WORIOA :: Volume #6

#199: Demon Buddha projection

In Myriad Worlds Communication World, Jianghu Tea House , the argument about top influence rearrangement is still continuing. 万界通识天地内,“江湖茶楼”之中,关于顶尖势力重排的争论还在继续。 Has named Young Master Yu the fellow leaves a message saying: Since is Myriad Worlds Communication World, this young master thought that cannot only arrange Reality World, there, just had remote antiquity Incarnation passes on shortly after the matter of Dao and Virtue Five Thousands Words, the powerhouse, the influence are everywhere many, should integrate the consideration......” 有个叫做“公子羽”的家伙留言道:“既然是万界通识天地,本公子觉得不能只排真实界啊,在我们那里,刚有太上化身道德五千言之事不久,强者遍地,势力不少,应该纳入考量……” Western Continent of Cattle Gift Undying Monster God tyrannical secretive, is controlling many Monster King Monster God, should be counted the top influence, Northern Kulu Continent Great Emperor Neng is quite strong with the foot, from the legend is very near, and collected many fierce powerhouses, there is a scale of top influence . Moreover, duplicate sea with turning sea two kings, was the antiquity Great Saint heir, not only it was likely to attack the legend, but also had hundred responses to a single call in Aqua Clan, was this?” The nickname was East Sea Dragon King expressed the opinion, deliberately selected Sea King Fu and Sea King Fan two unqualified Monster God, wanted to bring in the top influence the disaffection, shamed discusses and them, conveniently their destruction. 西牛贺洲不死妖神’强横诡秘,控制着诸多妖王妖神,理应算作顶尖势力,北俱芦洲能天帝跟脚颇强,距离传说已是很近,且搜罗了不少凶蛮强者,也有顶尖势力的规模,另外,覆海与翻海两王,乃上古大圣子嗣,不仅本身有望冲击传说,而且在水族一呼百应,这算不算?”昵称是“东海龙王”者发表了意见,刻意点出了覆海王翻海王两个不够资格的妖神,希望引来顶尖势力的不满,羞于和它们并论,随手就将它们覆灭。 After studying diligently Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman was very long, old Dragon King learned internet finally...... 在钻研了万界通识符很久后,老龙王终于学会了“上网”…… As for the Jade Void Palace that Heavenly Lord actions, he does not find it strange, great person Great Divine Expert heaviest karma, is seemingly strange, perhaps compensates. 至于玉虚宫那位天尊的所作所为,他并不觉得奇怪,大人物大神通者最重因果,看似古怪,也许是补偿。 What a pity is, the argument same place, the flames of war are ominous, he and Young Master Yu speech was submerged rapidly, cannot arouse ripples. 可惜的是,争论一起,战火凶烈,他与公子羽的发言迅速被淹没,未能激起一丝涟漪。 ............ ………… When Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, Meng Qi steps into the gatekeeper, big green root is facing the window, is blowing the cold wind, is lost in thought dull, a losing all interest in life appearance, in the room chocked up various all sorts of strange and unusual things, making one almost not have the place of putting one's foot down. 昆仑山玉虚宫,孟奇踏入门房时,大青根正面对窗户,吹着寒风,呆呆出神,一副了无生趣的模样,房间内摆满了各种各样千奇百怪的事物,让人几乎没有下脚之地。 You said that your one plant, buying these is useful?” The Meng Qi corners of the mouth twitched several, could not bear admonish one. “你说你就一株植物,买这些有什么用?”孟奇嘴角抽搐了几下,忍不住规劝了一句。 The big green root tone is indistinct: I am pondering this abstruse issue......” 大青根语气飘渺:“我正在思考这个深奥的问题……” Suddenly, it shouted: Myriad Worlds Trade City is poisonous!” Poisonous!” 突然,它喊了起来:“万界商城有毒!”“有毒!” The sound is excited, the expression is stimulated, big green root was obviously short of the branch dances in the air chaotic, complains is enduring to compare the Heavenly Demon seduction Myriad Worlds Trade City. 声音激动,表情亢奋,大青根明显少了的枝条混乱飞舞,控诉着堪比天魔诱惑的万界商城 After a little while, it restored a point, what discovers to stand in the front was the master, immediately became confused: Master, you, did you return quickly? Is small, small first tidies up.” 少顷,它恢复了一点,发现站在面前的是自家老爷,顿时慌了手脚:“老爷,您,您这么快就返回了?