WORIOA :: Volume #4

#149: The evil thought comes

black qi dissipates, appears the plain mysterious imperial mausoleum, from the outside, it even more has the potential of suppression seal, but the terrain slightly has the change now, lost the feeling of unusual conditions. Soon facing of an evil thought antiquity five emperors, even if Meng Qi is confident to own strength, concerned about current realm, does not dare to have any neglecting, the right hand is raising Wound of Heaven, the left hand are many a blue black pennant, will send out the aura slightly, will protect the whole body., Did not speak suddenly Zen Master and He Shenshang and the others felt that vast great aura raised, lets them the aura that trembled from the Primordial Spirit deep place, never felt the powerful aura that could not even have imagined! The short instantaneous, red fog fills the air, surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) become moist incomparable, as if has a water ignorant/veiled above the skin, making the inductions of several Exterior Scenery powerhouses be hard to penetrate, can only see the imperial mausoleum entrance reluctantly. Is the aura and other lives does not only have the meaning of resistance by oneself, the thought becomes slow, this is what kind of terrifying! Picks star old immortal and the others to have one type facing the feeling of true immortal god, the breath turns very quiet, the atmosphere does not dare to leave. Aura as if strong winds monstrous waves, one after another outward turbulent, washes the moon/month mister look to send , felt pressed has not gasped for breath, in the mind only has a thought: Fearful! Too fearful! That blade was hard to practice moderation by own Primordial Spirit a moment ago, trembling, thought that ten could not keep off jointly, but the present aura is more terrifying, before it, oneself on the as if ants facing Great Sun, insignificant, its look then can make itself beyond redemption! No matter its realm or the treasure send, fully explained tyrannical of Qingyuan! Thinks that in the future must face the retaliation of this character, washes the moon/month mister to feel that the incomparable despair, as if already can see own pitiful fate, sees the Moon Township destruction. The illusion grows thickly, heart demon chaotic dance. He suddenly feels chest piece of as if to burn down, the waist part is gloomy, both conflict. Is tearing the internal organs. Overstated? Washes the moon/month mister at present one black, is difficult to insist. Slowly submersion. If not picks the star old immortal to discover, supports him promptly, he feared that will fall falls the ground, meets a cruel death. You how?” Picks the star old immortal to knit the brows to ask. Washes the moon/month mister to raise the head at a loss, from his pupil saw own appearance, the hair to hang loose, the face was dark red like the blood from time to time, from time to time gloomy and cold as moon/month. The eye is gloomy, the aura is chaotic. ............ The profound water swings the demon flag aura guard, Meng Qi escapes into the imperial mausoleum, inside has had the tremendous changes, World of Life and Death and other symbolic arrangement vanished without the trace, all sees cliff remnant Huan everywhere, the thing of corrupting, only has town/subdues Dragon Altar to hang the midair, palatial desolate. Entire imperial mausoleum as if suppresses inside in the fetter, Meng Qi is only thinking that the body is heavy. The flight is difficult, has to the both feet fall to the ground, takes a step to lead the way. The front black fog covers. Deeply not obvious, at this time treads one person slowly, the wide robe big sleeve, the hand held lance, the body entangles the electric light, is seemingly young, actually wrinkle thin secret, is the Gathering Gods Village Qianzhuang lord, once day Primordial Sovereign Huangfu Tao! He is the maturity becomes the living corpse. The mortal body is not decayed, the vitality remains. Except the Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought that strength in imperial mausoleum second to none. Almost can compare stepped over first Heavenly Stairway extremely, but Meng Qi results in him to direct the graciousness, has karma that Black Tortoise wears, saves to be saved the heart of his break free, cannot like open again a moment ago greatly gathers greatly, the overbearing storm, is a little as if timid and hesitant. However the Meng Qi complexion has not changed, the footsteps speed up suddenly, tread the tread to stare, chariot steamroll that probably is dragging the mountain peak to Huangfu Tao. The Huangfu Tao expression is faint, raises the lance, as if is taking on the world, at the back of the mountain range, chops slowly heavily slantingly. Bang! Void distortion, if there is a collapse, threatening azure thunder throw toward Meng Qi by the turbulent potential, the electric light in broken bits dissipation crushed the ground, crushed the imperial mausoleum stone wall, clear appears the fearfulness that itself attacks. Treads the tread to stare, the Meng Qi long blade hangs down, batters, thunder were shot to fly, was hit to extinguish, has not left the least bit trace. Treads the tread to stare, the knife point is absorbing the electric light, condenses a needle-tip size point. Treads the tread to stare, Meng Qi is sideways, the waist abdomen makes an effort, before the shoulder delivers, the chest and lance bump into. The lance swings, Meng Qi returns safe and sound, the long blade cuts from bottom to top. The Huangfu Tao reverberation lance, blocked this blade promptly, the electric light collides, explodes the big piece thunder sea, embezzled the less than half imperial mausoleum. At this moment, behind Meng Qi grows two arms, grasps the fist, pure white like the jade, the golden yellow and bright purple winding, the black and white multi-colored sunlight follows, is sacred and honored! Well......” black fog deep place has the sound to spread. The fist fell, passes through Huangfu Tao to protect oneself thunder light, hit in his top of the head. This instance, the fist opens, changes into dragon claw, Merit Virtue, Blessing Virtue and Qi of Dao and Virtue infiltrates Huangfu Tao Niwan Palace, is scrubbing his body, is doing