WORIOA :: Volume #4

#119: Demon prestige

Grim rope soul makes He Xiu inspect various Yun Residence places, helping the Yun Family powerhouses guide formation to enter the water, prevents the ambush of blue blood person. “冷面索魂使”何休检视着云府各处,帮云家众强者导引阵法入水,防止蓝血人的潜伏。 Suddenly, the servant comes to report, says outside to have the child to deliver a letter to him. 忽然,仆人前来禀告,言外面有小孩送信给他。 The He Xiu makings are solemn, serious in speech and manner, heard that the word facial expression has no change, had doubts to go out of He Residence at heart, saw a arrived ordinary child. 何休气质冷峻,不苟言笑,闻言神情没什么变化,心里略带疑惑走出了何府,见到了一个普普通通的小孩。 He alerted received the letter/believes hidden, discovered to have nothing unusually, launched directly, glanced over fast: 他戒备暗藏地接过信,发现没什么异常,直接展开,快速浏览起来: Please inform the Wu Hengjian news.” “请告知乌横剑的消息。” Zhu Family turned to the cloud in secret nine.” 祝家暗中投靠了云九。” Cloud nine collude the person of Maiden Path, they hide are wishing the mansion back garden.” “云九勾连素女道之人,她们就躲在祝府后花园。” Cloud 13 have the contact with Maiden Path, deliberately disclosed the news, making Maiden Path guest official Poison Hands Demon Monarch kill Wu Hengjian, to make eliminating a potential informant false appearance, fished in troubled waters.” “云十三与素女道也有联络,刻意透露消息,让素女道客卿毒手魔君袭杀乌横剑,以制造灭口假象,浑水摸鱼。” Maiden Path and blue blood person is uninterested.” 素女道与蓝血人似无关系。” A request with several news, looks at the He Xiu facial expression even more ice-cold. 一个请求与好几个消息,看得何休神情愈发冰冷。 This is the extremely secret information, the description is detailed, does not compile to cause carelessly! 这都是极其隐秘的情报,描述详细精准,绝非胡乱编造可以弄出! Under his vision moved, looks to end, there picture a water-drop eye, profound chaos. 他目光下移,瞄向了末尾,那里画着一枚水滴般的眼睛,幽深混沌。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning!” He narrows the eye suddenly, could not bear talk to oneself at heart. 元始天尊!”他霍然眯眼,心里忍不住自语了一句。 The mark is correct, the symbol is correct, is worth believing! 印记无错,象征无错,值得相信! The He Xiu right hand thrives suddenly many slight sword qi, punctures many eyelets on the letter paper quietly, then returned to the child, making him return to the original position. 何休右手陡然勃发出许多细微剑气,悄无声息在信纸上刺出诸多小孔,然后交还给了小孩,让他送回原处。 Soon, on the hiding street Meng Qi in stream of people results in the arrived reply, gave the child a broken money. 不多时,藏身街上人流中的孟奇到了回信,给了小孩一块碎银子。 He makes the scholar appearance, carries the writing books small case, opens the books on the crowded street peacefully, inside clamps that letter/believes, the hand is wiping, eyelet continually writing: 他做书生打扮,背着书箧,在人来人往的街上安静打开书籍,里面夹着那封信,手一抹,小孔连成了文字: Wu Hengjian suspected that disclosed own whereabouts is cloud ten third master and cloud seven young ladies and seaside gunwale owner Chen Xiang one of the.” 乌横剑怀疑透露自身行踪者是云十三爷、云七小姐和临海船帮堂主陈祥之一。” He wants to clarify this matter.” “他想弄清楚这件事情。” Meng Qi leads the way gradually, smiles to rub one group the letter paper, the right hand gets hold and spreads out, is the ashes flutters about. 孟奇缓步前行,微笑将信纸揉成一团,右手握紧又摊开,已是灰烬纷飞。 