WORIOA :: Volume #6

#200: Plan of Monster Clan( first and second)

Water Moon Small Temple chief monk Ming Tong? 水月庵庵主明通 Meng Qi opens both eyes suddenly, the peaceful room regression is also bright, probably outside sunshine penetrated the darkness finally. 孟奇陡然睁开双眼,静室随之复归光明,像是外面的日照终于穿透了黑暗。 Oneself and Ming Tong does not have happening together, what matter does she come to seek an interview behavior? 自己与明通毫无交集,她上门求见所为何事? Water Moon Small Temple, Guanyin Bodhisattva Dao Lineage...... Mo Fei/could it be that, because I just hit her family/home goldfish, sends people to say 12? Meng Qi immediately had to plant to beat the little friend, finally by the feeling that the opposite party guardian walked, naturally, Great King of Inspiration that type bear child, not only need punch, but must punch, the Bodhisattva face was not easy-to-use! 水月庵,观音菩萨道统……莫非因为我刚打了她家金鱼,派人来说道一二?孟奇顿时有种殴打了小朋友,结果被对方家长找上门的感觉,当然,灵感大王那种“熊孩子”不仅必须揍,还得往死里揍,菩萨的面子也不好使! He curls the lip close to, said slowly: „In asked the Ming Tong chief monk to enter.” 他撇了撇嘴巴,缓缓道:“请明通庵主入内。” Ming Tong wears the gray black clothing, waits for outside Jade Void Palace, in a while then sees that grotesque azure gatekeeper to drag the branch to come out, put on a high and mighty act say/way: 明通身着灰色缁衣,等待在玉虚宫外,没过多久便看见那奇形怪状的青色门房摇曳着枝条出来,趾高气昂道: Mr. Headmaster feels emotion.” 掌教老爷有情。” Ming Tong Zen Heart is astute, does not think, holds their palms together, read aloud Bodhisattva honorific titles lowly, the starting to walk step, steps into the front door with big green root, bypasses the wall screening, across the winding corridor, arrived had the lotus flower fragrant ten li (0.5 km) main shrine. 明通禅心精明,不以为甚,双手合十,低诵了一声菩萨尊号,迈开步伐,跟着大青根踏入大门,绕过照壁,穿过回廊,抵达了有莲花芳香十里的主殿。 Above the main shrine is consecrating the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statue, the left side has the gate, is leading to a peaceful room, inside case several copper furnaces, the sandalwood curls, quiet spontaneity. 主殿之上供奉着元始天尊的雕像,左侧有门,通往着一间静室,里面案几铜炉,檀香袅袅,静谧自生。 After curling light smoke, is Zhang Yun chuang, its upper extreme sits a Daoist who wears the hydration clothing/taking, five senses is delicate and pretty, seems quite young, hides, in fog winds around middle, added several points of fairyism, making the temple of vicissitudes seem gentle with the double pupil. 袅袅青烟之后是一张云床,其上端坐着一位身穿水合服的道人,五官俊美,显得颇为年轻,藏在“云雾缭绕”当中,平添了几分仙气,让沧桑的鬓角与双眸显得柔和。 Is this world-famous Jade Void Palace Headmaster, Primordial Sovereign Su Meng? Ming Tong has to plant the feeling at this time facing directly immortal Buddha. 这就是名满天下的玉虚宫掌教,元皇苏孟明通此时有种直面仙佛的感觉。 When oneself become famous, the opposite party had not been born, but immortal, really makes one sob now. 在自己成名时,对方还未出生,可如今一仙一凡,委实让人唏嘘。 Has seen Headmaster Su.” Ming Tong holds their palms together again, the facial expression is gentle, the eye contains the mercy. “见过苏掌教。”明通再次双手合十,神情平和,目含慈悲。 Chief monk what is Xu overly courteous? If by the rank, some is also the younger generation.” The Meng Qi smile expressed best wishes, you came from afar, didn't know what important matter?” “庵主何需多礼?若论辈分,某还属于晚辈。”孟奇微笑致意,“您万里迢迢前来,不知有何要事?” Ming Tong proclaimed infinitely merciful Goddess Bodhisattva honorific titles lowly, took out a leaf from storage ring, the taking the form of willow is, the fresh desire drops, floating white fog, hidden colored glaze light. 明通低宣了一声大慈大悲观世音菩萨尊号,从芥子环内取出了一片树叶,形似杨柳之属,清新欲滴,浮动白雾,暗藏琉光。 