away with Yin evil. With this at the same time, the Meng Qi forehead seems the golden light to bloom, in Primordial Spirit the lotus flower is in full bloom, the look becomes profound faint, seems overlooking Gods and Buddhas of vault of heaven. Clouds over strikes! Sea of Mind presents, was covered by the black fog, wave light gold/metal conceals, among fetter, Meng Qi in „the Primordial Beginning golden lotus auxiliary, tries to arouse the Huangfu Tao memory fragment. The sea becomes turbulent, the black fog condenses, changes to Great Emperor Zhenwu to wear the image of black royal robes robe, prestige Yan Chong that is unable to explain strikes to come, making the Meng Qi thought rotation slow, but the Primordial Beginning golden lotus emits ten thousand rays of light, blocks shortly. In its as if ocean waves the fluctuate fishing boat, possibly tilts momentarily. Holds this opportunity, Meng Qi swings the demon flag aura to induct the profound water. Bang! Sea of Mind raises the strong winds monstrous waves, broke through the fetter of black fog. 22 help one another, the Great Emperor Zhenwu thin dignified face dissipates slowly, Huangfu Tao restored the spirit wisdom. Meng Qi grabs the hand of his head to throw, Huangfu Tao immediately departed the imperial mausoleum, flies by arrived He Shenshang. Master!” He Shenshang is unable to induce to the matter of imperial mausoleum interior, seeing the master to depart, is the vigilant alert is Huanxi(joyous) jumps for joy. The Huangfu Tao look pure brightness, nods gradually, the vision looks to, talked to oneself in a low voice: He has grown to this degree unexpectedly......” ............ in the imperial mausoleum, black qi tumbles, condenses together the person's shadow in the distant place, the black royal robes robe, the crown of even day, is thin but distinctive-looking, both eyes are dignified. Saw with own eyes that the Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought comes, Meng Qi's increases to dedicated high, even if the evil thought does not have Great Emperor Zhenwu realm and strength, but the vision, experience and experience still save, even if the hand grasps divine armament, cannot treat lightly. The evil thought aura is profound, Meng Qi is hard to distinguish it also to remain now many strengths. In paying the enormous price, almost partly works loose in the situation of imperial mausoleum suppression, how many strengths does he also remain? The Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought has not begun, but is the vision looks complex the profound water swings the demon flag, opens the mouth slowly: He will not let off me eventually.” He naturally refers to Great Emperor Zhenwu, Sweeping Demons Heavenly Lord! The Meng Qi being opens the mouth, closely examines the riddle of Great Emperor Zhenwu whereabouts, listens to the evil thought then saying: You consider to emerge in blade technique of imperial mausoleum external use in Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation, by your current realm, feared that could not have created, is on Thunder God successor?” Yes.” Meng Qi is brief and to the point, does