WORIOA :: Volume #4

#301: Again with blue blood person

The twilight hangs in Guner river bank, the photo has a redness, the as if blood flows will never cease. 暮色垂于古纳河上,照出一片赤红,仿佛鲜血流淌般永不停息。 Once was majestically located opening of surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) tent/account sounds of dance music, carrying off that destroyed destroying, carried off, seeing is completely dreary and ruined. 曾经雄踞方圆几百里的一顶顶帐篷拆的拆,毁的毁,带走的带走,入目尽是萧瑟和破败。 Cattle horse dung conceals in the weeds, the unclear song of the birds reverberates everywhere, often can see the corpse that falls dead, left behind miscellaneous, is particularly desolate under the twilight. 牛羊马粪藏于杂草之间,不详的鸟鸣处处回荡,时常能看到倒毙的尸体,遗留的杂物,在暮色下分外苍凉。 The Meng Qi left hand is grasping the scabbard, calmly stands in Golden Horde in ruins, the under foot is the fertile soil, the insane long weeds, the mind shine upon the surrounding area, is searching the traces, perhaps missing of several Exterior Scenery with death Hass Wula and the others behavior. 孟奇左手握着刀鞘,静静立在“金帐”废墟里,脚下是肥沃的泥土,疯长的野草,心灵映照方圆,寻觅着蛛丝马迹,也许几位外景的失踪与死亡正是哈斯乌拉等人所为。 Suddenly, Meng Qi moved, the starting to walk step, Shrinks the Earth into an Inch, during the twinkles then arrived by a broken tent of recent antiquity Nar River, the right hand lifted the curtain. 突然,孟奇动了,迈开步伐,缩地成寸,闪烁间便到了靠近古纳河的一顶残破帐篷,右手掀开了门帘。 Whiz whiz whiz, flying needle, nail, plum blossom dart and other hidden weapon caressed the face to fly. 嗖嗖嗖,飞针、铁钉、梅花镖等暗器扑面飞来。 The Meng Qi right hand proceeds empty to grasp, full Kongqi the shadow vanishes, all fell into his palm. 孟奇右手往前虚抓,满空器影消失一空,全都落入了他的掌中。 In the tent has two male and one female three martial artist, is the Central Plain Jiang Hu person to dress up, 20 years old, is a face is all sad and panic-stricken, hold the long sword respectively, were actually awed by Meng Qi a moment ago that do not dare to attack. 帐篷内有两男一女三位武者,做中原江湖人士打扮,二十来岁,皆是一脸悲伤和惊恐,各持长剑,却慑于孟奇刚才那一手,不敢进攻。 They behind corpse, white hair like silver frost, flesh Yun Han(contain) powerful strength, but the five main internal organs (entrails) and whole body acupoint all damage, whited sepulchre, defeat cotton wool in. 他们身后有一具尸体,白发如同银霜,血肉蕴含强大的力量,但五脏六腑、周身窍穴全都损毁,金玉其外,败絮其中。 „Were you under the attack?” Meng Qi inspected the corpse slightly, opens the mouth to ask. “你们遭遇袭击了?”孟奇略微检视了尸体,开口问道。 Sees the black clothes vigor attire, the appearance and graceful bearing and imposing manner are the out of the ordinary young man have not all begun, when three martial artist look at each other in dismay, looks at arrived each other rejoicing and breathing a sigh of relief. 见黑衣劲装,外貌与风姿、气势皆是不凡的年轻男子没有动手,三名武者面面相觑之余,都看到了彼此的庆幸和舒气。 Non- is the enemy! 非是敌人! This Young Hero...... senior......” relatively calm blue clothes man said submissively, we truly were under the attack, before half tea, the family/home master, family/home master Pin goes all-out to retreat in fear the enemy, oneself actually. Actually accidently lost life.” “这位少侠……前辈……”其中相对沉稳的蓝衣汉子拱手道,“我们确实遭遇了袭击,就在半盏茶前,家师,家师拼尽全力才将敌人吓退,自身却。却不幸身亡。” His surface contains sorrowfully, wants to call one according to the appearance Young Hero, but thinks that possibly is pays great attention to the superficial appearance the old monster, therefore changed to the senior. 他面含悲痛,想根据外貌称呼一声“少侠”,但又想到可能是注重皮相的老怪物,所以改成了前辈。 The voice in the future, his ear bank will broadcast the sound that junior sister is pleasantly surprised: Crazy, crazy, is Crazy Blade Young Hero Su face to face?” 