Without exposing own, the matter of Maiden Path affirms as far as possible destroys! 在不暴露自身的情况下,素女道之事肯定得尽量破坏! Moreover can there gain the Wu Hengjian news from Longevity Immortal Venerable! 而且还能从“长生仙尊”那里获取乌横剑的消息! ............ ………… The weather shines gradually, orange sprinkles above Yu Haibo, fluctuating is uncertain, carrying/sustaining large ship. 天色渐亮,橘黄洒于海波之上,起伏不定,承载着楼船。 Pursuing soul Demon Monarch that in some common ships, the white clothing Xiu gentleman dresses up sits well the seat of honor, deep pool ting Yue Zhi, is observing the situation the surrounding subordinate and invites help Unorthodox Path Evil Demon. 某艘不起眼船舶里,白衣秀士打扮的追魂魔君端坐主位,渊渟岳峙,环视着周围属下和请来帮忙的左道邪魔 Everyone, this has been determined the news, the boy hides in seaside Xinjiekou cooking oil in the shop, this we under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net, does not make him flee again, after the matter becomes, your rewards will not be few!” Pursues the soul Demon Monarch sinking sound to say. “各位,本座已得到确定消息,那小子就躲在临海新街口粮油铺子里,今次我们得布下天罗地网,不让他再次走脱,事成之后,你们的报酬不会少!”追魂魔君沉声说道。 Has the Unorthodox Path powerhouse to knit the brows to ask: „Can news really determine?” 左道强者皱眉问道:“消息真能确定?” Naturally.” Pursues soul Demon Monarch to sneer, he most trusted the friend to betray him!” “当然。”追魂魔君冷笑一声,“他最信任朋友出卖了他!” „...... The each and every one demon no longer has doubts so that's how it is this matter, to them, the betrayal is the potluck! “原来如此……”一个个魔头不再疑惑此事,对他们来说,背叛乃家常便饭! Demon Monarch, the weather has shone now, perhaps begins to alarm the person of Yun Family rashly, inside has Eastern Sea Sword Villa Grandmaster to assume personal command!” Another Unorthodox Path powerhouse thought that begins the time is not right. 魔君,如今天色已亮,贸然动手恐惊动云家之人,里面可是有东海剑庄宗师坐镇的!”另外一位左道强者觉得动手时机不对。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to imitate calm of violent treachery subconsciously, said with a smile lightly: Might as well, our so many Exterior Scenery, may branch out the manpower, ahead of time prepare formation, suppresses the complementary waves near the shop, extinguishes the sound, but according to this news, Yun Family may determine Family Lord today, must have the dispute, where has the free time to manage us?” 追魂魔君下意识模仿起毒手的气定神闲,淡淡笑道:“无妨,我们如此多外景,可分出人手,提前布置好阵法,将余波压制在铺子附近,消弭动静,而据本座消息,今日云家可能会确定家主,少不了纷争,哪有空闲管我们?” Therefore, although is daytime, actually exceeds the night!” “所以,虽是白日,却胜过深夜!” Discussed, each and every one Unorthodox Path Evil Demon hid away set off, pursued soul Demon Monarch to bring up the rear. 商议完毕,一个个左道邪魔隐遁出发,追魂魔君压阵。 But in nearby large ship, a 30 -year-old man is pacing back and forth, once for a while looks to seaside Xinjiekou position. 而旁边的楼船里,一位三十来岁的男子正来回踱步,时不时看向临海新街口位置。 You must go well! 你们一定要得手! Otherwise my no end of trouble for the future! 否则我后患无穷! ............ ………… The mourning hall, the Yun Family people gather, each one is serious. 灵堂,云家众人聚集,个个面色凝重。 The matter of blue blood person, they are half believing and half doubting, kills water protection to have no by this, to hold the coffin autopsy to involve the old gentleman to be dignified, must consider well! 