Headmaster Su please look.” Her right hand wields, this piece of willow leaf naturally breaks up, changes to the flake gold glow, formed a round mirror. 苏掌教请看。”她右手一挥,这片杨柳叶自然崩解,化作片片金芒,汇成了一面圆镜。 The round mirror blooms pale gold/metal, exquisitely carved, the ripple flashed through, shines by the region that dark covered jet black, once for a while can see the thunder light to burst out, illuminates the scene, the deep place had being indomitable spirit Golden Cudgel to stand erect proudly, all around flower blossomed to fall, the thunder mine destruction lived, universe throughout. 圆镜绽放淡金,玲珑剔透,波纹闪过,映照出了被幽暗漆黑笼罩的地域,时不时能见雷光迸发,照亮场景,深处有一根顶天立地的金箍棒傲然竖立,四周花开花落,雷灭雷生,宇宙始终。 Spirit Mountain......” Meng Qi whispered to make noise, was exceptionally assured. 灵山……”孟奇低语出声,异常笃定。 This is ten thousand Buddha with Spirit Mountain after falling! 这是万佛同坠后的灵山 Even if turned into the ash, he also recognizes here, twice enters, the different moods, many recollection entanglements, many fear lingers in the air, finally wields the sword that also most renounced firmly! 哪怕化成了灰,他也认得这里,两次进入,不同心情,多少回忆纠缠,多少恐惧袅绕,最终挥出了最坚定也最决绝的刀剑! This is not only Spirit Mountain, is own mental journey. 这不仅仅是灵山,也是自己的心路历程。 , Oneself will also go to Spirit Mountain finally on the 1st, as a result of not losing there Netherworld's Skeleton, because of the Demon Buddha seal there. 终有一日,自己还会前往灵山,不是由于失落在那里的黄泉骸骨,而是因为魔佛封印在那里。 The scene from far to near, Meng Qi looked Golden Body Gautama Buddha that again arrived peak that flow off two lines of tears of blood, they are palatial, pure surviving, contaminates by the grayish white air/Qi and jet black filthy fog layer upon layer, the death and evil different paid equal attention. 场景由远及近,孟奇再次看到了峰顶那一尊尊流下两行血泪的金身佛陀,它们巍峨巨大,清净残存,被灰白之气与漆黑秽雾层层沾染,死亡与邪异并重。 In this ten thousand Buddha Golden Body in the corpse forest, the land sways fiercely, walks big grey robe figure, his hair hangs loose, under the chin has thickly must black, both eyes is pale and colorless, the chest front is hanging the white bone colored glaze bead, just like is Monk Sha Sha Wujing! 就在这“万佛”金身所化的尸林中,大地剧烈摇晃,走出来一道高大的灰袍身影,他头发披散,颔下有浓密黑须,双眼淡而无色,胸前悬挂着白骨琉璃珠,俨然便是沙和尚沙悟净 Did he go to Spirit Mountain unexpectedly? Meng Qi quite feels stunned. 他竟是去了灵山孟奇颇感愕然 Jade Void Palace one since parting, because never hears Sha Wujing this legend Supreme to have what action, oneself unify three words that he transmits, judged that he went to the Journey to the West world, now looks like, truly guessed right, but only guessed right half, he not only went to Journey to the West, but also stepped into broken Spirit Mountain! 玉虚宫一别后,因为始终不曾听闻沙悟净这传说大能有什么举动,自己结合他传递的三句话,判断他去了西游世界,如今看来,确实猜对了,但只猜对了一半,他不仅仅去了西游,而且踏入了残破灵山 The Sha Wujing stance is somewhat strange, the back camel, is walking one step to trade shaking of Spirit Mountain slightly every time, Meng Qi concentrates the eye to look, discovered he at the back of a thing, by the strange black fog package, was hard the thing that all over the body completely understands. 沙悟净的姿态有些奇怪,背微微驼着,每走一步都换来灵山的摇动,孟奇凝目看去,才发现他背着一件事物,通体被诡异黑雾包裹,难以看透的事物。 Looking from the shape and characteristics, Meng Qi suspected this is a corpse. 从形状和特征看,孟奇怀疑这是一具尸体。 Place of ten thousand Buddha of Sha Wujing thorough Spirit Mountain danger with falling, to carry a corpse? 沙悟净深入灵山危险的万佛同坠之地,就是为了背出一具尸体? But the corpse seems heavy, presses legend Supreme to bend the waist, the camel the back, broken Spirit Mountain as if is unable to support. 而尸体似乎很沉重,压得一位传说大能都弯了腰,驼了背,残破的灵山仿佛无法支撑。 