WORIOA :: Volume #4

#298: The heart of Martial Dao

The chill in the air corrodes the pale gold/metal, layer upon layer the accumulation, making Meng Qi as if return to the arrived childhood, on the winter, must put on extremely fat cannot withstand, the action was also slow, again not agile feeling, but expert contended, the victory and defeat in suddenly, has not only gotten rid is cold and slow, he noticed that this fist bordered on itself, therefore, can only draw back, has to draw back. ≤ ≤, 寒意侵蚀淡金,层层累积,让孟奇仿佛到了儿时,每逢冬日,必穿得臃肿不堪,行动随之迟缓,再无矫捷之感,而高手相争,胜负只在瞬息间,尚未摆脱寒冷和迟缓,他就看到这一拳濒临自身,于是,只能退,不得不退。≤≤, figure changes, Meng Qi moves along with the fist, draws back fast, but Wu Jizhen does not know when has left the large ship, the both feet steps on above the sea water, the blue-black ice accretion, pulls off two transparent traces, the fist does not have the half a point to be slow, the distance between both reduces rapidly. 身影变化,孟奇随拳而动,退得飞快,而吴季真不知何时已离开楼船,双脚踩在海水之上,蓝黑积冰,拖出两道透明痕迹,拳头没有半分迟缓,两者间的距离急速缩短。 During flies to draw back, Meng Qi Interior Scenery changes, deducts Great Sun, in the pale gold/metal ray of skin circulation is correct a flame presents, the ablation chill in the air, relaxes slowly, is resisting the corrosion of snow and ice moon. 飞退之中,孟奇内景改变,演绎大日,皮肤流转的淡金光芒里有道道火光呈现,消融寒意,缓和迟钝,抵御着冰雪太阴的侵蚀。 Until this time, Meng Qi had the ample force to draw a sword. 直到这个时候,孟奇才有余力拔刀。 But his right hand just touched the hilt, the Wu Jizhen fist sinks, overall potential immediately that the day, place, person and blade form drilled into the unexpected visitor, was occupied the cardinal by it, during making Meng Qi raise unable to draw a sword, draws a sword must by the feeling that the thunder strikes. 可他的右手刚刚触摸刀柄,吴季真拳头微沉,天、地、人、刀形成的整体之势顿时钻入了不速之客,被它占据了枢机,让孟奇升起无法拔刀,拔刀之中必遭雷霆一击的感觉。 But the Wu Jizhen Interior Scenery world a as if side world, this fist brings „the world to come, making person being hard contend directly. 吴季真内景天地已仿佛一方世界,这一拳带着“世界”而来,让人难以正面抗衡。 Meng Qi whole body acupoint opens, tries to collude the world, draws a sword forcefully, but the fist of Wu Jizhen also changes, resembles to drift from place to place, the potential of the world changes again, the chill in the air changes to the invisible solid ice layer upon layer, is isolating Meng Qi and world. 孟奇周身窍穴打开,试图勾连天地,强行拔刀,但吴季真的拳头随之而变,似飘忽不定,天地之势再改,层层寒意化作无形坚冰,隔绝着孟奇与天地。 Constantly changes, the good idea executes continually, but the fist of Wu Jizhen can always being ahead of time hydrostatic testing, control inner qi, making the Meng Qi always halfway give up, can only draw back, has to draw back. 不断变化,妙招连施,可吴季真的拳头总能提前试压,掌控气机,让孟奇总是半途放弃,还是只能退,不得不退。 Really the actual situation change performs in his heart! Meng Qi inspires secretly, abandoned by luck, abandoned the sentiment of concealment, Primordial Beginning sat well, Interior Scenery chaos, did not have the division of actual situation Corporeal and Incorporeal again! 真是虚实变化尽在他心!