WORIOA :: Volume #6

#201: All previous most Heavenly Immortal( third)

Makes us guess?” The Chui Yizi wing fans, the eyeball spins, as if to have the opportunity of speech is excited, excited, then has pressed panic-stricken. “让咱猜?”垂翼子翅膀扇动,眼珠打转,似乎为有说话的机会而兴奋,兴奋则压过了惊恐。 Hesitates slightly, it opened the mouth: Looked at your appearance, the outside world did not have the sixty year cycle in the past, feared that also dozens years , dozens years gave our immeasurably deep feeling, compared with ordinary communication Monster King Monster God as if also fearful? What fortuitous encounter were you? What advantage attained?” 略微沉吟,它连珠炮般开口了:“看你这幅样子,外界过去没有一甲子,怕也几十年了,呃,才几十年就给咱深不可测的感觉,比平常来往的妖王妖神们似乎还可怕?你是得了什么奇遇?获了什么好处?” Loses footing to fall down the cliff, entered Secret Realm of Shaolin back side of the mountain, there it is said was the antiquity Great Arhat Ānanda pure land, had Tathagata Divine Palm, hey, how many type Tathagata Divine Palm did you learn, picking flowers with a smile? Only I Am Venerated? Four Great All Emptiness?” “是不是失足跌下悬崖,进了少林后山的秘境,那里据说是上古大阿罗汉阿难的净土,藏有如来神掌,喂,你学会几式如来神掌,拈花一笑唯我独尊四大皆空?” Chui Yizi more said that is the radiation, more said is incessant, Meng Qi resembled smile invariably secure to listen quietly, the innermost feelings actually want to pull out the big slap in the face, knew perfectly well that this goods habit, gave back to its chatterbox the opportunity, simply from behaving badly cannot live, if not at present the sock and Daoist robe is Dao Power manifestation, will definitely take off, blocked its mouth again! 垂翼子越说越是发散,越讲越是滔滔不绝,孟奇状似笑容不变地安静听着,内心却很想抽自己大耳刮子,明知这货习性,还给它话痨的机会,简直自作孽不可活,若非目前袜子兼道袍都是道力显化,肯定会脱下来,再次塞住它的嘴巴! The boisterous sound reverberates this darkness that has the spring rumble to leak, the Chui Yizi thought is diverging, after weaving a lengthy story, finally returned to the subject: You think that we do see the person to speak? Initially is the mental perception knows the hero in Shaolin, saw your surely out of the ordinary, chitchatted with you , we entered Monster Sovereign Palace not to know that many years, you possibly were not follow we to find decisively, surely was that group of idiots, depended not to have Monster Sovereign Order, simply enters Monster Sovereign Palace, the communication difference to be careless, reveals the trail!” 聒噪的声音回荡着这片有泉眼咕噜冒水的幽暗,垂翼子思维发散,自我编织了一个长篇故事后,终于回归了正题:“你以为咱见人就说话?当初在少林是慧眼识英雄,看出你必定不凡,才与你攀谈,啧啧,咱进了妖皇殿不知多少年了,你断然不可能是跟着咱找到的,必定是那帮白痴,仗着没有妖皇令,根本进不了妖皇殿,来往出入大而化之,露了踪迹!” Do not deny, you looked our vision showed all!” “别否认,你看咱的眼光就说明了一切!” Meng Qi deeply inspires, decides to make up for own mistake, seizes the opportunity, came straight to the point, broke its words, said seriously: That's true, but was also compelled the arrived hopeless situation sometimes, unable to deal with exposition.” 孟奇深吸了口气,决定弥补自己的错误,抓住机会,单刀直入,打断了它的话语,郑重道:“确实如此,不过有的时候也是被逼到了绝境,顾不得暴露。” Does not wait for the Chui Yizi opens the mouth, he shot a look at opposite party one eyes: „Do you have Monster Sovereign Order?” 不等垂翼子开口,他瞥了对方一眼:“你有妖皇令?” Haha.” Chui Yizi hears word, two small short hands are inserting the sphere body, has a good laugh, we, but only Kunpeng descendant, but also needs Monster Sovereign Order, told the saliva to open the door.” “哈哈。”垂翼子闻言,两只小短手插着圆球般的身躯,仰天大笑,“咱可是唯一的鲲鹏后裔,还需要妖皇令,吐口唾沫就能开门了。” Pitifully can only open the door, cannot solve forbidden technique, does not know that was thrown many times......” Meng Qi coldly to add. “可惜只能开门,解不了禁法,不知被扔出来多少次了……”孟奇冷冷补充道。 