Whose remains is this? The Meng Qi heart is astonished, in the eye highlighted One Dao Colored Glass Lamp, is revolving Cause of All Fruits, however the strange black fog all became fuzzy, is unable to see the clue by his current realm. 这是谁的遗蜕孟奇心头惊愕,眼中凸显出了道一琉璃灯,运转着诸果之因,然而诡异黑雾将所有都变得模糊,以他目前的境界无法看出端倪。 Is don't tell me Great Sage Equal of Heaven remains? 难道齐天大圣遗蜕 Or in Gold Sovereign mouth that mysterious Golden Cicada, is Monk Tang's remains? 或者说金皇口中那位神秘的金蝉子,也就是唐僧的遗蜕 Naturally, possibility that other do not know. 当然,还有别的自己不知道的可能。 The tread, the tread, the tread, Sha Wujing proceeds step by step, steps on Spirit Mountain to rock, the sound of Buddha roar is unceasing. 蹬,蹬,蹬,沙悟净一步步往前,踩得灵山晃动,佛吼之声不断。 From one side after Golden Cudgel, he stops slightly, turns head to look, just likes is lost in thought that corner of the eye unconsciously were many tears of two drops of pollution. 从侧面经过金箍棒时,他微微停顿,扭头望去,恍若出神,眼角不知不觉多了两滴浑浊的泪水。 Buddha also has the tears, the legend has the tears, how the mind, does not prove clearly unique has the sad regrettable matter finally! 佛也有泪,传说有泪,心灵圆润又如何,不证超脱终有伤心憾事! Sha Wujing has turned head , to continue to shoulder that heavy corpse to move toward beside Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation, when passed by to coil around in the White Dragon skeleton of place, he closes tightly jaw fiercely, branched out a hand to hold on dragon corner/horn. 沙悟净回过头,继续背负着那具沉重的尸体走向万佛大阵之外,路过盘绕于地的白龙尸骸时,他猛地咬紧牙关,分出一只手拉住了龙角。 The serious fricative resounds, the White Dragon skeleton was driven, Sha Wujing becomes more strenuous, but he has not given up, must drag the White Dragon skeleton to the place of this contamination degeneration. 沉重的摩擦声响起,白龙尸骸被生生拖动,沙悟净变得更加吃力,但他没有放弃,要将白龙尸骸拖离这个污秽堕落之地。 One step in a flash, Sha Wujing is shouldering the corpse, left the peak gradually, Journey to the West five, now only remains him, figure few, said alone not. 一步一晃,沙悟净背负着尸体,渐渐离开了峰顶,西游五位,如今只剩他一人,身影寥寥,说不尽的孤寂。 The round lens piece smashing, changes to the flowing light, vanishes without the trace, does not have other scene again. 圆镜片片粉碎,化作流光,消失无踪,再没有别的场景。 Really was Supreme or Great Divine Expert arrived at the thought that transmitted this image...... Meng Qi to nod looking pensive, has not guessed Guanyin Bodhisattva directly, after all Water Moon Small Temple now most is Half-Step Dharma Body, was hoodwinked by other Supreme also has the matter of possibility, naturally, from the special judgment of that piece of willow leaf, 70-80% was infinitely merciful Goddess Bodhisattva. 果然是大能大神通者降临了意念,传来了这段影像……孟奇若有所思点头,并没有直接猜观音菩萨,毕竟水月庵如今最强才是半步法身,被别的大能蒙蔽也是有可能的事情,当然,从那片杨柳叶的特殊判断,七八成就是大慈大悲观世音菩萨 Then, was Undying Monster God then Samantabhadra Bodhisattva? 如此一来,不死妖神便是普贤菩萨了? But cannot remove is the thought that Undying Monster God transmits...... 但不能排除就是不死妖神传来的意念…… What he shoulders is what? Whose corpse?” The thoughts rotation, Meng Qi comes straight to the point to ask. “他背负的是什么?谁的尸体?”心思转动,孟奇开门见山问道。 Ming Tong shakes the head: Bodhisattva has not mentioned, only said this matter to relate significantly, Headmaster Su must know.” 明通摇了摇头:“菩萨未曾提及,只言此事关系重大,苏掌教应当知晓。” Tried to guess the true meaning of something repugnantly, hits...... Meng Qi inwardly to spit one wisely, where thought deeply about this matter to relate significantly, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Does Bodhisattva have other words of advice?” 