WORIOA :: Volume #4

#118: Sword village branch vein

Blue blood human-controlled water Minute Subtlety, below Grandmaster, if no corresponding treasure and cultivation technique resistance, truly needs a big realm advantage to be able with them to fight.” Meng Qi nods confidently. “蓝血人控水入微,宗师以下,若无相应宝物和功法抵御,确实需要一个大境界的优势才能与他们战斗。”孟奇坦然颔首。 Which aspect they must toward understand as for He Jiu that is their things. 至于何九他们要往哪个方面理解,那就是他们自己的事情。 He Jiu sighs with emotion: „The expert powerhouse who since several generations, my Eastern Sea Sword Villa has therefore perished is not infrequent, until tries to find out the means of protection slowly.” 何九感慨道:“几代以来,我东海剑庄因此而亡的高手强者不在少数,直到慢慢摸索出防备的办法。” Amitabha Buddha, This Old Cassock walks Eastern Sea for many years, never hears the matter of blue blood person, are diving offshore islands everyone also so, why Eastern Sea Sword Villa knows only?” Meng Qi seizes the opportunity, asked the doubts. 阿弥陀佛,老衲行走东海多年,从未听闻蓝血人之事,潜离岛各位亦是如此,为何独独东海剑庄知晓?”孟奇抓住机会,问出疑惑。 The atmosphere in room solidifies suddenly, He Jiu did not speak, Huang Taichong eye slightly secret, He Xiu saw solemnly. 房间内的气氛陡然凝固,何九不语,黄太冲眼睛微秘,何休愈见冷峻。 After a while, He Jiu self-ridicules to say with a smile: Actually is a sword village scandal.” 过了一会儿,何九才自嘲笑道:“却是剑庄一桩丑事。” He thought deeply about the evil ways: True blue blood habitat in the place of deep sea secret, said that the day falls Spiritual God, the sea family clan, their extremely happy water, thinks that vast ocean is the core of the world, does not dare the interest in the matter of land, always does not have/leave the sea level, even if resides in Eastern Sea year to year, is still unlikely to hear them.” 他又思索了下道:“真正的蓝血人居于深海隐秘之处,自称天降神灵,大海眷族,他们极端喜水,认为汪洋大海才是天地的核心,对陆上之事不敢兴趣,向来不出海面,故而即使常年居于东海,也不大可能听闻过他们。” At this point, he looked at Huang Taichong one: „When our Eastern Sea Sword Villa opens sends actually seven big branch veins, has the aristocratic family type inheritance, there is a Sect form, an lineage/vein aristocratic family, because the heir is difficult, by the calamity, was broken Incense Fire before several generations, inheritance enters the sword village.” 说到这里,他看了黄太冲一眼:“我们东海剑庄开派时其实有七大支脉,有世家类型的传承,也有门派的形式,其中一脉世家因为子嗣艰难,又遭了厄难,于几代前断了香火,传承化入剑庄本身。” Arteries, practice does not have sword gu, was do not open the new situation on the Sword Dao road, what a pity was extremely eager for quick success and immediate gain, after the accident of sorts ran into the blue blood person, had the strong interest in their body mysteries, thinks that such body was the world natural masterpiece, carved with their cultivation technique, can help overcome many difficulties, therefore. They through strange some ceremony and spiritual bond and other methods, after three generations, finally become the blue blood person. But retains certain human characteristics, practice is progressing is extremely quick.” “还有一脉,修炼‘无相剑蛊’,算是在剑道路上别开了生面,可惜太过急功近利,在机缘巧合遇到蓝血人后,对他们的身体奥秘产生了浓厚的兴趣,认为这样的躯体是天地自然的杰作,非常锲和他们的功法,能帮助克服诸多难关,于是。他们通过某种奇怪的仪式和神交等方法,历经三代,终于成为了蓝血人。