WORIOA :: Volume #4

#120: Saints again along with

In the mansion lotus pond, in the courtyard well, in the underground underground river, the entire seaside city, except for has made elimination Yun Family, as if all has the tumbling bubbling of water source in all directions under the high vast zither music, exudes intermittently gloomily blue, especially harbor that sea, raised the monstrous waves, the luster dark blue, just like clear gem. 府邸荷塘中,院落水井内,地下暗河里,整个临海城,除了早已做过清除的云家,似乎四面八方皆有水源在高渺琴音之下翻滚冒泡,泛起阵阵幽蓝,尤其港口那片海洋,更是掀起了巨浪,色泽深蓝,宛若晶莹的宝石。∑ The ocean waves wash out back and forth, a putting up a last-ditch struggle feeling, passed the moment, they solidify suddenly, presently makes a debut a crack, cracked instantaneously the innumerable detritus, melted the entering the sea ocean, will dye one piece deep blue deeply. 海浪来回冲刷,给人一种垂死挣扎的感觉,过了片刻,它们突然凝固,现出道道裂缝,瞬间裂成了无数碎屑,化入海洋,将蔚蓝染出了一片“深沉”。 The zither music enters the clouds, the day startled earth movement! 琴音入霄,天惊地动! Ruan third master facial expression is lonely, caresses the string the movement to be even more fast, the zither music presses, to interweave a piece of big bead bead to fall the sound of jade plate gradually, hears in the mourning hall many look at each other in dismay. 三爷神情冷清,抚动琴弦的动作愈发快速,琴音渐促,交织成一片大珠小珠落玉盘之声,听得灵堂内不少人面面相觑 What book of music for strings is this Ruan Family? How never to hear? 这是阮家什么琴谱?怎么从未听闻? He Jiu, He Xiu and Huang Taichong these three Eastern Sea Sword Villa Exterior Scenery, no matter the expression how, the innermost feelings are surprised and joyful, world does have in view of unexpectedly and restrains zither song of blue blood person? 何九何休黄太冲这三位东海剑庄外景不管表情如何,内心都是又惊讶又欣喜,世间竟有针对和克制蓝血人的琴曲 The one had only known, then should look for the Ruan Family cooperation initially! 早知如此,当初便该找阮家合作! The zither music is rapid momentarily the as if strong winds, the Ruan third master fragile body will as if break in inside, but he looks concentrated, the hand of playing a qin presents the illusory image, had not been affected by the least bit. 琴音急促得仿佛狂风,阮三爷瘦弱的身体似乎随时会在里面断折,可他神情专注,抚琴之手出现幻影,没受半点影响。 At this moment, in the mourning hall sends out a pitiful yell, always defends Uncle Yan by coffin bier draws back continually several steps, a face spills over the blue color, fearful exceptionally! 就在这时,灵堂内发出一声惨叫,始终守在棺柩旁的颜伯连退几步,一张脸泛出蓝色,可怕异常! Uncle Yan!” The cloud nine masters lose one's voice to shout. “颜伯!”云九爷失声喊道。 Huang Taichong and both sides the He Xiu separation, surrounds Uncle Yan quietly, He Jiu calm opens the mouth: „Is Uncle Yan, Old Master cloud who you harm?” 黄太冲何休分立两侧,悄然将颜伯包围,何九沉稳开口:“颜伯,是你害的云老爷子?” Sees the people to stare dull, He Jiu explained one in zither sound: Uncle Yan should be helping of blue blood clan big priest, preliminary blue blood.” 见众人呆愣,何九琴声之中解释了一句:“颜伯应该是得蓝血一族大祭司之助,初步蓝血化了。” He waited to try to find out today with Eastern Sea Sword Villa all previous generations secret technique that examines the Yun Family people, traitor within who discovers the blue blood sign, but has not implemented with enough time, overstepped authority and got involved in another's affairs by Ruan third master . Moreover the effect is better, is more accurate. Trades to be itself, in ten or has 1-2 to evade arrest, particularly blue blood degree weak! 他本待今日用东海剑庄历代摸索出来的秘法检验云家众人,找出有蓝血化迹象的内奸,可还未来得及实施,就被阮三爷越俎代庖了,而且效果更好,更准确。