WORIOA :: Volume #4

#300: Meeting on the way

The night breeze blows gently, wave gentle fluctuating, a small boat resembles the vast dark blue on sunspot, in the reverse direction however is good. 晚风习习,波浪温柔起伏,一叶扁舟状似辽阔深蓝上的黑点,逆势而行。 Meng Qi sits well the boat head, the cool breeze blows, in heart thought fluctuate. 孟奇端坐舟头,凉风拂面,心中念头起起伏伏。 After Liu Luo leaves, concerned about back Supreme and Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he has temporarily given up sensing Overlord's Extreme Blade, is searching and waiting for the right and secret opportunity, therefore has not stayed in three Xiandao, returns to River East with the stance that roaming travels. 流罗离开后,碍于背后的大能六道轮回之主,他已暂时放弃了感悟霸王绝刀,寻觅和等待着合适又隐秘的机会,因此没在三仙岛停留,以一种漫游旅行的姿态返回江东 Previous time guessed person of so-called Three Lives Fruit can establish the specific relation, thus awakens itself with the aid of the opposite party, forms with the rodman or the test of strength of taking possession, although attended to demoness being ambiguous, avoids the enemy's strength and hits where he is weak, without acknowledgment, but Liu Luo prompt behind Supreme met not happily as if confirmed this indirectly.” Meng Qi most cares is this issue. “上次就猜测一人一颗所谓的‘三生果’能在彼此间建立特定联系,从而借助对方唤醒自己,形成与垂钓者或附身者的角力,虽然顾妖女含含糊糊,避实就虚,没有承认,但流罗提示的‘背后大能会不高兴’似乎间接证实了这点。”孟奇最在意的便是这个问题。 Now looks like, the fruit that oneself eat up not only does not have the fault, getting rid of promising current difficult position contributes labor and materials on the contrary, in the future the critical moment, will unable to say can awaken itself, takes the lead thoroughly, gets rid of the rodman. 如今看来,自己吃下的这枚果子不仅没有坏处,反倒有为当前困境的摆脱添砖加瓦,日后关键时刻,说不得能藉此唤醒自身,彻底占据主动,摆脱垂钓者。 Naturally, cannot say the Gu Xiaosang good intention, her situation is similar, similarly needs profit like this. 当然,也不能说顾小桑好心,她的处境与自己相仿,同样需要这样的益处。 Other matter is not good to judge, but she not cannot benefit the early style to affirm. 别的事情不好判断,但她无利不起早的行事风格是肯定的。 Meng Qi taps the boat head, the sincere sound as if melody, flutters by far. 孟奇轻敲舟头,笃笃之声仿佛旋律,远远飘荡。 Said unlucky year to start from Gu Xiaosang, after the scrubbing of precipitation and time of several events, Meng Qi understood the situation at the same time, cleaned spiritual platform gradually, clear and calm heart lake, sank strongly fragrant, sorrowful, paces back and forth and constrains with angrily no helps, instead the disturbance judged, the only means changed into the power them, as short-term „the heart of Martial Dao, enhanced the hope that was from the heart, tempered the Martial Dao will, urged on own enhancement, the patience waits for the opportunity, did not act heedlessly, was not hasty and impatient, was not deliberately bad, desperate dispirited. 顾小桑所言“流年不利”开始,经过几次事件的沉淀与时间的洗刷,孟奇认清楚形势的同时,也渐渐擦拭了灵台,澄静了心湖,沉郁、悲痛、徘徊、压抑和愤怒都于事无补,反而干扰判断,唯一的办法就是将它们化为动力,作为短期的“武道之心”,提高发自内心的渴望,锤炼武道意志,鞭策自身的提高,耐心等待机会,不盲动,不躁进,亦不自暴自弃,绝望颓丧。 The worst result at most is dead characters, oneself willing did not die, but does not think that possibly died trembling, the both legs tremble. 事情最差的结局顶多就是个死字,自己不甘心死亡,但也不会一想到可能死亡就战战兢兢,双腿打颤。 „The matter must make the secret, cannot involve the Teacher relatives and friends.” Meng Qi has to make a decision the direction, only thinks this period of time presses in the heart heavy vanishes suddenly, the body and mind is relaxed, is very comfortable, the slightly astringent sea breeze that breathes is that wonderful, the boundless vastness and grand heaven are such shock and wash mind. “不过事情必须做得隐秘点,不能牵连师长亲朋。”孟奇已是有了决断有了方向,只觉这段时日压在心头的沉重突然消失,身心轻松,好不自在,呼吸到的微涩海风都是那么美妙,无垠汪洋和壮阔苍天是如此的震撼与洗涤心灵。 „A sea voice smiles, the torrential cross-strait tide......” Meng Qi is patting the bow, sang loudly heroically, the sea was boundless, the surrounding area had itself, the world was one alone, slowly a little retrieved past beginning entered the Jiang Hu free and easy mentality. “沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮……”孟奇拍着船头,豪迈高歌,大海茫茫,方圆只得自身,天地独属一家,慢慢有点找回昔日初入江湖的洒脱心态。 On this day long, limitless, the sea is boundless, during the induction does not see the half-way person's shadow, they are so grand, in comparison, oneself are such tiny, but is this tiny, has Interior World, in the primal chaos, the graces can destroy the line of sight institute and all grand. 这天地悠悠,无边无际,大海苍莽,感应之中不见半道人影,它们是如此壮阔,与之相比,自身是那样的渺小,但就是这样的渺小,自有一内天地,内太极,举手投足可以摧毁视线所及的一切“壮阔”。 This slightly contradictory contrast, is one of the Meng Qi beforehand mind issues, the mentality of average man, the unusual strength, naturally can have the feeling that all sorts confuse and pace back and forth, but unusual the mentality is impossible to abandon the personalities and all handling matters say/way, becomes a stone, a rule that does not have the mood to fluctuate, can only use in the past to be the foundation, constructs outlook on life, the values and fuses with the mind, this can walk recedes well, is stirred up trouble by heart demon few. 这种略显矛盾的对比,正是孟奇之前的心灵问题之一,常人的心态,超凡的力量,自然会产生种种迷惑与徘徊的感受,但“超凡”的心态又不可能抛弃自身性格和所有处事之道,成为一块石头,一种没有情绪起伏的规律,只能用以往为基础,重新构建人生观、价值观并与心灵融合,这样才能走得更远走得更好,少受心魔滋扰。 For example with the growth of own longevity, with living is about hundred -year-old Dawning Enlightenment and below the person compares, will have the short and long dislocation feeling, as if both sides are not a life, oneself progress by leaps and bounds at present, 20 years old, this feeling is not obvious, but if in the future can prove to say Dharma Body, close to East Pole Longevity Pill and Jade Void golds pill's help, after perhaps time long closing up practice, understanding Dawning Enlightenment and following friend on falling from the sky of falling from the sky, died during meditation died during meditation. 比如随着自身寿元的增长,与活不过百岁的开窍及以下之人比较,就会有短暂与漫长的错位感,似乎双方不是一种生灵,自己目前突飞猛进,才二十来岁,这种感觉还不明显,但日后若能证道法身,靠近东极长生丹玉虚丹的帮助,或许一次较长的闭关修炼后,认识的开窍及以下朋友就陨落的陨落,坐化坐化了。 At that time, how should adjust and adapt the feeling of this coming to change, correctly regarded the short bright and long years, is most important of mind practice, according to some antiquity ancient book records, some Dharma Body as the immortal god of keeping aloof, the mortal will treat as itself the ants, indifferent brutal, some did not communicate with them, the life not common languages of different level. 