孟奇暗吸了口气,摒弃了侥幸,摒弃了隐瞒之情,元始端坐,内景一片混沌,再无虚实有无之分! Most starts, because is ten moves, does not involve the life and death. Meng Qi does not want to expose itself Indestructible Primordial Beginning Idol the specialness of domain, plans to depend on the say/way of sword to deal with purely, however, under Mingyue(bright moon) shines, oneself do not have the secret again, not presently the territory of Primordial Beginning, chaos, feared that is including one move unable to keep off. 最开始,因为是十招之约,不涉及生死。孟奇并不想暴露自家“不灭元始相”领域的特殊,打算纯粹靠刀剑之道应付,然而,“明月”照耀下,自己再无秘密可言,不现元始之域,混混沌沌,怕是连一招都挡不下来。 The chaos one presently, the Wu Jizhen fist had the small vacillation, then no longer is firm. Meng Qi detected keenly, the long blade comes out of the sheath, delimits half primal chaos, makes a flank attack the fist of Wu Jizhen, avoids the point, handles big issue with smart power. 混沌一现,吴季真拳头有了微小的游移,不再那么坚决。孟奇敏锐察觉,长刀出鞘,划出半个太极,侧击吴季真的拳头,避开锋芒,四两拨千斤。 The Wu Jizhen wrist/skill shakes, fist dispersing, as if seizes the person of snake, flexible unusual deflection. Grasps to the Meng Qi back of the blade, the numerous claw shades congeal, is similar to the mirage in the snow and ice of falling gently. 吴季真手腕一抖,拳头散开,仿佛捉蛇之人,灵活异常偏折。抓向孟奇刀背,重重爪影凝结,在飘落的冰雪之中如同海市蜃楼。 The Meng Qi long blade selects, leaps up the claw shadow. But the Wu Jizhen palm refers to the fist claw change again and again, does not incur to change slowly compared with the Meng Qi's blade, situation that nonexistence cannot keep up with, blade like a tripterospermum affine of dancing lightly. Deducted the wonderful nimble and resourceful picture, the thunder snake and snowflake takes off, an Arctic Ocean altogether lightning color. 孟奇长刀一挑,蹿出爪影。可吴季真掌指拳爪变化连连,丝毫不比孟奇的刀招变化慢,不存在跟不上的情况,一刀一手就像翩翩起舞的一双蝴蝶。演绎出了美妙灵动的画面,雷蛇与雪花起飞,冰洋共闪电一色。 A surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) sea congealed the solid ice. Does not know that spread downward many zhang (3.33 m), but the midair thunder sparkle, vies Mingyue(bright moon). 方圆几十里大海凝成了坚冰。不知蔓延往下多少丈,而半空雷霆闪耀,争辉明月 even/including Guoshu incurs, both sides did not have the collision of blade and hand, at this time, Wu Jizhen lost/carrying has found out after behind left hand suddenly. 连过数招,双方还无刀与手的碰撞,这时,吴季真一直负在身后的左手猛然探出。 Meng Qi suddenly feels the white snow to be faded and fallen, snow white gray, distant place sea water disappearance, upper air floating clouds disappearance, all all disappearance, the disciple keeps the alone spacious snow and ice world, read long of the world, alone dark blue, however under tears feeling. 孟奇顿觉白雪飘零,皑皑苍苍,远处海水“消失”,高空浮云“消失”,一切的一切全都“消失”,徒留孤寂空旷的冰雪世界,给人“念天地之悠悠,独沧然而涕下”的感觉。 But Wu Jizhen sets up this side world arrogantly, the as if world's control, a fist claw crowded each space sufficiently, letting Meng Qi is unable to dodge nowhere to dodge, everywhere all solid, is difficult to evade empty, as if a hard anti- choice. 吴季真傲立这方世界,仿佛天地的主宰,一拳一爪充塞满了每一处空间,让孟奇无法闪避无处闪避,处处皆实,再难避虚,似乎只有硬抗一种选择。 