WORIOA :: Volume #6

#202: A war of being destined

After discovering Monster Sovereign Palace, Meng Qi had expected many conditions, have imagined the different scenes, but he indulges in fantasy again, the thought diverges, never depends toward this aspect. 发现妖皇殿后,孟奇预料过很多状况,想象过不同场景,但他再是异想天开,思维发散,也从未往这方面靠。 So launches unexpectedly, meets arrived Overlord inexplicably! 竟是如此展开,莫名遇到了霸王 Oneself once think that will not meet this Medieval most Heavenly Immortal, only if ascended to Pāramitā, recalls, cannot think that can also meet again in this! 自己曾经以为再也不会遇到这位中古天仙,除非登临彼岸,回溯过去,想不到还能于此再会! In his mind flashed through Chui Yizi spontaneously to the description of Monster Sovereign Palace: Monster Emperor most important thing, time, void and room of spirit, connection in the past and at present as if one of the abilities. 他脑海内油然闪过了垂翼子妖皇殿的描述:妖皇最重要的事物,时光、虚空与精神的屋子,连接过去与现在似乎正是它的能力之一。 This read the life, Meng Qi immediately has the feeling that one type was arranged, the destiny seemed like already to be doomed, oneself with will not have proven the Overlord bitter experience of legend at this time. 此念一生,孟奇顿时有一种被安排好的感觉,命运似乎已经被注定,自己将在这个时候与还未证传说的霸王遭遇。 Overlord is the fish of Thunder God, shook off the Ānanda control, swallowed Thunder God his I, successfully from card legend, although now from legend also one step, but definitely already communicated many Thunder God his I, could not say that is close to the dividing line of quantitative change and qualitative change, but Ānanda his I and Thunder God his I, even if there is the entirely different characteristics, will not be recognized one eyes, but in the source definitely has the things in common, we should sharpen ourselves with others'experience, has Thunder God his I reference, even can't such as Ānanda his I ten thousand li in a day, at least still be able to be twice the result with half the effort? 霸王雷神之鱼,摆脱了阿难控制,吞掉了“雷神他我”,成功自证传说,如今虽然距离传说还有一步,但肯定已经沟通了许多“雷神他我”,说不得都接近量变与质变的分野,而“阿难他我”与“雷神他我”纵有截然不同的特征,不会被人一眼认出,但本源上肯定具备共通之处,他山之石可以攻玉,有“雷神他我”参照,即使不能如“阿难他我”般一日千里,至少也能事半功倍吧? To obtain Ānanda in oneself urgently his I material during, with encountered across Overlord of time, what isn't this dark arrangement is? 在自己迫切想要获得“阿难他我”资料的当口,与穿过时光的霸王遭遇了,这不是冥冥中的安排又是什么? At least at present looks like, Monster Emperor or the good intentions...... between the thought phonographs, the Meng Qi thoughts have decided that does not show weakness with Overlord looking at each other, purple electricity is the eye, aggressive is the pupil, the looking disdainfully entire world, a pupil is profound, chaos, contains the myriad things, inner qi collides, brings the purple thunder that drops one after another, chops Monster Sovereign Palace previous burned black, frightens Chui Yizi to hide behind arrived Meng Qi. 至少目前看来,妖皇还是善意……念头电转间,孟奇心思已定,毫不示弱地与霸王对视,一个紫电为眼,霸气为眸,睥睨寰宇,一个眸子幽深,混混沌沌,包容万物,气机碰撞,带来接二连三落下的紫雷,劈得妖皇殿前一片焦黑,吓得垂翼子到了孟奇背后。 Since with arrived, that fights a happiness! 既然遇到了,那就战个痛快! When oneself once sighed sighed Earth Immortal truly is inferior to Overlord, but after becoming Heavenly Immortal, how fought with him is the aspect, who won who defeated, quite before having, did not see the feeling and regret of ancient, today tastes the long-cherished wish! 