话音未来,他耳畔就传来师妹又惊又喜的声音:“狂,狂,可是‘狂刀苏少侠当面?” Crazy Blade Su Meng? Blue clothes man immediately concentrates the eye to look: The giant wound long blade, martial-looking does not have the effeminacy appearance, the characteristics that in the play, story and Jiang Hu anecdote described repeatedly...... really to be possible be Crazy Blade! 狂刀苏孟?蓝衣汉子顿时凝目望去:巨大伤口般的长刀,英武不带脂粉气的外貌,戏剧、故事和江湖轶闻里反复描述的特征……真有可能是“狂刀”! Meng Qi slightly nod: Some exactly in prairie. Hears nearby Golden Horde to have the Exterior Scenery casualty, therefore comes to search.” 孟奇微微点头:“某恰在草原。听闻金帐附近多有外景死伤,故前来一探。” Really Crazy Blade! This two male and one female are sorrowfully difficult to cover the joyful, frightened fear are diluted thoroughly, have Crazy Blade Su Meng here, oneself settle! 真是“狂刀”!这两男一女悲痛难掩欣喜,恐惧害怕更是被彻底冲淡,有“狂刀苏孟在此,自身安矣! The world all knows Crazy Blade Young Hero Su to lend a hand in emergency frequently indignant, is the chivalrous through and through, morality reaching up to the clouds, will not look on that martial arts world Fellow Daoist was massacred by the enemy. 天下皆知“狂刀苏少侠常常路见不平拔刀相助,最是侠肝义胆,义薄云天,绝不会坐视武林同道被敌人残杀。 Moreover his present Earth List ranks the 24 th, Dharma Body not present, is the peak character. Meets the Unorthodox Path giant, meets other great people, blows the gathering place sufficiently. Big of Jiang Hu, is rare the matter that he is unable to solve, can maintain life to leave again badly. 而且他如今地榜排名第24位,法身不现,便是最顶尖的人物。遇见左道巨擘,遇见其他大人物,足以镇住场子。江湖之大,已少有他无法解决的事情,再不济亦能保命离开。 Really when Heaven never seals off all exits, most danger meets arrived to hold up day of white jade zhu unexpectedly, puts up sea purple gold beam...... three Jiang Hu hero full minds to rejoice. 真是天无绝人之路,最危难之际竟然遇到了擎天白玉柱,架海紫金梁……三位江湖豪杰满心眼都是庆幸。 Congealed with rapt attention, wears the delicate female of green skirt to say submissively: Young Hero Su, Golden Horde has the strangeness, the enemy who the family/home masters encounter just now does not have the shadow invisible. Like ghosts and demons, the strength that the share that only then resists, has not hit back, has no alternative but to guard.” 凝了凝神,身着绿裙的清秀女子拱手道:“苏少侠,金帐多有古怪,适才家师遭遇的敌人无影无形。如同鬼魅,只有招架的份,没有还手的力,不能不防。” Doesn't have the shadow invisible? Meng Qi had encountered and heard the no shadow invisible enemy are many, alerts does not reduce, old god in: You after talk about the matter specifically.” 无影无形?孟奇遭遇和听说过的无影无形敌人不少,戒备不减,老神在在:“你们将事情经过具体讲一讲。” Quite somewhat calm condition blue clothes man hurriedly said: Returns to Young Hero Su, I and others are the person of Changle nearby Jiang Hu, family/home master iron back Blue Dragon don't Shao Tianyi calculates somewhat the given name. Hears the sect aristocratic family to send out the powerhouse to hunt and kill prairie expert, stirs up in the passing enmity, leading us to penetrate the prairie ; first, to respond with toward hate of south invading ; second, to let our Senior Brother younger sister many points of experiences and tempering.” 颇有几分沉稳之态的蓝衣汉子赶紧道:“回苏少侠,我等乃长乐附近的江湖之人,家师‘铁背苍龙’莫邵天亦算有几分名号。听闻宗门世家派出强者猎杀草原高手,激于过往仇怨,带着我们深入了草原,一是报以往南侵之恨,二是让我们师兄妹多点见识和磨砺。” From the corpse. Had the First-Class Expert level...... Meng Qi to nod the head gently, hints the opposite party to continue. 从尸体看。有一流高手水准……孟奇轻轻颔首,示意对方继续说下去。 