WORIOA :: Volume #4

#302: Drives „sheep” to explore the way

Behind Gao Ganyuan highlights great insect Dharma Idol, in the hand grasps is resembling the strange token of short-sword non- short-sword together, the both feet takeoffs one inch, the aura as if sea, continuous, gentle ferments the terrifying storm, the waterdrop can put on the stone, the vastness may extinguish the world. 高乾元背后凸显一尊巨虫法相,手中握着一块似短剑非短剑的诡异令牌,双脚离地一寸,气息仿佛大海,连绵不绝,柔和中酝酿着恐怖的风暴,水滴能穿石,汪洋可灭世。 Feeling its inner qi, duplicate Divine Dragon orchid Jingtian also appears from movement technique, that is dark nearly does not have the light gigantic sphere, the surface is extremely smooth, the as if land following the potential or the law principle rule curving collapse some nature, all around void immediately contracts to him, as if must form the sphere, the ray deflection, wandering change, like demon territory. 感其气机,“覆地神龙”兰惊天亦现出自身法相,那是幽暗近乎无光的硕大圆球,表面极其光滑,仿佛大地循着某种自然之势或法理规律弯曲塌陷而成,四周虚空顿时向他收缩,似乎也要形成圆球,光线偏折,流离变化,如同魔域。 But among the Meng Qi left hand at them is grasping the scabbard, back is straight, although has not revealed Dharma Idol, but blood essence air/Qi meat god under the penetration of Martial Dao will, inner qi like essence, since Niwan Palace runs out, presses up to Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament), mixes the wind and cloud, the firm vitality overflows, Yin evil dead intent is hard to approach, has the contact, will immediately then be torn. 而处在他们之间的孟奇左手握着刀鞘,腰背笔直,虽未显露法相,但精血气肉神在武道意志的贯通下,气机如同实质,从泥丸宫冲出,直逼云霄,搅动风云,阳刚生机四溢,阴邪死意难以靠近,一有接触,立刻便会被撕裂。 Three various out of the ordinary Grandmaster aura stir up, the surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) dark cloud gathering, the electricity glow is jet black, the feeling of bad people running wild. 三位各具不凡宗师气息相激,方圆几十里乌云汇聚,电芒漆黑,给人群魔乱舞的感觉。 In this each other inner qi hauling, who first moves, who will encounter the other two to collaborate in the condition of attack, Gao Ganyuan and orchid Jingtian sees Crazy Blade Su Meng to turn around suddenly easely, separated the relation with inner qi that pester unexpectedly on own initiative, as if it triggers all sources, free and easy, comfortable, does not dye the dust. 就在这种彼此气机牵引,谁先动,谁就会遭遇另外两人联手打击的状况中,高乾元和兰惊天忽地看见“狂刀苏孟悠然转身,与自身纠缠的气机竟主动断开了联系,仿佛它是引发一切的源头,洒脱,自在,不染尘埃。 inner qi goes into hiding, Gao Ganyuan and orchid Jingtian have the mind is also empty, is uncomfortable the feeling that wants to spit up blood, being ready stress, but the attack lost the goal shortly. 气机隐匿,高乾元和兰惊天都有心灵随之空荡,难受得想要呕血的感觉,蓄势待发应激而出的攻击短暂失去了目标。 Looks again openly turns away from oneself two people Crazy Blade, Gao Ganyuan and orchid Jingtian quite feels the opposite party measures not, even in his present inner qi hides, probably does not have the alert. Appears the big flaw, carefully, cannot attack rashly, exposes itself to hide results in the issue. 再看着堂而皇之背对自己两人的狂刀,高乾元与兰惊天颇感对方的莫测,即使他现在气机内藏,像是全无戒备。显出好大破绽,也得小心谨慎,不能贸然进攻,暴露自身隐藏得问题。 Blue clothes man and the others, although is Dawning Enlightenment , but inner qi of entanglement hauling creates the depressing atmosphere. The celestial phenomenon of change, how could does not know the condition the danger, but in their eyes Crazy Blade Su Meng turns around casually, does not seem to all paid attention to the opposite party, the least bit does not have inner qi to tow, the enemy thinks that does not attack the incorrect determination. 蓝衣汉子等人虽是开窍,但纠缠牵引的气机已是制造出压抑的气氛。变化的天象,岂能不知状况的危险,可他们眼中的“狂刀苏孟随随便便转身,似乎全未将对方放在眼里,半点没有气机牵引,敌人想不进攻都不行的自觉。 However. Was expected that the crazy attack has not appeared, all tranquil, beforehand seems like the illusion tight. 然而。预料之中的疯狂打击并未出现,一切平平静静,之前的紧绷像是幻觉。 