WORIOA :: Volume #6

#198: Present top influence

The right hand finds out, Meng Qi attempts to absorb this Sea Calming Bead, however that micro universe motionless slightest, really contains hanging upside down galaxy probably, in each galaxy has the innumerable galaxy and star, cannot see the boundary. 右手探出,孟奇尝试着摄取这枚定海珠,然而那方微缩宇宙却不动分毫,像是真的包容着一条条倒挂的星河,每条星河内则有着数不清的星系与恒星,一看望不到边际。 This is of a weight Twenty-Four Heavens, above universe level of legend! 这是二十四诸天之一的重量,更在传说的宇宙级之上! Inspires lightly, Meng Qi no longer absorbs to move forcefully, but is both hands ties seal, makes the receiving treasure formula in verse that Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter in records unceasingly, the golden lotus flies horizontally, the dim light chaotic dance, bit by bit refining up the invasion the treasure of this without owner. 轻吸了口气,孟奇不再强行摄取搬动,而是双手结印,不断打出“元始金章”内记载的收宝歌诀,金莲横飞,幽光乱舞,一点一点炼化侵染着这无主之宝。 Was the running amuck of temporary rare treasure True Monarch Xuantan weaponry can it be that in years past easy to gather? 昔年玄坛真君仗之横行一时的绝世之宝岂是容易收取的? After entire 9981 days, the micro universe was crowded around by gold lotus, by dim light packages, the five colors circulation, the ends of long fine hairs burst out, presented fierce swaying. 整整九九八十一日后,微缩宇宙被一朵朵金莲簇拥,被一道道幽光包裹,五色流转,毫芒迸发,出现了剧烈的摇晃。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The torrential sound of water sound transmits, the galaxy ripples, like the wave, the five colors rays of light was radiantly bright and gorgeous, has pressed the quiet glow and golden lotus. 滔滔水声般的动静传来,星河荡漾,璀璨如波,五色毫光灿烂而绚丽,压过了幽芒与金莲。 The Meng Qi right hand grasps fiercely, the micro universe restrains rapidly, getting smaller, changes to five colors rays of light to cover, the deep concealed chaos and dense bead, went for shelter. 孟奇右手猛地一握,微缩宇宙迅速收敛,越来越小,化作一枚五色毫光笼罩、深藏混沌与氤氲的珠子,投奔了过来。 Refining up long time, conclusion entire merit! 多日炼化,终尽全功! Before the right hand extends, holds Sea Calming Bead, Meng Qi shows a faint smile, puts toward own behind the head it, there immediately raised a round of bright unusual brightness, the human attributes quality, the ends of long fine hairs sprinkled. 右手前伸,抓住定海珠,孟奇微微一笑,将它往自家脑后一放,那里顿时升起了一轮明净宝光,五蕴成色,毫芒洒落。 In unusual brightness dense, as if is hiding side Immortal Realm. 宝光之中氤氤氲氲,仿佛藏着一方仙界 Withstand/Top this round of five colors unusual brightness, Meng Qi is receiving Primordial Beginning celebration cloud and Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation, the Daoist robe is floating, long-drawn-out round trip, revisits black hole. 顶着这轮五色宝光,孟奇收起元始庆云法天象地,道袍飘飘,悠哉往回,重临“黑洞”。 The rays of light photo falls, the extrusion and accretion equipollent were dispelled all, front dense fluctuating, screened the turbulent flow to be, sectioned out the Kang village main road. 毫光照落,挤压与吸积等力被尽数排开,前方氤氲起伏,映出了乱流所在,标出了康庄大路。 The foot steps on this immortal road, however left this black hole just like Gautama Buddha Immortal Venerated Meng Qi leisurely, returned to Reality World directly. 