Meng Qi deeply inspires, the body swells suddenly, Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation, in the hand Wound of Heaven electricity glow fluctuates, collects in the knife point, an vortex pinhole highlights , bang the chaotic sound, as if generation of day line punishing Thunder God are born, with the occupying the high ground stance, the verve Tyrant Lie blade potential, welcomed to a that fist claw. 孟奇深吸口气,身躯霍然胀大,法天象地,手中“天之伤”电芒浮动,汇于刀尖,一点漩涡般的针孔凸显,噼里啪啦,轰隆乱响,仿佛代天行罚的雷神降世,以居高临下的姿态,刚猛霸烈的刀势,迎向那一拳一爪。 About when collision, the Meng Qi blade light landslide is suddenly loose, everywhere is completely the blue and purple thunder and lightning sea, the jump twinkle, covered the long blade, chaotic fist claw. 行将碰撞之际,孟奇刀光忽地崩散,漫天尽是青紫雷电海洋,跳跃闪烁,掩盖住了长刀,混乱了拳爪。 Sea separates, blade light is just like leaps the fish of Dragon Gate, condition passed through the fist and claw by the thunder, takes the Wu Jizhen appearance. “海洋”分开,刀光恰似跃龙门之鱼,以电闪雷鸣之态穿过了拳与爪,直取吴季真面目。 The Wu Jizhen two arm elbows turn toward , the cold air congeals layer upon layer the gloomily blue ice piece, cuts not, is delaying the long blade, compelling Meng Qi to change. 吴季真两臂手肘往内一拐,层层寒气凝结成幽蓝冰块,斩之不尽,拖延着长刀,逼得孟奇不得不变招。 Then, his right hand searches, the five fingers open, the cold plum that probably is in full bloom, strokes by the back to Meng Qi, the stance is graceful, infinite happy feeling. 然后,他右手探回,五指张开,像是盛开的寒梅,以背面拂向孟奇,姿态优雅,给人无限美好的感觉。 Snow and ice deathly stillness, dark blue however monotonous, cold plum bright, is elaborating the strength of life. 冰雪死寂,沧然单调,寒梅“鲜艳”,阐述着生命的浓烈。 This strokes may the shy brightness that dies to the utmost, brings the ponder of deep love to the life of the death, changes in inexplicable, lets feeling that Meng Qi has to plant not to garrison, the long blade and fists and feet in this stroke are so many oversights, like using the bowl mouth size trap catches ten fingers of thick or thin fish, gave the opposite party Kang village large cave/hole. 这一拂极尽死的可怕生的灿烂,带着对生命的热爱对死亡的思考,变化于莫名之间,让孟奇有种自家毫不设防的感觉,长刀与拳脚在这一拂下是如此多疏漏,就像用碗口大小的罗网捕十指粗细之鱼,给了对方康庄大洞。 Meng Qi withdraws again, withdraws fast, the long blade proceeds to cut, divides into two, two are divided into four, four are eight, without the division of strong and weak thickness, formed the unescapable net, tries to reduce and solve layer upon layer is stroking. 孟奇再次退后,飞快退后,长刀往前一斩,一分为二,二分为四,四为八,没有强弱厚薄之分,结成了天罗地网,试图层层化解着一拂。 When! The strength of life is hard to resist the snow and ice the deathly stillness, Wu Jizhen this stroking lets layer on layer/heavily blade light strange restraining, hits the back of the blade exactly. 当!生命的浓烈难以抵挡冰雪的死寂,吴季真这一拂让重重刀光诡异收敛,恰好击中刀背。 A fierce chill in the air raids, the purple electricity azure thunder that the Wound of Heaven surface fluctuates congeals the ice, the Meng Qi five fingers twinkle pale gold/metal, was frozen above the hilt, is hard to isolate the chill in the air. 一股酷烈的寒意袭来,天之伤表面浮动的紫电青雷凝结成冰,孟奇五指闪烁淡金,被冻在了刀柄之上,难以隔绝寒意。 