Monster Sovereign Palace and Jade Void Palace, although is the residence of Pāramitā great person, but also has the essential difference, the latter presents thing of without owner status, belongs to run risks place that can explore, but since Monster Sovereign Palace all previous generations have all had Jade Void Mountain slightly to do hole that group of monsters to present the Monster Emperor decree guarding, have the place of lord, when rush to it are similar to rush to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning to go out to visit friends initially Jade Void Palace, the degree of hazard can be imagined. 妖皇殿玉虚宫虽然都是彼岸大人物的居所,但又有本质区别,后者呈现无主之物的状态,属于冒着风险可以探索的地点,而妖皇殿历代以来皆有玉虚山小乾洞那伙妖怪奉妖皇旨意看守,是有主之地,闯它便如同闯当初元始天尊外出访友时的玉虚宫,危险程度可想而知。 Therefore, without clarifying inside concrete condition, Meng Qi has not changed the idea of mixing from the start, if inside does have some Great Saint to guard? Having Monster Emperor forbidden technique that can distinguish all techniques of change? 所以,在不弄清楚里面具体状况的前提下,孟奇压根儿没有变化混入的想法,万一里面有某位大圣镇守呢?有能辨一切变化之术的妖皇禁法呢? With Chui Yizi, therefore junction reunion, chatted, spoke, good. 垂翼子故“交”重逢,聊聊天,说说话,挺好。 Where on the Chui Yizi mouth will suffer a loss, immediately points at Monster Sovereign Palace to scold: Also is not that crowd mixes the ball, depends enters Monster Sovereign Palace early, took the treasure not saying that but also adjusted forbidden technique, we poured the blood mildew of eight lifetime, came not to know that many years, had not attained the ancestor to inherit by today......” 垂翼子嘴上哪会吃亏,顿时就指着妖皇殿骂道:“还不是那群混球,仗着早入妖皇殿,取走宝物不说,还调整了禁法,咱倒了八辈子的血霉,进来不知多少年了,到今天还没拿到祖先传承……” At this point, it covered covered mouth close to, as if let slip anything, but an eyeball revolution, did not care at all saying: In Monster Sovereign Palace is hiding the bloodlines inheritance of All Heavens Great Saint, including my ancestor monster master Kunpeng, is prevents the era to be shattered it is said that the inheritance loses......” 说到这里,它捂了捂嘴巴,似乎说漏了什么,但眼珠一转,又毫不在意道:“妖皇殿内藏着诸天大圣的血脉传承,包括咱家祖上‘妖师’鲲鹏,据说是防止纪元破灭,传承丢失……” Meng Qi slightly nod, the vision looks spontaneously to plain obscure Monster Sovereign Palace. 孟奇微微点头,目光油然看向古朴晦涩的妖皇殿 Truly, Monster Emperor has lived immemorial Pāramitā Being at least one era! 确实,妖皇是活过了至少一个纪元的太古彼岸者 Chui Yizi is still talking endlessly: You knew uselessly, you are not Monster Clan, is unable to hold the bloodlines , to promote self-......” 垂翼子还在喋喋不休:“你知道了无用,你又不是妖族,无法容纳血脉,提升自我……” Meng Qi sized up its one up and down, when detects compared with Shaolin, its present body and spirit and monster qi tyrannical did not know many times, in Monster Venerable can be the outstanding person, therefore the smile said: „Don't you as if have the harvest in Monster Sovereign Palace?” 孟奇上下打量了它一眼,发觉比起少林时,它如今的体魄和妖气都强横了不知多少倍,在妖尊里都能算是佼佼者的,于是微笑道:“你在妖皇殿内似乎也不是全无收获?” Naturally, who are we? Unique Kunpeng, by Great Monster that the wisdom grows perceptibly.” Chui Yizi happily said with a smile again, good thing in Monster Sovereign Palace to be innumerable, they think that has adjusted forbidden technique, couldn't we find the road? My founder is generation of palm Monster Sovereign Palace many years!” “当然,咱是谁?独一无二的鲲鹏,以智慧见长的大妖。”垂翼子再次得意笑道,“妖皇殿里的好东西数不胜数,它们以为调整过禁法,咱就找不到路了?咱家祖师可是代掌妖皇殿好多年!” After an idle talk, it looks at Meng Qi eagerly: We are also friends from childhood, sends the small junction.” 一通废话后,它眼巴巴看着孟奇:“咱们也算是青梅竹马,发小之交。” The wizards and your friends from childhood...... the Meng Qi corners of the mouth twitched. 鬼才和你青梅竹马……孟奇嘴角抽搐了一下。 Chui Yizi said sincerely: You the degree of hazard exceeds Monster God that we peep now, if we collaborate, can steal surely into, bah, enters the Monster Sovereign Palace core frankly and uprightly, obtains the infinite advantage.” 垂翼子诚恳道:“你如今危险程度胜过咱偷看到的妖神,如果咱们联手,必定可以偷入,呸,光明正大进入妖皇殿核心,得到无穷好处。” It saw old friend strength to be extraordinary, had the heart of cooperation. 