最讨厌猜哑谜,打机锋了……孟奇暗自啐了一口,边思索此事关系重大在何方,边随口问道:“菩萨还有别的赠言吗?” Ming Tong shows a smile rarely, making the past and present not have the wave face to be many several points of color: Bodhisattva makes Headmaster Su careful, some influences do not want to see you from the card legend, or becomes the legend at the quick speed.” 明通难得露出一丝笑容,让古今无波般的脸庞多了几分颜色:“菩萨苏掌教小心,有的势力不想看到你自证传说,或者以很快的速度成为传说。” „, How do they want to destroy?” Meng Qi puts down the matter of Spirit Mountain temporarily. “哦,他们想怎么破坏?”孟奇暂时放下灵山之事。 Proving the legend is one very personal the matter, taking advantage of foreign object, is little short is disturbed, relation only in me and I, moreover the Clear Sky Mirror fragments in minority foreign object, in oneself hand, others discussed that what delays own speed? 证传说是一件很“私人”的事情,少借外物,少受干扰,联系只在“我”与“我”之间,而且少数外物里的昊天镜碎片,自己手中就有一枚,别人谈何延缓自己的速度? Does not want to see oneself prove to result in the legend to be very simple, that is bright the blade stab in the back to come, to massacre then death ends all troubles, must delay itself to step into the Legendary Realm speed, where should? 不想看到自己证得传说很简单,那就明刀暗箭地来,杀掉便一了百了,要延缓自己踏入传说境界的速度,该从哪里着手呢? Ming Tong is maintaining the gentle smile: Manufacture virtual his I, form the relation mark, the little feeling changes, little adjustment, but each adjustment must for a long time be able to obtain the feedback, is truly time-consuming and strenuous , but if has Demon Buddha Ānanda his I projection or legend as reference? Demon Buddha is Headmaster Su you, Headmaster Su you are Demon Buddha, his his I should be close to your virtual his me, if can refer, reduces the road of need legend time surely enormously.” 明通保持着刚才的温婉笑容:“制造‘虚拟他我’,形成联系印记,得一点点感受变化,一点点调整,而每一次调整都要很久才能获得反馈,确实费时又费力,可如果有魔佛阿难的‘他我’投影或传说作为参考呢?魔佛便是苏掌教你,苏掌教你便是魔佛,他的‘他我’与你的‘虚拟他我’应该非常接近,若能参照,必定极大缩短传说之路需要的时光。” Right, the Ming Tong chief monk you said right.” Meng Qi confident acknowledgment. “对,明通庵主你说得没错。”孟奇坦然承认。 This is his method, but cannot look like receives „the Primordial Beginning projection absorbs Demon Buddha directly his me to project, because that merely is the brand mark, is not the mark, after all except for oneself, Demon Buddha each his I was suppressed with him together in Spirit Mountain, even after the seal has become less crowded, again Demon Venerable and Grandmaster Yuan Meng under arrangement are also so, is the Buddha Ancestor seal so can it be that good to bypass? 这本身就是他的方法,只是不能像接收“元始投影”般直接吸纳魔佛的“他我投影”,因为那仅仅是烙印,不是印记,毕竟除了自己,魔佛每个‘他我’都与他一起被镇压在灵山之中,即使封印有所松动后重新布置下的魔尊圆蒙大师亦是如此,佛祖的封印岂是那么好绕过的? To Demon Buddha this Pāramitā great person, can leave behind his me basically to be equal to break free in the outside world again. 魔佛这种彼岸大人物而言,能重新于外界留下“他我”基本就等于脱困了。 Ming Tong continues saying: Demon Buddha that universe vast as the open sea, Headmaster Su you know his I project should not be many, this not enormous slow the road of your legend?” 明通继续说道:“宇宙浩如烟海,苏掌教你知晓的魔佛‘他我投影’应该不多,这不就极大迟缓了你的传说之路了吗?” Listens to your meaning, who knows many Demon Buddha his I to project?” Meng Qi one understands as one pleases, the immediately facial expression inspires. “听你的意思,有谁知晓很多的魔佛‘他我投影’?”孟奇一听便懂,顿时神情一振。 Ming Tong receives the smile, precious image said dignified: Demon Buddha is Ānanda, Demon Buddha his I project should be equal to Ānanda his I project adds Thunder God his I to project, but Overlord loses control, achievement legend, therefore Ānanda cannot fuse the Thunder God part 明通收起笑容,宝相庄严道:“魔佛阿难,魔佛的‘他我投影’原本应该等于阿难的‘他我投影’加雷神的‘他我投影’,但霸王失控,成就了传说,于是阿难未能融合雷神部分” Meng Qi slightly nod, suddenly, is similar this cutting to have a body to refine at heart to be equal to that seriously his I also split, otherwise was peeped the clue early, Heavenly Venerate Supreme Unity, Bhaiṣajyaguru and Blue Emperor , if no relation in source, is completely different and independent two Great Divine Expert. 