但又保留着某些人类特征,修炼进展极快。” Had the strength to have *. They try to control other branch veins, controls the sword village thoroughly, made many plots, but evil cannot vanquish good, matter exposes finally, was defeated by the remainder five big branch veins jointly, expelled the sword village, afterward repeatedly drew support from the strength of blue blood person to stir up trouble.” “有了实力就有*。他们试图控制其他支脉,彻底掌控剑庄,制造了不少阴谋,但最终邪不胜正,事情败露,被剩余五大支脉联手击败,赶出了剑庄,后来屡次借助蓝血人之力兴风作浪。” He Jiu recounted. The He Xiu facial expression has no change, the Huang Taichong casting down one's eyes nose view heart, does not say a word, just like the person of onlooking. 何九述说的时候。何休神情没什么变化,黄太冲则眼观鼻鼻观心,不发一言,宛若旁观之人。 It seems like the matter of past years non- was such simple...... Meng Qi that He Jiu recounted is thinking looking pensive, but Eastern Sea Sword Villa several big branch veins who was wrong and not writing money relations to whom, does not need to get to the root of a matter: Does not know the Benefactor that This Old Cassock encounters is purely the blue blood person, doesn't practice have the sword gu blue blood person?” 看来当年之事非是何九述说的这么简单……孟奇若有所思想着,不过东海剑庄几大支脉谁对谁错和自己没有一文钱的关系,没必要刨根究底:“不知老衲遭遇的这位施主是纯粹蓝血人,还是修炼无相剑蛊的蓝血人?” „After dying, can the stone of congealing water-blue, consider the true blue blood person.” He Jiu affirms to say. “死后能凝水蓝之石,当是真正的蓝血人。”何九肯定道。 Huang Taichong from sitting in contemplation status restores, touches the sparse hair, the doubts said: True blue blood person thinks that the sea is the world core. The land and sky biased desolated place, always do not spare a glance, why will mix the matter of Yun Family suddenly? This seems like thinks simply the family property great wealth the wealthy man stratagem seizes the broken bowl of beggar. Does not gather the common sense.” 黄太冲从老僧入定状态恢复,摸了摸稀疏的头发,疑惑道:“真正的蓝血人认为大海是天地核心。陆上与天空不过偏颇荒芜之地,从来不屑一顾,为何突然会掺合云家之事?这简直像是自认为家财万贯的富翁谋夺乞丐的破碗。不合常理。” Great Tribulation, end the law will approach, having unusual is the common sense.” Meng Qi puts on airs to say. 大劫将至,末法来临,有所反常才是常理。”孟奇装模作样道。 He Jiu hesitated the evil ways: Also possibly some people bring both sides together , helping with other advantage seduction blue blood person, previously had a friend to discover after death of Mr. cloud is strange, almost eliminated a potential informant by Unorthodox Path Poison Hands Demon Monarch, so, behind the blue blood person also has group of demons.” 何九沉吟了下道:“也可能是有人牵线搭桥,用别的好处诱惑蓝血人帮忙,先前有位朋友发现云老爷子之死诡异后,就差点被左道毒手魔君灭口,如此看来,蓝血人背后还有群魔头。” Fears them thorough and Evil Demon Unorthodox Path confluence.” Huang Taichong is somewhat anxious. “就怕他们彻底与邪魔左道合流。”黄太冲有些忧虑。 Has not thought that also has Unorthodox Path Evil Demon...... Poison Hands Demon Monarch returns to Jiang Hu?” Meng Qi is discussing Poison Hands Demon Monarch with them seriously the matter, end asking. But followed behind several Benefactor that small Benefactor in Poison Hands Demon Monarch that meet?” “没想到还有左道邪魔……毒手魔君重出江湖?”孟奇一本正经和他们讨论着“毒手魔君”之事,末了问道。“可是之前跟在几位施主后面的那位小施主遇到的毒手魔君?” “That's right.” He Jiu has not concealed. “正是。”何九没有隐瞒。 Where doesn't know him at present? Perhaps didn't he have the discovery of attention?” Meng Qi precious image asked dignified. “不知他目前在哪里?也许还有他自身没注意的发现?”孟奇宝相庄严问道。 He Jiu shakes the head: He had left Yun Residence, does not know where hides in arrived.” 