它见“故交”实力非凡,有了合作之心。 Why some can enter Monster Sovereign Palace?” Meng Qi asked back with a smile. “某为什么要进妖皇殿?”孟奇含笑反问。 Chui Yizi stunned points at him saying: You do not enter Monster Sovereign Palace, what coming to here to make?” 垂翼子愕然指着他道:“你不进妖皇殿,来这里做什么?” Walks casually.” Meng Qi serious reply. “随便走走。”孟奇一本正经回答。 Chui Yizi first stares, then sprays the words: You know how many treasure inside has? divine armament magical treasure, medicinal pill talisman, inherits secret thing, all lacks, each article is the high-quality goods......” 垂翼子先是一愣,接着喷洒起话语:“你知道里面有多少宝贝吗?神兵法宝,丹药符篆,传承秘物,无一不缺,件件都是精品……” Some does not lack.” Meng Qi stopped up its as follows, inside forbidden technique numerous, the danger is incomparable, some does not need to take risk.” “某也不缺。”孟奇堵住了它的下文,“里面禁法重重,危险无比,某没必要冒险。” Chui Yizi said immediately: What fears? Has us in! You looked at us to mingle among this place many years, is still perfect, had not been discovered by that group of bastards! Told you, Monster Sovereign Palace was out of the ordinary, was the Monster Emperor most important thing, was the time, void and room of spirit, it existed in the past, exists in the future, existed in each place, linked up any was at through the ages, so long as you think, opened the door to return to the antiquity......” 垂翼子当即道:“怕啥?有咱在!你看咱混迹此地多少年了,至今完好无损,还没被那群混蛋发现!告诉你,妖皇殿本身就非比寻常,乃妖皇最重要的事物,是时光、虚空与精神的屋子,它存在于过去,存在于未来,存在于每一个地方,贯通了古往今来任何所在,只要你想,推开门就能回到上古……” Peerless of Pāramitā level? Is this Monster Emperor presses the bottom the treasure? Meng Qi even more rejoiced oneself have not excelled at rushing. 彼岸级的绝世?这是妖皇压箱底的宝物?孟奇愈发庆幸自己没有擅闯。 Moreover......” Chui Yizi lowered the sound suddenly, perhaps according to our ancestor last words, the Monster Sovereign Palace deep place is also hiding the Monster Emperor biggest secret......” “而且……”垂翼子忽地压低了声音,“据咱祖上遗言,妖皇殿深处或许还藏着妖皇最大的秘密……” It agitates glib tongue, tries to mislead Meng Qi to collaborate. 它鼓动三寸不烂之舌,试图蛊惑孟奇联手。 Monster Emperor biggest secret? Present does realm spy on the Pāramitā Being biggest secret? Does the suspicion live too for a long time? Meng Qi snort disdainfully, turns over to curiously curiously, oneself will not brave the huge danger. 妖皇最大的秘密?如今的境界窥探彼岸者最大的秘密?嫌活得太久吗?孟奇嗤之以鼻,好奇归好奇,自己可不会冒天大危险。 Therefore, he did not take a stand , to continue to tease Chui Yizi to speak, got out of trouble to deceive many useful news, for example Monster Sovereign Palace had does not know many leafed doors, is leading to the different places respectively, the main entrance was located in God Sealing World, for example often had Monster Clan with the aid of the relations of this place with Eastern Sea sea eye, communication Titled/sealed God and Reality World. 于是,他不表态,继续逗着垂翼子说话,兜兜转转骗出了不少有用消息,比如妖皇殿有不知多少扇门,分别通往着不同地方,其中正门便位于封神世界,比如时常有妖族借助此地与东海海眼的关系,来往封神真实界 Peacock Monster King Tai Li and fox clan had young lord recently appeared?” Meng Qi plans first to contact these two, best is the latter, she for Monster Saint successor, most is happy to see herself to weaken Demon Buddha. 孔雀妖王太离与狐族少主最近有出现过吗?”孟奇打算先接触这两位,最好是后者,她为妖圣传人,最乐见自己削弱魔佛 Chui Yizi shakes the head: Small fox has communicated several times, Peacock Monster King long time no see, that arrogant appearance under punches simply, saw that he wants to hit his one time one time......” 垂翼子摇了摇头:“小狐狸来往过几次,孔雀妖王好久不见了,那傲慢样子简直就是欠揍,看到他一次就想打他一次……” The supercilious Kunpeng descendant is reading broken. 心高气傲的鲲鹏后裔碎碎念着。 ............ ………… The Eastern Sea day sank, incarnadine Heavenly Water protocol office, several points of grand several points of desolate. 东海日沉,染红了天水交际处,几分壮丽几分落寞。 