WORIOA :: Volume #4

#117: Controls water Minute Subtlety

The water current inundates the small stream, place infiltration the nearby in shallow water, all around exudes the mist, dense dim, the world strength between of water line is enhanced suddenly, brings fearful and heavy wet intent, this flash, the Meng Qi only sleep/felt entered the deep sea! 水流漫出小溪,将附近之地浸润在一层浅水里,四周泛起水雾,氤氲朦胧,天地之间的水行之力陡然增强,带来可怕而沉重的湿意,这一瞬间,孟奇只觉进入了深海! The man who that has the feeling of bewitching brings keeping aloof superior, as if Spiritual God to overlook the negligible common people, the higher life is looking at the tiny reptile, is arrogant ruthlessly makes Meng Qi want toward his face on to punch a fist. > = 那名有妖异之感的男子带着种高高在上的优越,仿佛神灵在俯视着微末苍生,高等生灵在看着细小爬虫,傲慢得让孟奇想往他脸上狠狠揍一拳。≥ When Meng Qi preparation not reserved take action, suddenly saw that in this blue blood person eyes shows for several points to ridicule, several points of self-satisfaction, as if saw through own thoughts, was ridiculing oneself make a futile effort! 正当孟奇准备毫无保留出手之时,忽然看到这名蓝血人眼中透出几分讥讽,几分得意,似乎看穿了自己的心思,在嘲笑自己徒劳无功! His aura is not obviously strong, why so had confidence? So self-confident? Has hidden the strength, has to take advantage? In the Meng Qi heart flashes through not the good premonition suddenly. 他的气息明明不强,为何如此有把握?如此自信?是有所隐藏实力,还是别有依仗?孟奇心中突然闪过不好的预感。 The premonition just revealed that Meng Qi thinks that the whole body blood becomes scalding hot, rumble, like boiling! 预感刚显,孟奇就觉浑身血液变得灼热,咕噜咕噜,如同煮沸! Meng Qi controls strongly, may not help matters, they betrayed themselves probably, selfish action, if not realizes Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, this, Meng Qi must receive the severe wound merely, if has not overstepped Life and Death Profound Entrances the person of Dawning Enlightenment , dies a violent death directly, without the exception, had not heard the mediocrity that the blood boils can live! 孟奇竭力控制,可始终无济于事,它们像是背叛了自身,自顾自行动,若非练成**玄功,仅仅这一下,孟奇就得受到重伤,如果是还没踏过生死玄关开窍之人,直接暴毙,没有例外,未曾闻血液沸腾的凡俗能活下来的! What kind of? The blood ebullition, no longer is itself, isn't able to control?” The blue blood person appears an abnormal joyfulness, probably enjoys very much such slaughters or the controlled process, his both hands do not know when has tied seal in secret, the body surroundings has the light blue ripple to sway. “怎么样?是不是血液沸腾,不再属于自身,无法驾驭?”蓝血人浮现一种变态的愉悦,像是很享受这样的杀戮或者控制过程,他双手不知什么时候已暗中结印,身体周围有浅蓝色波纹晃荡。 A control of Meng Qi hears word startled, blue blood person's strength to water line reaches the arrived so abnormal degree, can the blood and sweat of positive governing enemy within the body, even brain fluid? 孟奇闻言一惊,蓝血人对水行之力的驾驭达到了如此变态的程度,能直接控制敌人体内的血液、汗水,甚至脑浆? This almost surpassed the Exterior Scenery level! 这几乎超过了外景的水准! Queen Mother of the West that even if met initially, by her strength the control to gold/metal line, must achieve operates the enemy within the body gold/metal iron part slightly realm, Exterior Scenery peak, but present blue blood person obviously about the first Heavenly Stairway aura! 即使当初遇到的西王母,以她对金行之力的驾驭,要达到细微操纵敌人体内金铁部分的境界,怎么也得外景巅峰,而眼前的蓝血人明明才第一层天梯左右的气息! Blue blood person cross previous step, hand imprint change. Lays out distantly, the light blue ripple rocks gently. 蓝血人跨前一步,手印变化。遥遥拍出,浅蓝波纹轻轻晃动。 The Meng Qi head buzz blurry, can hear in the head to have the sound of wave swaying indistinctly, the thought becomes slow, depends entirely on the Primordial Spirit support. 孟奇脑袋嗡的一下迷糊,隐约能听到头颅里有水波摇晃之声,思维变得迟缓,全靠元神支撑。 „Very shocking?” The blue blood person grins fiendishly arrogant. “是不是很震惊?”蓝血人傲慢狞笑。 His hand imprint again changes, Meng Qi only thinks that the five main internal organs (entrails) and flesh flesh all appeared slowly, the water of inside Yun Han(contain) is hard to be controlled, Interior Scenery is unable to form, Exterior World naturally cannot rouse . Moreover the strength of pure mortal body cannot display. The graces become difficult! 他手印再变,孟奇只觉五脏六腑和肌肤血肉全都出现了迟缓,里面蕴含之水难以被控制,内景无法成形,外天地自然不能勾动,而且纯粹的肉身之力也施展不出。举手投足都变得艰难! What Five Thunderstrikes of Heaven, what Splitting Heaven and Earth, what Touch of Karma, what Yin-Yang Seal, under such body status, Meng Qi hopeless transporting to cause radically! 