何九摇了摇头:“他已离开了云府,不知躲到了哪里。” Meng Qi disappointed does not reveal. Then asked the detail of Poison Hands Demon Monarch interception. 孟奇失望不露。转而问起毒手魔君截杀的细节。 Was saying to be saying, He Xiu inserts said: By realm and strength of cloud senior. Even if the big priests of blue blood person do not have the means to kill him under the silent condition.” 说着说着,何休插言道:“以云前辈的境界和实力。即使蓝血人的大祭司都没办法在无声无息的状况下杀害他。” Only if some Yun Family people help......” He Jiu look to out of the window, the bright sunlight is shining Yun Residence, its under does not know that covered many to be dirty. “除非云家有人帮忙……”何九看向窗外,明净的阳光照耀着云府,其下不知掩盖了多少肮脏。 nā mó Amitābha.” Meng Qi proclaimed buddhist name, oneself will describe with general situation that” the blue blood person fought. 南无阿弥陀佛。”孟奇宣了声佛号,将自己与蓝血人交手的“大致情况”描述了一遍。 After He Jiu and Huang Taichong and the others looked at each other one, said: Blue blood person can integrate in the water, the regular procedure is difficult to see, either meets a water source every time wait/etc. killed with sword qi, either mixes the special medicine, in the investment water, since the already confirmation is they, my then makes Yun Family kill water, prevents the sneak attack.” 何九黄太冲等人对视了一眼后道:“蓝血人能融入水中,常法难见,要么每遇见一处水源,都用剑气等杀一遍,要么调配特殊药物,投入水中,既然已经确认是他们,我这便让云家‘杀水’,防止偷袭。” Amitabha Buddha, the blue blood person has exposed, knows what Benefactor here, will not definitely treat it lightly, feared that has evacuated, will kill water not to have what effect, will guard against Unorthodox Path Evil Demon.” Meng Qi reminded one. 阿弥陀佛,蓝血人已然暴露,又知何施主在此,肯定不会掉以轻心,怕是早就撤离,‘杀水’不会有什么效果,还是多防备左道邪魔。”孟奇提醒了一句。 Grandmaster said is extremely, but did not have the blunder carefully.” He Jiu sprinkles however says with a smile. “大师所言极是,但小心无大错。”何九洒然笑道。 Meng Qi stands up, receives the heart of water-blue, holds their palms together: Several Benefactor had guarded well, This Old Cassock did not walk in vain this time, blue blood person not present, in Yun Family matter This Old Cassock was also unsuitable to meddle, might as well say goodbye.” 孟奇站起身,收起水蓝之心,双手合十:“几位施主有了提防就好,不枉老衲走这一遭,蓝血人不现,云家内事老衲也不便插手,不如就此别过。” Does not step in the attitude of matter of Yun Family regarding him, He Jiu and the others quite appreciates, sets out to see off. 对于他不涉足云家之事的态度,何九等人都颇为赞赏,起身相送。 This time, Meng Qi has inspected the water source, killed several, just now changes Poison Hands Demon Monarch, returns to the city quietly, enters Zhu Family. 这一次,孟奇检查过水源,杀了几遍,方才变回毒手魔君,悄然返城,进入祝家 The hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning have waited for in this, law proved Grandmaster to visit matter of what Shaozhuang the lord quite to before to have doubts. 百花夫人和婴宁早就等待于此,对之前“法证大师”拜访何少庄主之事颇为疑惑。 Meng Qi discusses the matter of blue blood person briefly, paces to arrive at the bedside, looks fresh flower that outside is in full bloom, shows a faint smile: Blue blood person exposes, matter changes, Eastern Sea Sword Villa will not for a long time tow, tomorrow feared that must determine Family Lord, do you possibly prepare?” 