脚踩这条仙路,宛若佛陀仙尊般的孟奇施施然离开了这处黑洞,直接返回了真实界 Sea Calming Bead is different from other treasure divine armament, its mystical came from is higher than ten thousand special characteristics that” the deep sleep is unable to change and over one side universe weight, is close to the material rather than magical treasure, therefore does not need to regain consciousness ahead of time, can show the prestige of several points of legend. 定海珠与其他宝物神兵不同,它的神异来自于沉睡也无法改变的“高于万界特质”和“超过一方宇宙的重量”,更接近于材料而非法宝,因此无需提前苏醒,也能展现出几分传说之威。 Meets the enemy, Meng Qi can definitely pound directly it, does not have five colors rays of light auxiliary being puzzled chaotic True Spirit at most. 遇到敌人,孟奇完全可以将它直接砸出去,顶多没有五色毫光辅助惑乱真灵 Naturally, under this condition can pound the enemy is a different matter. 当然,这种状况下能不能砸得中敌人又是另外一回事了。 ............ ………… Great Zhou Changle, in imperial palace. 大周长乐,皇宫之中。 Gao Lan sat well the nine dragons treasure chair, the waist wears Human Sovereign Sword, both eyes ajar half whole, fire of body week Saint Virtue Water Light and civilization enhances one another's beauty, concentrates the air/Qi of pale gold/metal kingly way, diverged outside, the vine entered void, as if is communicating the different universes. 高览端坐九龙宝椅,腰佩人皇之剑,双眼半开半阖,身周圣德水光和文明之火交相辉映,凝出了淡金王道之气,发散于外,蔓入虚空,仿佛沟通着不同宇宙。 He is drawing support from Human Sovereign Sword to induce ten thousand his I, to establish relation, each other communication, waves the flags in a side side world, spreading Human Dao is glorious, card that various is only. 他正借助人皇剑感应着万界“他我”,以建立联系,彼此沟通,在一方方天地内挥舞旌旗,传扬人道光辉,证那诸界唯一。 Has Cause of All Fruits with Meng Qi, can separate to land near differently, only if opened the channel, Gao Lan was unable directly to enter ten thousand boundary/world at present, can only explore with Divine Consciousness, with travelling to the starry sky is more dangerous than the patrolling world, is easier to lose, moreover is not necessarily able to induce obtains his me. 孟奇身怀诸果之因,可以隔空降临不同,除非打开了通道,高览目前还无法直接进入万界,仅能用神识探索,比神游天地与遨游星空更加危险,也更加容易迷失,而且还未必能感应得到“他我”。 This is road of one of the legend mountain passes, does not know that baffled many famous God and Immortal! 这就是传说之路的关隘之一,不知难倒了多少有名神仙 Suddenly, the Gao Lan thought moves, the eye opens, a piece of pale gold/metal shone upon surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) tips. 忽然,高览念头一动,眼睛睁开,一片淡金映照出了方圆万里的点点滴滴。 The pale gold/metal removes, he sees figure to drop from the clouds together, fan cloud Guan, the hydration clothing/taking, the waist is the silk ribbon, foot treads the straw sandals, behind the head has the bright unusual brightness that round five colors ends of long fine hairs sprinkle slowly, is sacred the dust. 淡金褪去,他看见一道身影从天而降,扇云冠,水合服,腰系丝绦,脚踏芒鞋,脑后有一轮五色毫芒徐徐洒落的明净宝光,神圣出尘。 All around quiet and peaceful, guarded powerhouses as if of imperial palace to look at Immortal Venerated and Gautama Buddha in arrived legend, for a while could not bear lowly the head unexpectedly. 四周清宁,守卫着皇宫的强者们仿佛到了神话传说里的仙尊佛陀,一时竟忍不住低下了头颅。 After a little while, they recover, the discovery is the Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace Primordial Sovereign Daoist harnesses, current dynasty Imperial Brother! 