那个时候,该怎么调适由此而来的感觉变化,正确看待短暂的灿烂与漫长的岁月,将是心灵修炼的重中之重,据一些上古典籍记载,有的法身会将自身作为高高在上的仙神,凡人当做蝼蚁,冷漠无情,有的则根本不与他们来往,不同层次的生命没有共同的语言。 These are far to wrong, but Meng Qi does not like, what he most appreciates is an attitude of senior, feels emotion, but is not tired, is not conceited, regards the average man faintly , is completely not deeply grieved because of the longevity of each and every one friend, cries, enjoys, but does not wallow, this aspect Zhuangzi wife dies, rouses the basin, but song, is the model of this mentality, at the same time also calculates that what endured thoroughly life and life and death mystery. 这些谈不上对错,但孟奇不喜欢,他最欣赏的还是一位前辈的态度,“有情而不累”,不自视甚高,淡漠看待常人,亦不因为一个个朋友的寿尽而悲痛欲绝,哭哭啼啼,享受但不沉迷,这方面庄子妻死,鼓盆而歌,便是这种心态的典范,同时亦算堪透了生命何物与生死奥秘。 The train of thought flutters, the happiness that the Meng Qi heart being an excellent likeness lively as precipitation, one type is unable to explain, only thinks that the mind spreads infinitely, the sea water is limpid, tiny particle complete(ly) present, if not the physical body shackles, feared that can not, light/only be able to make each article unique thing by the imagination. 思绪飘飞,孟奇心神似活泼似沉淀,有一种无法言喻的美好,只觉心灵无限蔓延,海水清澈,纤毫毕现,若非肉体桎梏,怕是能无远弗届,光靠想象就能造出一件件别致事物。 Suddenly, in his heart moves, looks to the East, sees only a small boat to speed along to come, without the mind were lively, feared that was arrived can discover! 突然,他心中一动,看向东方,只见一叶扁舟飞驰而来,若没有刚才的心灵活泼,怕是到了近前才能发现! Above the small boat is standing having hair dishevelled young Daoist Priest, wears the azure strange robe, the black hair swings with the wind, reveals to be pretty the dust the face, the aura nihility, making Meng Qi be hard to judge the strong and weak. 扁舟之上站着一位披头散发的年轻道士,身着青色怪袍,黑发随风荡开,露出俊秀出尘的脸庞,气息虚无,让孟奇难以判断强弱。 When two boats meet, young Daoist Priest looks to Meng Qi, the corners of the mouth brings back, shows a faint smile, compatible light. 两舟相遇时,年轻道士看向孟奇,嘴角勾起,微微一笑,亲和平淡。 Meng Qi cannot help but returned smiled. 孟奇不由自主回了一笑。 This small boat surpassed the Meng Qi's boat, drove into the front behind-the-scenes plotting at the lightning flash slating speed, as if must return to central lands. 这叶扁舟超过了孟奇的小船,以电闪雷鸣般的速度驶入了前方黑幕,似乎要返回中土。 Meng Qi gawked staring, suddenly remembers the incident, once swordsman Ning Tai said oneself have met a young man who in Eastern Sea wears the azure strange robe, he often whispered who I am, who was I, was don't tell me that person a moment ago? 孟奇愣了愣,忽然想起一事,曾经遇到的剑客宁台说自己在东海遇到过一名身穿青色怪袍的年轻男子,他常常低语“我是谁,谁是我”,难道是刚才那人? Divine Monarch Dongyang leaves leeway who me is, who is I treasured painting, but whispered „I am , who was I the fellow went to Sorrowless Valley, has searched the institute of Zhenwu(True Martial) town/subdues Yellow Springs, but also locked the gatekeeper near the gate, weird and incomprehensible...... 东阳神君留有“我是谁,谁是我”的墨宝,而低语“我是谁,谁是我”的家伙去过无忧谷,探过真武镇黄泉之所,还将看门人锁在门边,神神叨叨…… But Daoist Priest was refreshing, did not see the least bit crazy with talking to oneself. 可刚才的道士神清气爽,不见半点疯癫与自语。 