孟奇简略将蓝血人之事讲了讲,踱步走到床边,看着外面盛开的鲜花,微微一笑:“蓝血人暴露,事情有变,东海剑庄不会久拖,明日怕是就要确定家主,你们可能准备好?” This is a little actually hasty.” Hundred flowers madame dark whispered, has not blamed you to figure out blue blood two characters, otherwise oneself and the others, when can arrange calmly! “这倒是有点仓促。”百花夫人暗里嘀咕,还不都怪你算出了“蓝血”二字,否则自己等人当能从容布置! A Ying Ning face is naive, talked to oneself lowly: World has inhuman non- demon non- monster blue blood unexpectedly, moreover controls water Minute Subtlety, just like Water Ancestor family clan.” 婴宁则一脸天真好奇,低低自语:“世间竟有非人非魔非妖的蓝血者,而且控水入微,宛若水祖眷族。” Water Ancestor was the antiquity Water God alternate name, because of existence of Zhenwu(True Martial), the authority was spread weakly, the strength could not compare Thunder God. 水祖就是上古水神的别称,但因为真武的存在,权柄被摊弱,实力比不上雷神 Does not know that who can be colludes with the blue blood person......” hundred flowers madame to think with hardship. “不知会是谁勾结蓝血人……”百花夫人苦苦思索。 But at this time, she saw to wear Meng Qi of azure robe to cross the hands behind the back to go downstairs, the elderly people of two temples hidden had golden-red under the setting sun afterglow, added the feeling of vicissitudes. 而这时,她看见身穿青袍的孟奇负手下楼,两鬓的斑白在落日余晖下隐有金红,更添沧桑之感。 Arrives at the lotus pond, Meng Qi turns away from the hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning, said indifferently: Has the law of He, the blue blood person works as to be shelterless in Yun Family, therefore, at this very moment, in which courtyard has the blue blood person, which is plot colluding, like this......” 走到荷塘边,孟奇背对跟下来的百花夫人和婴宁,淡然道:“有何家之法,蓝血人在云家内当无处藏身,所以,此时此刻,哪位的院子里有蓝血人,哪位就是阴谋勾结者,就像这样……” During the speeches, he squats down slowly, the both hands sudden lightning flash, inserts in the water. 说话间,他缓缓蹲下,双手突然电闪而出,插入水中。 Rips gently, in the water spills over gloomily blue. 轻轻一撕,水中泛出股股幽蓝。 Meng Qi seemed like wash the hands patted the racket, stood up, just liked the safe/without matter, but in the hand were many finger size the stone of water-blue. 孟奇像是洗了手般拍了拍,重新站起,恍若无事,只是手中多了一块指头大小的水蓝之石。 The hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning vision has the solidification, cannot believe that will not have in the unusual water to have such change! 百花夫人和婴宁的目光都有凝固,不敢相信毫无异常的水中会有此等变化! When listened a moment ago Meng Qi described the blue blood hominization water to be able, they only slightly have the vigilance, because did not have to see and meet with own eyes, was short of the direct feel, is unable to realize that type every water all enemy fearfulness, but now, they breathe become loud, fear to blue blood person soared, but can cope with Poison Hands Demon Monarch of blue blood person to be even more immeasurably deep with ease! 刚才听孟奇描述蓝血人化水之能时,她们仅是略有警惕,因为没有亲眼见到和遇见,少了直观感受,无法体会那种“凡水皆敌”的可怕,但现在,她们呼吸变得粗重,对蓝血人的畏惧直线上升,而能轻松对付蓝血人的毒手魔君愈发深不可测! I can change half blue blood person, will also unable to detect the water exceptionally? Meng Qi is looking in the hand the stone, shakes the head with a smile. 我都能变半个蓝血人,还会察觉不到水的“异常”?孟奇看着手中之石,含笑摇头。 Although this unorthodox nine change, only simulates forcefully, is unable to obtain blue blood most likely (80%) essences, but found out the most actual situation after eventually changes, even the strength of control water line is weak, may resist and induce has the effect! 