自己曾经喟叹地仙时确实不如霸王,但成为天仙后,与他交手又是如何局面,谁胜谁败,颇有前不见古人的感慨与遗憾,今日算是一尝夙愿! War! In the fight realizes from experience Overlord Thunder God his I! 战吧!于战斗中体悟霸王的“雷神他我”! By oneself two people current relations, has not discussed the possibility of this issue calmly, moreover oneself do not want to disclose that too many situations, making Overlord detect, changes the history, disappears itself! 以自己两人目前的关系,没有平心静气讨论这个问题的可能,而且自己也不想透露太多情况,让霸王有所察觉,改变历史,泯灭自身! Zizi, the thunder, such as the rain falls, the Overlord line firm face showed a smile: 兹兹兹,电闪雷鸣,如雨而落,霸王线条刚硬的脸庞露出了一丝微笑: Originally is you, no wonder I am prompted by a sudden impulse the sea to look shortly.” “原来是你,难怪我心血来潮到海眼看看。” Cannot think before the legend, can mediate this wish.” “想不到传说之前还能了断这个心愿。” Previous time by the Little Meng pit the matter is Overlord rare suffering a loss, has taken to heart, sees the opposite party not startled counter- happy. 上次被小孟坑了的事情是霸王难得的吃亏,一直耿耿于怀,看见对方不惊反喜。 At this point, he nods gently, the facial features stretch, fighting intent increases suddenly, is joyful: 说到这里,他轻轻颔首,眉眼舒展,战意陡然攀升,欣喜道: Moreover you also promote arrived Heavenly Immortal, good, good!” “而且你还晋升到了天仙,不错,不错!” Then, beating the opposite party can be satisfied by oneself! 如此一来,击败对方才能让自己满足! Meng Qi shows a faint smile, the right hand extends: 孟奇微微一笑,右手一伸: Please might as well meet by chance, Overlord invited!” “相请不如偶遇,霸王请!” He does not have the least bit to shrink, sent out the invitation of fight on own initiative. 他没有半点畏缩,主动发出了战斗的邀请。 Good, very good!” Overlord nods laughs. “好,很好!”霸王颔首大笑。 Such opponent most gathers his taste, in the past hated has these words even vanish like smoke in thin air! 这样的对手最合他的脾胃,过去仇恨有这一句话就算烟消云散 His right hand built on the hilt, the imposing manner thrived, presses the remaining flowers and plants to bow the head, the fear resulted in Chui Yizi jaw to nip tightly, can only the stutter say: You, who you are, how, how from Monster Sovereign Palace, to leave, comes out, we may, be possible to tell you......” 他右手搭在了刀柄上,气势勃发,压得残余花花草草俯首,慑得垂翼子牙关紧咬,仅能结结巴巴道:“你,你是谁,怎么,怎么从妖皇殿,出,出来的,咱可,可告诉你……” If the Meng Qi potential Abyss Sea, the as if limitless starry sky, the Overlord imposing manner holds, but motionless slightest, including saying with a smile: Not, if enters in Monster Sovereign Palace to fight again, perhaps harmed myriad lives in the outside world.” 孟奇势若渊海,仿佛无边无际的星空,将霸王的气势容纳而不动分毫,含笑道:“不若进妖皇殿内再战,于外界恐害了万千生灵。” Two people are the outstanding people in Heavenly Immortal, even can calculate most peak one of the that several, if fights, fights the intense place, destroys the galaxy in the vast starry sky sufficiently , being disillusioned sea eye mysterious space in Reality World, shakes the seabed dragon vein sufficiently, raises the dreadful tsunami, brings to extinguish the disaster of the world to the coastal water, but Monster Sovereign Palace is the rare treasure, the essence is extremely high, two people attacks are not even able to contact its main body, just at the time of the cooperation is the battlefield. 两人都是天仙之中的佼佼者,甚至可以算最顶峰的那几位之一,如果交手,战到激烈处,于浩瀚星空足以毁灭星系,在真实界内也足以破灭海眼神秘空间,震断海底龙脉,掀起滔天海啸,给附近海域带来灭世之灾,而妖皇殿是绝世之宝,本质极高,两人的攻击甚至无法接触它的本体,正适合作为战场。 