Meng Qi cannot affirm, immediately flies, displays Treading Void Somersault Step, sharply pursues to go, the fellow but who scraped past a moment ago does not have the trail, the ocean waves to ripple, vast, is deserted. 孟奇不敢肯定,当即飞起,施展踏虚筋斗步,急追而去,但刚才擦身而过的家伙已是没了踪迹,碧波荡漾,一望无际,空旷无人。 Will not drill into the seabed...... Meng Qi to think, drills into the sea level, all around the induction, gradually deep submergence. 不会钻入海底了吧……孟奇想了想,钻入海面,感应四周,逐渐深潜。 With pressure build-up, the origin energy sea and water fluid between world fuse, are hard to be normal the expiration and inspiration, the surroundings ray abates, ripples jet black, Meng Qi gets is the blue blood person simply, like a fish in water. 随着压力增大,天地间的元气大海与水液融合,难以正常吐纳,周围光芒消退,漆黑荡漾,孟奇干脆变做蓝血人,如鱼得水。 Searches for a long time, Meng Qi looked for arrived some to corrupt the shatter under water vestige, looked for arrived one not to know where sea eye, appeared the eddy-shaped, the water color was pitch-black, dark, the tide welled up violently, serious adding together, revolving is tearing all. 寻觅许久,孟奇到了一些早就腐烂破碎的水底遗迹,找到了一处不知通向何方的海眼,呈漩涡状,水色深黑,幽幽暗暗,浪潮激涌,沉重相加,旋转撕裂着一切。 Even if practice has 8-9 Profound Art , the Kunlun Dao Robe self-defense, feared still after wanting achievement Half-Step Dharma Body, can hard anti- sneak, or exchanges the divine armament level the evading water drop.” Meng Qi squats near the sea eye, the spirit spreads, is judging the strong and weak. “即使修炼八九玄功,又得昆仑道袍防身,怕也要成就半步法身后才能硬抗潜入,或者兑换神兵级的避水珠。”孟奇蹲在海眼附近,精神蔓延,判断着强弱。 Once extends the entering the sea eye, his spirit will be twisted submerges broken, the ache is unusual. 一旦延伸入海眼,他的精神就会被绞碎淹没,疼痛异常。 „did Daoist Priest harness the small boat to enter the sea eye?” Meng Qi knits the brows to think. “刚才的道士驾着扁舟进了海眼?”孟奇皱眉想着。 This sea eye is profound, does not know where is connecting, in the future will have the opportunity, searches, many path many points of harvests also on many hopes! 这处海眼幽深难测,不知连通着哪里,日后有机会,得来探探,多条路子多点收获也就多份希望! ............ ………… Outside the Snow Mountain School entrance, Mister Lu Da looks that in Daoist Yun He follows the opposite party Exterior Scenery powerhouse to enter. 雪山派山门外,陆大先生看着云鹤真人跟随对方外景强者入内。 After clear Myriad Manifestations Gate origin, as defends Snow Mountain School of tomb person not to feel embarrassed Yun He, the preparation leads him to enter one of the nine immortal graves, but Mister Lu Da cannot follow. 清楚万象门的来历后,身为守陵人的雪山派并未为难云鹤,准备带他进入九座仙墓之一,只是陆大先生不能跟随。 Mister Lu Da concentrates on is waiting for patiently, passed the less than half double-hour, Daoist Yun He departed, the complexion was slightly ugly, the facial expression was quite dignified, in the vision remains several points of panic-stricken, as if saw the arrived anything terrifying strange and inconceivable matter. 陆大先生专注耐心等待着,过了小半个时辰,云鹤真人飞出,脸色略显难看,神情颇为凝重,目光之中残留着几分惊骇,似乎见到了什么恐怖诡异又不可思议之事。 Sees the meaning that he has not said that Mister Lu Da also has not asked. 见他没有说的意思,陆大先生亦未开口询问。 „The Western Region oasis is numerous, without owner are many, this Jianshan gate is quite good in this.” Daoist Yun He said. 西域绿洲众多,无主者不少,本门建山门于此比较好。”云鹤真人说道。 