Above. The family/home masters taught us to do what one can, cannot provoke extremely and above powerhouse, encountered several fights, but also calculates that complete not contracted, arrived in Golden Horde gradually.” The blue clothes man thinks, clenches teeth to consider according to the facts, reason that comes Golden Horde , because heard on the same day the Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman evacuates hurriedly, only carried off the thing that helped carry off, many treasures deeply buried this place, the waiting being predestined friends person unearth, we a little were unavoidably greedy.” “一路之上。家师都教导我们量力而行,不能招惹绝顶及以上强者,遭遇了几次战斗,还算圆满无患,渐渐抵达了金帐。”蓝衣汉子想了想,一咬牙据实相告,“之所以前来金帐,是因为听闻当日金帐武士和长生教萨满撤离得匆忙,只带走了便于带走的事物,很多宝物深埋此地,等待有缘人挖掘,我们难免有点贪婪。” Is greedy for the treasure, measures the strength to be able.” Meng Qi has not despised. “贪求宝物,量力便可。”孟奇并未鄙视。 As far as he knows, Qu Jiuniang sorrowful is the power, following Cold Ice Fairy Maiden the Ye Yuqi first batch to arrive at Golden Horde, plundered did not know many property treasure. 据他所知,瞿九娘化悲痛为动力,追随“寒冰仙子叶玉琦第一批来到金帐,搜刮了不知多少财物宝贝。 But oneself for the world affair and concealed worry, bustle about, comes Golden Horde until this time, does not report can obtain the hope of anything, and residual thing that can find will not be good. 而自身为了天下大事和自家隐忧,东奔西走,直到此时才来金帐,早就不报能得到任何事物的希望,并且能找到的残留事物也不会太好。 Falls from the sky greatly completely, after Guerduo is missing, the remained Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman weighed this place formation, discovered that can only block Mister Lu Da this Earth Immortal shortly, is not Gao Lan, He Qi, Su Wuming and other Dharma Body, therefore takes the bull by the horns, breaks up the whole into parts, the distinction brings the thing and the past treasure house suppresses Golden Horde divine armament to shoot day bow to escape into the prairie deep place, the respective hidden, had not left behind persevering. 大满陨落,古尔多失踪后,留守的金帐武士与长生教萨满衡量了此地大阵,发现仅能短暂挡住陆大先生这位地仙,还不算高览何七苏无名法身,因此当机立断,化整为零,分别带着宝库之物与以往镇压金帐神兵“射日弓”遁入草原深处,各自隐藏,并未留下了的坚守。 Because the matter is urgent, hurried, many fragmentarily and does not have that precious treasure not to carry off relatively. 由于事情紧急,匆匆忙忙,很多零碎且相对没那么珍贵的宝物才并未带走。 But really wants to harvest greatly, must find his among the roads Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman! 而真想收获巨大,得找到其中一路金帐武士和长生教萨满! The blue clothes man feels grateful nods , to continue saying: „When we arrive at Golden Horde, here has the Exterior Scenery powerhouse to be missing for successive several days or the tragic death, the family/home masters inquired slightly, decides to pass through Golden Horde to leave immediately, who knows, who knew in this tent encounters that not to have the shadow invisible fearful enemy......” 蓝衣汉子感激点头,继续道:“我们来到金帐时,这里已连续几日有外景强者失踪或惨死,家师略微打听,决定立刻穿过金帐离开,谁知,谁知在这处帐篷遭遇了那无影无形的可怕敌人……” Suddenly, he saw Meng Qi to press the right hand, immediately closed the mouth, only thinks that the trim Golden Horde ruins were silent, the ominous birdcall stopped suddenly continually, did not have the least bit fresh aura again, at the same time, as if intermittent cold winds have blown, making one be afraid, has surges from the cool feeling of sole. 突然,他看见孟奇压了压右手,顿时闭上了嘴巴,只觉整片金帐废墟寂静无比,连不祥的鸟叫声都戛然而止,再无半点生的气息,同时,似乎有一阵阵阴风吹过,让人不寒而栗,有发自脚底的凉意涌起。 Has excels at the technique of earth escaping friend to approach.” After the hand of Meng Qi holding the blade lost/carrying, the right hand naturally sags, the facial expression was tranquil, resembles to say the gossip. “有擅长土遁之术的‘朋友’靠近。”