蓝血人之事,他们是将信将疑,以此“杀水”防备没什么,可开棺验尸就涉及老爷子体面,得好好思量! The precious material that this grade of Grandmaster coffin bier definitely uses, can blur the spirit to spy on, if not Meng Qi has Touch of Karma, is impossible to peep the key! 这等宗师的棺柩肯定用的珍贵材料,能模糊精神窥探,若非孟奇沾因果,根本不可能窥出关键! Cloud nine master cloud Feiyang bring accompanying, gradually steps into the mourning hall, in the heart the thought myriad, is thinking last night and hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning conversation. 云九爷云飞扬带着随从,缓步踏入灵堂,心中思维万千,想着昨晚与百花夫人、婴宁的交谈。 They are always emphasizing an issue, death is Mr. cloud favorable for whom? 她们始终在强调一个问题,云老爷子之死对谁有利? If the old gentleman lives again for ten years, Sixth Brother be likely Grandmaster, the ten Third brother's in general affairs because of Lord managing a household, even more to be deep-rooted, oneself and second child, only if there is fortuitous encounter, otherwise cannot struggle them! 若老爷子再活十来年,六哥有望宗师,十三弟因主持家中庶务,将愈发根深蒂固,自己和老二除非有奇遇,否则争不过他们! In other words, if cannot find instigation directly, oneself and second child is the most dubious object, in does not have the blunder and Family Lord carefully as soon as possible under the definite premise, is basically equal to being eliminated! 换句话说,如果不能直接找到主使者,自己和老二就是最值得怀疑的对象,在小心无大错和家主得尽快确定的前提下,基本等于出局! Damn the bastard, the old gentleman exhausts on quick longevity obviously, whose being all right did let him ahead of time one year or so death? The cloud nine masters cannot bear in the innermost feelings curse angrily instigation, looked that hidden is a little bad to the vision of cloud two masters. 狗日的混蛋,老爷子明明就快寿元耗尽,谁没事让他提前一年半载死亡?云九爷忍不住在内心怒骂主使者,看向云二爷的目光隐有点不善。 Since oneself have not truly done, that very greatly possibly is he! 既然自己确实没做过,那很大可能是他! What a pity, the matter of blue blood person erupts early is too too sudden, point(s) the time to oneself again, the matter and Maiden Path use eliminating a potential informant Evil Demon, frames by planting stolen goods on the second child and Sixth Brother sufficiently calmly, but ten Third Brother the foundation is not steady at present, the personal connection is inferior to itself, oneself, when the odds of success is grasping! 可惜,蓝血人之事爆发得太早太突然,再给自己点时间,利用灭口之事与素女道邪魔,足以从容栽赃老二和六哥,而十三弟目前根基还未稳,人脉不如自己,自己当胜算在握! The cloud nine masters are angrily and regretted, suddenly, he with the thin and tall and calm cloud ten third master four items of connections, each other all deeply buries the idea, is hard to peep the clue from the line of sight. 云九爷又是恼怒又是惋惜,忽然,他与瘦高而沉稳的云十三爷四目交接,彼此皆深埋想法,难以从视线里窥出端倪。 Ten Third Brother always didn't the wrist/skill, what know and makes to prepare? The cloud nine masters knit the brows slightly, the subconsciousness recalled own plan. 十三弟向来手腕了得,不知又做了什么准备?云九爷微微皱眉,下意识又回想了遍自身的“计划”。 Those who stand before the coffin bier is several Yun Family old people, as well as Eastern Sea Sword Villa three people, but by the coffin bier the hands tied protector is a senile man, the facial expression dismal grief, is cloud Old Master nearly 200 years of personal bodyguard Uncle Yan, 5th Heavenly Layer Top-Class Expert, every so often, sees Uncle Yan then such as to see Old Master cloud. 