WORIOA :: Volume #4

#297: Uninhibited people and Crazy Blade

Mingyue(bright moon) hangs, the dim light of night is grave, the sea is vast, performing is the blue black fluctuation of the wave. 明月高悬,夜色深重,大海一望无际,尽是蓝黑色波浪起起伏伏。 Above a large ship drifts, hangs all over the lantern, all around according to just like the daytime, the bow sits cross-legged to sit a middle-aged man, grasps the fishing pole, the facial features are tranquil, make the fishing shape. 一艘楼船漂泊其上,挂满灯笼,将四周照得宛若白昼,船头盘腿坐着一位中年男子,手持鱼竿,面容平静,做垂钓状。 His eyebrow is thick, appears several points of firmness, on the lip two cast aside the handlebar horizontally developing, is slightly strange, a azure robe meek garment monk takes the Daoist garments, quite alternative, the whole body aura is reserved, without least bit True Essence attaches the fishing pole, probably is enjoying the happiness of fishing truly, the interest of peaceful mind, but if along the fish elopichthys bambusa line downward, will discover fishhook place bait, has not wanted to fish the fish, as if all depending on the luck, the senior who the imitation waits for gains without pains, waits for that stupid fish to swallow the bait. 他眉毛浓密,显出几分刚硬,唇上两撇八字胡横着滋长,略显怪异,一袭青袍似儒衫似僧服似道装,相当另类,周身气息内敛,没有半点真元附着鱼竿,像是在真正享受垂钓之乐,静心之趣,可若沿着鱼竿鱼线往下,会发现鱼钩处没有一点鱼饵,想要钓上鱼,似乎全凭运气,效法守株待兔的前辈,等待那条蠢鱼上钩。 A silver-haired old servant stands in beside, quite the worry looked at middle-aged man one eyes. 一位白发苍苍的老仆侍立于旁,颇为担心地看了中年男子一眼。 Don't worry, master insane, but taking advantage of fishing peaceful mind, polish mind.” The middle-aged man said lightly. “不用担心,爷疯不了,只是借垂钓静心,打磨心灵。”中年男子淡淡说道。 The old servant sighed: Island Master, the madame has passed, the fate finally, has not needed to demand again, when the previous generation this life, this life next life regards.” 老仆叹了口气:“岛主,夫人已逝,缘分已终,无需再强求,就当前世今生、今生来世看待吧。” The middle-aged man is three Xiandao Island Master Wu Jizhen, he shakes the hand of fishing pole not to have the least bit to vacillate, the tone said lightly: Waits for Dark Maiden congealed on the law body, then did not need Incarnation Body, when the time comes, which memory got the winning side, integrated the Dark Maiden main body, which as the previous generation recollection, but must look at her state of mind, but can also strive.” 中年男子正是三仙岛岛主吴季真,他握着鱼竿的手没有半点动摇,语气平淡道:“等玄女凝就法体,便无需应身了,到时候,哪番记忆占据上风,融入玄女本尊,哪些作为前世回忆,还得看她的心境,还能争取争取。” Overlord marries, can't the master marry?” 霸王娶得,爷娶不得?” Haughty condition can be seen in speech and appearance. 狂傲之态溢于言表。 The old servant look changes, sighed suddenly: Really is the bad karma.” 老仆神色变化,突地叹了口气:“真是孽缘。” Dark Maiden this should movement technique sin innumerably, lets many excellent son great pain and grief, her karma entanglement, shape with Evil Demon.” 玄女这应身法造孽无数,让多少大好男儿肝肠寸断,她因果纠缠,形同邪魔。” He fosters young lord to grow up, somewhat the love, could not bear slander Dark Maiden several for a while. 他抚养少主长大,有几分父子之情,一时忍不住诋毁了玄女几句。 Six Ocean Crazy Traveler Wu Jizhen fishes as before, does not have the least bit mighty waves saying: „A character sentiments, through the ages. Gets sucked, how many also there are able to completely understand? Feels emotion brutally, most is difficult to break, she is lively, the sunlight amuses, the temper is tender, hits my mind exactly, is I pesters on own initiative, no wonder she.” 六洋狂客吴季真依旧垂钓,不起半点波澜道:“情之一字,古往今来。深陷其中者,又有几位能够看透?有情无情,最是难断,她活泼开朗,阳光逗乐,性子娇憨,恰好击中我的心灵,是我主动纠缠,怪不得她。” In these years couple the love, the sentiment profound meaning is heavy. Does not counterfeit , there is nothing other to replace, I did not regret.” “这几十年夫妻恩爱,情深意重。