The Meng Qi complexion changes, the right hand shakes, palm simultaneous/uniform wrist broke, making the chill in the air not have the thing of social climbing again, left palm grips cut the jade blade, figure moves fast, before Wu Jizhen responded, around cut four blades about continually, or quick or heavy, or supple or firm, studied and comprehension the lifetime integrated these four blades all, Splitting Heaven and Earth, the thunder, asked one's conscience indistinctly, heavy pressure body, because was the left hand blade, to the utmost the feeling of side door not measuring. 孟奇脸色一变,右手一抖,手掌齐腕而断,让寒意再无攀附之物,左掌则握住了斩玉刀,身影飞快挪动,在吴季真反应过来前,于左右前后连斩四刀,或快或重,或阴柔或阳刚,将毕生所学和领悟尽数融入了这四刀,开天辟地,电闪雷鸣,飘渺问心,沉重压身,并且因为是左手刀,极尽偏门莫测之感。 Wu Jizhen both hands buckle, as if ties seal, the ice soul cold light gushes out from within the body, embezzles four blade light all, a piece of white is vast. 吴季真双手扣起,仿佛结印,冰魄寒光从体内涌出,将四道刀光尽数吞没,一片白茫。 , The Meng Qi long blade takes back suddenly, violates reclamation of common sense, then peeps certainly the cardinal, a blade cuts. 霍然之间,孟奇长刀收回,违背常理的收回,然后窥准枢机,一刀斩出。 White separates vast, the long blade cut the body of Wu Jizhen. 喀嚓,白茫分开,长刀斩中了吴季真的身体。 The snow and ice are stave, the cold air ascends, as if has an ice sculpture to be stave. 冰雪破碎,寒气升腾,似乎只得一尊冰雕破碎。 Behind Meng Qi, the white fog condenses, Wu Jizhen reappears, the right hand thumb sticks to the index finger and middle finger, heaving a deep sigh, full is low-spirited ** the meaning, the point approached Meng Qi gently. 孟奇背后,白雾凝聚,吴季真再现,右手拇指贴住食指与中指,长叹一声,满是黯然**之意,轻轻点向了孟奇 This point is irritable, condensing was infinitely sad and rigid, the Meng Qi surging emotions also fluctuate, thinks that the arrived Six Paths evil intention, thinks the arrived destiny holds in the manpower, thinks that arrived Gu Xiaosang said language of the relatives and friends, the innermost feelings constrained, the pain struggled, only thinks that the shackles in the body, only want to draw a sword layer upon layer, cut off all these, resulted in great freedom to extricate the big free and unfettered greatly. 这一点别扭沉重,凝聚了无穷伤心与执着,孟奇心潮随之起伏,想到了六道的恶意,想到了命运操于人手,想到了顾小桑所言亲朋好友之语,内心压抑,痛苦挣扎,只觉层层枷锁在身,只想拔刀而出,斩断这一切,得大自在大解脱大逍遥。 It is not good! At this time, golden great Buddha appeared, refers to the day touching, Meng Qi restored soberly, was roused the mind extrusion for a long time mood by Wu Jizhen a moment ago unexpectedly, had the enormous loophole. 不好!这时,金色巨佛出现,指天触地,孟奇恢复了清醒,刚才竟然被吴季真勾动了心灵挤压已久的情绪,出现了极大漏洞。 Only I Am Venerated suppression, Meng Qi, when the blade blocks this point, but, actually saw suddenly Wu Jizhen full is thinking of fondly is zealous and both eyes that the exploration immerses. 唯我独尊镇压,孟奇正待出刀挡住这一点,可霍然之间,却看到吴季真满是眷念热忱和探索沉醉的双眼 Low-spirited **, only no! 黯然**者,唯别而已! This instance, Meng Qi had an inexplicable feeling, who Wu Jizhen sees and own understanding is entirely different, this point cannot keep off! 这个瞬间,孟奇有了一种莫名的感觉,吴季真所见的自己与自身的了解截然不同,这一点自己挡不下来! Normal, both sides fight, sees nothing but Dharma Idol, mortal body, bloodlines and style, by strength the application to world, to grasping of rule, but at this very moment, Meng Qi believes Wu Jizhen sees is not these, but is other thing, like a basin fresh flower, oneself sees is the flower petal, stamen and pistil, root system, soil, face plate, sunlight and vein, found the cardinal, Wu Jizhen sees is the vitality and dead intent, strong, dependence completely different potential. 