孟奇微微点头,心里恍然,类似这种斩出一具身体重炼等于“他我”也分裂了,否则早被人窥出了端倪,太乙天尊药师王佛青帝若无本源上的联系,就是完全不同和独立的两位大神通者 At this point, a Ming Tong thread of conversation revolution: However Monster Clan chases down Ānanda and person of practice Ānanda Breaking Vow Blade does not know that many generations, even in having opportunity able situation, other universes Ānanda does not let off, is Ānanda his I, they affirmed that accumulated this aspect rich material, even if his I after the reincarnation, each generation am all different, but can still make Headmaster Su you peep the essence, twice the result with half the effort.” 说到这里,明通话锋一转:“而妖族追杀阿难修炼阿难破戒刀法之人不知有多少代了,甚至在有机会有能力的情况下,连其他宇宙的‘阿难’也不放过,也就是阿难的‘他我’,它们肯定积累了这方面丰厚的资料,即使‘他我’历经转世,每一代皆有所不同,但也能让苏掌教你窥出本质,事半功倍。” Meng Qi hears somewhat dumbfoundedly, Monster Saint is really the good rigid hate, Ānanda that generations of samsara are reincarnated, generations of Ānanda his I, do not die compare with this continuous simply am the pediatrics. 孟奇听得有些目瞪口呆,妖圣真是好执着的怨恨,一代代轮回转世的阿难,一代代的“阿难他我”,不死不休与这相比简直是小儿科。 However also confirmed a few words, often is your enemy who you most understand, seeks for Ānanda his I again not compared with Monster Clan specialized...... 不过也验证了一句话,对你最了解的往往是你的敌人,寻找“阿难他我”再没有比妖族更“专业”的了…… Does not know that Monster Clan is what attitude?” Meng Qi sincere asked. “不知妖族是何态度?”孟奇正色问道。 Since Ming Tong conveys a message, the understanding are definitely many. 明通既然来传话,肯定了解不少。 Sure enough, Ming Tong has not thought that direct access road/simply said: Monster Clan is not the attitude consistent whole, each other has a difference, does not hope that saw, because you died, but Demon Buddha is complete, does not want to make you grow, disturbs them to go to Spirit Mountain, rescues the plan of remaining Great Saint.” 果不其然,明通没有思索,直接便道:“妖族不是态度一致的整体,彼此有所分歧,既不希望看到因你身亡而魔佛圆满,也不想让你成长起来,干扰它们前往灵山,救出残余大圣的计划。” Rescues the plan of remaining Great Saint?” Meng Qi is startled terrified. “救出残余大圣的计划?”孟奇悚然一惊。 Golden Cudgel punctures Spirit Mountain, protection seal in within/inner remaining Monster Clan Great Saint? 金箍棒打穿灵山,保护性封印于内的残余妖族大圣 This may be among the antiquity years call the wind and summon the rain true Great Saint, if break free, then can sweep away Reality World and God Sealing World immediately, Human Clan does not have the anti- hand again, must have Great Divine Expert to sacrifice itself, ahead of time regains consciousness, can resist. 这可都是上古年间呼风唤雨的真正大圣,若是脱困,立刻便能横扫真实界封神世界,人族再无抗手,必须有大神通者牺牲自己,提前苏醒,才能抵御。 This also made a big plan not making a sound! 这还真是不声不响弄了个大计划! „Couldn't they find the Spirit Mountain entrance?” Frightened , the Meng Qi sinking sound asked. “它们找得到灵山入口吗?”惊悚过后,孟奇沉声问道。 Ming Tong shakes the head: Could not find, but Luoism is contacting with them, seeks to form an alliance, True Emptiness Hometown contains all lives, the control myriad things.” 明通摇头:“找不到,但罗教在与它们接触,寻求结盟,真空家乡包容所有生灵,统御万物。” Neverborn Matriarch ambitious...... Meng Qi inwardly sighed seriously, and conduct is just right. 无生老母当真雄心勃勃……孟奇暗自叹息了一声,而且行事恰到好处。 