绝非作假,无有其余可以代替,我不后悔。” The old servant is speechless for a while, each time is such answer. 老仆一时无言,每次都是这样的答案。 At this time, a small boat came by the wave, the bow sits the azure garment man leisurely and carefree, 20 years old is, delicate and pretty natural, similarly fishing sea. 这时,一叶扁舟逐浪而来,船头悠闲坐着位青衫男子,二十来岁,俊美潇洒,同样垂钓海上。 Wu Jizhen does not care about the bystander. The old god, suddenly, him well, was opening the mouth to ask as before: 吴季真并不在乎外人。依旧老神在在,忽然,他咦了一声,开口问道: „Do you use the straight hook to fish?” “你用直钩钓鱼?” One do not use the bait. Fishes to rub the heart, is Eastern Sea one strange, but the man is stranger at present, the fishhook pulled straight. Has not used True Essence, does not rouse the world, what fish fishes? 自家不用鱼饵。垂钓磨心,乃东海一怪,可眼前男子更怪,鱼钩都扳直了。还不用真元,不勾动天地,钓个什么鱼? Two ships are distanced quite far. The Wu Jizhen words actually passed through the unrestrained sweeping sea breeze lossless, arrives clearly. 两船相距颇远。吴季真的话却无损穿过了肆掠的海风,清晰抵达。 Straight hook angler Meng Qi, the eye does not lift, shows a faint smile: 直钩钓鱼者正是孟奇,眼睛不抬,微微一笑: Hoping swallows the bait.” “愿者上钩。” Hoping swallows the bait...... the Wu Jizhen prescience flavor to be long, at once is startled, repeated, hoping swallows the bait......, really hoping swallows the bait!” 愿者上钩……吴季真先觉韵味悠长,旋即怔住,又重复了一遍,“愿者上钩……哈哈,真是愿者上钩!” He smiles very crazily, oneself and Dark Maiden Incarnation Body marriage affinity also is really hoping swallows the bait! 他笑得很是疯狂,自己与玄女应身的姻缘还真是“愿者上钩”! Today hears this word, unexpectedly somewhat the feeling of severe warning. 今日听闻此言,竟有几分当头棒喝之感。 Laughing of Wu Jizhen a little daunts the old servant, summoned Island Master again and again, good long while, Wu Jizhen stopped to smile, throws down the fishing pole, both eyes looks profoundly to Meng Qi, midair Mingyue(bright moon) for it one dark, seemed to be the dark cloud camouflage, making the Wu Jizhen face fall in the shadow. 吴季真的大笑有点吓住老仆,连连呼唤岛主,好半天,吴季真止住笑,丢下鱼竿,双目幽深看向孟奇,半空明月为之一暗,似有乌云遮蔽,让吴季真的脸庞陷在阴影里。 Pitifully, what a pity, has not received this to beat and shout at earlier, now is involved, is difficult to extricate oneself.” Wu Jizhen tone sigh is proud, somewhat is more vacant with Bei Ku(sorrow). “可惜,可惜,没早点受此棒喝,如今深陷其中,再难自拔。”吴季真语气似叹息似骄傲,更有几分茫然和悲苦 The state of mind, the bad karma evil sentiment, discussed that what card said Dharma Body? 如此心境,如此孽缘孽情,谈什么证道法身 The Meng Qi straight hook fishes, the left hand pats the penetration, recited easely: 孟奇还是直钩垂钓,左手轻拍穿透,悠然吟道: „For 30 years seek swordsman, several chapters of fallen leaves put forth branches. Since sees the peach blossom, until the present does not doubt.” “三十年来寻剑客,几回落叶又抽枝。自从一见桃花后,直至如今更不疑。” Since sees the peach blossom, until the present does not doubt......” Wu Jizhen to repeat, only thinks the mood to tumble, the past recollection, all sorts of love enmities pestered the difficult minute/share, suddenly the purification, only remained an unreasoning passion, the unassuageable innermost feelings suddenly were pure, only thinks that the sentiment in me, felt in me, had nothing to do with Dark Maiden , „, since saw the peach blossom, until the present does not doubt, good, good, good!” “自从一见桃花后,直至如今更不疑……”吴季真怔怔重复,只觉情绪翻滚,前尘回溯,种种恩爱怨怼纠缠难分,忽然净化,只剩一片痴情,原本难以平静的内心霍地清净,只觉情在我,感受在我,与玄女无关,“自从一见桃花后,直至如今更不疑,好,好,好!” He including said that three good character sides to ask: „Does your small age have the heart of this mortal world tempering unexpectedly?” 