WORIOA :: Volume #4

#299: Liu Luo

The sheer precipice, the ocean waves strike the shore, crash-bang in the sound the innumerable spray turn the foam. 悬崖峭壁,海浪拍岸,哗啦之声里无数浪花翻成白沫。 Meng Qi sits near the cliff, looks at the tide to have the ebb tide, the train of thought flutters, performs in words spins in „the heart of Martial Dao Wu Jizhen said. 孟奇坐在崖边,看着潮起潮落,思绪飘飞,尽在吴季真说的“武道之心”话语上打转。 Depends upon itself, the steadfast Martial Dao will, oneself are not deficient, regardless of grandfather, is divine armament, temporary, has never had the dependence, encountering the danger is not flurried, among the life and death does not shrink, contrasts many Grandmaster, oneself result in Martial Dao will aspect simply does not make sense. 依靠自身、坚定不移的武道意志,自己并不缺乏,无论“老爷爷”,还是神兵,都只是一时之用,从未产生过依赖,遇到危险不慌乱,生死之间不畏缩,对比许多宗师,自己在武道意志这方面简直强得不像话。 But is the Martial Dao will like this even perfect? 可这样的武道意志就算完满吗? The Martial Dao will related to the fusion of mortal body, Dharma Idol and Primordial Spirit, was stepped over third Heavenly Stairway and most important of congealment Dharma Body, flesh had mystical powers is also related with it, therefore Meng Qi quite attached great importance, after Wu Jizhen words language, with hardship ponder long time. 武道意志涉及肉身、法相元神的融合,是迈过第三层天梯和凝结法身的重中之重,“血肉有灵”也与它相关,所以孟奇相当重视,在吴季真一番话语后,苦苦思考多日。 Without the Martial Dao will of heart of Martial Dao is equal to without soul **, once the short-term goal achieves, lost the advance driving force? 没有武道之心的武道意志是否等于没有魂魄的**,一旦短期目标达成,就失去了前进的动力? But what appearance should the heart of true Martial Dao be? This issue emits, in the Meng Qi mind appears frantically acquaintances, Mister Lu Da extremely in Qingji in sword, Jiang Zhiwei in Sword Dao, they pursue this matter, is not pure to promote, for the strength, or the enhancement of realm instead for a better chase and exploration , yearns and enjoys to the Martial Dao awe, this should be in the Wu Jizhen mouth „the heart of Martial Dao. 而真正的武道之心该是什么样子?这个问题一冒出,孟奇脑海内就浮现出一位位熟人,陆大先生极于情极于剑,江芷微狂热于剑道,他们追逐此事,并不是单纯为了晋升,为了实力,或者说境界的提高反而是为了更好的追逐和探索,对武道敬畏、向往和享受,这应该就是吴季真口中的“武道之心”。 This made a Meng Qi next time remember, when Earth, oneself always shocks the awe in the vast starry sky, awed in its limitless and astronomical figures, shocked in mammoth that beautiful, particularly felt that own tiny, short of life, instant brilliance, but to Martial Dao, oneself as if truly did not have the similar mood. 这让孟奇一下回想起了过去,在地球时,自己总是震撼敬畏于浩瀚的星空,敬畏于它的无边无际和天文数字,震撼于那波澜壮阔的“美丽”,分外感觉自身的渺小,生命的短暂,刹那的光辉,而对武道,自己似乎确实没有相类的情绪。 Also cannot say does not have, when Heaven and Man mutual perception, that and natural harmony ; When One with the Heaven. as if Incarnation world shock ; Extremely when static, happiness that various small thing as if Jingzhe regain consciousness ; When stepped over first Heavenly Stairway, gave up external, with heart felt the support world rule broadminded......, but these were moved, these awes, these shocked, because enhanced fast, how long to be useless to be thrown various behind the head, cared in the contrast of strength, the enhancement of strength. Completeness of cultivation technique. 也不能说没有,天人交感时,那与自然的融洽;天人合一时。仿佛化身天地般的震撼;极静之时,各种微小事物仿佛惊蛰般苏醒的美好;迈过第一层天梯时,放弃外在自我,用“心”感受到支撑天地规律的豁然……但这些感动,这些敬畏,这些震撼,都由于自身提高得飞快,没用多久就被抛诸脑后,更加在意于实力的对比,战力的提高。