立在棺柩前的是几位云家耆老,以及东海剑庄三人,而棺柩旁束手守护者是位老态龙钟的男子,神情悲凉伤痛,乃云老爷子近两百年的贴身护卫颜伯,五重天绝顶高手,很多时候,见颜伯便如见云老爷子。 He Jiu observes the situation, when the opens the mouth, hears the sound of roll call suddenly: 何九环视一圈,正待开口,忽然听到唱名之声: Langya Ruan Clan Ruan Chengde comes to offer condolences!” 琅琊阮氏阮承德前来吊唁!” Ruan did third master come? 三爷来了? The time is not right! 时间不对啊! Yun Family people look at each other in dismay, has the wind sound/rumor to spread before, today must determine Family Lord, therefore, who will elect to come to offer condolences now? 云家众人面面相觑,之前已有风声传出,今日得确定家主,所以,谁会选现在上门吊唁? Is don't tell me the foreign aid that who wins over? The cloud nine masters looked at another three people of one, their facial expression has the difference respectively, the cloud two lower the head, does not know that is considering anything, the cloud six looked to He Jiu, the cloud 13 facial expressions were calm, calm calm, did not see exceptionally. 难道是谁拉拢的外援?云九爷看了另外三人一眼,他们神情各有不同,云二低着头,不知在思量什么,云六望向了何九,云十三神情淡定,从容沉稳,不见异常。 Since already visits, is Langya Ruan Clan, Yun Family has not prevented, in asked Ruan third master to enter respectfully. 既然已经上门,又是琅琊阮氏,云家没有阻挡,恭恭敬敬请阮三爷入内。 Ruan third master is deep the Ruan Family heredity, the semblance is young, pretty elegant, the clothes win the snow, having the dust is simple and elegant, just like exiling to fall Immortal Being of this world. 三爷深得阮家遗传,外表年轻,俊秀飘逸,衣冠胜雪,出尘清雅,宛如谪落凡尘的仙人 Just, his body is slightly fragile, probably gust can blow down. 只不过,他身体略显瘦弱,像是一阵风就能吹倒。 „Over 40 years old then mount the Earth List good character, seriously elegant demeanor outstanding......” at once, the Yun Family people have unable to move to the feeling of eye unexpectedly. “四十多岁便登上地榜的奢遮人物,当真风采出众……”一时之间,云家众人竟有移不开眼睛的感觉。 What a pity is, accidentally discharges into Demon Empress, he Earth List has removed. 可惜的是,走火入魔后,他已地榜除名。 Ruan third master was bowing bowing to the coffin bier, then looks to the people, simple and elegant indifferent opens the mouth: 三爷对着棺柩鞠了鞠躬,然后望向众人,清雅淡然开口: Ruan Family has nothing the meager gift, has zither song error, wishing Old Master cloud to be soon reborn in paradise, but also please do not shut out.” 阮家无有薄礼,只得琴曲一阙,愿云老爷子早日往生,还请不要嫌弃。” Today Ruan Family offered condolences simply to be that normal, cloud ten third master with zither song manages looked own brothers, the nod complied. 阮家琴曲吊唁简直再正常不过,今日主持的云十三爷看了看自家兄弟,点头答应。 Ruan third master sits cross-legged at will on the ground, has natural uninhibited condition, before the body, is floating ancient zither, side has the copper furnace, is burning a wisp of sandalwood. 三爷随意席地盘坐,颇有潇洒不羁之态,身前漂浮着一张古琴,旁边有尊铜炉,燃着一缕檀香。 The wide robe big sleeve opens, both hands empty according to string. 宽袍大袖张开,双手虚按琴弦。 ............ ………… Gunwale heir Chen Xiang crosses the hands behind the back to pace, hidden sees to be nervous and anxious, sometimes often looks to seaside Xinjiekou. 