Since Meng Qi holds up the head to accept a challenge, how arrogant such as Overlord will care about this request, said indifferently: 既然孟奇昂首应战,高傲如霸王又岂会在意这点要求,淡然道: Good, actually arrived our levels, have the fighting method in universe starry sky greatly, slightly has the method in Mustard Seed dust particle, the battlefield is unimportant.” “好,其实到了我们这个层次,大有宇宙星空中的打法,小有芥子微尘内的手段,战场并不重要。” Namibian Sumeru in Mustard Seed, even a grain of dust particle, can still be the place that two people fight, this is Heavenly Immortal condition. 须弥芥子,即使一粒微尘,也可以作为两人交手的场所,这才是天仙之态。 Then, the Overlord right hand is grasping the hilt, turns around confidently, walks into Monster Sovereign Palace, is not worried about the sneak attack of opposite party. 说完,霸王右手握着刀柄,坦然转身,走入妖皇殿,毫不担心对方的偷袭。 The opportunity, Meng Qi proceeds step by step, is condensing the imposing manner, increased to the peak fast, followed steps into Monster Sovereign Palace. 藉此机会,孟奇一步步往前,凝聚着自身气势,飞快攀升至了顶峰,跟随踏入妖皇殿 Monster Sovereign Palace has did not know many Dao Sect, after the antiquity, only has the main entrance to be dust-laden, is depositing the treasure, waiting being predestined friends, other all may enter through Monster Sovereign Order, to obtain to inherit, the practice monster body, the main entrance has opened now, other gates were not exceptional, across it, the front surface was one shortly the empty palace pavilion in boundary, probably fought to open for two people specially. 妖皇殿有不知多少道门,上古之后,唯有正门尘封,存放着宝物,等待有缘者,其余皆可通过妖皇令进入,以获得传承,修炼妖身,如今正门都已开启,其余各门自不例外,穿过它,迎面就是一眼看不到边际的空荡殿阁,像是专门为两人战斗而开辟。 Chui Yizi stands trembling outside, is reading broken, while looks at Overlord to face the front door, but Meng Qi is turning away from itself, several hundred zhang (333 m) distances of being away from covered entirely the dark cloud and purple electricity, splendid sight. 垂翼子战战兢兢立在外面,一边碎碎念着,一边看着霸王正面对着大门,而孟奇背对着自己,彼此间隔着的几百丈距离布满了乌云和紫电,蔚为壮观。 , The front door closes up calmly, making it unable to see again the showdown of this all previous most Heavenly Immortal. 吱呀一声,大门无风合拢,让它再也看不到这场历代最天仙的对决。 Zheng! 铮! Overlord extracted Extreme Blade slowly, makes the hand gesture, the dark knife is condensing the purple electricity, is all over the body bright, brilliant overbearing. 霸王缓缓抽出了绝刀,做出起手姿态,黝黑的刀身凝聚着紫电,通体剔透,绚烂霸道。 Looked at Meng Qi, his low and deep opens the mouth, some doubts: Your sword?” 看了看孟奇,他低沉开口,有些疑惑:“你的剑呢?” Forgot.” After Meng Qi criticizes a Extreme Blade young prostitute pounds, shows a faint smile, extended both hands easely, two hands pure white like beautiful jade, attaches a profound fluorescence, is slender and powerful, as if can Splitting Heaven and Earth, the destruction three. “忘了。”孟奇暗骂一声绝刀小婊砸后,微微一笑,悠然伸出了双手,两只手洁白如同美玉,附着一层幽深荧光,修长而有力,仿佛开天辟地,覆灭三界。 This is a pair of Innate God demon palm! 这是一双先天神魔般的手掌! Overlord no longer has doubts, sinking sound said: 霸王不再疑惑,沉声道: I had/left the blade!” “我出刀了!” The meaning of speech is to let Meng Qi first begins, but the Daoist in his eye is magnificent. 说话之意就是让孟奇先动手,可他眼中的道人蔚然不同。 Therefore, his long blade, presented Overlord figure, then at the same time brandishes a sword, forms divides the day purple light together, exposes enormously and powerful. 于是,他长刀一顿,身后出现了一道道霸王身影,然后同时挥刀,汇成一道分天紫光,浩浩荡荡展露。 