小的,小的先收拾收拾。” Meng Qi hesitated evil ways: Since you hate Myriad Worlds Trade City, was inferior how some seals your Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman related function?” 孟奇沉吟了一下道:“既然你如此痛恨万界商城,不如某将你万界通识符的相关功用封掉怎么样?” The big green root look fluctuated several, clenches jaws to say suddenly: 大青根神色变幻了几下,忽地咬牙切齿道: Good!” “好!” Many thanks the master helps!” “多谢老爷成全!” Meng Qi wielded conveniently, seals its Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman shopping function, then took out from the thing of Great King of Inspiration treasure house, divided one to give big green root: This period of time you manage Jade Void Express also to calculate to fulfill duty, has not abused Myriad Worlds Communication Bead to your jurisdiction, this is the reward.” 孟奇随手一挥,封掉了它万界通识符的购物功能,然后取出得自灵感大王宝库的事物,分了一份给大青根:“这段时日你主持玉虚快递还算尽职,没有滥用万界通识球给你的权限,这是奖励。” big green root both eyes bursts out the extraordinary splendor, knelt to grasp the Meng Qi thigh fiercely: 大青根双眼迸发异彩,猛地跪下来抱住了孟奇大腿: Master, small feeling extremely flattered! On in the future under the mountain of sword the wok with cooking oil, will go through fire or water does not wrinkle the least bit brow!” “老爷,小的受宠若惊啊!日后上刀山下油锅,赴汤蹈火不皱半点眉头!” Meng Qi pulled out the leg unemotionally, told several, walked into Jade Void Palace. 孟奇面无表情将自己腿拔了出来,吩咐了几句,自顾自走入了玉虚宫 big green root in high spirits, the mouth snort/hum the folk song, the stance raised the branch natural, revealed Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman. 大青根已然精神焕发,嘴里哼起了小调,姿态潇洒地一扬枝条,亮出了万界通识符 Suddenly, the branch solidified there, the big green root look fluctuated again, then the branch flew randomly, pulled out the big slap in the face, the mouth is mumbling: Called your mouth to be inexpensive! Called your mouth to be inexpensive! Seals what Myriad Worlds Trade City!” 突然,枝条凝固在了那里,大青根神色再次变幻,然后枝条乱飞,啪啪啪抽着自己大耳刮子,嘴里念念有词:“叫你嘴贱!叫你嘴贱!封什么万界商城!” It paces anxiously back and forth, suddenly the miraculous glow flashed, opened the address book: 它焦急地来回踱步,忽然灵光一闪,打开了通讯录: Apprentice, quickly! Helps buy a thing for the master!” “徒弟,快!帮为师买点事物!” ............ ………… The lotus flower has opened, the full pond is fragrant, a freshness, Meng Qi stops in the pool, observed calmly for a long time, sighed to turn back the peaceful room, sat well in cloud bed. 莲花又已开放,满池芬芳,朵朵清新,孟奇停在池畔,静观了许久,才叹了口气走回静室,端坐于云床。 Before returning to Jade Void Palace, he returned to Journey to the West again, tries to track down the last Sea Calming Bead whereabouts, but has not harvested finally, because the clue stops suddenly in the doubtful Nine Serenities Slit place. 回到玉虚宫之前,他再次返回了西游,试图追寻最后一枚定海珠的下落,但最终没有收获,因为线索戛然而止于疑似九幽缝隙的地方。 Perhaps that Sea Calming Bead hides some arrived Nine Serenities secret place. 那枚定海珠也许是藏到了九幽某个隐秘处。 Both hands tie seal, grasps half Clear Sky Mirror fragment respectively, the Meng Qi eye closes, all around is dark immediately, is hiding the numerous universe darkness. 双手结印,各握一半昊天镜碎片,孟奇眼睛闭上,四周随即幽暗,藏着重重宇宙般的幽暗。 Divine Consciousness falls in the Clear Sky Mirror fragment, wanders in the limitless nihility. 神识落于昊天镜碎片,在无边无际的虚无里游荡。 This is the way that must be taken of legend. 这是传说的必由之路。 From Heavenly Immortal to the legend is the mountain pass that another essence enhances, difficulty Exterior Scenery to Dharma Body, can occupying the high ground spread to look at Reality World , to break through, must meet two big requirements ; first, to promote oneself, the complete mind, induces to his me, the communication contains them, since establishes relates, when colludes his I quantity the limit of achieving the qualitative change, then calculates that had the premise ; second, to clearly recognize, understands me for me, otherwise his I turn over to the body, is inevitably chaotic, brings to lose. 