换做自身,十中或有1-2漏网,尤其是蓝血程度微弱者! Cloud ten third master difficult word startled anger: Uncle Yan, the old gentleman so letter/believes to be heavy in vain you!” 云十三爷难言惊怒:“颜伯,枉老爷子如此信重你!” Your this rebel!” Other Yun Family person of one after another cursed angrily. “你这个叛徒!”云家其他人纷纷怒骂。 zither sound is unceasing, the blue color under Uncle Yan skin wriggles crazily, making the skin from time to time hollow, from time to time supports, making him appear extreme fierce. 琴声不断,颜伯皮肤之下的蓝色疯狂蠕动,让皮肤时而凹陷,时而支起,使他显得极端狰狞。 Rumble, hypodermic as if there is sound of ebullition to spread. 咕噜咕噜,皮下似乎有沸腾之声传出。 Huang Taichong and He Xiu at the same time take action, sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. Prohibited with ease by Uncle Yan who the zither music made into is on the verge of death! 黄太冲何休同时出手,剑气纵横。轻松封禁住了被琴音弄成濒死的颜伯! He, is the letter/believes heavy I?” Uncle Yan laughs suddenly, aged condition reveals completely, knows my longevity obviously also quickly to the end, but after the secret obtains Prolonging Life Medicine Pill, actually takes quietly, simply has not considered my life and death!” “他,信重我?”颜伯忽然大笑起来,老迈之态毕露,“明明知道我寿元也快到头,可秘密得到延寿丹药后却悄悄服食,根本没考虑过我的生死!” He so treats unkindly unkindly, why do I give up the vitality for him?” “他如此刻薄寡恩,我又何必为他放弃生机?” Cloud six master cold said: Therefore you did turn to the blue blood person?” 云六爷冷声道:“所以你投靠了蓝血人?” Right, blue blood breeding vitality, so long as successfully transforms. I can live again for hundred years!” Uncle Yan suppressed the pitiful yell with a demented attitude. “对,蓝血孕育生机,只要成功转化。我就能再活百年!”颜伯用一种癫狂的态度压制住了惨叫。 He observes the situation the people, hēi hēi says with a smile: Old codger secret takes medicinal pill, does not make you know his longevity to grow, wants to look how you died during meditationjump to stumble before him ‚. Has what wrist/skill, thus chooses to support the person of Yun Family, finally, he also looks at not arrived again!” 他环视众人,嘿嘿笑道:“老不死隐秘服食丹药,不让你们知晓他寿元增长,就是想看你们在他‘坐化’前怎么蹦跶。有什么手腕,从而挑选能支撑起云家之人,结果,他再也看不到了!” Such remarks. The Yun Family people in an uproar. 此言一出。云家众人哗然。 At this time, the He Jiu whole body became indistinct, as if one group expanded and contracted uncertain sword qi: Uncle Yan. The blue blood person will not stare at Yun Family with no reason at all, is not you can contact to obtain, is actually who brings both sides together? Actually is who to incite you?” 这时,何九周身变得飘渺,似乎一团伸缩不定的剑气:“颜伯。蓝血人不会无缘无故盯上云家,也不是你能接触得到,究竟是谁牵线搭桥?究竟是谁指使你?” Right, does the blue blood person who resides in the deep sea what seek to seize ground one not to enter the top aristocratic family to make? The cloud nine masters look subconsciously to the cloud two masters, is he risks danger wrestles? 对啊,居于深海的蓝血人谋夺地上一个不入顶尖的世家做什么?云九爷下意识望向云二爷,是他行险一搏? Uncle Yan laughs crazily, the skin melts, the blue blood seeps out: 颜伯疯狂大笑起来,皮肤融化,蓝血渗出: Haha, incites my person naturally is......” “哈哈,指使我的人当然是……” His staring link looks, flood extracts a malicious smile: 他瞪眼环望,泛起出一丝不怀好意的笑容: Naturally has the qualifications to inherit of Family Lord person!” “当然是有资格继承家主之位的人!” Finishes speaking, the distant place has the fluctuation to transmit, under Uncle Yan prohibits dark blue blasts out suddenly, embezzled him, dispersed everywhere, gasified the fog. 话音刚落,远处有波动传来,颜伯封禁下的深蓝突然炸开,将他吞没,散了满地,气化成雾。 The person's shadow condensed take action from the upper air tiny water drop in together, both hands opened, distant knot seal. 