotic. A blade that the relation direct interrupt that the karma as if headless fly, draws support from, is unable to avoid chops the arrived vacancy. 然后那盏无法用语言描述的琉璃古灯诡异熄灭了,一切变得漆黑而混乱。因果仿佛无头苍蝇,借助的联系直接中断,无法躲避的一刀劈到了空处。 The Overlord fight experience is rich, surprised does not affect to judge, Extreme Blade receives, circles the body to revolve, circles to wave, a as if antique Thunder Dragon. 霸王战斗经验何等丰富,惊讶不影响判断,绝刀一收,绕身旋转,盘旋舞动,仿佛一条太古雷龙。 blade light just got up, behind him then presented that palatial sacred giant, Meng Qi Primordial Beginning celebration cloud already received. Right hand on, palm including to Yang arrive just meaning, left hand below, palm to right palm, to Yin to supple, such as holds the sphere. 刀光刚起,他背后便出现了那个巍峨神圣的巨人,孟奇元始庆云已经收起。右手在上,掌含至阳至刚之意,左手在下,掌心正对右掌,至阴至柔,如抱圆球。 The Yin-Yang interlocks, in double holds the relative chest front to form the sphere that a black barbel circled. 阴阳交错,于双掌相对的胸前形成了一个黑白鱼绕成的圆球。 Meng Qi both hands instead circle, the sphere reverses, collapsing, changed to a point suddenly. Before not having has no children, a point no up no down, chaos, spooky deep. 孟奇双手反绕,圆球逆转,陡然坍缩,化作了一点。无前无后,无上无下的一点,混混沌沌,幽幽深深。 The shoulder shakes. Both hands put, this point flew, absorbs all around, changes to chaos, the cover to Overlord, the ablation myriad things. Returns this turns over to beginning, before the feeling of danger is by far, any time. 肩膀一抖。双手一放,这一点飞了出去,吸纳四周,化作一片混沌,罩向霸王,消融万物。返本归初,危险之感远胜之前任何一次。 The Overlord eye narrows the eyes, suddenly received blade light, making antique Thunder Dragon who the body week coiled around vanish, as if lost the heart of resistance, does not want the disciple to do to struggle again. 霸王眼睛一眯,突然收起了刀光,让身周盘绕的太古雷龙消失,似乎失去了抵抗之心,不想再徒做挣扎。 He was covered in the body has thunderously by black armor roars to send out, is surging each acupoint, overflows aggressively, the aura enhanced several forcefully , then highlights many profound vast universes, inside departs illusory figure, or twines thunder light, either hand held great hammer, either takes the lightning javelin and invincible shield, they fly into the Overlord body, making his aura increase successively, lets several times of dozens times in the beforehand strength. 他被黑甲覆盖的身躯内有雷鸣的吼叫发出,激荡着每一个窍穴,霸气横溢,气息硬生生提高了几层,身后则凸显诸多深邃浩瀚的宇宙,里面飞出一道道虚幻身影,或缠绕雷光,或手提巨锤,或拿着闪电标枪与无敌盾牌,它们飞入霸王身躯,让他的气息节节攀升,让几倍几十倍于之前的力量。 With this at the same time, illusory River of Time appears, hand held side heaven draws Overlord of halberd, is lifting Overlord of great cauldron, departs unceasingly, integrated the Overlord body, making his aura make the breakthrough again, and timeless that in the contamination several points were not affected by the time, exceeds the level that Heavenly Immortal this realm can cover completely. 与此同时,一条虚幻时光长河浮现,手提方天画戟的霸王,举着巨鼎的霸王,不断飞出,也融入了霸王的身躯,使他的气息再做突破,且沾染上了几分不受时光影响的亘古不变,完全超越了天仙这个境界能够涵盖的层次。 His as if is an infinite attenuation is unable to recall unable to occupy future Pāramitā, can enter the chaos slightly. 仿佛就是一个无限弱化无法回溯无法占据未来的彼岸,能够稍微进入混沌。 Welcomed Extreme Nihility Seal, Overlord is not entering instead draws back, did not defend to counter-attack, long blade, the body and blade gathered, go against heaven's will to cut! 迎着无极印,霸王不进反退,不守反攻,长刀一顿,身与刀合,逆天斩了出来! Opens to me!” “给我开!” The acoustic shock main hall, the purple light is brilliant, all strength all characteristics cut in this blade, Overlord was compelled the arrived extreme by Meng Qi , the rebound arrived extreme, wielded a blade that exceeded the beforehand peak. 声震大殿,紫光绚烂,所有的力量所有的特征都在这一刀里斩了出来,霸王孟奇到了极点,也反弹到了极点,挥出了超越之前巅峰的一刀。 This blade, not broken, then perishes! 此刀一出,不破则亡! The blade enters limitless, the purple light extinguishes, Overlord figure is partly visible, surpasses North Sea depending on Mount Tai, brings enormous and powerful one toward not to return like the galaxy explosion strength boundless, must cut the chaos, sets up the new day again! 