孟奇持刀之手负后,右手自然下垂,神情平静,状似说着家长里短。 All the sounds of nature are all static, in the induction spacious, Meng Qi has not actually discovered the enemy whereabouts, Escape Technique of opposite party seems to be covert with mystical, but after his practice Wuji Seal, in the earth line strength to world has the Minute Subtlety nearly assurance, that slightly unreachable change fluctuates, although like illusion, but is clear. 万籁皆静,感应里一片空旷,孟奇其实并未发现敌人行踪,对方的遁法似乎非常隐蔽和神异,但他修炼戊己印”后,对天地间的土行之力有着近乎入微的把握,那微不可及的变化波动虽然如同幻觉,但真真切切。 Meng Qi paces to move toward the tent edge, bright sound said: Which friend visits, comes out a meeting.” 孟奇踱步走向帐篷边缘,朗声道:“哪位朋友上门,出来一会吧。” The sound reverberation, all around is peaceful, without the least bit change. 声音回荡,四周安安静静,没有半点变化。 When really I didn't discover? Meng Qi lifts the right foot, proceeded to tread one step. 真当我发现不了?孟奇抬起右脚,往前踏了一步。 Blue clothes man and the others only think the land to sway, takes the Crazy Blade right foot as the center of circle, earth waves toward spread in all directions, Yellow Dragon that as if fluctuates, the dead ahead 30 zhang (3.33 m) places, the prairie splits, spurting had/left a person's shadow. 蓝衣汉子等人只觉大地摇晃,以狂刀右脚为圆心,一道道土浪向着四面八方蔓延,仿佛起伏的黄龙,正前方三十丈处,草原裂开,“喷”出了一道人影。 This person's shadow figure twinkle, plunges side, as to borrow the earth to escape again, pulls out the safe distance. 这道人影身形闪烁,扑向旁边,似乎想再次借土远遁,拉出安全距离。 At this moment, he saw Crazy Blade Su Meng to walk again one step, such as trod astral arrange/cloth fight, soft 就在这时,他看见“狂刀苏孟再次走了一步,如踏罡布斗,“柔软” Ground suddenly hard like steel! 的地面突然坚硬如钢! When! 当! His runs upon steel ground, hitting from having some dizziness brains is colored, hurries to roll to side. 他一头撞上“钢铁地面”,撞得自身有些头晕脑花,慌忙滚向旁边。 Then, in his line of sight looks at arrived that world-famous long blade. 然后,他的视线里看到了那口天下闻名的长刀。 Some non- does the person of killing, why hide?” The Meng Qi long blade hangs slantingly, said gentle. “某非好杀之人,何必躲躲藏藏?”孟奇长刀斜垂,平和说道。 At present is the position at the back of nine gunnysacks, the whole body dirty is the old beggar of soil, among his features somewhat ominous intent, considers confraternity of beggars Grandmaster duplicate Divine Dragon orchid Jingtian. 眼前是位背着九条麻袋,浑身脏兮兮全是泥土的老乞丐,他眉目之间有几分凶意,当是丐帮宗师“覆地神龙”兰惊天。 The old beggar motionless look withdraws several steps: Obsolete custom hides in the hidden place.” 老乞丐不动神色退后几步:“老朽习惯藏在暗处。” Finishes barely the words, he looks suddenly to side, only thinks that in the world has kills intent inexplicably. 话音未落,他忽然看向旁边,只觉天地间有莫名杀意。 Then, he sees Crazy Blade Su Meng whole body spit fire, golden yellow bright, the ray shines, as if changed to round of Great Sun, the distant place invisible thing condensed, appeared an old ordinary old man, only had the old men of nine fingers. 然后,他看到“狂刀苏孟周身喷火,金黄灿烂,光芒照耀,仿佛化作了一轮大日,远处无形之物凝聚,显出一个苍老普通的老者,只有九根指头的老者。 Originally is you.” Meng Qi turns the head to look to this old man. “原来是你。”孟奇转头看向这位老者。 With Eastern Sea Sword Villa related blue blood person Gao Ganyuan! 东海剑庄有关的蓝血人高乾元 Gao Ganyuan coldly looks at Meng Qi: Cannot think that you can treat as an equal to the old man unexpectedly!” 高乾元冷冷看着孟奇:“想不到你竟能与老夫平起平坐了!” Speech at the same time, he looked at the Golden Horde deep place subconsciously, there seems to be hiding anything.( To be continued.) 说话的同时,他下意识看了看金帐深处,那里似乎藏着什么。(未完待续。)
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