功法的完整。 But Grand Dao what, life what, oneself also some ponder, but with acquisition of all trades peak cultivation technique, oneself starts to bustle about in the sensibility learns from them, oneself style will achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, a laborious artisan, lost for several points to sprinkle likely however and self-. 而“大道何物,生命何物”,自己亦有过思考,但随着一门门最顶尖功法的获得,自己开始忙碌于感悟学习它们,将自身招式融会贯通,像个辛辛苦苦的匠人,失去了几分洒然和自我。 It is not laborious artisan is not good, does not experience this step. The so-called Grandmaster and Grandmaster only meet the impressive on the outside but lacking substance, pierced at the first thrust, but stays on this throughout, not deep love and thinking to Martial Dao. That stops in Ji, but the say/way of losing. 并不是“辛辛苦苦的匠人”不好,不经历这一步。所谓的大师、宗师只会虚有其表,一戳就破,但始终停留在这上面,没有对武道的热爱和思索。那就止于技而失之道。 This should be the current issue is. 这应该就是自身目前的问题所在。 How should solve? Meng Qi frowns, to the zeal, thinking and the pursue Martial Dao does not pretend that can cheat own, the arrived present situation, lets itself again like Zhiwei and Mister Lu Da frantic in Sword Dao. Has strongly to the unique sentiment, that is really this mistress cannot accomplish, can only try to find out itself slowly. Through tempering realized from experience, found to be moved, found target, formed the heart of own Martial Dao gradually. 该怎么解决呢?孟奇皱起了眉头,对武道的热忱、思索和追求不是假装就能哄骗自己的,到了如今的地步,再让自己像芷微陆大先生一样狂热于剑道。或者有份浓烈到独特的感情,那真是“妾身办不到”,只能慢慢摸索自身。通过磨砺体悟,找到感动,找到“目标”,渐渐形成自己的武道之心。 This is study I who Mister Lu Da has said lives, dies like me! 这就是陆大先生一直说的“学我者生,像我者死”! In the past clarified the path initially, adjusts own Interior World, is the construction in the world outlook, the heart of present Martial Dao stressed in outlook on life and values......” the brand mark of ancestors was extremely clear, Meng Qi pondered when Martial Dao will always close up toward the knowledge of Earth, cannot bear laugh in spite of trying not. “过去初步弄清楚道路,调整自身的内天地,是世界观方面的构建,如今的武道之心则偏重于人生观和价值观了……”上辈子的烙印太过鲜明,孟奇思考武道时总是会往地球的知识靠拢,忍不住失笑了一声。 This is the advantage, is the disadvantage, the past experience not only can help itself, can hoodwink own eye! 这是优势,也是劣势,过去的经验不仅仅能帮助自身,亦能蒙蔽自身的“眼睛”! Suddenly, the famous maidservant approaches, after respects sized up Meng Qi two, confident and poised to salute to say curiously: Young Master Su, has a guest visit named Liu Shuyu.” 突然,有名丫鬟靠近,好奇又崇敬地打量了孟奇两眼后才大大方方施礼道:“苏公子,有位叫做柳漱玉的客人来访。” Meng Qi takes back the train of thought that the long body stands up, smiles nods to the maidservant, takes a step to move toward three Xiandao Island Master government offices. 孟奇收回思绪,长身站起,微笑对丫鬟颔首,迈步走向三仙岛岛主府。 The front section date and time, Dark Maiden lineage/vein have the disciple to come to look for Six Ocean Crazy Traveler the Wu Jizhen help, Meng Qi ask her secret to pass on a message Liu Shuyu, said itself in three Xiandao waiting. 前段时日,玄女一脉有弟子前来找“六洋狂客吴季真帮忙,孟奇请她秘密传讯柳漱玉,言自己在三仙岛等待。 Can come as for Liu Shuyu, Meng Qi has very big assurance, but cannot affirm, now relaxes finally. 至于柳漱玉会不会来,孟奇有很大把握,但不能肯定,现在总算松了口气。 In the reception room, Wu Jizhen tactful is not, puts on wonderful graceful figure of duck near white women's clothing to set up the parapet edge together smartly, is appreciating brilliantly purple and red, is only the back, gives people a simple and elegant refined graceful feeling. 