The Meng Qi smile said: This place danger, some first delivers you to leave.” 孟奇微笑道:“此地危险,某先送你们离开。” The language, he is raising the long blade. Strolls, looked that has not looked at Gao Ganyuan and orchid Jingtian eyes, but in their hearts attacks and discrete thought fluctuates alternately, cannot struggle the height, does not dare to begin unexpectedly. 语罢,他提着长刀。缓步而行,看都没看高乾元与兰惊天一眼,而他们心中进攻与谨慎的念头交替变幻,始终未能争出高低,竟然还是没敢动手。 The blue clothes man Senior Brother younger sister heart beats a drum the beat, the restraining doubts are puzzled, follows quickly in Meng Qi behind, moves toward beside Golden Horde. 蓝衣汉子师兄妹心脏擂鼓般跳动,收敛疑惑不解,快步跟在孟奇身后,走向金帐之外。 The group walk not slowly. But is not quick, the koran startled day and Gao Ganyuan cannot act, even if Meng Qi had not turned around. With turning away from them. 一行人走得不慢。但也不快,可兰惊天与高乾元始终出不了手,哪怕孟奇一直没有转身。一直拿背对着他们。 Then how long, he makes people feel as deep as a well......” vanished until several people of figure in the line of sight, the Gao Ganyuan innermost feelings whispered, the vision turned to orchid Jingtian. “这才多久,他就让人感觉高深莫测了……”直到几人身影消失在视线里,高乾元内心低语了一句,目光转向兰惊天。 Two people at the same time restraining aura, then body collapse leisurely/scatter, changes tacitly does not have the sword gu. Integrates void, escapes into the land. conceals does not have the trails. 两人默契地同时收敛气息,然后一个身体崩散,化作无相剑蛊。融入虚空,一个遁入大地。藏得全无踪迹。 orchid Jing god knows opposite party cultivation technique is strange, can kill people in invisible does not have between. As if the blue blood person in hearsay, but does not have the least bit to dread, oneself excel at earth line of cultivation technique, the Grandmaster domain is also related with this, but the earth can the to subdue|grams water! 兰惊天知道对方功法诡异,亦能杀人于无形无相之间。似乎传闻里的蓝血人,但没有半点畏惧,自家擅长土行功法,宗师领域也与此有关,而土能克水! Escapes in the underground, orchid Jingtian is inducing the small change of strength of nearby earth line full power and is moving the position unceasingly. 遁于地下,兰惊天全力感应着附近土行之力的微小变化并不断挪动着方位。 Suddenly, a gloomy and cold meaning transmitted distantly, hides the contamination that is unable to speak, as if sinks the thick land to change to the empty vast Yin earth. 忽然,一丝阴冷之意遥遥传来,藏着无法言说的污秽,仿佛沉厚的大地化作了虚渺的阴土。 This feeling flashes to pass, but orchid Jingtian the innermost feelings have the light pleasant surprise, escaped fast, penetrated Golden Horde, arrives region that past Longevity Cult Shaman was stationed. 这种感觉一闪而逝,但兰惊天内心已有淡淡的惊喜,飞快遁了过去,深入了金帐,来到昔日长生教萨满驻扎的区域。 He leaps from the place bottom, does not look at arrived to appear figure nine fingers of Gao Ganyuan accidentally/surprisingly, he has been as if seeking for anything in the nearby. 他从地底跃出,毫不意外看到了现出身形的九指高乾元,他似乎一直在附近寻找着什么。 In the alert hides, nearby orchid Jingtian observes, the news that the union obtains is judging the exact location with the induction. 戒备内藏,兰惊天观察附近,结合得到的消息与刚才的感应判断着具体位置。 After a little while, he looked at covetous Gao Ganyuan, the having no plan thought flashed through, finally has not chosen temporarily leaves, but kneed down, the right hand made a fist to raise, the dark brown soil wound around, stroked ruthlessly in the ground. 少顷,他看了一眼虎视眈眈的高乾元,心中无数念头闪过,最终没有选择暂时离开,而是单膝跪地,右手握拳提起,深褐色泥土缭绕,狠狠击打在地面。 The ground has not rocked, without fluctuating, has not resounded the sound of collision, sees only it to crack silently, appears cannot see the bottom slit together, is filling the contamination gloomy and cold mist that jet black and dark green is intertwined, as if to lead to some terrifying strange is. 地面没有晃动,没有起伏,也没响起碰撞之声,只见它无声无息开裂,现出一道看不见底部的缝隙,内中弥漫着漆黑与墨绿交缠的污秽阴冷雾气,似乎通向着某个恐怖又诡异的所在。 Really here......” orchid Jingtian aspirates. “果然在这里……”兰惊天吐了口气。 