少顷,他们回过神来,才发现是昆仑山玉虚宫元皇道人驾到,当朝皇太弟 Was the Primordial Sovereign Daoist approaches from the card legend quickly? 元皇道人快接近自证传说了吗? This power and influence mystical, does the world really need to re-enter Mythological Era now? 这种威势这种神异,当今天下真要重回神话时代了吗? The behind the head unusual brightness serves as contrast, Meng Qi enjoys looks, the corners of the mouth is having a smile, opens the door of main hall, gradually visits, opens the door conveniently, said with a smile slightly: Little brother fulfills the expectation, already with arrived Sea Calming Bead.” 脑后宝光衬托,孟奇享受着一道道眼神,嘴角含笑,推开大殿之门,缓步踏足进去,随手开门,微微笑道:“小弟不负期望,已是拿到了定海珠。” Sea Calming Bead......” Gao Lan whispered, to this world nature production rare treasure not unfamiliar. 定海珠……”高览低语了一句,对这件天地自然生成的绝世之宝并不陌生 So-called All Heavens Myriad Realms All Heavens, they then occupied majority! 所谓诸天万界诸天,它们便占了大部分! He said again, suddenly sees the Meng Qi sleeve robe to shake, drills together the wave light fiercely, ran out of the palace pavilion, charged into Beyond the Heaven, does not know the trace. 他正待再说,忽然看见孟奇袖袍震荡,猛地钻出一道波光,冲出了殿阁,冲向了天外,不知所踪。 Seven Kills Tablet was taken back...... Meng Qi to look own sleeve robe, inwardly sighed. 七杀碑被收回了……孟奇看了看自己袖袍,暗自叹息了一声。 Which has this type of easy-to-use rare treasure possibly lent itself? 这种好用的绝世之宝哪可能一直借给自己? Fortunately, oneself also had Sea Calming Bead! 还好,自己也有一枚定海珠了! Doubtful Celestial Emperor Stone Tablet?” The Gao Lan hesitation moment, opens the mouth to ask. “疑似天帝石碑?”高览沉吟片刻,开口问道。 Meng Qi nods: „The Celestial Emperor Stone Tablet wreckage, was refined Seven Kills Tablet by some Great Divine Expert.” 孟奇点了点头:“天帝石碑残骸,被某位大神通者重新炼制成了一块七杀碑。” Can return, changes the history?” The Gao Lan sound earth-shaking transformation is suddenly low, has the magnetism hoarsely. “能回到过去,改变历史?”高览声音忽地变低,沙哑有磁。 Right, but there is place of legend Supreme and above character aura, will be disturbed, goes wrong.” Meng Qi replied truthfully. “对,但有传说大能及以上人物气息之处,会被干扰,出现偏差。”孟奇如实回答。 Gao Lan in the future, by the chairback, the makings even more is slowly profound, long time said: We discussed how to restore formation of Endless Abyss Sea deep place.” 高览缓缓往后,靠在椅背,气质愈发幽深,良久才道:“我们讨论如何修复无尽渊海深处的阵法吧。” The time passes gradually, the years change, after attempts, Meng Qi and Gao Lan derived the illusory domain in Sea Calming Bead finally, under the arrange/cloth layer on layer/heavily formation and inducted the strength of respective all living things. 时光荏苒,岁月变迁,经过一次次尝试,孟奇高览终于在定海珠内衍生出虚幻界域,布下重重阵法并导入了各自众生之力。 Blooms Sea Calming Bead of five colors rays of light is becoming even more heavy, inside is tumbling the Ablaze with Lights scene, probably carrying/sustaining Human Dao weight. 绽放着五色毫光的定海珠变得愈发沉重,内里翻滚着万家灯火般的场景,像是承载了人道的重量。 Meng Qi changes to a round unusual brightness to put in behind the head Sea Calming Bead again, one step takes, in Primordial Sovereign edict symbol with the aid of Asura Temple former site arrived at Endless Abyss Sea directly, sank. 孟奇再次将定海珠化作一轮宝光置于脑后,一步迈出,借助修罗寺旧址内的元皇符诏直接降临了无尽渊海,沉了下去。 