正常而言,双方交手,所见无非法相、肉身、血脉、招式,以对天地之力的应用,对规律的掌握,可此时此刻,孟奇相信吴季真看到的不是这些,而是另外的东西,就像一盆鲜花,自己所见是花瓣、花蕊、根系、泥土、花盘、阳光和脉络,从中找到枢机,吴季真看到的则是生机、死意、浓烈、依赖等完全不同的“势”。 If cannot with him at same line of sight, is unable to understand that his will strike to where, is unable to resist. 若不能与他处在同样的“视线”,根本无法了解他这一点会击向哪里,也就无法抵御。 Meng Qi unable to deal with other, Primordial Beginning revolves again Yin-Yang Seal, changes the Yin-Yang, the circulation life and death, tries to disturb by this, at the same time withdraws fast, enlarges the distance, planned that isolates both sides by the range attack. 孟奇顾不得其他,元始相运转阴阳印,变化阴阳,流转生死,试图以此干扰,同时飞快退后,拉大距离,打算以范围攻击隔绝双方。 Yeah.” Wu Jizhen took back the hand, has not had the move again, the both feet steps on the freeze sea, the facial expression full is dreary. “哎。”吴季真收回了手,没再出招,双脚踩在冻结的海洋上,神情满是萧瑟。 Did not need to compare, you kept off my ten moves to have a big possibility, but......” he shakes the head, an insipid appearance, „, but you did not have the heart of Martial Dao, without meaning.” “不用比了,你挡我十招有不小可能,但……”他摇了摇头,一副索然无味的样子,“但你没有武道之心,没意思。” He shoulders both hands, gradually moves toward the large ship. 他背负双手,缓步走向楼船。 „The heart of Martial Dao?” Meng Qi has not expected is such result, stunned asks. 武道之心?”孟奇没料到是这样的结局,愕然问道。 Won't oneself have the heart of Martial Dao? 自己怎么会没有武道之心? Wu Jizhen has not turned the head, tranquil say/way: You have the strong hope of become stronger, has the power of practice of paying, has to constrain with the danger urges on, in average man opinion, this perhaps is the heart of Martial Dao, is, you not to the zeal of Martial Dao, not to say/way pursue, you, it is a tool, is the pointed weapons, that is all.” 吴季真没有转头,平静道:“你有变强的浓烈渴望,有付之实践的动力,有压抑和危险鞭策,在常人看来,这或许便是武道之心,可是,你没有对武道的热忱,没有对道的‘追求’,于你而言,它是工具,是兵刃,仅此而已。” He raises head to look at the day, muttered: Grand Dao what? Life what?” 他仰头望天,喃喃自语:“大道何物?生命何物?” How to ascertain the life and death, by instant breaks the eternal deathly stillness brightly, understands clearly the world grand......” “如何窥破生与死,以刹那的灿烂打破永恒的死寂,了然天地的壮阔……” All styles, all cultivation technique, except the representation, are elaborating and tracking down these......” “所有的招式,所有的功法,除去表象,都在阐述与追寻这些……” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, these not this/should rational idea? 孟奇微微皱眉,这些不都该理性思考? Does not experience the human affairs, does not invest the strong sentiment, does not understand that the beauty, life and death beauty and the beauty of sentiment hate Grand Dao, may not the language ice...... Wu Jizhen shake the head like the summer insect, you are waiting to three Xiandao, every other section date and time, Lust Path would the matter looking for this place to help.”( To be continued......) “不经历世事,不投入浓烈的感情,不会明白大道之美、生死之美、情恨之美,就像夏虫不可语冰……”吴季真摇了摇头,“你到三仙岛等着,每隔段时日,**道总会有事找本座帮忙。”(未完待续……)
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