他连道三个好字方问:“你小小年纪竟有这番红尘磨砺之心?” This is the Zen bravery of eminent monk grasping principles, some offers borrowed flowers to Buddha, original meaning non- sentiment non- love, but understands anything, all watches individual chance.” Meng Qi one I am the mortal world guest, the cup liquor smiles Tathagata the appearance. “此乃禅宗一位高僧悟道之偈,某借花献佛而已,原本之意非情非爱,但悟出什么,全看个人机缘。”孟奇一副“我乃红尘客,杯酒笑如来”的样子。 Wu Jizhen crazy and strange is famous to by, hears Yanzhi thinks that Meng Qi quite throws own disposition, haha said with a smile: Searches, has the peach blossom respectively, how could only to represent the zen, Buddha Ancestor picks flowers, Kasyapa smiled, the itself/Ben points to the mind, good good, saw the stodgy poor and pedantic generation, has to let the this/Ben place rarely at present a bright young man, in Jiang Hu, you must somewhat the given name!” 吴季真向以“狂”与“怪”著称,闻言只觉孟奇相当投自己的脾性,哈哈笑道:“寻寻觅觅,各有桃花,岂能只代言禅意,佛祖拈花,迦叶一笑,本就是直指自身心灵,不错不错,见惯了迂腐穷酸之辈,难得有让本座眼前一亮的后生,江湖之中,你必有几分名号!” Younger generation Su Meng.” Meng Qi tranquil reply. “晚辈苏孟。”孟奇平静回答。 Su Meng? Crazy Blade Su Meng? Practices Ānanda broken monk blade to be expelled Shaolin Su Meng?” Wu Jizhen gawked staring, suddenly smiles, chases well, by well, does not chase to have the stodgy monk!” 苏孟狂刀苏孟?习阿难戒刀被逐出少林苏孟?”吴季真愣了愣,忽然笑得,“逐得好,逐得好,不逐只得迂腐和尚!” He turns over to crazily crazily, is not silly: What matter do you look for this behavior?” 他狂归狂,并不傻:“你找本座所为何事?” Younger generation has the matter to seek Dark Maiden lineage/vein, wants to inquire a news from senior here.” After a dialogue, Origin Heart Seal grasped deeper Meng Qi to find out the Wu Jizhen temper, straightforward reply. “晚辈有事寻玄女一脉,想从前辈这里打探点消息。”经过一番对话,“元心印”掌握更深的孟奇摸清楚了吴季真的性子,直截了当回答。 Wu Jizhen immediately knits the brows, the vision night and day is uncertain: You have the fate with her, results in Incarnation Body manifestation?” 吴季真顿时皱眉,目光晦明不定:“你也和她有缘分,得应身显化?” Looks at an appearance of his alert love rival, Meng Qi cannot help laughing, the valuable rarities in your heart, in my eyes are only beach sludge, wishes one could around walking, does not smear the shoes, really the same thing, various people seeing is different because of the itself characteristics. 看着他一副戒备情敌的模样,孟奇哑然失笑,你心中的稀世珍宝,在我眼里只是一滩污泥,恨不得绕着走,不弄脏鞋,果然同一事物,各人所见之相都因本身特性而有所不同。 Younger generation has the matter to request.” Meng Qi broad and level reply. “晚辈有事相求而已。”孟奇坦坦荡荡回答。 Wu Jizhen slightly nod: Your intention absolute sincerity, without the emotions, this place letter/believes you.” 吴季真微微点头:“你心意赤诚,没有情思,本座信你。” He said with a smile suddenly: For a long time has not trod on central lands, has such handsome born unexpectedly, good not to know many compared with the those decayed mud.” 他忽然笑道:“许久未履中土,竟有此等俊才出世,比之那些腐朽烂泥好了不知多少。” At this point, Wu Jizhen both eyes look at Meng Qi: I think of every means that just now can find her trail, how could easily to tell you?” 说到这里,吴季真双目看着孟奇:“我费尽心思,方才能找到她的踪迹,岂能轻易告诉你?” Ten moves, you can meet my ten moves of undefeated, has the qualifications to hear!” “十招,你能接我十招不败,就有资格听闻!” He stands up slowly, haughty say/way: In Earth List, arranges in front of this, let the person only to write the clothing/taking character except past Su Wuming, other all did not make the this/Ben place believe.” 他缓缓站起,狂傲道:“地榜之中,排在本座前面者,除开过去的苏无名让人只能写个服字,其余皆不让本座信服。” Shou Jing is gradually old, can only depend upon Time Sabre ; Xiahou swallow Naturally Gifted, but also different reported ; When Wheel Rotating Living Buddha in this mind is complete is equivalent to the Exterior Scenery peak ; The nether world Emperor is stealthy, shrinks, how will this place fear him?” 