刀入无极,紫光消弭,霸王身影若隐若现,挟泰山超北海,带着磅礴浩荡如同星系爆炸般的力量一往无回,要斩开混沌,再立新天! Meng Qi Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation all strengths squeeze out, another "I" Imprint also constantly emerges, indescribable thing that and other brand marks Buddha former Saint warriors and innumerable light balls condense received, to promote the strength, in addition held Extreme Nihility Seal, exceeded to strike to support very laboriously in Overlord this. 孟奇法天象地的所有力量挤出,“他我印记”也不断涌现,就连佛前圣斗士、无数光球凝聚的不可名状物等烙印都收了回来,以提升力量,加持无极印,在霸王这超越一击下撑得很是辛苦。 Opens to me! “给我开! The sound gets up, that chaos such as the water ripples, subsequently the purple light flashes, flushed, chops to the Meng Qi head. 吱呀之声响起,那一片混沌如水荡漾,继而紫光一闪,生生冲了出来,劈向孟奇头颅。 To Overlord, the most dangerous attack that faced a moment ago, is the best opportunity. 霸王而言,刚才面临的最危险进攻,也是最好的机会。 Because of normally, Meng Qi has under the Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud arrange/cloth surely chaos dim light strong defense, even if can break, the remaining might is still not much left, will also receive other seal law disturbances, when but he uses the Extreme Nihility Seal attack, under Primordial Beginning celebration cloud without the means at the same time arrange/cloth, has strengthened must weaken. 因为正常情况下,孟奇必定有太上无极元始庆云布下混沌幽光这超强防御,即使能打破,残余威力也所剩无几,还会受到其他印法干扰,但当他用无极印进攻时,没办法同时布下元始庆云,有所增强必有所削弱。 This is the opportunity! 这便是机会! Once can break through Extreme Nihility Seal, immediately cuts the opposite party body. 一旦能突破无极印,立刻就斩中对方身躯。 Even if the strength has weakened, does not need to fear other disturbed, by the advantage of Extreme Blade, by tyrannical that own center-section erupts, cuts his not bad mortal body sufficiently! 哪怕力量有所削弱,也无需惧怕别的干扰了,以绝刀之利,以自身中段爆发的强横,足以斩开他的不坏肉身! blade light already before the forehead, all around replaced the rule aggressively, replaced void, is unable teleportation to dodge again, after Meng Qi fiercely supine, tries to avoid. 刀光已至眉心之前,四周霸气取代了规律,取代了虚空,再无法挪移闪避,孟奇猛地后仰,试图躲避。 The long blade taking advantage of opportunity whereabouts, cut his Dharma Body, however actually such as illusory, broke the moon reflection in the water, Meng Qi was about than one step to open blade light. 长刀顺势下落,斩中了他的法身,然而却如中虚幻,破碎了水月,孟奇刀光更快一步翻开。 Overlord is in power unforgiving, the overwhelmingly superior force, purple electricity blade light cuts, chops continuously to the body of Meng Qi turning around, compelling him to be incapable of reaching behind the back. 霸王得势不饶人,秋风扫落叶,紫电刀光斩出,连绵不断劈向孟奇鹞子翻身的躯体,逼得他无力回手。 blade light pursues, Meng Qi figure were cut, changes makes the mirror to be colored, but for the body of dying, Meng Qi retrocedes unceasingly, dodges unceasingly, paces back and forth in the life and death unceasingly, as if wanted loosely that tone, will be defeated at the scene. 刀光追击,一道道孟奇身影被斩中,又都变做镜花,只是替死之躯,孟奇不断后退,不断闪避,不断在生死之间徘徊,似乎只要松了那口气,就会落败当场。 Pursues flashes, two people figure are getting quicker and quicker, almost covered entirely the entire main hall, puts together arrived unexpectedly the situation that the physical strength is longer , the Meng Qi Yin-Yang Seal revolutions, extremely dead manifestation, not off and on strength, but Overlord fuses his me temporarily vastly with the historical mark, the strength does not know that exceeds normal Heavenly Immortal many times, does not seem to fear the consumption. 一追一闪,两人的身影越来越快,几乎布满了整座大殿,竟拼到了比气力悠长的地步,孟奇阴阳印转,极死化生,不断续着力量,而霸王暂时融合他我与历史印记,力量之浩瀚不知胜过正常天仙多少倍,似乎不怕消耗。 Does not know how long continued, time as if lost the significance, finally, Overlord because the consumption of hard broken Extreme Nihility Seal has not restored, blade light was weaker. 不知持续了多久,时光仿佛失去了意义,终于,霸王还是因为硬破无极印的消耗未曾恢复,刀光弱了一些。 Some, the purple electricity vanishes merely immediately, holding their palms together of Meng Qi two as if Innate God demons before the volume, just right gripped Extreme Blade, a faint trace blood flows off following pure white such as the flesh of immortal, by the arrived minor wound. 