船帮香主陈祥负手踱步,神情隐见紧张和焦躁,时不时望向临海新街口。 Brothers, you cannot blame me, money moves the will of the people, the power and influence thin kinship, your I intersect, then helps my upper layer building! 兄弟,你不能怪我,财帛动人心,权势薄亲情,你我相交一场,便助我更上层楼吧! Suddenly, he felt that ankle area one tight, faint trace gloomy and cold air/Qi permeating, prohibited Primordial Spirit acupoint rapidly. 突然,他感觉脚踝一紧,丝丝阴冷之气渗入,迅速封禁了元神窍穴 You!” Under he active eyeball moves only, saw that two jet black fearful hands firmly held oneself ankle area, but the familiar aura heads on. “你!”他唯一能动的眼珠下移,看到两只漆黑可怕之手紧紧抓住了自己的脚踝,而熟悉的气息扑面而来。 demon qi is corroding the deck, the person's shadow rises together slowly, raises Chen Xiang in the hand, is Wu Hengjian. 魔气腐蚀着甲板,一道人影缓缓上升,将陈祥提在手中,正是乌横剑 Hey, why are you very surprised I will appear here?” The Wu Hengjian vision is callous. “嘿,你是不是很惊讶我为什么会出现在这里?”乌横剑目光冷酷。 You let the place of concealment I arrange is a trap!” Chen Xiang quite understands Wu Hengjian, hears to say suddenly realize, the difficult word to be alarmed and afraid. “你让我安排的隐匿之地是陷阱!”陈祥颇为了解乌横剑,闻言恍然大悟,难言惊惧。 Wu Hengjian nods slowly: Right, the places of you several people of knowing concealment are different, whom I want to find out to betray me, has not thought that is you! How you forgot yourself to become the gunwale owner?” 乌横剑缓缓点头:“对,你们几人知道的隐匿之地都不同,我想藉此查出谁在出卖我,没想到是你!你忘了自己是怎么当上船帮堂主的?” Chen Xiang sheds bitter tears suddenly, begs for mercy with hardship: I do not think that the horizontal sword, I was deceived the heart by the lard for a while......” 陈祥突然痛哭流涕,苦苦求饶:“我不想的,横剑,我一时被猪油蒙了心……” For a while? For successive two times called for a while, when you I am a fool?” Wu Hengjian is angry, in the hand demon qi hold, Chen Xiang has not sent out the pitiful yell greatly is corroded the whole body, the flesh essence inflow palm. “一时?连续两次叫一时,你当我是傻子?”乌横剑大怒,手中魔气大盛,陈祥连惨叫都未发出就被腐蚀了全身,血肉精华流入掌心。 An applause resounds, has the gloomy and cold voice with a smile to transmit: Good, said that kills kills, really suffices ruthlessly spicy, this place once did not favor you in vain.” 啪啪啪,一阵鼓掌声响起,有阴冷含笑的嗓音传来:“不错,说杀就杀,真够狠辣,不枉本座曾经看好你。” The Wu Hengjian vision solidified, wants to run away actually found that all had the black light to raise in all directions, blocks the large ship, but the opposite walked a white clothing Xiu gentleman gradually. 乌横剑目光凝固,想要逃遁却发现四面八方皆有乌光升起,封锁住了楼船,而对面缓步走来了一位白衣秀士。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch!” Wu Hengjian has a big shock, shouldn't be Poison Hands Demon Monarch? “追魂魔君!”乌横剑大惊失色,不应该是毒手魔君吗? If knows that this next best matter pursues the soul Demon Monarch management, oneself will not use this strategy, because he eats to owe several times, will definitely leave leeway the subsequent hand! 若知道此次之事乃追魂魔君主持,自己就不会用这个计策了,因为他吃过自己几次亏,肯定会留有后手! Pursuing the soul and violent treachery isn't the life and death enemy? 追魂和毒手不是生死仇家吗? He only looked at one before from afar, determined has Unorthodox Path Evil Demon to go to Xinjiekou, therefore catches up to kill people immediately, from the start without clarifying the enemy is! 