Own before stressed one of the arrived Guerduo grandsons, the strength was not strong, but the position was quite high, knew the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect arrangement nether world Evil God surviving, although connected the Nine Serenities crack to close under some irresistible strength, but evolved an demon earth between own world and endless Nine Serenities, conceals in the place bottom, needed several years and even more than ten years of time can restore. 自己之前抓到了古尔多的孙子之一,实力不强,可地位颇高,知晓生死无常宗布置的“幽冥邪神阵”残存,虽然连通九幽的裂缝已在某种不可抗拒之力下弥合,但于自身世界与无尽九幽之间衍化出了一片魔土,藏在地底,需要几年乃至十几年的时光才能恢复。 But in Golden Horde has is unable to receive storage Wudai much, is hard the treasure that isolates to induce with secret, bringing them to escape to look like the nighttime firefly, is conspicuous, the Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman do not hate to ruin, therefore team after breaking up the whole into parts brings them to hide to be fascinated the earth, once found, the harvest will be rich, does not say divine armament or a chart then! 金帐中有不少无法收入储物袋,又难以隔绝感应的宝物与“秘密”,带着它们逃跑就像是黑夜里的萤火虫,非常显眼,金帐武士与长生教萨满又舍不得毁掉,所以化整为零后的一路队伍带着它们藏入了魔土,一旦找到,收获将非常丰厚,说不得神兵或阵图便在此间! orchid Jingtian as the confraternity of beggars elder, but the wind comments is not always good, greedy selfish, the subordinate who the harbor does all kinds of evil things, after interrogating and torturing the information, then rushes to Golden Horde hurriedly, until confirming the demon earth existed, considers the both sides relative strength the issue. 兰惊天身为丐帮长老,但风评一向不好,贪婪自私,包庇为非作歹的手下,拷问到情报后,匆匆忙忙便赶到金帐,直至确认了魔土存在,才考虑双方实力对比的问题。 That team at least also two Grandmaster, oneself, although cultivation technique is special, can in the enormous degree grasp the strength of earth line, has a big confidence to defeat collaborations of two Grandmaster, but must kill them, catches them, does not make them have the treasure and secret runs away, is quite difficult, therefore the blue blood people of these nine fingers can be the short ally, first solves the Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman, then makes theory, if the both sides strength treats everyone equally, that divides equally the harvest. 那一路队伍至少也有两位宗师,自己虽然功法特异,能极大程度上掌握土行之力,有不小信心战胜两名宗师的联手,但要杀他们,擒住他们,不让他们带着宝物和秘密逃遁,则相当困难,所以这九个指头的蓝血人能作为短暂盟友,先解决掉金帐武士和长生教萨满,再做“理论”,若双方实力不分高下,那就平分收获。 Among the thought phonographs, orchid Jingtian had not said much, escaped into that say/way to exude the slit of jet black and dark green mist directly, the Gao Ganyuan expression was faint, coldly looked at one, followed without hesitation enters. 念头电转间,兰惊天没有多说,直接遁入了那道泛着漆黑与墨绿雾气的缝隙,高乾元表情淡漠,冷冷看了一眼,毫不犹豫跟随进入。 Dharma Idol highlights, contracts the ball void, the mist of thick contamination was towed to another place, orchid Jingtian stepped on neatly on the slightly soft soil. 法相凸显,虚空收缩成球,浓密污秽的雾气被牵引向他处,兰惊天不费吹灰之力就踩在了略显松软的泥土上。 This is a slanting path downward, the soil is mixing the dark red near black bloody water, appears the soft mud, more walks downward, fills the air is thicker in the cold air of midair, all around formed the hoar frost, the hole top was hanging upside down the ice corner. 这是一条斜斜往下的道路,泥土掺合着暗红近黑的血水,显得松软泥泞,越往下走,弥漫于半空的寒气越浓,四周结成了白霜,洞顶倒挂着冰棱。 orchid Jingtian slightly feels pleasantly surprised, this is to the extremely advantageous environment, own cultivation technique and physique are not too afraid deeply cold, but blue blood person not necessarily, 兰惊天略感惊喜,这是对自己极为有利的环境,自身的功法和体质不太害怕深寒,但蓝血人就未必了, Even if the ice cold strength is evolved by water line, but before the blue blood person has not been the certain extent, when meets exceeds the limit the coldness, they who the structure is at variance with the mortal were frozen easily or frozen stiff, the strength will weaken significantly, has to split up more strength change environment. 