This blade, the immortal god flinches! 此刀一出,仙神辟易! Entire main hall as if was reduced by this blade, nearly changed to the prisoner's cage, in the Meng Qi eye Cause of All Fruits observed Overlord behind phantom, whole body acupoint each and every one is opening, the strength of overlay heavenly abode superimposed, both hands interlocked, such as played the role of the bird, leisurely however clip to that say/way day purple light. 整个大殿仿佛被这一刀所缩小,近乎化作了囚笼,孟奇眼中诸果之因观察着霸王身后的虚影,周身窍穴一个个打开,洞天之力叠加又叠加,双手交错,如扮飞鸟,施施然夹向了那道分天紫光。 Constantly changes like both hands of god demon pure white, as if changed to a Kunpeng giant bird, how regardless of the purple light glitters, can keep off in its front. 洁白如同神魔的双手不断变化,似乎化作了一只鲲鹏巨鸟,无论紫光如何闪烁,都能挡在它的前方。 When! 当! The purple light divided Meng Qi both hands to hand over the fault, but the slender powerful two palms are fluctuating the pale gold/metal rays of light, the shape, if divine armament, Fifth and Sixth Heavenly Stems Golden Lotus raised from the place of palm blade interlocking, broke to pieces fresh, living was also broken, blocked this blade, did not injure the slightest. 紫光劈中了孟奇双手交错处,而修长有力的两只手掌浮动着淡金毫光,状若神兵,一朵朵戊己金莲自掌刀相接之处升起,碎了又生,生了又碎,堪堪挡住了这一刀,不伤分毫。 Burst out radiance and air wave are impacting all around, breaks the prisoner's cage, makes dark rise steep, each and every one heavenly abode highlights destroys one after another, expanded the vast universe a main hall! 迸发的光华和气浪冲击着四周,将囚笼打破,让幽暗陡升,一个个洞天凸显又接连毁灭,把一处大殿生生扩展了浩瀚宇宙! At this moment, the Meng Qi towering inflation in Overlord eye, changed stuffed the main hall palatial Deity, the top of the head had celebration cloud to cover up, quiet ecliptic became the water curtain continually, the boundless enormous and powerful aura made the main hall like having the galaxy flows in backward, oneself will press the mind to shiver, slow instantly. 就在这时,霸王眼中的孟奇突兀膨胀,化作了充塞大殿般的巍峨神人,头顶有庆云遮掩,幽光道道连成水幕,磅礴浩荡的气息让大殿如同有星系倒灌,将自己压得心神颤抖,迟缓了刹那。 Meng Qi knows Overlord to be conceited, inscribes arrogant True Spirit, auxiliary take action definitely probes, will not display the full power, therefore does exactly the opposite, without Extreme Blade direct Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation, whole-heartedly, seizes offensive! 孟奇知道霸王自视甚高,傲慢铭刻真灵,辅一出手肯定是试探,不会施展全力,因此反其道而行之,在没有绝刀的情况直接法天象地,全力以赴,抢占先手! His vision is faint, integrates Overlord figure, the right hand borrows potential to shoot, five fingers open, to cover the stance of the world to pat suddenly. 他目光淡漠,纳入霸王身影,右手借势弹起,五根手指张开,以笼罩天地的姿态猛然拍下。 Meets my palm!” “接我一掌!” The sound is indistinct, Origin Heart cancels the god, Heaven Turning Seal present! 声音飘渺,元心勾神,番天印现! Palm as if side Juyin, the serious arrived extreme, making the main hall roll up void directly, like one group of transparent spheres the Overlord package, but the palm front is dark, void unceasingly shatter, the time as if has slowly, several have the earth-shaking potential. 手掌仿佛一方巨印,沉重到了极点,让大殿虚空直接蜷缩,如同一团透明圆球将霸王包裹,而手掌前方幽幽暗暗,虚空不断破碎,时光都似乎有所迟缓,几有翻天覆地之势。 Overlord not startled counter- happy, fighting intent is even more soaring, in the hand the purple electricity thunder blade chops silently, several tenths frontline, cut a slit in the shatter void and slow time, cut the prisoner's cage, deducted a side peaceful comfortable world in the side. 