Divine Mountain stands erect as before, has creakied, this place heavenly abode disintegrates, is high-spirited grand figure to stand together in the mountain peak edge, watches the distant place sunset, his line is distinct, the outline is firm, the vision looks disdainfully passes for several points to sigh, was short of insolent of eye completely child, just like is Overlord. 神山依旧屹立,已是摇摇欲坠,此地洞天则分崩离析,一道昂藏雄伟的身影立在山峰边缘,看着远处日落,他线条分明,轮廓刚硬,目光睥睨中透着几分感叹,少了眼无余子的张狂,俨然便是霸王 Five Dynasties Dark Maiden from rear line, sound simple and elegant low graceful: Heavenly Immortal peak to the Heavenly Immortal peak, peerless to peerless, the Devil Sovereign nine revolutions to Six Chops of the Overlord, Wu Daoming were defeated dead as before, husband was called sufficiently all previous most Heavenly Immortal.” 五代玄女从后方行来,声音清雅低婉:“天仙顶峰对天仙顶峰,绝世对绝世,魔皇九转对霸王六斩,吴道明依旧落败身亡,夫君足以称为历代最天仙。” Overlord takes back the vision, looks at Five Dynasties Dark Maiden gently: Right, the Heavenly Immortal limit I have experienced, this realm does not need to accept as a memento again, should close up attacks Legendary Realm.” 霸王收回目光,温柔看着五代玄女:“对,天仙的极限我已体验,这个境界再无需留念,该闭关冲击传说境界了。” Counter cut Demon Monarch that blade to be possible be called Blade Dao a moment ago at present the work of most peak! 刚才逆斩魔君那一刀堪称自己刀道目前最巅峰之作! Can the achievement legend, ascended to Creator (good fortune), blow dry to decay the those that is inactive but will come back old fogies! 能成就传说,登临造化,就将那些死而不僵的老家伙们吹枯拉朽! We go back.” Five Dynasties Dark Maiden Yanran(sweet) smiled. “那我们回去吧。”五代玄女嫣然一笑。 Overlord nods slightly: „A minor matter settles, I urge to go faster then return.” 霸王微微颔首:“还有件小事了结,我去去便回。” What minor matter?” Five Dynasties Dark Maiden doubts said “什么小事?”五代玄女疑惑道 The Overlord smile said: „When initially enters Dharma Body, I once chased down Monster Clan to the Eastern Sea sea eye, was fled by him, has had a confusing lump at heart, although usually already forgets, obviously when ‚ my for mebest settle in advance, moreover now exactly in Eastern Sea.” 霸王微笑道:“初入法身时,我曾追杀一位妖族东海海眼,被他走脱,心里一直有个迷惑的疙瘩,平日虽然已经遗忘,可见‘我之为我‘时最好还是先行了结,而且如今恰在东海。” That this mistress waits for husband to return.” Five Dynasties Dark Maiden said with a smile. “那妾身等着夫君归来。”五代玄女笑道。 Overlord turns around, one step takes, sinks to the seabed, goes to the sea eye. 霸王转身,一步迈出,沉入海底,直去海眼。 Across the billowing wave, Blackwater, Overlord saw plain obscure Monster Sovereign Palace layer upon layer. 穿过滚滚波浪,层层黑水,霸王看见了古朴晦涩的妖皇殿 Monster Sovereign Palace?” His eyebrow selected, pulled out thunder blade, planned that searched this place. 妖皇殿?”他眉毛一挑,抽出了雷刀,打算探一探此地。 The purple electricity is sparking, Monster Sovereign Palace as if does not have forbidden technique, the front door opens, it enters profoundly. 紫电闪亮,妖皇殿仿佛全无禁法,大门吱呀而开,其进幽深。 ............... …………… You are also the Kunpeng descendant, why must take the inheritance covertly, might as well look for the small fox to chat directly?” Meng Qi deliberately directs toward this aspect the topic. “你好歹也是鲲鹏后裔,为何非得偷偷摸摸拿传承,不如直接找小狐狸谈谈?”孟奇刻意将话题往这方面引。 A Chui Yizi black face rises red, makes excuses unable to speak extremely rarely. 垂翼子一张黑脸涨得通红,极其难得地支支吾吾说不出话来。 At this moment, Meng Qi hears the Monster Sovereign Palace already again closed front door by the sound that opens heavily, but Extreme Blade in oneself sleeve vanished suddenly! 就在这时,孟奇听到妖皇殿已经重新闭合的大门被沉重打开的声音,而自己袖管内的绝刀陡然消失了! His stunned looks, looked eye that a arrived pair looks disdainfully overbearingly. 愕然望去,看到了一双霸道睥睨的眼睛。 Eye that forever is unable to forget. 永远也无法忘记的眼睛。 Medieval Overlord! 中古霸王 Zizi, the line of sight connection, the purple thunder chops to fall in the center loudly. 兹兹兹,视线交接,紫雷轰然劈落于中央。
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