花厅内,吴季真“识趣”不在,一道穿着水绿近白衣裙的妙曼身影俏立栏杆边缘,欣赏着姹紫嫣红,光是背影,就给人一种清雅脱俗飘飘欲仙的感觉。 Liu Shuyu progressed...... the Meng Qi vision to glitter very in a big way. 柳漱玉进步很大……”孟奇目光闪烁了一下。 After relieving Gu Xiaosang that side hidden danger, becomes true Dark Maiden successor finally? 解除顾小桑那边的隐患后,总算成为了真正的玄女传人 Induces comes to Meng Qi's, Liu Shuyu turns around slowly, reveals an unearthly face, although oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, almond eyes thin lips, but does not have the passing gentleness, looked about makes reception room as if wash off the dust, refined elegant, indistinct, as if the next quarter will vanish in the world. 感应到孟奇的进来,柳漱玉缓缓转身,露出一张不食人间烟火般的脸庞,虽然还是鹅蛋脸,柳叶眉,杏眼薄唇,但已没了过往的温柔,顾盼之间让花厅都仿佛洗去了尘埃,脱俗秀美,飘飘渺渺,似乎下一刻就会消失在人间。 Many years are not long, if really must hold in high esteem.” Meng Qi arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, hehe said with a smile. “多年未久,果真要刮目相看。”孟奇拱了拱手,呵呵笑道。 In the Liu Shuyu hand is raising a words sheath long sword, exudes to smile faintly: Brother is surprising, since Medieval youngest Grandmaster.” 柳漱玉手中提着一口白鞘长剑,泛起一丝浅笑:“世兄才让人惊讶,中古以来最年轻的宗师。” It is not the beforehand temper...... Meng Qi slightly one startled, comes straight to the point saying: Willow tree miss, the sighted person did not speak the code words, some front section date and time to making the master gives the message through River East Wang Clan, discussed that senses the matter of Overlord's Extreme Blade, but made the request was extremely harsh, says me to join Dark Maiden lineage/vein truly, with her Incarnation Body dual cultivation, was really embarrassing, does not know whether had room to maneuver?” 再不是以前的性子……孟奇微微一惊,开门见山道:“柳姑娘,明人不说暗话,某前段时日通过江东王氏向令师传递消息,谈感悟霸王绝刀之事,但令师的要求太过苛刻,言我必须真正加入玄女一脉,与她的应身双修,实在让人为难,不知是否有转圜的余地?” First asked room to maneuver, if not, then inquired Lust Path taking advantage what to come. 先问转圜余地,若没有,再打探**道的依仗何来。 Liu Shuyu shows a faint smile, everyone style: I have left Liu, non- Shuyu, the brother will call Liu Luo to be able again in the future.” 柳漱玉微微一笑,大家风范:“我已离开柳家,再非漱玉,日后世兄称呼流罗便可。” Spoke these words, she mentioned the proper business: This, there is ** Immortal Realm, has guarding the faction divine armament, has founder remains, Overlord's Extreme Blade, if not regains consciousness the Heavenly Immortal level, and was grasped by Dharma Body , is to improve on perfection, for the matter of splendid addition, how many can make to yield?” 说完这句话,她才提及正事:“于本门而言,有**仙界,有镇派神兵,有祖师遗蜕,霸王绝刀若非苏醒到天仙层次且被法身掌握,也就是锦上添花而已,为了锦上添花之事,能做多少让步?” Moreover thing that the brother can pay, we are not interested, when Mo Fei/could it be that in the future Lust Path and Shaolin and Cleansing Sword Pavilion and Huamei Villa will be hostile, the brother can raise Overlord's Extreme Blade, will kill the Righteous Path entrance? If cannot achieve, our wanting what does use?” “而且世兄能够付出的东西,我们都不感兴趣,莫非将来**道少林洗剑阁画眉山庄敌对时,世兄能提着霸王绝刀,杀上正道山门?如果做不到,我们要之何用?” But always compares Peerless Divine Armament only to be able the deep sleep to be good, especially Great Tribulation already.” Meng Qi sinking sound said, without answering the Liu Luo execution heart issue. “但总比一件绝世神兵只能沉睡好,尤其大劫已至。”孟奇沉声道,没有回答流罗的诛心问题。 