For example this Sha Wujing ahead of time the matter of awakens, taking advantage of the weakness that Gu Xiaosang this must Sumeru make up, makes any overact to be accepted easily, is insufficient to light the tension-filled atmosphere and aspect, but after awakens, the Sha Wujing whereabouts secret, went to Spirit Mountain, without such as expected that disturbs the Reality World aspect strongly, then, then in other great person tolerance limits, making them not sacrifice we's Creator (good fortune) and legend. 比如这次沙悟净提前苏醒之事,借着顾小桑这个必须弥补的弱点,做出任何过激反应都容易被人接受,不至于点燃紧张的气氛和局面,而苏醒后,沙悟净行踪隐秘,去了灵山,没有如自己预料般强势干扰真实界的局面,如此一来,便处于其余大人物容忍限度之内,让祂们不牺牲本方的造化与传说。 When Sha Wujing returns from Journey to the West, definitely sets up the prestige slightly, purges the folk belief, expansion Luoism but does not stimulate Great Zhou and pure land Buddha Country two, when the time comes, who can be willing to face directly the legend Supreme power and prestige? Even if regains consciousness ahead of time, the strength ten steps save legend Supreme! 等到沙悟净西游归来,肯定稍微立威,整肃民间信仰,扩张罗教但不刺激大周与净土佛国两,到时候,谁会愿意直面传说大能的威风?即使是提前苏醒,实力十步存一的传说大能 During the train of thought changes, Meng Qi said: I guess that Luoism will not tell the Monster Clan Spirit Mountain entrance simply.” 思绪翻动间,孟奇说道:“我猜罗教不会那么简单告诉妖族灵山入口。” Headmaster Su said is extremely, Luoism does not certainly want to see now the excellent situation, because Monster Clan true Great Saint break free ruined, both sides are gambling, similarly, Neverborn Matriarch, although wants to test other great people taking advantage of you, spied on some secrets, but does not hope absolutely you grew into legend Supreme rapidly, when best was It regains consciousness thoroughly the return you broke through, such then can prevent to happen accidentally/surprisingly.” Ming Tong is analyzing the Luoism attitude. 苏掌教所言极是,罗教当然不想看到如今大好局面因为妖族真正大圣脱困而葬送,双方正在博弈,同样的,无生老母虽然想借着你试探其他大人物,窥探一些秘密,但绝对不希望你快速成长为传说大能,最好是祂彻底苏醒归来时你才突破,那样便能防止意外发生。”明通分析着罗教的态度。 Such spoken language really does not seem like stems from the mouth of Half-Step Dharma Body. 这样的言语实在不像是出自半步法身之口。 Meng Qi slightly nod, this and want almost, how could but can the idea of Pāramitā great person guess? 孟奇微微点头,这与自己所想差不多,但彼岸大人物的想法又岂能猜得透? Then oneself when Jade Void Palace took Chaos Green Lotus Seed guesses mistakenly one time. 自己在玉虚宫混沌青莲子时便猜错了一次。 Heaven's Will asked since old times highly difficult, anything is Heaven's Will, the will of Pāramitā great person is Heaven's Will! 正所谓天意自古高难问,什么是天意,彼岸大人物的意志就是天意 Today the matter, this humble nun asks to be excused, wishes Headmaster Su from the card legend, revealed Immortal Vestige again.” Ming Tong held their palms together, proclaimed the Guanyin Bodhisattva honorific titles. “今日事了,贫尼告退,预祝苏掌教自证传说,再显仙迹。”明通双手合十,宣了观音菩萨尊号。 She informed something, analyzed something, but has not put forward the proposal from beginning to end. 她告知了一些事情,分析了一些事情,但由始至终未曾提出建议。 Meng Qi sits well cloud bed, calmly visits her to depart, is or crystal clear to the Guanyin Bodhisattva Buddhism intention. 孟奇端坐云床,静静看着她离去,对观音菩萨或者说佛门的意图洞若观火。 They do not want to see oneself were compelled anxiously by the situation, walks absorbs „the Primordial Beginning projection most quickly simple and direct path, becomes another Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, but such will perhaps create Final Tribulation Dao Fruit home to return to determination! 他们不想看到自己被局势逼急,走最快最简捷地吸纳“元始投影”道路,成为又一位元始天尊,而那样恐怕会造成末劫道果“归宿”的确定! The matter moves seriously momentarily, Buddhism Amitābha this lineage/vein had several changes to own attitude already. 当真事随时移,佛门阿弥陀这一脉对自己的态度已经有了好几次变化。 Not forever enemy, only then forever benefit. 没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。 