天仙到传说是又一个本质提高的关隘,难度更甚外景法身,能居高临下遍览真实界,要想突破,必须具备两大条件,一是提升自己,圆满心灵,感应到“他我”,沟通包容他们,建立起联系,等到勾连的“他我”数量达到质变的极限,则算具备了前提,二是认清自我,明了“我之为我”,否则他我归身,必然混乱,带来迷失。 Both are difficult Heavenly Immortal, can be inferred from all over the sky Star Officer and quantity contrast of legend Supreme, overwhelming majority Heavenly Immortal are being incapable makes realm make further progress go a step further again, without Clear Sky Mirror this treasure, cannot induce his me, Gate of Legend does not know where toward opens, the small part is hard to meet the natural disposition really such as, understands that I for me, do not dare to make his me quantity accumulate, otherwise must suffer backlash, few Heavenly Immortal can the perfect these two big conditions, put out a hand to shove open Gate of Legend, accepts the test, completes the transformation, becomes various only Supreme. 两者于天仙而言都非常艰难,从满天星官与传说大能的数量对比可见一斑,绝大部分天仙是无力让境界百尺竿头再进一步,又没有昊天镜这种宝物,迟迟感应不到“他我”,连传说之门都不知往哪边开,小部分则是难以照见本性真如,明白“我之为我”,不敢让“他我”数量累积,否则必遭反噬,只有极少数天仙才能完满这两大条件,伸手推开传说之门,接受考验,完成蜕变,成为诸界唯一的大能 After Earth Meng Xiaoqi( false Meng Qi) the matter, Meng Qi touches arrived to meet the natural disposition indistinctly really such as, understands me for me threshold, but his I quantitative aspect, he cut off the past, does not have in the normal significance his I, can only make the mark or the info clerk Primordial Beginning projection by myself complete. 经过地球孟小奇(伪孟奇)之事,孟奇隐约触摸到了照见本性真如,明了“我之为我”的门槛,而“他我”数量方面,他斩断了前尘,没有正常意义上的“他我”,只能靠自己制造印记或收纳元始投影来完成。 Temporarily do not gather the Primordial Beginning projection anxiously, first makes several another "I" Imprint, achieves balanced.” Divine Consciousness flutters, the Meng Qi heart has the definite opinion, does not dare totally to become another Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning by oneself, is seeking the balance, „, but, my another "I" Imprint must draw close to Demon Buddha, in the projection of that side universe can inscribe in the world, but Demon Buddha I cannot completely know in the projections of different universe, must attempt little, is really troublesome.” “暂时不要急着收取元始投影,先多制造几个他我印记,达成平衡。”神识飘荡中,孟奇心头自有定见,不敢让自身完全成为另一个元始天尊,寻求着制衡,“不过,我的‘他我印记’都得贴近魔佛在那方宇宙的投影才能铭刻于天地间,可魔佛在不同宇宙的投影又非我能尽知,必须一点点尝试,委实麻烦。” Thinks of here, the Meng Qi heart moves suddenly, because he also knows an accurate Demon Buddha projection! 想到这里,孟奇心头忽然一动,因为他还知道一个确切的魔佛投影! Was obtained second small jade Buddha Yuan Meng Zen Master by oneself, Twelve Idols God World Yuan Meng Zen Master! 让自己得到第二枚小玉佛的圆蒙禅师,十二相神世界圆蒙禅师 First other, change into another "I" Imprint this projection leave alone ‚’ are Righteous Path.” Meng Qi opens the eye, in the hand were many Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman. “先别管其他,将这个投影化为‘他我印记’才是正道。”孟奇睁开眼睛,手中多了一张万界通识符 That side world is extremely frail present, is unable to arrive directly, was good once helped oneself many times because of Great Illusory Shadow Technique, has many karma. 那方天地于如今的自己而言太过脆弱,无法直接降临了,好在“幻形大法”曾经帮助自己很多次,有着不少因果 His right hand ball, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman falls gently silently, vanishes like into the water before the Meng Qi body void. 他右手轻轻一弹,万界通识符无声无息滑落,如同入水般消失于孟奇身前虚空。 ............ ………… The thatched house is lonesome and quiet, the idle hidden families, the Duan Xiangfei thin scholarly does not reduce, but the eyebrow must be all white, senile. 