The five colors rays of light are serious, ten thousand lights are warm, the darkness in Abyss Sea becomes pale, the mist dissipates, angry roaring sounds transmit from the deep place actually do not dare to approach. 五色毫光沉重,万界灯火温暖,渊海内的黑暗变淡,雾气消散,一道道怒吼声从深处传来却不敢靠近。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! An arrival All Heavens, Abyss Sea exuded the embarrassed heavy burden sound, Meng Qi more sank surrounded by five colors rays of light is quicker, finally arrived in that matter Buddha to resemble the say/way to tie. 诸天之一驾临,渊海发出了难堪重负般的响声,孟奇在五色毫光簇拥下越沉越快,终于抵达了那层似佛似道结界。 The hand wields, the five colors unusual brightness departs, first is gets makes a bead, subsequently evolved a world, overlapped with seal forbidden technique in one, the strength of all living things flowed orderly, is repairing the damage. 手一挥,五色宝光飞出,先是变做一枚珠子,继而衍化成了一层天地,与封印禁法重叠在了一起,众生之力有序流淌,修复着损伤。 When does not need Sea Calming Bead to suppress here, I truly will have one of the All Heavens, what day when the time comes called to be good?” Meng Qi displays the change, changes the body, is adapting to the Abyss Sea circumstances, increases slowly upward. “等到无需定海珠镇压这里,我就将真正拥有诸天之一,到时候叫什么天好呢?”孟奇施展变化,改变躯体,适应着渊海环境,缓慢往上攀升。 This ties truly seems like Blue Emperor to stand, does not know where he goes to now, what is also tracking down? 这处结界确实很像是青帝所立,不知他如今去了哪里,还在追寻什么? The Nine Serenities front door where, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits also defends there, or did already leave with Blue Emperor? 九幽大门在何处,九灵元圣是否还守在那里,或者说已经随着青帝离开了? Meng Qi overlooks to go, in the mind flashed through these questions suddenly, he has a premonition indistinctly, saw again when Blue Emperor inevitably has the important matter to happen. 孟奇俯视而去,脑海内忽地闪过了这些疑问,他隐约有种预感,再见到青帝必将有大事发生。 Perhaps at that time can Blue Emperor tread ascended to Pāramitā last? 或许那个时候青帝要踏出登临彼岸的最后一步了吧? Naturally, these have not related with temporarily, now most important is manufacture another "I" Imprint, strives the new style 20 years ago from the card legend! 当然,这些都暂时与自己没有关系,如今最重要的就是制造“他我印记”,争取在新历二十年之前自证传说! That future of because experiencing, because kills intent really firm gold and silver crafty pupil Supreme, Meng Qi even more had the sense of urgency. 因为经历的那个未来,因为杀意甚坚的金银诡瞳大能,孟奇愈发有了紧迫感。 Naturally, cannot again urgently chaotic the footsteps, cannot totally depend to absorb not to have Primordial Beginning of spirit wisdom to project the fast promotion, manufacture draws close to the Demon Buddha projection another "I" Imprint must occupy more than 50%, forms the balance and restriction. 当然,再紧迫也不能乱了脚步,不能完全靠吸纳没有灵智的元始投影来快速提升,制造的贴近魔佛投影的“他我印记”得占到一半以上,形成平衡与制约。 The road of legend, will start from now on! 传说之路,从今开始! ............ ………… In the Water Moon Small Temple monk's room, wide bed throws over is sprinkling the silvery brilliance, the young nuns actually toss about unable to fall asleep, because is playing Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman secretly. 水月庵禅房内,通铺披洒着银辉,小尼姑们却翻来覆去睡不着,因为都在偷偷玩万界通识符 Senior Sister, Senior Sister, in Jianghu Tea House has a popular post, many people argued, is very interesting.” The writing springs in Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, they have not chosen the speech wisely. “师姐,师姐,江湖茶楼内有个热帖,很多人争论,挺有意思的。”