他之前仅是远远看了一眼,确定了有左道邪魔去新街口,于是立刻赶来杀人,压根儿没弄清楚敌人是谁! Pursues soul Demon Monarch to sweep in the heart depressed Qi, haha said with a smile: Experience teaches, how this place can not guard against you to lure the enemy out of his stronghod, uses diversionary tactics, the black boy, your good luck used up, today is your time of death!” 追魂魔君一扫心中郁气,哈哈笑道:“吃一堑长一智,本座岂会不提防你调虎离山,声东击西,乌小子,你的好运用完了,今日便是你的死期!” Wu Hengjian regenerates the desperate meaning, now falls into formation, pursued soul Demon Monarch to experience own pressure bottom method demon mark, was really unable to escape even with wings! 乌横剑再生绝望之意,如今落入阵法,追魂魔君又早就见识过自己的压箱底手段魔痕,真是插翅难飞! Puts together to perish together! He steep the thought that rises fierce not to fear. 拼个同归于尽!他陡升悍不畏死的念头。 At this moment, light snort/hum spread to the large ship together, the sound is not loud, exceptionally is clear, and feeling of being familiar with. 就在这时,一道轻哼传入了楼船之中,声音不大,却异常清晰,且给人熟悉的感觉。 Is the Poison Hands Demon Monarch hum/snort! Wu Hengjian hit a cleverness, identifies the future the status! 毒手魔君的哼声!乌横剑打了个机灵,辨认出来者的身份! Violent treachery! Pursues the soul Demon Monarch complexion big change, wants not to think, the eye opens, strange ray hold, gloomy and cold air/Qi one volume, escapes in greatly straightforwardly entering the sea, vanishes without the trace instantaneously, was frightened by the hum/snort unexpectedly together in a panic escapes! 毒手!追魂魔君脸色大变,想也没想,眼睛睁开,奇异光芒大盛,阴冷之气一卷,直截了当遁入海中,瞬间消失无踪,竟被一道哼声吓得仓惶而逃! The loophole that before Meng Qi left behind the shadow that and creates in his mind to be inferred! 之前孟奇在他心灵内留下的阴影和造成的漏洞可见一斑! Wu Hengjian there's not enough time reacts, looks helplessly pursues soul Demon Monarch scared shitless to flee, seeing the large ship cabin door to open, walks into the scholarly middle age of wearing the azure robe, two temple efflorescences, slightly reveal the vicissitudes, the vision look at themselves faintly. 乌横剑来不及做出反应,眼睁睁看着追魂魔君屁滚尿流般遁走,看见楼船舱门打开,走入一位身穿青袍的儒雅中年,两鬓霜白,略显沧桑,目光淡漠看着自己。 Really Poison Hands Demon Monarch! 真是毒手魔君 Big demon prestige! 好大的魔威! ............ ………… In the mourning hall, Ruan third master shouldered the string, exudes the sound of high vast. 灵堂之中,阮三爷挑起了琴弦,发出高渺之声。 The zither music one after another, midair as if accumulated the mist. 琴音一声接一声,半空仿佛累积起了水雾。 In He Jiu frowns, the distant place suddenly has bang the bursting sound to transmit, the induction goes, was actually in the iron mansion pond blasted out dark blue! 就在何九微皱眉头之际,远处突然有砰的爆裂声传来,感应而去,却是铁府池塘内炸开了深蓝! In the underground underground river, in the harbor sea, with the zither music, dark blue lusters gushes out. 地下暗河内,港口海洋中,随着琴音,一股股深蓝色泽涌出。 Directly in view of the zither music of blue blood person?! Huang Taichong is quite shocking, looks to all around, normal person almost all had not been affected. 直接针对蓝血人的琴音?!黄太冲颇为震惊,看向四周,正常人类皆未受影响。 Crash-bang, the ocean waves surge suddenly, rush into saying that dark blue bright! 哗啦,海浪忽地涌起,澎湃入云,深蓝鲜艳!
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