Liu Shuyu, is Dark Maiden successor Liu Luo opens the red lips lightly, in a tone with light happy expression: „The matter of Great Tribulation, this founder has the expectation early. Leaves behind many preparations, moreover when Thunder God can successor only have one? When the world of this big struggle, not necessarily does not have second Thunder God successor.” 柳漱玉,也就是玄女传人流罗轻启朱唇,语带淡淡笑意:“大劫之事,本门祖师早有预料。留下诸多准备,而且雷神传人什么时候只能有一个了?当此大争之世,未必没有第二位雷神传人。” At this point, Liu Luo steps the previous step, slim and graceful: Moreover, even if the family/home masters comply, the brother is unable to sense many thing from Overlord's Extreme Blade.” 说到这里,流罗迈前一步,亭亭玉立:“而且,就算家师答应,世兄也无法从霸王绝刀内感悟出更多东西。” What do you mean?” Meng Qi immediately frowns. “什么意思?”孟奇顿时皱起眉头。 The Liu Luo noodles face upwards, the black hair is throwing over mild-mannered, has not gripped the pigtail to pull back hair: „The previous brother obtains Overlord's Extreme Blade approval to a certain extent, sensed some Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation and Six Chops of the Overlord. Was equal made the contact with it, but Peerless Divine Armament at least legend upward, without regaining consciousness this level, the relation and communication can also be ubiquitous, if it thought that the brother had the qualifications to sense many thing, you can collude to feel anytime and anywhere, did not divide the region, did not divide the morning.” 流罗素面朝天,乌发柔顺披着,没有扎辫挽髻:“上次世兄得到霸王绝刀一定程度上的认可,感悟了部分神霄九灭霸王六斩。等同于和它建立了联系,而绝世神兵至少传说往上,即使没有苏醒到这个层次,联系与沟通亦能无处不在,若它觉得世兄有资格感悟更多东西,你随时随地都能勾连感受到,不分地域,不分早晚。” Now the brother feared that never feels has been with its relation?” “如今世兄怕是从未感受到过与它的联系吧?” Meng Qi is lost in thought that description about legend characteristics. Liu Luo said with is the same, but previous Overlord that oneself understand kept the brand mark in blade truly to speak similar words: Inheritance brand mark cannot to you, except for the general outline, sense many then to takemany temporarily a moment ago ‚.” 孟奇陷入了沉思,关于传说特性的描述。流罗说的与自己了解的一样,而上次霸王留于刀内的烙印确实说过类似的话语:“传承烙印暂时不能给你,除了总纲,刚才感悟多少便‘拿’多少。” This meaning is. „Before temporarily conclusion, can only sense many to take many. 这意思就是。“暂时”结束之前,只能感悟多少拿多少。 What Overlord's Extreme Blade is guarding against, what is alerting? 霸王绝刀是在防备着什么,戒备着什么? What qualifications can oneself achieve to finish temporarily? 自己要达到什么资格才能结束“暂时”? And, if oneself sense Overlord's Extreme Blade again. Scheme past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air, in the back Supreme eye. Feared that is not the law-abiding performance, even the success, will still be punished, implicates to kiss the long good friend, therefore, the matter of sensibility results in the secret to plan, takes hiding the truth from Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation as the premise, in Greystone Palace the matter of...... Meng Qi like 9th Heavenly Layer is thinking looking pensive, pretends to accept fate disappointedly, sighs: 并且,若自己再次感悟霸王绝刀。图谋“过去种种,烟消云散”,在背后大能眼里。怕是不安分的表现,即使成功,也会遭受惩罚,连累亲长好友,所以,感悟之事得秘密谋划,以瞒过六道轮回之主为前提,就像九重天灰石大殿中发生的事情一样……孟奇若有所思想着,装作失望认命,叹了口气道: If so, evil does not coexist, some are not non- Overlord's Extreme Blade may not.” “果真如此,正邪不两立,某又不是非霸王绝刀不可。” Liu Luo shows the simple and elegant smile: Brother can understand well.” 