一道人影自高空细小水珠之中凝聚了出手,双手张开,遥遥结印。 He only has nine fingers, the broken finger place has not healed because of the characteristics of water current, is exuding quiet clear! 他只有九指,断指处没有因为水流的特性而愈合,泛着幽的晶莹! After killing Uncle Yan, he changes to the water glare, the twinkling escapes, rushes to the sea, the playing a qin Ruan third master zither music changes, has the phoenix to leap. 杀死颜伯后,他化作水光,瞬息远遁,奔向大海,抚琴的阮三爷琴音一变,身后有凤凰之相腾起。 In his sleeve robe fluttering, flowing fire one volume, sharply pursues to go, Huang Taichong also changes to the sword light that as if innumerable sword qi condense together, penetrates the mist, the electricity shoots toward the back of nine fingers of blue blood. 他袖袍翻飞中,流火一卷,急追而去,黄太冲亦化作一道仿佛无数剑气凝聚的剑光,穿透水雾,电射往九指蓝血者的背后。 Two pursue escapes, during the breath vanishes in the people induce, went down to the sea. 两追一逃,呼吸间就消失在众人感应里,深入了大海。 This changes bold, making the Yun Family people a little unable to get back one's composure, since this has the complex plot, needs a point of link to untie the matter that after Ruan third master inserts a bamboo pole horizontally, directly arrives the last step, distinguishes the deceitful danger, establishes Family Lord! 这番变化兔起鹘落,让云家众人有点回不过神,本以来有着复杂阴谋,需要一环环解开的事情,被阮三爷这么横插一竿子后,直接来到最后一步,辨别奸险,确立家主 However, because before Uncle Yan at the point of death intentional instigation, they looked that the vision becomes to cloud nine masters and the others complex, they may be the chief instigator, but cannot a body remove, after all Yun Family non- is top, in family/home Exterior Scenery about 20, extremely level is the guest official who only then seven, except died Uncle Yan, Supreme Elder of collateral branch, as well as employ, has such four. 不过,因为颜伯临死前的故意挑拨,他们看向云九爷等人的目光变得复杂,他们都有可能是主谋,但又不能一体排除,毕竟云家非是顶尖,家中外景才二十左右,绝顶水准的更是只有七位,除开已死的颜伯,一位旁支的太上长老,以及延请的客卿,只得这么四位。 If loses, did not have Grandmaster Yun Family to fear that is the second-class family's position cannot preserve continually, only if there is Eastern Sea Sword Villa not to count the support of price, otherwise does not blow seaside! 若是损失,本就没了宗师云家怕是连二流家族的位置都保不住,除非有东海剑庄不计代价的支持,否则根本镇不住临海! ............ ………… In cabin that black light prohibits, Wu Hengjian sees Poison Hands Demon Monarch of azure robe to step into gradually, a heart sinks gradually downward. 还有乌光封禁的船舱内,乌横剑看见一袭青袍的毒手魔君缓步踏入,一颗心渐渐往下沉去。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to be able by oneself to have no alternative continually, light snort/hum can then frighten can it be that pursues Poison Hands Demon Monarch who the soul runs away distressedly to contend? 连追魂魔君都能让自己无可奈何,轻哼一声便能吓得追魂狼狈逃遁的毒手魔君岂是自己可以抗衡? Some one time he who fights the experience understands, Poison Hands Demon Monarch is immeasurably deep, if not on the second rolling bottom method unexpectedly, including escapes by luck is unable to accomplish! 有过一次交手经验的他明白,毒手魔君深不可测,若非上次压箱底手段出其不意,连侥幸逃跑都无法办到! However his also non- timid generation, can in the bad risk Unorthodox Path growth everywhere be Exterior Scenery, when facing hopeless situation, the sentiment of going all out always somewhat fierce does not fear, restraining desperate mood, while the train of thought rotation, prepares to fight tooth and nail. 不过他也非胆小之辈,能在凶险处处的左道成长为外景,面对绝境时,总有几分悍不畏死的拼命之情,一边收敛绝望的情绪,一边思绪转动,准备搏命。 