The most important thing is, Great Asura Meng Nan perishes in the hand of Su Wuming, Western Region does not have Dharma Body again. 最为重要的是,大阿修罗蒙南亡于苏无名之手,西域再无法身 Mister Lu Da nods slightly: Daoist is optional.” 陆大先生微微颔首:“真人随意。” ............ ………… The prairie Golden Horde position, a piece in confusion, all has the collapse tent everywhere, again no longer on the same day magnificent scene. 草原金帐位置,一片狼藉,处处皆有倒塌帐篷,再不复当日盛景。 In falls from the sky greatly completely, after Guerduo is missing, just like Ye Yuqi said that Northern Zhou Great Jin many Grandmaster and Exterior Scenery powerhouse arrived at the prairie, hunted and killed the powerhouse, destroying the tribe ancestors worked, to cut off the strength of prairie up-and-coming generation and plundered the treasure, occupied place of the rich resources. 在大满陨落,古尔多失踪后,正如叶玉琦所言,北周大晋不少宗师外景强者来到草原,猎杀强者,摧毁部落祖灵,以断绝草原后起之力并搜刮宝物,占据资源丰富之地。 In this process, the prairie is very chaotic, many evil * teaches Unorthodox Path to go to enter, fishes in troubled waters, many careerists collude everywhere, search the fortuitous encounter. 这个过程中,草原很是混乱,不少邪*教左道趁虚而入,浑水摸鱼,许多野心家四处勾连,寻觅奇遇。 In a tattered tent, feather robe Gao Guan(high crown) horse-faced Daoist Priest looks that at present evil * is taught the ceremony to suffer the lethal Dawning Enlightenment warrior by oneself, slightly appears intent to say to the disciple: „The life of mortal is really frail, did not pay attention to elapse slightly.” 一座破烂帐篷内,羽衣高冠马脸道士看着眼前被自家邪*教仪式折磨致死的开窍武士,略显得意对弟子道:“凡人的生命真是脆弱,稍不留神就逝去了。” His disciple when thinks highly of several, suddenly saw that blade light flashes, oneself master Daoist robe ray was shattered, covers the throat, the sound indicating resentment is making noise, Primordial Spirit tries to escape, was actually stranded in the mortal body. 他的弟子正待恭维几句,忽然看到刀光一闪,自家师父道袍光芒破碎,捂着喉咙,荷荷作响,元神试图遁出,却被困在了肉身里。 Merely one breath, horse-faced Daoist Priest raises head to fall to the ground, the vitality completely loses. 仅仅一息,马脸道士仰头倒地,生机尽丧。 „The life of master also is very frail......” this disciple to arise spontaneously this thought. “师父的生命也很脆弱……”这位弟子油然而生这个念头。 Then, he sees in the tent to be many young martial artist that the black clothes vigor installed, that delicate and pretty appearance, that firm makings, that special long blade, exceptionally familiar feeling. 然后,他看见帐篷内多了位黑衣劲装的年轻武者,那俊美的容貌,那阳刚的气质,那特异的长刀,都给人异常熟悉的感觉。 Crazy Blade Su Meng!” He blurted out, full is alarmed and afraid. 狂刀苏孟!”他脱口而出,满是惊惧。 This is also his last few words. 这也是他最后一句话。 Meng Qi massacred this group evilly * to teach the member, went out of the tent, looks in confusion broad Golden Horde, is inducing the small sound. 孟奇杀掉了这伙邪*教成员,走出帐篷,看着狼藉又宽广的金帐,感应着微小动静。 After returning to central lands, he comes the prairie, to chase down Hass Wula, Kill Refraining Daoist and others as tempering, the front section date and time, hears nearby Golden Horde strange matter again and again, was missing several Exterior Scenery, therefore comes specially nosing. 回到中土后,他前来草原,以追杀哈斯乌拉、戒杀道人等作为磨砺,前段时日,听闻金帐附近怪事连连,失踪了好几位外景,因此特意过来查探。
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