仅仅一些,紫电立刻消失了,孟奇两只仿佛先天神魔的双手合十在额前,恰到好处夹住了绝刀,一丝丝鲜血顺着洁白如仙的肌肤流下,受到了轻伤。 A golden lotus extinguished fresh, lived extinguished, emits trillion rays of light, resisted the Extreme Blade whereabouts. 朵朵金莲灭了又生,生了又灭,放出亿万毫光,抵住绝刀的下落。 In the main hall the black hair, all succeeded in giving up two sections everywhere, is Meng Qi changes against the wind is used for dying doppelganger, almost recreates the monk. 大殿内满地黑发,皆断成了两截,都是孟奇迎风变化用来替死的分身,差点重做和尚。 Blocked this blade...... he almost to have the streaming with sweat feeling finally, does not know how long had not realized this danger dangerous fight felt, the heart had the regret also to rejoice. 总算挡住了这一刀……他几乎有汗流浃背之感,不知多久未曾体会这种险之又险的交手感觉了,心头有后悔也有庆幸。 What regret is, with Cause of All Fruits when reduces and solves specially Overlord counter cuts Demon Monarch that blade, oneself catch a arrived golden opportunity, at that time, under the direct One Qi Becomes Three Purities arrange/cloth Immortal Executing Sword Formation, was to look at Overlord now struggles rather than to dodge strongly unceasingly, what a pity, oneself brain pulled out at that time, because of Extreme Blade this relations, thought that this was not the life-and-death fight, One Qi Becomes Three Purities adds Immortal Executing Sword Formation to cheat, had to let a big possibility that the Overlord life and death struggled with Extreme Nihility Seal, was enough. 后悔的是,用诸果之因的特殊化解霸王逆斩魔君那一刀时,自己争取到了一个绝佳的机会,那个时候,直接一气化三清布下诛仙剑阵,如今就是看着霸王竭力挣扎而非自己不断闪避了,可惜,当时自己脑子抽了,因为绝刀这层关系,觉得这不是生死之战,一气化三清诛仙剑阵太作弊了,用无极印本身就有让霸王生死挣扎的不小可能,足够了。 It is not Extreme Nihility Seal is inferior to Immortal Executing Sword Formation, as the Primordial Beginning press run, both sides about the same, the issue is, that is under Immortal Executing Sword Formation with One Qi Becomes Three Purities arrange/cloth, was equal to that other looked for three same step helpers, nearly Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue and Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure fight Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning jointly. 不是无极印不如诛仙剑阵,作为元始首印,双方在伯仲之间,问题在于,那是用一气化三清布下的诛仙剑阵,等于另外找了三个同阶帮手,近乎道德天尊灵宝天尊联手战元始天尊 Cannot think that Overlord so goes against heaven's will, realm also truly exceeds current, was broken forcefully limitless by him, drew the untoward situation, almost beats itself. 想不到霸王如此逆天,境界也确实胜过目前的自己,被他硬生生打破无极,扳回了逆势,差点击败自己。 Rejoiced is, Extreme Blade this goods also calculate that recognizes oneself this master, otherwise oneself both hands clamp the blade in a hurry, even if there is 8-9 Profound Art , merely is not the degree that the finger receives to scratch, injures and forehead Profound Entrance surely, the strength reduces much, affects the following fight. 庆幸的则是,绝刀这货还算认自己这个主人,要不然自己双手仓促间夹刀,纵有八九玄功,也绝不仅仅是手指受到划伤的程度,必定伤及眉心玄关,实力降低不少,影响接下来的战斗。 The thought flashes to pass, Meng Qi and Overlord at the same time made the following change. 念头一闪而逝,孟奇霸王同时做出了接下来的变化。 Overlord's Extreme Blade to just gave birth to softly, on the as if Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation last type, is shattered to spread out the big vitality greatly, pulled out turning round from the clip of Meng Qi double palm strangely, cuts again, imposing manner terrifying, wonderful. 霸王绝刀至刚中生出至柔,就仿佛神霄九灭最后一式,大破灭中衍出大生机,诡异地从孟奇双掌之夹中抽了回身,再次斩出,气势恐怖,神乎其神。 But Meng Qi top of the head Niwan runs out of first qi of heaven, divides to make three, turns into different figure. 孟奇头顶泥丸冲出先天之气,分作三道,化成不同身影 This does not display the One Qi Becomes Three Purities best opportunity, because of then, Overlord is not necessarily able to fall into the middle of Immortal Executing Sword Formation. 这不是施展一气化三清最好的机会,因为如此一来,霸王未必会陷入诛仙剑阵当中。 But must use! 但也必须使用了! Primordial Sovereign to Overlord, all previous most Heavenly Immortal, victory and defeat in final 60 breaths!( ~ ^ ~) 元皇霸王,历代最天仙,胜负就在最后六十息了!(~^~)
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