How long sits well cloud bed not to know, Meng Qi is analyzing all influence attitude that starts to show talent for the first time, already had the preliminary plan at heart, first contacts Monster Clan, the probe whether can change their ideas, if can become, obtains about Ānanda his I the past years accumulated, oneself manufacture that took 20-30 years and even longer of time to complete another "I" Imprint process can reduce to ten years, at least 30% Primordial Beginning projections that if was used to balance again in addition, will also be shorter. 端坐云床不知多久,孟奇分析着开始崭露头角的各方势力态度,心里已经有了初步的计划,先接触妖族,试探是否能改变它们的想法,如果能成,得到关于“阿难他我”的历年积累,自己原本要20-30年甚至更长时光才能完成的制造“他我印记”过程能缩短至十年,如果再加上用来平衡的至少30%元始投影,还会更短。 But how should contact the Monster Clan high level? 而该怎么接触妖族高层呢? This issue somewhat perplexed Meng Qi, since Medieval returned, Monster Clan as if went into hiding, the rare action, regardless of peacock Tai Li, was the Monster Saint successor small fox no longer present world, but in the Journey to the West world those looked on Monster King Monster God of no mind did not have the qualifications of obviously wielding such secret. 这个问题有些难住孟奇了,自中古归来后,妖族似乎销声匿迹,少有举动,无论孔雀太离,还是妖圣传人小狐狸都不再现世,而西游世界内那些一看就没什么头脑的妖王妖神们显然不具备执掌此等秘密的资格。 The thought rotation, the Meng Qi miraculous glow flashes suddenly, thinks a arrived place: 念头转动,孟奇忽然灵光一闪,想到了一个地方: Eastern Sea sea eye! 东海海眼! It is not sea eye of God Sealing World to Seven Seas Twenty-Eight Realms, but is the Eastern Sea sea eye of Reality World, it does not know to lead to where. 不是封神世界通往七海二十八界的海眼,而是真实界东海海眼,它不知通向着何处。 According to Su Wuming Senior Su, at that time pursued Peacock Monster King Tai Li, then lost the opposite party trace there. 苏无名苏前辈道,当时追击孔雀妖王太离,便是在那里失了对方影踪。 But when oneself going boating sea meets Blue Emperor, It also disappears from there. 而自己泛舟海上遇见青帝时,祂也是自那里消失。 Now own strength and can realm, be able to pass through that sea eye? 如今自己的实力与境界,应当可以穿过那处海眼了吧? He rapidly made the decision, but does not have immediately set off, but continues to close up. 他迅速做出了决定,但没有立刻出发,而是继续闭关。 Enough one month later, the Meng Qi body side appears suddenly old monk phantom, its cross previous step, integrated Dharma Body, is Grandmaster Yuan Meng this another "I" Imprint! 足足一个月后,孟奇身侧突地浮现出一位老僧虚影,其跨前一步,融入了法身,正是圆蒙大师这“他我印记”! Meng Qi then opens the eye, however goes to Eastern Sea leisurely, the makings sees indistinctly. 孟奇这才睁开眼睛,施施然前往东海,气质愈见飘渺。 ............ ………… Crash-bang, the sea eye vortex surges, the luster is quiet, cannot see the bottom, does not know to lead to where, unknown and mysterious most terrifying. 哗啦啦,海眼漩涡激荡,色泽幽黑,看不到底部,不知通向着何处,未知与神秘最为恐怖。 Meng Qi pushes leaf of cloud Guan, appears Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud, the whole body covers the dim light, gradually trod. 孟奇一推扇云冠,现出太上无极元始庆云,周身笼罩幽光,缓步踏了下去。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The water current is heavy, the steamroll the myriad things, are tearing all, but passes through black hole Meng Qi then as if to stroll, more walks is deeper, ascends level, and hides away figure gradually, after all no one knows that opposite has the enemy or the ambush. 水流沉重,碾压着万物,撕扯着一切,但穿越过黑洞的孟奇便仿佛闲庭信步,越走越深,拾“级”而下,并且渐渐隐遁身形,毕竟谁也不知道对面有没有敌人或埋伏。 Has not known how long, he at present suddenly one bright, sees only all around dense tumbling, the chaos surrounds, the ray whence is a plain obscure palace, above has the inscribed horizontal tablet of monster article writing. 