not know that the evil thought wants to say anything. The Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought smiles: Thunder God has come here, after Heavenly Court crashes.” Ancient times after Thunder God was Heavenly Court crashes, came? After is not Zhenwu(True Martial) is missing, traces? In Meng Qi heart one startled, the vision is looking straight ahead the Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought. He knows that the evil thought wants to vacillate own will with the aid of these things, found the take action good opportunity, but he also knows, the Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought understands oneself will definitely listen. Understands these things, obtaining Truncating Heaven 7 Swords any type is more useful than to oneself! ( to be continued ) 黑气消散,现出古朴神秘的陵寝,从外面看,它愈发有镇压封印之势,只不过如今地形略有改变,失了浑然天成的感觉。即将面对上古五帝之一的恶念,纵使孟奇对自身实力再有信心,碍于目前的境界,也不敢有任何怠慢,右手提着天之伤,左手已是多了一面深黑色小旗,稍微发出气息,护住全身。霍然之间,不语禅师何参商等人就感觉到一股浩瀚宏大的气息升起,让他们从元神深处颤栗的气息,从未感受过甚至想象不到的强大气息!短短瞬间,红雾弥漫,方圆几百里变得湿润无比,仿佛有一层水蒙在皮肤之上,让几位外景强者的感应难以穿透,只能勉强看到陵寝入口。光是气息就让自己等人生不起反抗之意,思维变得迟缓,这是何等的恐怖!摘星老仙等人有一种面对真正仙神的感觉,呼吸屏住,大气都不敢出。气息仿佛狂风巨浪,一波又一波往外汹涌,洗月先生眼神发真,感觉被压得喘不过气来,脑海里只有一个念头:可怕!太可怕了!刚才那一刀就让自己元神难以自持,战战兢兢,觉得十个自己联手也挡不下来,可如今的气息更加恐怖,在它面前,自己就仿佛蝼蚁面对大日,微不足道,它一口气一个眼神便能让自己万劫不复!而不管是本身境界还是宝物所发,都足以说明清源的强横!想到日后要面对这种人物的报复,洗月先生就感到无比的绝望,似乎已经能看见自身的凄惨下场,看见月之乡的覆灭。幻觉丛生,心魔乱舞。他顿觉心口一片仿佛火烧,腰间部分阴森湿润,两者冲突。撕裂着脏腑。走火入魔?洗月先生眼前一黑,再难坚持。缓缓下沉。若非摘星老仙发现,及时将他托住,他怕是会摔落地面,粉身碎骨。“你怎么了?”摘星老仙皱眉问道。洗月先生茫然抬头,从他的瞳孔里看见了自己的模样,头发披散,脸庞时而殷红如血,时而阴冷似月。眼睛黯淡无光,气息混乱虚弱。…………玄水荡魔旗气息护身,孟奇遁入陵寝,里面已是出现了翻天覆地的变化,生死之界等标志性布置消失无踪,处处皆见断壁残桓,腐烂之物,唯有镇龙台高悬半空,巍峨苍凉。整座陵寝仿佛在束缚镇压着里面,孟奇只觉身体沉重。飞行艰难,不得不双脚落地,迈步前行。前方黑雾笼罩。深不可见,此时缓缓踏出一人,宽袍大袖,手提长矛,身缠电光,看似年轻,实则皱纹细秘,正是聚神庄前庄主,曾经的“天元皇者”皇甫涛!他是壮年成为活死人。肉身还未腐朽,生机残留。除开真武恶念,实力在陵寝内首屈一指。几乎能比拟迈过第一层天梯的绝顶,而孟奇得过他指点之恩,有玄武佩的因果,存有救他脱困之心,不能再像刚才那样大开大合,霸道强攻,似乎有点束手束脚。不过孟奇脸色没有丝毫改变,脚步忽然加快,蹬蹬瞪,像是一辆拖着山峰的战车碾压向皇甫涛皇甫涛表情淡漠,提起长矛,仿佛担着天地,背着山脉,缓慢沉重地斜斜劈出。轰隆!虚空扭曲,如有塌陷,一道道张牙舞爪的青色雷霆以汹涌之势向着孟奇扑来,散逸的细碎电光击碎了地面,击碎了陵寝石壁,昭显出本身攻击的可怕。蹬蹬瞪,孟奇长刀低垂,横冲直闯,一道道雷霆被弹飞,被撞灭,没有留下半点痕迹。蹬蹬瞪,刀尖吸纳着电光,凝聚成针尖大小一点。蹬蹬瞪,孟奇侧过身,腰腹用力,肩膀前送,胸口与长矛相撞。长矛荡起,孟奇毫发无损,长刀由下往上斩出。皇甫涛回荡长矛,及时挡住了这一刀,电光碰撞,炸出大片雷霆海洋,吞没了小半个陵寝。就在这时,孟奇背后又长出两条手臂,一只握成拳头,洁白如玉,金黄与明紫缠绕,黑白霞光相随,神圣而尊贵!“咦……”黑雾深处有声音传出。拳头落下,穿过了皇甫涛护身雷光,打在他的头顶。这个瞬间,拳头张开,化为龙爪,功德福德道德之气透入皇甫涛泥丸宫,洗刷着他的身体,荡除着阴邪。与此同时,孟奇眉心似有金光绽放,元神内莲花盛开,眼神变得幽深淡漠,似乎俯视着穹苍的神佛。变天击地!心灵大海呈现,被黑雾笼罩,波光金芒暗藏,束缚其内,孟奇在“元始金莲”辅助下,试图唤起皇甫涛的记忆碎片。大海变得汹涌,黑雾凝聚,化作真武大帝身穿黑色衮袍的形象,无法言喻的威严冲击而来,让孟奇念头转动都变得迟缓,但元始金莲放出万道毫光,短暂挡住。它仿佛海浪之中起起伏伏的渔船,随时可能倾覆。抓住这个机会,孟奇将玄水荡魔旗气息导入。轰隆!心灵大海掀起狂风巨浪,冲破了黑雾的束缚。两两相助,真武大帝清癯威严的脸孔缓缓消散,皇甫涛恢复了灵智。孟奇抓住他脑袋的手一抛,皇甫涛顿时飞出了陵寝,飞到了何参商旁边。“师父!”何参商无法感应到陵寝内部发生的事情,看见师父飞出,又是警惕戒备又是欢喜雀跃。皇甫涛眼神渐渐清明,点了点头,目光望向下方,低声自语:“他竟已成长到这种程度……”…………陵寝内,黑气翻滚,在远处凝聚出一道人影,黑色衮袍,平天之冠,面容清癯,双目威严。眼见真武恶念现身,孟奇的专注攀升至最高,即使恶念没有真武大帝境界与实力,但眼光、见识和经验犹存,哪怕手握神兵,也不能等闲视之。恶念气息幽深,孟奇难以分辨它如今还残留多少实力。在付出极大代价,几乎半挣脱陵寝镇压的情况下,他还残留多少实力?真武恶念没有动手,而是目光复杂地看着玄水荡魔旗,缓缓开口:“他终究不会放过我。”“他”自然指的是真武大帝,荡魔天尊孟奇正待开口,追问真武大帝下落之谜,就听恶念转而说道:“你在陵寝外用的刀法当是脱胎于‘神霄九灭’,以你目前的境界,怕是还创造不出,是上一位雷神传人?”“是。”孟奇言简意赅,不知恶念想说什么。真武恶念笑了笑:“雷神来过此处,在天庭坠落之后。”远古雷神天庭坠落之后才来的?不是真武失踪后追溯而来?孟奇心中一惊,目光直视着真武恶念。他知道恶念想借助这些事情动摇自己的心志,找到出手的良机,但他也知道,真武恶念明白自己肯定会听。多了解这些事情,比得到截天七剑任何一式对自己都有用!(未完待续) ... ...
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