即使冰寒之力由“水行”衍化,但蓝血人没达到一定程度前,遇到超过自身极限的寒冷时,结构异于凡人的他们更容易被冻结或冻僵,实力将大幅度衰减,不得不分化更多的力量改变环境。 Gao Ganyuan resembles the floating cotton wool, shuttles back and forth in the cold air, in the eye does not have the least bit sentiment, the corners of the mouth to bring back slightly, as if is ridiculing orchid Jingtian. 高乾元状似飘絮,穿梭于寒气里,眼中没有半点感情,嘴角微微勾起,仿佛在嘲笑兰惊天。 Own is does not have sword gu, the liquid gold blends, the non- commonplace blue blood person, the pinnacle coldness will be influential, but absolutely does not have big that he imagines. 自身的根本是“无相剑蛊”,金水交融,非等闲蓝血人,极致的寒冷会有影响,但绝对没有他想象的那么大。 Two people have own axe to grind, the alert is guarding against each other and hidden danger, fast downward. 两人各怀鬼胎,戒备提防着彼此和暗藏的危险,飞快下行。 Crossed one, two people at the same time lives, looks to behind. 过了一阵,两人同时顿住,望向身后。 In their mind, exactly in the edge that oneself induce, as exuberant soars to the heavens as the vitality tumbling of essence, sharp blade intent is shutting off the spirit of spread, does not conceal own existence. 在他们心灵中,恰好在自身感应的边缘,有一股旺盛到实质的气血翻滚冲霄,锋锐的刀意切断着蔓延的精神,毫不掩饰自身的存在。 Crazy Blade Su Meng!” In their mind at the same time appears this name, as if can imagine there scene. 狂刀苏孟!”他们脑海里同时浮现出这个名字,似乎能够想象到那里的场景。 Crazy Blade Su Meng black clothes vigor attire, after lost/carrying, is raising the long blade single-handedly, gradually the line, seemingly tracks oneself two people proudly, but has not covered the aura, open and aboveboard, as if can pull closer the distance momentarily, gives fatally strikes, brings the enormous oppression. 狂刀苏孟黑衣劲装,一手负后,一手提着长刀,缓步傲然而行,看似跟踪自己两人,但没掩盖气息,堂堂正正,似乎能随时拉近距离,给予致命一击,带来极大的压迫。 His distance grasps very accurate, is just the limit that two people endure patiently, few branch was counter-attacked, many one point is close to go into hiding, is unable to have that obvious constriction, looks like a wicked wolf that is driving away the flock of sheep, waits for the opposite party to launch an attack exhausted again calmly. 他的距离把握得非常精准,刚好是自己两人忍耐的极限,少一分会遭受反击,多一分则接近隐匿,无法产生那么明显的压迫感,就像是一头驱赶着羊群的恶狼,等待对方精疲力竭再从容发难。 orchid Jing the world consciousness and Gao Ganyuan look at each other one, thinks that the opposite party turn around the attack, extinguishes the hidden danger, but they ally is not, how possibly to take the chestnut for the opposite party fire. 兰惊天下意识和高乾元对视一眼,都想对方反身攻击,消弭隐患,但他们连“盟友”都算不上,怎么可能为对方火中取栗。 Had not found the Golden Horde warrior in any case, orchid Jingtian restrains the mind, the alert vanguard, the decision no matter temporarily Crazy Blade Su Meng. 反正还没找到金帐武士,兰惊天收敛心神,戒备前行,决定暂时不管“狂刀苏孟 The tread, the tread, the tread, sound of footsteps as if step on directly in orchid Jingtian the heart, making that constriction more and more abundant, making him unable to bear clench jaws, Crazy Blade Su Meng is really is extremely proud, this conduct, this way, regards itself without the thing simply, but is waiting for the opportunity of blade, or drives away two people to explore the way for him! 蹬,蹬,蹬,一道道脚步声仿佛直接踩在兰惊天的心中,让那种压迫感越来越盛,让他忍不住咬牙切齿,“狂刀苏孟真是太过自负,这种做派,这种方式,简直视自己于无物,只是等待着出刀的机会,或者驱赶自己两人为他探路! At this moment, his footsteps live, because the front is roadless, there is towering a leaf of jet black stone door, is congealing ice crystal stone door. 就在这时,他脚步顿住,因为前方已是无路,那里耸立着一扇漆黑石门,凝结着冰晶的石门。 Does the demon earth stop unexpectedly? 魔土竟然到此为止? Golden Horde warrior? 金帐武士呢? After don't tell me they did enter this door ? 难道他们进入了这扇门后? Is this Demon Sect to lead to Nine Serenities? ( to be continued ) 这是通向九幽魔门?(未完待续)
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