不知过了多久,他眼前突然一亮,只见四周氤氲翻滚,混沌环绕,光线来处是一座古朴晦涩的宫殿,上面有妖文书写的匾额。 Hid away the Meng Qi careful identification of figure, character by character read: 隐遁了身形孟奇仔细辨认,一个字一个字读了出来: Monster, sovereign, palace......” “妖,皇,殿……” Monster Sovereign Palace!” 妖皇殿!” He terrified one startled, in the mind emitted many thoughts: 他悚然一惊,脑海里冒出了诸多念头: God Sealing World does Jade Void Mountain slightly do that Monster Sovereign Palace that the hole monster guards? 封神世界玉虚山小乾洞妖怪看守的那座妖皇殿 Monster Sovereign Palace in chatterbox Chui Yizi mouth? 话痨垂翼子口中的妖皇殿 No wonder peacock Tai Li vanishes in the Eastern Sea sea eye! 难怪孔雀太离消失于东海海眼! What however does Blue Emperor come to here to make? 不过青帝来这里做什么? Surprised, Meng Qi is even more discrete, before leaving a palace cautiously spring, was worried that here is Monster Clan heavy, has Yuan Hong Monster Clan deep sleep Great Saint to guard. 惊疑之中,孟奇愈加谨慎,小心翼翼离开了一处宫前泉眼,担心这里是妖族重地,有袁洪般的妖族沉睡大圣镇守。 He surrounded observed one, the strange matter appeared, Monster Sovereign Palace as if only then one side, was that is always facing itself, can only see the main entrance and inscribed horizontal tablet. 他环绕观察了一阵,奇怪的事情出现了,妖皇殿似乎只有一面,始终是那面对着自己,仅能看到正门与匾额。 Fruit somewhat mystical......” all around the Meng Qi discovery resembles the invincible person, the observation is more careful. “果有几分神异……”孟奇发现四周似无敌人,观察更加细致。 At this moment, that leaf dust-laden for a long time the front door exudes the sound, then bang must open, rolls one group of spheres. 就在这时,那扇尘封了许久般的大门发出吱呀响声,然后砰得打开,滚出来一团圆球。 „Didn't we miscount one? Is worthwhile to lose directly?” The sphere shoots fiercely, was foul-mouthed. “咱不就是数错了一步吗?犯得着直接丢出来吗?”圆球猛地弹起,骂骂咧咧道。 It has water buffalo size fully, is all over the body perfectly round, is covering the black feather, the back is fanning two several feet wings, blows the intermittent strong winds, seems like a bird. 它足有水牛大小,通体浑圆,覆盖着黑色羽毛,背后扇动着两只几丈长的羽翼,刮起阵阵狂风,似乎是一只鸟。 However this bird to look is very ugly, the mouth does not have the beak, probably fish. 不过这只鸟长得很丑,嘴巴无喙,像是鱼类。 Meng Qi saw it was happy, isn't this when chatterbox Chui Yizi that Shaolin Temple knows? 孟奇一看到它就乐了,这不是自己在少林寺时认识的话痨垂翼子吗? He escapes from prison finally successfully, coming arrived to talk over Monster Sovereign Palace that? 他终于越狱成功,来到了一直念叨的妖皇殿了? Is he speaking with whom? 他在和谁说话? Chui Yizi mouth, can from the dawn speaking of the darkness, Meng Qi listen to for quite a while, clarified him not to speak with whom finally, but was unbearably angry Monster Sovereign Palace forbidden technique to lose it. 垂翼子嘴一张,能从天亮说到天黑,孟奇听了半天,总算弄清楚了他没有和谁说话,而是气不过妖皇殿禁法将它丢了出来。 The heart moves, Meng Qi appears figure, walks by arrived Chui Yizi. 心头一动,孟奇现出身形,走到了垂翼子旁边。 We are the Kunpeng descendant, Kunpeng that in the world only remains, is not any cat flatter dog, where can so treat?” Chui Yizi indignant difficult draw. “咱可是鲲鹏后裔,天地间仅剩的一头鲲鹏,不是阿猫阿狗,哪能如此对待?”垂翼子气愤难平。 Right, should not so treat.” His ear bank resounds the low and deep sound suddenly. “对,不该如此对待。”他耳畔忽然响起低沉的声音。 You look, have the approval,......” Chui Yizi are shocked suddenly, turn head to look to side, looked that arrived is quite familiar, but obviously mature many faces. “你看,有赞同的,呃……”垂翼子忽地愣住,扭头看向旁边,看到了颇为熟悉但明显成熟了许多的面孔。 You, you, did you, how find here?” He recognized Meng Qi, jumps eight zhang (3.33 m) high, frightened the speech stutter. “你,你,你,怎么找到这里的?”他认出了孟奇,一蹦八丈高,吓得说话都结巴了。 Meng Qi shows a faint smile saying: You guess.” 孟奇微微一笑道:“你猜。”
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