霸王不惊反喜,战意愈发高昂,手中紫电雷刀无声无息劈出,几成一线,生生于破碎的虚空与迟缓的时光里斩出了一道缝隙,斩开了囚笼,在身边演绎出一方安宁自在的世界。 The world does not save, my body saves alone. 天地不存,我身独存。 At this moment, his present palatial Deity disappears, Meng Qi top of the head celebration cloud, flashes before arrived his back, whole body acupoint the strength of heavenly abode spurts thinly, twisted following back, converged the right hand. 就在这时,他眼前的巍峨神人不见了,孟奇头顶庆云,闪现到了他的背后,全身窍穴洞天之力喷薄,顺着腰背一拧,汇入了右手。 The right hand grasps the fist, similarly probably ancient seal, Meng Qi occupying the high ground, the hammer falls loudly! 右手握成拳头,同样像是古印,孟奇居高临下,轰然锤落! This hammer earth-shattering, broke the world of Overlord body week, all around dirt dust leaps, camouflaged the ray, just like end. 这一锤天崩地裂,打破了霸王身周的世界,四周污尘腾起,遮蔽了光芒,宛若末日。 The Overlord vision revealed a dignity finally, the hair dispersed suddenly, the body surface highlighted the black armor, the body inflated instantaneously, has to appear Overlord True Body. 霸王目光终于露出了一丝凝重,头发忽地飞散,体表凸显出黑色盔甲,身躯瞬间膨胀,不得不现出霸王真体了。 Just like the essence, stuffed the main hall aggressively, is weakening Meng Qi, is promoting Overlord, as if replaced here rule and truth! 霸气宛若实质,充塞了大殿,削弱着孟奇,提升着霸王,似乎取代了这里的规则与道理! Opens to me!” “给我开!” Overlord calls out one , without a chapter of blade, the hilt lightning flash to eject slatingly, is gathering figure, is absorbing infinitely aggressive, welcomed to the Meng Qi's fist. 霸王暴喝一声,没有回刀,刀柄电闪雷鸣般击出,聚集着一道道身影,吸纳着无穷霸气,迎向孟奇的拳头。 The hilt , the aggressive influence, the fist unexpectedly slowness, cannot avoid. 刀柄未至,霸气影响,拳头竟有一丝迟缓,未能避开。 Bang! 砰! The hilt was hit by the fist, short one inch, the Meng Qi both feet takeoffed, as if went against fly, the destruction swept across the palace pavilion, making the windows and doors pillar sway. 刀柄被拳头打中,生生矮了一寸,孟奇则双脚离地,似乎被顶得飞起,毁灭席卷了殿阁,让门窗柱子摇摇晃晃。 Evenly matched, Overlord was also shot to fly, but he flies half, strange stop, in blade like sheath. 势均力敌,霸王同样被弹飞,但他飞到一半,诡异停顿,如同鞘中之刀。 Then the strength recoils, he does not draw back instead enters, probably the sheath fierce blade, counter cuts Meng Qi, threatening, resembling is unapproachable, making Meng Qi be hard to evade. 接着力量反冲,他不退反进,像是出鞘猛刀,逆斩孟奇,气势汹汹,似无可匹敌,让孟奇难以逃避。 Meng Qi is unhurriedly, the right hand finds out, a four fingers of body, separates with the thumb, probably is deducting a mouth. 孟奇不慌不忙,右手探出,四指一体,与拇指分开,像是在演绎一张嘴巴。 Roar! 吼! When this hand as if changed to Candle Dragon, the mouth puts out the cone of light breath, blew the blade of Overlord counter cutting slow one slow. 这只手仿佛化作了一头烛九阴,嘴巴吐出时光锥息,吹得霸王逆斩之刀缓了一缓。 Had this slow, the Meng Qi left hand five fingers wriggled, confuse Four Symbols, the backhand stroked, the stance was elegant, really like Deity. 有了这一缓,孟奇左手五指蠕动,搅乱四象,反手拂了过去,姿态飘逸,真如神人。 Good!” Witnessed this shape, the Overlord innermost feelings cannot bear say one. “好!”目睹此状,霸王内心忍不住道了一声。 Has fallen after battle carelessly is passive, oneself making an effort posture in martial arts had not actually drawn offensive, after this is Blade Dao great accomplishment , the aspect of never meeting! 自开战以来不慎落入被动后,自己使劲解数却一直未曾扳回先手,这是自己刀道大成后从未遇到的局面!
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