Meng Qi shoulders both hands, the facial expression indifferently, has not begun directly, but gradually moves toward Wu Hengjian, brings extremely serious psychological burden to him. 孟奇背负双手,神情漠然,没有直接动手,而是一步步走向乌横剑,给他带来极其沉重的心理负担。 Hearing you are the revolting gate?” Meng Qi resembles to speak thoughtlessly, the feelings of idle talk daily family activities, but is not the ordinary idle talk guardian, a closer father-in-law with the son-in-law dialogue that first visits, is enormous to the Wu Hengjian pressure. “听闻你是叛门而出?”孟奇状似随口,有一种闲话家常的感觉,但不是普通的闲话家长,更贴近岳父与初次上门的女婿对话,给乌横剑的压力极大。 Wu Hengjian is grasping the time adjustment state of mind, in order to take action, hears word also has nothing to conceal full power, confident and poised said: Right, therefore was pursued assigns/life Demon Monarch they to chase down.” 乌横剑正抓紧时间调节心境,以求全力出手,闻言也没什么好隐瞒,大大方方道:“对,所以才被追命魔君他们追杀。” Does not know that is which where sends?” Meng Qi just right stops the footsteps, making Wu Hengjian stagnate taking advantage of the imposing manner that the pressure increases suddenly. “不知是哪家哪派?”孟奇恰到好处停住脚步,让乌横剑借着压力攀升的气势陡然一滞。 Wu Hengjian silent evil ways: Luoism.” 乌横剑沉默了一下道:“罗教。” Luoism?” In the Meng Qi mind appears Gu Xiaosang that unable to find out the real mood beautiful cheek forever, then, do you and pursue the soul are Luoism loose practitioner?” 罗教?”孟奇脑海里浮现出顾小桑那张永远摸不清真实情绪的绝美脸蛋,“这么说来,你和追魂都是罗教散人?” Wu Hengjian gawked saying: Demon Monarch worthily is the Unorthodox Path giant, actually knows that Luoism has loose practitioner this level, but he and I are different, is called in the future Apostle, in the future will become Apostle hopefully.” 乌横剑愣了愣道:“魔君不愧是左道巨擘,竟然知道罗教散人这一级,不过他与我不同,叫做未来神使,将来有希望成为神使。” unconsciously turned into the Unorthodox Path giant...... Meng Qi to have an indescribable crisp feeling. 不知不觉变成左道巨擘了……孟奇有种不可名状的爽感。 The bearing is even more profound, Meng Qi opens the mouth slowly: Which cultivation technique did you whirl away Luoism?” 气度愈发高深,孟奇缓缓开口:“你卷走了罗教哪本功法?” «Swallows Day To bite divine art according to God Ethereal Opening».” Wu Hengjian inwardly is thinking, if hands over cultivation technique to trade a life, oneself definitely give Poison Hands Demon Monarch without hesitation, oneself have known by heart in any case. “《照神通幽吞天噬地神功》。”乌横剑暗自想着若交出功法能换一命,自己肯定毫不犹豫给毒手魔君,反正自身已倒背如流。 Strange Demon Art...... light/only listens to the name, Meng Qi to have an inexplicable feeling: Is yourself chooses, do some people teach?” 一本奇怪的魔功……光听名字,孟奇就有种莫名之感:“是你自己挑选,还是有人传授?” „After becoming Exterior Scenery, Holy Maiden initiative instruction.” Wu Hengjian does not understand why Meng Qi must ask this question. “成为外景后,圣女主动传授。”乌横剑不明白孟奇为什么要问这个问题。 Gu Xiaosang? Meng Qi inwardly knits the brows, this goods intention is always profound, but Luoism passes on the matter of law to belong daily, should not have what issue to involve Demon Lord to...... Wu Hengjian, but Gu Xiaosang has entered the demon grave, similarly should not so the coincidence! 顾小桑孟奇暗自皱眉,这货总是用意深远,但罗教内部传法之事属于日常,不该有什么问题才对……不过乌横剑牵涉了魔主,而顾小桑入过魔坟,同样不该如此巧合! Meng Qi is maintaining being as deep as a well status, to slightly reveal the language gas channel/angrily said of vicissitudes: Why do you lapse? Resulted in the treasure, feared that was robbed and eliminates a potential informant by Luoism, awakens quickly, felt are oneself a good person?” 孟奇保持着高深莫测的状态,以略显沧桑的语气道:“那你为何叛教?