草庐幽静,闲隐人家,段向非清癯儒雅不减,但眉须皆白,老态龙钟。 Before looking, Duan Mingcheng of middle-aged appearance, he sighed: Although in the mouth knew the Innate Nine Apertures mystery from Grandmaster Zhen Ding, but the mortal body had faded for the father at that time, has the method spatially, does not have the buried treasure to take, it seems like it is is incapable of opening Profound Entrance, daytime ascends, longevity completely, the day not false year, can only wanting to pin on you and several grandsons now.” 看着身前中年模样的段明诚,他叹了口气道:“虽然从真定大师口中知晓了天生九窍的奥秘,但为父彼时肉身已衰,空有法门,却无宝藏可取,看来是无力打开玄关,白日飞升了,如今寿元将尽,天不假年,只能将希望寄托在你与几名孙儿身上。” Hears old father its meaning to be sincere, Duan Mingcheng suddenly sadness, in his eyes, oneself father is Grandmaster that the world have several, old fox general Sage, defeats has not known many powerful enemies, completed did not know many to plan, but so the character, lost to the years finally. 听见老父其意拳拳,段明诚忽然悲从中来,在他眼里,自家父亲乃天下有数的宗师,老狐狸一般的智者,战胜过不知多少强敌,完成了不知多少谋划,可如此人物,最终还是输给了岁月。 Is these words language the father reposes at the point of death? 这番话语是父亲临死寄托? Duan Mingcheng when spoke, at present radiance flashes, seeing the silver thin slice to drop from the clouds, pounded directly on oneself father Duan Xiangfei. 段明诚正待说话,眼前光华一闪,看见银色薄片从天而降,直接砸在了自家父亲段向非头上。 Has hidden weapon!” Duan Mingcheng blurted out. “有暗器!”段明诚脱口而出。 Duan Xiangfei saw stars, puts out a hand to hold that sheet metal, then only thinks that at present illusory image numerous, looked at a arrived attractive mountain peak unexpectedly, the peak has Dao Monastery named Jade Void Palace. 段向非眼冒金星,伸手抓住了那张金属薄片,然后只觉眼前幻影重重,竟然看到了一座灵秀山峰,峰顶有道观名为“玉虚宫”。 In Jade Void Palace, a Daoist robe man sits well cloud bed, five senses is delicate and pretty, the graying at the temples, all around vast starry sky winds around, as if world's control. 玉虚宫内,一位道袍男子端坐云床,五官俊美,两鬓斑白,四周浩瀚星空缭绕,仿佛天地的主宰。 The familiar appearance familiar feeling raided the heart, Duan Xiangfei recalled suddenly that person that forever is unable to forget: 熟悉的容貌熟悉的感觉袭上心头,段向非猛然回想了永远无法忘记的那人: Is he!” “是他!” The thought just got up, he then saw this Daoist robe man to open both eyes, the pupil was profound, the dim light chaos, touched with the line of sight, are away from the innumerable space and time innumerable galaxy to look! 念头刚起,他便看见这道袍男子睁开了双眼,眸子深邃,幽光混沌,与自己视线相触,隔着无数时空无数星河看了过来! The Duan Mingcheng vigilant alert, tracks down and arrest the murderer, good long while discovered the old father was lost in thought that hurries to call several in a low voice. 段明诚警惕戒备,搜拿凶手,好半天才发现老父怔怔出神,赶紧低声唤了几句。 Duan Xiangfei recovered, stroked the white beard, smiled to set out saying: Mingcheng, accompanies for the father goes to Zhanghua Temple.” 段向非回过神来,捋了捋白色胡须,笑眯眯起身道:“明诚,陪为父去一趟长华寺。” He in high spirits, sweeps the delapidated color. 他精神焕发,一扫颓色。 Sees the beforehand peaceful waiting died in bed of old age/be exhausted the father to radiate the vigor, Duan Mingcheng stunned blurted: Father, how did you suddenly have the fighting spirit?” 看见之前安静等待寿终正寝般的父亲焕发了活力,段明诚愕然脱口:“爹,您怎么突然又有了斗志?” Duan Xiangfei hēi hēi smiles: For the father felt suddenly oneself can also save again.” 段向非嘿嘿一笑:“为父忽然觉得自己还能再挽救一下。” His starting to walk step, the big sleeve is floating, directly soars Zhanghua Temple. 他迈开步伐,大袖飘飘,直奔长华寺 Duan Mingcheng was confused, stares the moment to hurry to pursue. 段明诚一头雾水,愣了片刻才慌忙追赶。 ...... …… Does not have the words along the way, when makes a long and wearisome journey arrives in Zhanghua Temple, Duan Xiangfei both hands lost/carrying after behind, leisurely however said: Mingcheng, why can you know for the father come this?” 