流罗露出清雅笑容:“世兄能够明白最好。” Has to see the Dark Maiden successor opportunity, how Meng Qi to waste, thinks, puts out three blueprints, gives Liu Luo: „Can the your sect inheritance in Nine Heavens Dark Maiden, be familiar to the thing of Heavenly Court?” 有见到玄女传人的机会,孟奇岂会浪费,想了想,拿出三张图纸,递给流罗:“贵派传承于九天玄女,对天庭之物应当非常熟悉吧?” Liu Luo reveals several points of curiosity, reveals little smart-alecky, received the blueprint, sizes up carefully, and lets loose the alert, grasps absorbs the image that Meng Qi passes on. 流罗露出几分好奇,显露少许俏皮,接过图纸,细细打量,并放开戒备,抓摄住孟奇传过来的影像。 She hesitates for a long time, opens the mouth slowly: „The tree of that deep green cover is Construction Wood, the hearsay takes root in Grand Dao, connects All Heavens Myriad Realms, was the antiquity Immortal Realm support, was the parent body of law principle rule.” 她沉吟许久,才缓缓开口:“那碧绿茂密之树乃建木,传闻扎根于大道,连通诸天万界,是上古仙界的支撑,是法理规律的母体。” Dark Maiden successor really knows! Meng Qi previous time had asked Profound Heaven Sect Qing Yu, without answer, now finally those who know Tree of Grand Dao to gobble up is anything, even more anticipated to it! 玄女传人果然知道!孟奇上次问过玄天宗清余,没有答案,如今总算知晓大道之树吞吃的是什么,对它愈发期待! That Demon Blood Peach obviously is on the era residual evil thing, has anything to affect specifically, before without displaying, was very difficult to say.” Liu Luo continues to reply. “那枚妖异血桃明显是上个纪元残留的邪物,具体有什么作用,没表现出来前很难说。”流罗继续回答。 That plants and two Three Lives Fruit?” Meng Qi pursues asks. “那株植物和两枚三生果呢?”孟奇追问道。 Oneself were fed one by Gu Xiaosang forcefully, has been on nettles. 自己被顾小桑强行喂了一枚,一直惴惴不安。 Liu Luo glances the twinkle, exudes the happy expression suddenly: Three Lives Fruit? Who told you are Three Lives Fruit?” 流罗眼波闪烁,忽地泛起笑意:“三生果?谁告诉你是三生果?” Isn't?” The Meng Qi heart sinks. “不是?”孟奇心头一沉。 In brief, deliberately do not track down this thing, your back Supreme does not meet happily.” Liu Luo ambiguous say/way. “总之,不要刻意追寻此物,你背后的大能会不高兴的。”流罗含糊道。 Finishes speaking, her within the body has the fresh air to spill over, figure immediately becomes indistinct lofty, vanishes in Meng Qi rapidly at present. 话音刚落,她体内有清气泛出,身影顿时变得飘渺高远,迅速消失在孟奇眼前。 This makes Meng Qi respond, Liu Luo First-Class Expert, steps into Exterior Scenery shortly, one-on-one absolutely is not the opponent, can really have this method? 这让孟奇反应不及,流罗不过一流高手,踏入外景没多久,单对单绝对不是自己对手,可竟然有这番手段? Before, Meng Qi has had the idea of forcing Dark Maiden successor, but now looks like, without eliminating the idea, feared that is not easy. 之前,孟奇有过胁迫玄女传人的想法,但如今看来,即使没打消主意,怕也没那么容易。 Back doesn't Supreme meet happily?” Meng Qi is tasting the Liu Luo tone, „does that fruit get rid of the rodman related to the fish? Can Gu Xiaosang such good intention?” “背后的大能会不高兴?”孟奇回味着流罗的语气,“那枚果子涉及鱼摆脱垂钓者?顾小桑会这么好心?” Moreover is only Dark Maiden successor, known also were too rather many? 而且只是玄女传人,知道的未免也太多了吧? ............ ………… Liu Luo returns ** Immortal Realm, turned directly into a palace, the gate had not knocked, went in directly, opens the mouth access road/simply said: 流罗回到**仙界,直接拐入了一座宫殿,门也没敲,直接进去,开口便道: You intercept Crazy Blade unexpectedly ‚’ Su Meng to the news of master, deserves what crime?”( To be continued......) “你竟然拦截‘狂刀苏孟给师父的消息,该当何罪?”(未完待续……) ps: status is restoring, the time slowly will be normal, separates for several days to make up renewal ~ ps:状态在恢复,时间会慢慢正常的,隔几天就会补更新~
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