得了宝物,怕被罗教强夺并灭口,还是幡然醒悟,觉得自己是个好人?” Wu Hengjian smiled one suddenly, the manner showed several points of zeal: „It is not, but wants to understand in own heart the demon is anything, does not gather with the Luoism idea, different from is not the stratagem!” 乌横剑突然笑了一声,神态透出几分热忱:“都不是,只不过想明白了自己的心中之魔是什么,与罗教理念不合,道不同不与为谋!” In your heart demon?” As „the Unorthodox Path giant, one generation of expert, Meng Qi as before reserved deep. “你的心中之魔?”身为“左道巨擘”,一代高人,孟奇依旧内敛深沉。 Some Evil Demon are heavy **, being puzzled world, some Evil Demon slaughters happily, likes destroying, some Evil Demon go against heaven's will on, seeking one's effort to subvert the shackles, as to these things, to mention just a few, what didn't know in the Demon Monarch heart the demon is?” The Wu Hengjian facial expression quite somewhat is unexpectedly sacred. “有的邪魔重**,惑世人,有的邪魔喜杀戮,爱毁灭,有的邪魔则逆天而上,求一己之力颠覆桎梏,如此种种,不一而足,不知魔君心中之魔为何物?”乌横剑神情竟颇有几分神圣。 Leniency, ruins the sea of bitterness, causes all living things no longer perishing, illusory painful samsara!” Meng Qi shows a faint smile, the indifferent expression change, the vicissitudes are gentle, pure dignified. “慈悲为怀,毁掉苦海,使众生不再沉沦其中,虚幻痛苦轮回!”孟奇微微一笑,漠然的表情改变,沧桑平和,清净庄严。 Looks at unexpectedly one generation of eminent monks Poison Hands Demon Monarch, Wu Hengjian does not know how for a while unexpectedly should reply, long time said: Demon Monarch and Luoism idea hidden somewhat things in common.” 看着竟有一代高僧之相的毒手魔君,乌横剑一时竟不知该如何回答,良久才道:“魔君罗教的理念隐有几分共通之处。” In the Meng Qi heart moves, asked towering: You came to understand that in the heart the experience and Demoness of Luoism of demon are related?” 孟奇心中一动,突兀问道:“你觉悟心中之魔的经历与大罗妖女有关吗?” The Wu Hengjian whole person is shocked suddenly, the look changes, resembles was recalling sincerely, good long while not too from channel: Should not have, although truly was Holy Maiden dispatches mission to trigger afterward matter, but met all for accidental, no involved.” 乌横剑整个人忽然愣住,眼神变化,似在深切回想,好半天才不太自信道:“应该没有,虽说确实是圣女派遣任务才引发后来之事,但所遇皆为偶发,没什么牵连。” Meng Qi nods gently, suddenly asked: 孟奇轻轻颔首,突然发问: „Is the matter of that bitter experience related with the demon mark of your forehead?” “那次遭遇的事情与你眉心的魔痕有关?” Wu Hengjian complexion big change, in heart panic-stricken, Poison Hands Demon Monarch by far in Zhuihun, oneself also has really displayed the strength of demon mark to them, may pursue the soul to think the demon mark is powerful, wants to eliminate, has not savored its Yun Han(contain) true mysterious and symbol, but Poison Hands Demon Monarch makes a veiled attack, suddenly asked this matter, had obviously speculated, a little grasped to the secret of demon mark! 乌横剑脸色大变,心中惊骇,毒手魔君果然远胜于追魂,自己同样对他们施展过魔痕之力,可追魂只是觉得魔痕强大,想要剥夺,并未品味出它蕴含的真正玄奥和象征,而毒手魔君旁敲侧击,突然问起此事,明显是有所推测,对魔痕之秘有点把握! He shows the fierce expression instantaneously, the forehead jet black demon mark highlights, appears azure purple empty, in the mouth mumbled: 他瞬间露出狰狞表情,眉心漆黑魔痕凸显,身后浮现出一尊青紫色虚相,口中念念有词: Demon returns to world, the saint again along with!” “魔回世间,圣者再随!” The demon mark falls off, the world lives the change steep, the thought that as if vicissitudes distantly and degenerate evilly is regaining consciousness slowly, arrives in that appearance ugly blue and purple demon picture!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 魔痕脱落,天地陡生改变,似乎有一股沧桑悠远又邪恶堕落的意念在缓慢苏醒,降临于那尊面目丑陋的青紫魔像!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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