文字在万界通识符内弹出,她们都明智地没有选择说话。 Was shouted the Senior Sister curiosity of got up, selects Jianghu Tea House, saw that popular post: 被喊到的师姐好奇心起,点开了“江湖茶楼”,看见了那个热帖: «Was Time Rearrangement Current World Top Influence» 《是时候重排当今天下顶尖势力了》 The post person is the nickname Black Emperor fellow, he wrote in the foreword: With disappearance of the world limit, Heavenly Immortal Earth Immortal emerges one after another incessantly, past top influence already was divided, had heterogeneous, and what is more, in Evil Demon Nine Daos does not know that many survived in name only, belonged to Demon Sect, must arrange a row of top influence, welcome everyone to discuss enthusiastically.” 发帖人是昵称黑帝的家伙,他在前言里写道:“随着天地限制的消失,天仙地仙层出不穷,以往的顶尖势力已经出现分化,有了三六九等,更有甚者,邪魔九道里不知多少家名存实亡,归于了魔门,必须重新排一排顶尖势力了,欢迎大家踊跃讨论。” In my opinion, the current top influence is following several: East and West Immortal Sects, South and North Sword Sects, Two Great Pure Lands, Evil Demon Twin Breaking, as well as Great Zhou Dynasty, is just right for extremely nine numbers.” “在我看来,目前的顶尖势力是以下几家:东西仙门,南北剑宗,两大净土,邪魔双擘,以及大周王朝,正合极九之数。” Passed away from Daoist Chong He, the Profound Heaven Sect unmanned breakthrough, the True Martial School successor is insufficient, Dao Sect three have not been able to call it the top influence at present, naturally, if Time Sabre regains consciousness thoroughly, that was a different matter, now east has Overseas Immortal Realm Three Firmaments Island, Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure lineage/vein, the west had Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning direct legacy, happen to haunched the Dao Sect reputation, and called East and West Immortal Sects.” “自冲和道人亡故,玄天宗无人突破,真武派后继不足,道门三宗目前已无法称之为顶尖势力,当然,若光阴刀彻底苏醒,那就是另外一回事了,如今东有海外仙界三霄岛,灵宝天尊一脉,西有昆仑山玉虚宫,元始天尊嫡传,正好撑起了道门名声,并称东西仙门。” Three Firmaments Island Primordial Chaos Fairy Heavenly Immortal, is wielding Primordial Chaos Gold Battle, Gold Flood Dragon Scissors and Heaven Measuring Ruler three big peerless treasures for many years, compared with Heavenly Lord of the Wide Accomplishment does not know where luxurious to went, although Primordial Chaos Gold Battle cannot do to Primordial Sovereign it is said that but others cannot resist, moreover Three Firmaments Island inherits remote, the foundation is solid, the disciple is also abundance of capable people, now has newly proves Dharma Body one, can be called the top influence absolutely.” 三霄岛混元仙子积年天仙,执掌着混元金斗金蛟剪量天尺三大绝世宝物,比广成天尊不知奢侈到哪里去了,虽然据说混元金斗奈何不得元皇,但别人可是抵挡不住,而且三霄岛传承久远,底蕴深厚,弟子也人才济济,如今有新证法身者一名,绝对称得上顶尖势力。” „The Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace population are not many, but Primordial Sovereign is wielding Overlord's Extreme Blade, Myriad Worlds Communication Bead and doubtful Sea Calming Bead thing, has Primordial Beginning Nine Seals this unsurpassed cultivation technique, exercised Cause of All Fruits, rare anti- hand above Heaven List, he, Jade Void Palace is the top influence, if he is not, Jade Void Palace also on general Sect.” 