守静垂垂老矣,只能依靠光阴刀;夏侯燕天赋异禀,但也只有异禀;转轮活佛在本座心灵圆满时不过相当于外景巅峰;幽冥帝君鬼鬼祟祟,畏畏缩缩,本座岂会怕他?” Profound loom diverts attention the Sect miscellaneous matters to be many, the heart of Martial Dao is impure ; Water Moon Small Temple Ming Tong lives in the former chief monk shadow, self-confident insufficiency ; Gao Family Gao Teng brat ear, if not the fortune coincidence, ascended to the great treasure, is unable to step over third Heavenly Stairway after a period of time lifelong ; No Benevolence Building building master reveals only part of the truth, but petty people!” “玄机子分心门派杂事甚多,武道之心不纯;水月庵明通活在前任庵主阴影里,自信不足;高家高腾竖子耳,若非时运巧合,登临过一段时间大宝,终身无法迈过第三层天梯;不仁楼楼主藏头露尾,不过鼠辈!” Listens to his review, Meng Qi to curl the lip, only thinks that uninhibited person nickname is worthy of the reputation. 听着他点评,孟奇撇了撇嘴,只觉“狂客”绰号名副其实。 The Wu Jizhen cross previous step, reveals several points of happy expression and fighting intent: Arranges behind this, whom in the past did not have to make the this/Ben place have the heart of fight, today are many your Crazy Blade.” 吴季真跨前一步,露出几分笑意和战意:“排在本座后面者,过去没谁让本座有交手之心,今日多了你个狂刀。” This is an uninhibited person, you are Crazy Blade, looked that who is crazier.” “本座是狂客,你是狂刀,看谁更狂。” Ten moves, you just entered Grandmaster, can meet this ten moves, then calculates that you win!” “十招,你刚入宗师,能接本座十招,便算你赢!” Finishing speaking, midair Mingyue(bright moon) is greatly bright, clear splendor sprinkles, line of sight institute and vastness covers all, lets throw over is sprinkling moonlight Wu Jizhen just like Spiritual God. 话音刚落,半空明月大亮,清辉洒落,将视线所及的汪洋尽数笼罩,让披洒着月华的吴季真宛若神灵 Is involved, Meng Qi raises inside and outside suddenly oneself thorough, every action and every movement do not have the feeling of least bit secret again. 置身其中,孟奇忽然升起自己内外透彻,一举一动再无半点秘密之感。 When One with the Heaven, oneself can draw support from the involvement with world, bloodlines true energy flowing and muscle of meridians Exterior Scenery following enemy responded that grasps completely clearly, a sound of opposite party fine hair is no exception, tiny particle complete(ly) present, but after inside and outside connection, Interior Scenery has, from, has not only been able to induce the actual situation of enemy within the body by One with the Heaven all day long, but must from inner qi change, uncanny prediction deduce and experience feedback and other aspects, only if the strength suppresses, or the opposite party mind has the loophole, takes in everything at a glance. 天人合一时,自身能借助与天地的勾连,将外景以下敌人的血脉真气流动和肌肉经脉反应完全把握清楚,就连对方一根汗毛的动静都不例外,纤毫毕现,但内外交汇后,内景有成,自成天地,光靠天人合一已无法感应敌人体内的虚实,还得从气机变化、神算推衍和经验总结等方面着手,除非实力压制,或对方心灵有漏洞,方一览无遗。 When at this very moment, Meng Qi like Dawning Enlightenment faces One with the Heaven, does not have the actual situation in front of Wu Jizhen. 此时此刻,孟奇就像开窍时面对天人合一者般,在吴季真面前毫无虚实可言。 This is Earth List ninth Six Ocean Crazy Traveler? 这就是地榜第九的“六洋狂客”? Is this Great Grandmaster? 这就是大宗师 Wu Jizhen with the weapon, both eyes is not profound, is treading the moonlight, takes ordinarily one step, the right hand makes a fist, makes distantly. 吴季真没有用兵器,双目幽深,踏着月光,平平常常迈出一步,右手握拳,遥遥打出。 All around becomes ice-cold, the Meng Qi body surface has the cold frost to reappear layer upon layer, only thinks that the action and thought are slow, lining that fist if quickly lightning!( To be continued......) i1292 四周变得冰冷,孟奇体表有层层寒霜浮现,只觉行动与思维为之迟缓,衬得那一拳快若闪电!(未完待续……)i1292
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