沿途无话,等长途跋涉抵达长华寺时,段向非双手负在身后,施施然道:“明诚,你可知为父因何来此?” Is grieved Grandmaster Zhen Ding?” Duan Mingcheng hesitant guess. “凭吊真定大师?”段明诚犹豫猜测。 Not.” Duan Xiangfei hey, thought through a matter.” “非也。”段向非嘿了一声,“只是想通了一件事情。” What matter?” Duan Mingcheng asked at a loss. “什么事情?”段明诚茫然问道。 They stand in the entrance, the surroundings are crowded, the pilgrim are many. 他们立在门口,周围人来人往,香客不少。 Duan Xiangfei leads the way gradually: „After thinking through Grandmaster Zhen Ding blade Divine Passage daytime ascends, why returns, comes Zhanghua Temple.” 段向非缓步前行:“想通了真定大师一刀通神白日飞升后为何返回,前来长华寺。” Grandmaster Zhen Ding? Many pilgrims and monk slightly settle down, this was in the past dozens years the most famous character. 真定大师?不少香客与和尚略有驻足,这可是过去几十年里最负盛名的人物。 Isn't the Buddhism secret?” Duan Mingcheng is puzzled. “不是佛门隐秘吗?”段明诚还是不解。 Duan Xiangfei smiles saying: „It is not, he must come, has to come, only then comes this, can understand truly, results in card higher Buddhahood.” 段向非笑眯眯道:“不是,他必须来,不得不来,只有来这一趟,才能真正明白自我,得证更高果位。” A both ear set upright. 一双双耳朵竖了起来。 Father, can you explain?” Duan Mingcheng knits the brows to say. “爹,你能说得明白点吗?”段明诚皱眉道。 Duan Xiangfei lifted the foot to step over the threshold, the tone sighed with emotion: Because he is the Grandmaster Yuan Meng reincarnation!” 段向非抬脚迈过门槛,语气感慨道:“因为他就是圆蒙大师转世!” Stuns the world, startles a monk and pilgrim look at each other in dismay. 语出惊人,骇得一众和尚与香客面面相觑 But does not wait for Duan Mingcheng to ask again, Duan Xiangfei continues saying: Not so unable to explain Grandmaster Zhen Ding the small age on Martial Dao Divine Passage, Buddhist Law is exquisite.” 而不等段明诚再问,段向非继续说道:“不如此无法解释真定大师小小年纪就武道通神,佛法精湛。” Not so unable to explain Grandmaster Yuan Meng gives for father's small jade Buddha finally arrived Grandmaster Zhen Ding in the hand.” “不如此无法解释圆蒙大师给为父的小玉佛最终到了真定大师手中。” Not so unable to explain Grandmaster Yuan Meng Spirit Mountain where seeks last words.” “不如此无法解释圆蒙大师的‘灵山何处寻’遗言。” Spirit Mountain where seeks, naturally at heart, in oneself!” 灵山何处寻,当然是在心里,在自己!” A series of words shake the Duan Mingcheng holding breath cold air, thinks also really to have this possibility carefully, has the Buddhism implication taking advantage of who father's hand changes magically the reincarnation very much! 一连串的话语震得段明诚倒吸凉气,仔细想想还真有这种可能,借父亲之手点化转世的自身很有佛门意蕴! Spirit Mountain seeking arrived, naturally also sees arrived Tathagata! 灵山“寻”到了,自然也就见到了如来 Who is Tathagata? Tathagata is I! 如来是谁?如来是“我”! This word like severe warning, lets the monks, if has become aware, inwardly approved of the judgment of Duan Xiangfei. 此言如当头棒喝,让僧众们若有所悟,暗自赞同了段向非的判断。 Duan Xiangfei looked at all around condition, the smile said: Mingcheng, will say to spread a moment ago for the father, then contributes a Yuan Meng Zen Master Golden Body resembles to Zhanghua Temple.” 段向非看了看四周状况,微笑道:“明诚,将为父刚才所言传扬出去,然后给长华寺捐一座圆蒙禅师金身像。” Yes.” Duan Mingcheng does not dare to be disobedient, hurries to act accordingly. “是。”段明诚不敢忤逆,赶紧照办。 Looks the back that he goes far away, Duan Xiangfei smiled one lowly, is talking to oneself at present to the air: 看着他远去的背影,段向非低笑了一声,对着眼前空气自语道: Is satisfied?” “还算满意吧?” Finishes barely the words, his ear bank transmitted a ding resounding: 话音未落,他耳畔传来了一声叮的脆响: Your Primordial Sovereign Coins has arrived at the account!” “您的元皇币已到账!” ............ ………… In Jade Void Palace, big green root arrives suddenly, to report Meng Qi: 玉虚宫内,大青根忽然来到,禀报孟奇: Master, the Water Moon Small Temple chief monk seeks an interview.” “老爷,水月庵庵主求见。”
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