虽然这非正统九变之列,仅是强行模拟,无法得到蓝血者八成精髓,但终究是摸清楚了大半虚实后变化,即使操控水行之力较弱,可抵御和感应还是颇有效果! It seems like He Jiu has not informed the person outside Yun Residence.” Meng Qi sigh spoke thoughtlessly. “看来何九还未通知云府之外的人。”孟奇似感叹似随口而言。 The hundred flowers madame restrains the mood, looked at Ying Ning one, flatters to say with a smile: Blue blood person is seriously strange, but eventually difficult escaping mister discernment, the mister great ability, the daughters a little cannot be so joined.” 百花夫人收敛情绪,看了婴宁一眼,媚笑道:“蓝血人当真诡异,可终究难逃先生法眼,先生如此大才,小女都有点配不上。” She, eye wave flow road for grain shipment: Does not know that the mister can be willing to join our Sect? Although this is not strong, but somewhat the face countenance, is always willing to help the mister explain things Heaven Extinguishing Gate and Luoism, rests the accumulated grievances.” 她顿了顿,眼波流转道:“不知先生可愿加入我们门派?本门虽然不强,但总有几分颜面,愿意帮先生分说灭天门罗教,化解积怨。” , is really *...... hears these words, Meng Qi relaxes, has under that face load this matter can only be one of the Evil Demon Nine Daos! 呼,果然是*道……听到这句话,孟奇松了口气,有那个面子担下此事的只能是邪魔九道之一! Can reduce and solve enmity of Heaven Extinguishing Gate and Luoism?” Meng Qi displayed a joy appropriately, then hesitated saying that does not know was what Sect?” “能化解灭天门罗教之仇?”孟奇适当表现出了一丝欣喜,接着沉吟道,“不知是何门派?” Hundred flowers madame Yanran(sweet) smiles: Waits for this time matters, the detailed report mister, as for the Yun Family following matter, not Mr. Lao took the trouble again, we discussed with the cloud nine masters.” 百花夫人嫣然一笑:“等此番事了,再详告先生,至于云家后续之事,就不劳先生费心了,我们自己与云九爷商量。” Good.” Meng Qi nods, suddenly said that best disclose the blue blood person to Ruan third master.” “好。”孟奇点了点头,忽然道了一句,“最好将蓝血人之透露给阮三爷。” Why?” The hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning do not understand how the topic transfers arrived this direction. “为何?”百花夫人和婴宁不明白话题怎么转到了这个方向。 don't tell me told you me to discover that Ruan third master did pay attention to the blue blood person very much? Helps conveniently? Meng Qi maintains composure to talk nonsense: Ruan Family and Yun Family relate are not always good, now actually sends Ruan third master this grade of character to come, must have the scheme in secret, perhaps has some closely related lineage/vein to collude with them, not, if disclosed this matter, alerted the enemy, so as to avoid being bit one not making a sound.” 难道告诉你们我发现阮三爷很关注蓝血人?顺手帮帮忙?孟奇不动声色胡扯:“阮家云家关系一向不好,如今却派阮三爷这等人物前来,暗中必有图谋,或许已有某位嫡脉与他们勾结,不若透露此事,打草惊蛇,免得不声不响被咬一口。” Stands to reason.” The hundred flowers madame obviously thinks other arrived place, the facial expression hidden has the pleasant surprise. “言之有理。”百花夫人明显想到了别的地方,神情隐有惊喜。 Looks that they go hand in hand, the Meng Qi least bit has not gone to think actually what they support is, cloud nine, clouds 13, this and were uninterested, now only remain a goal, found Wu Hengjian, clarified the matter of demon mark! ( to be continued ) 看着她们联袂而去,孟奇半点没去想她们究竟支持的是谁,云九,还是云十三,这与自己毫无关系,现在自己只剩一个目标了,找到乌横剑,弄清楚魔痕之事!(未完待续) ps: This chapter transits, did not write all over 3000, more than 2900 characters, many delivered everyone! ps:这章过渡一下,就不写满三千了,两千九百多字,多的送大家! ... ...
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