昆仑山玉虚宫人数不多,但元皇执掌着霸王绝刀万界通识球与疑似定海珠的事物,身怀元始九印这无上功法,练就了诸果之因,在天榜之上罕有抗手,他在,玉虚宫就是顶尖势力,他若不在,玉虚宫也就一般门派。” South and North Sword Sects naturally is south washes north the sword the thrush, Cleansing Sword Pavilion Heaven Beyond Divine Sword Su Wuming most is close to the legend, sword technique present age first two, latter then has Supreme God Sword Jiang Zhiwei, the foundation is thicker, in the future perhaps limitless, Huamei Villa Mister Lu Da is many years of not take action, it is said in fumble own path, Heavenly Immortal realm with comparing favorably with Su Wuming sword technique makes his shake the present age sufficiently, like Primordial Sovereign, he then haunched the rack of Huamei Villa top influence, naturally, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden as if has a spell of good or bad fortune now, Dharma Body is in sight, the Huamei Villa following several generations of disciples also had/left many talents, if given time, their background will also enrich. Gets up.” 南北剑宗自然是南洗剑北画眉,洗剑阁天外神剑苏无名最接近传说,剑法当世前二,后继则有‘太上神剑江芷微,根基更加厚实,日后恐怕不可限量,画眉山庄陆大先生又是多年未曾出手,据说在摸索属于自身的道路,不过天仙境界与媲美苏无名剑法足以让他名震当世,就像元皇一样,他一人便撑起了画眉山庄顶尖势力的架子,当然,如今寒冰仙子似乎有所际遇,法身在望,画眉山庄后面几代弟子也是出了不少人才,假以时日,他们的底蕴也会充实起来。” Two Great Pure Lands refers to Blue Stem Temple and Above Earth Buddha Country, Blue Stem Temple is illusory, being predestined friends can result in sees, I am the person of missing, is not good to comment on absurdly, because of its mysterious, evaluates one of the Two Great Pure Lands, Above Earth Buddha Country has Maitreya in legend born, now the integration pure land and other sects, won over Vajra Temple, may be called the colossus, can for top, as for Shaolin Temple and Water Moon Small Temple, even if presents Dharma Body quickly, was still hard to enter the top ranks.” 两大净土是指兰柯寺地上佛国,兰柯寺虚无缥缈,有缘才能得见,我乃无缘之人,不好妄自评说,因其神秘,评为两大净土之一,地上佛国则有传说里的弥勒降世,如今统合了净土等宗,拉拢了金刚寺,堪称庞然大物,能为顶尖,至于少林寺水月庵,即使很快出现法身,也难以进入顶尖行列了。” Evil Demon Twin Breaking is Demon Sect and Luoism, Devil Master having god-given wisdom rare talent, uses Heaven Extinguishing Gate as the foundation, unified Asura Temple, Bloodstained Church, Joyous Temple and other original Evil Demon Nine Daos, must reappear the prestige of Primordial Devil Dao, he it is said is also the Heavenly Immortal peak, is grasping Celestial Emperor cultivation technique, contends with Heaven List front row anyone sufficiently, can therefore call the apex, in Luoism developed to inflate recently is extremely quick, teaches expert to emerge one after another incessantly, although Dharma King Night Emperor is Earth Immortal, but Six Doors spreads the news, their some dead secret investigator run into a terrifying powerhouse of Luoism doubtful legend! This is not top, what is top?” 邪魔双擘魔门罗教,‘魔师’天纵奇才,以灭天门为根基,统一了修罗寺血衣教欢喜庙等原本的邪魔九道,要再现原始魔道之威,他本身据说也是天仙顶峰,掌握着天帝功法,足以抗衡天榜前列任何一人,因此能称顶尖,罗教最近发展膨胀极快,教内高手层出不穷,虽然法王夜帝才是地仙,但六扇门传出消息,他们某位死去的捕风密探遇到过罗教一位疑似传说的恐怖强者!这不是顶尖,什么是顶尖?” „Was Great Zhou Dynasty needless to say? Human Sovereign present age, Primordial Sovereign helps one another, the top influence of first under heaven!” 大周王朝不用说了吧?人皇当世,元皇相助,天下第一的顶尖势力!” Influence that in addition three can be discussed ; first, River East Wang Clan, inherited from the antiquity, deep of background, numerous of secret, we cannot consider, although concealed one's abilities and bided one's time recently, it is said also suffered any heavy loss, even Book of Luo lost, but this colossus was mostly that is inactive but will come back, perhaps the remaining parts can also push in the apex ; second, Maiden Path, reason with on ; third, the Southern Desolate poor soil, Demon Emperor in the Qi Zhengyan hand has Demon Sovereign's Claw, does not know that regained consciousness the arrived anything level!” “另外还有三个有待商榷的势力,一是江东王氏,传承自上古,底蕴之深厚,秘密之众多,都非我们能思量,虽然最近韬光养晦,据说也遭遇了什么严重损失,连洛书都丢失了,但这种庞然大物多半死而不僵,剩下的部分也许还能挤入顶尖,二是素女道,理由同上,三是南荒赤土,‘魔帝齐正言手中可是有着魔皇爪,不知苏醒到了什么层次!” As for other, has Dharma Body to exist, what or peerless, Heavenly Immortal level divine armament suppression is below the top influence big influence, has the divine armament suppression, below these.” “至于其他,有法身存在,或绝世、天仙神兵镇压的为顶尖势力以下的大势力,只得神兵镇压的,等而下之。” The following reply discussed one after another, many were the disciple who the great river helped these be top the influence is disputing. 后面的回复议论纷纷,多是大江帮这些原本顶尖势力的弟子在争执。 In the monk's room small nun hearts are depressed, wants to quarrel with the nickname Black Emperor fellow, oneself can't Water Moon Small Temple be called the top influence? 禅房内一位位小尼姑心头发闷,也想与昵称黑帝的家伙吵上一架,自家水月庵不能称为顶尖势力了? The light shadow fluctuates, outside hears the severe sound suddenly: 光影浮动,外面忽然传来严厉之声: „Are you playing Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman?” “你们又在玩万界通识符?” How does this also calm the mind to cultivate/repair Buddha to practice martial arts?” “这还怎么静心修佛练武?” This is the nun of law enforcement, looks that expected too much by the disciples of mortal world seduction, thinks the to report chief monk, in the gate completely prohibits Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman. 这是执法的尼姑,看着被红尘诱惑的弟子们恨铁不成钢,想禀报庵主,门内禁绝万界通识符 Does not raise the young nuns to be how startled, in the monk's room of Water Moon Small Temple chief monk, the grey robe chief monk is reading aloud under the Guanyin Bodhisattva statue calmly reads the thoughts: 不提小尼姑们如何惊慌,水月庵庵主的禅房内,灰袍庵主正心平气和地在观音菩萨雕像下方诵念心经: sariputra, is various Fakong, neither living, not filthy not net, does not increase does not reduce......” 舍利子,是诸法空相,不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减……” But a willow branch inserts in the Bodhisattva likely jade net bottle, the fresh desire drops. 而一根杨柳枝插在菩萨像前的玉净瓶内,清新欲滴。 Suddenly, this willow branch develops slowly, putting forth branches leaf! 忽然,这根杨柳枝徐徐滋长,抽枝生叶! Grey robe chief monk stunned opened both eyes, forgot. 灰袍庵主愕然睁开了双眼,忘了过去。 Is this? 这是? ............ ………… In Three Firmaments Island, Primordial Chaos Fairy Bi Jingxuan sits cross-legged to sit in the lotus flower pool, is protecting that three slowly growth Chaos Green Lotus. 三霄岛内,“混元仙子碧景璇盘腿坐于莲花池畔,守护着那三株慢慢成长的混沌青莲
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