什么天打五雷轰,什么开天辟地,什么沾因果,什么阴阳印,在这样的身体状态下,孟奇根本无望运使! The blue blood person body is indistinct, is exuding gloomily blue clear, the facial expression arrogant say/way: 蓝血人身体隐约透明,泛着幽蓝的晶莹,神情高傲道: Pays homage, this is the Spiritual God strength specially!” “膜拜吧,这是专属于神灵的力量!” I do not know that has seen many human powerhouses. Their each and every one sheds bitter tears before me, even the tears and nasal mucus abandoned them, waste that your first Heavenly Stairway had not stepped over, but also asked why I don't sneak attack?” “我不知见过多少人类强者。他们一个个在我面前痛哭流涕,连眼泪与鼻涕都背弃了他们,你这个第一层天梯都未迈过的废物,还问我为什么不偷袭?” Without going far beyond my realm. Could not resist this control!” “若没有远远超过我的境界。根本抵御不了这种控制!” „Can tiny insect, where be joined to me to sneak attack by your strength?” “渺小的虫豸,以你的实力哪配得上我偷袭?” The strong point of his ridicule, walks arrived to seem like already not to have in front of Meng Qi of back to the utmost gradually, both hands close up. Then must detonate the liquid of Meng Qi within the body thoroughly, making them break through the fetter! 他极尽嘲笑之能事,缓步走到了似乎已经直不起背的孟奇面前,双手合拢。便要彻底引爆孟奇体内的液体,让它们冲破束缚! His eye shows the happy expression of anticipation, the hand imprint closes up fiercely. At this moment, a gloomy and cold illusory hand emits towering, pressed firmly between the fingers his wrist/skill! 他的眼睛露出期待的笑意,手印猛地靠拢。就在这时,一只阴冷虚幻的手突兀冒出,一把捏住了他的手腕! What? 什么? The blue blood person vision straightened, seeing present Meng Qi to turn into translucent moving fast status, gloomy, but the ghosts and demons, oneself are unable to induce to the liquid of his within the body again! 蓝血人目光发直,看见眼前的孟奇变成了半透明的飘忽状态,阴森而鬼魅,自己再也无法感应到他体内的液体! How to induce the liquid? His completely unable to believe! 怎么会感应不到液体?他完全无法相信 The Meng Qi corners of the mouth bring back, another hand also held the wrist/skill of blue blood person. 孟奇嘴角勾起,另外一只手也抓住了蓝血人的手腕。 Silly, the master will turn into the soul, within the body does not have overstatement! 傻了吧,爷会变成阴魂,体内没有水分 What is Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, this called Eight-Nine Mysterious Art! All -weather entire terrain entire condition combat is unzoned! 什么叫**玄功,这就叫**玄功!全天候全地形全状况作战不受限制! If not for tempts you to approach, so as to avoid you escape, after first next, can get rid! 若不是诱你靠近,免得你逃脱,第一下之后就能摆脱! Blue blood person startled and surprised, when works loose, felt suddenly both hands of opposite party transmit the fearful suction, was been blurry by own Primordial Spirit, making the menstruation that condenses loose, as if will follow the suction to throw momentarily! 蓝血人又惊又愕,正待挣脱,忽地感觉对方的双手传来可怕的吸力,让自己元神迷糊,让凝聚的癸水松散,似乎随时会顺着吸力投过去! Bites Demon Art of soul disappearing body? He at this time in front of as if the person was one generation of demons, the restraining spirit, revolution secret technique, within the body had dark blue ripple to swing forcefully, tried to counter-balance the suction. 噬魂消体的魔功?他这个时候才仿佛面前之人是一代魔头,强行收敛精神,运转秘法,体内有一圈圈深蓝波纹荡开,试图抵消吸力。 But at this time, grasped Meng Qi of his wrist/skill to vibrate both hands suddenly gently. 可这个时候,握着他手腕的孟奇突然轻轻震动了双手。 The mind is joyful, the numb tiny electric current whiz whiz flees in all directions to body each corner, the blue blood person has the graceful feeling, revolution secret technique almost loses control. 心神愉悦,酥麻的细小电流嗖嗖流窜向身体每个角落,蓝血人顿生飘飘欲仙之感,运转的秘法差点失控。 Heavenly Demon is extremely happy! 天魔极乐! This feeling is only the instantaneous, blue blood person quickly restores, the mood of arising spontaneously ashamed and resentful hatred, the anger exclaimed: 这种感觉只是瞬间,蓝血人迅速恢复,油然而生羞愤痛恨的情绪,怒吼道: Dies!” “去死!” You must die!” “你必须死!” His within the body dark blue ripple condenses, changes to a heart, then blasts out suddenly, the world changes, becomes the gloomily blue deathly stillness. 他体内深蓝波纹凝聚,化作一颗心脏,接着猛然炸开,天地为之一变,变得幽蓝死寂。 The strength of water line not only expressed the water fluid, was the strength of breeding vitality, the blue blood person used the secret technique, disregarded all consequences the eruption, displayed the strength that oneself have not controlled forcefully, turning breeding into the corrosion! 水行之力不仅仅表示水液,还是孕育生机之力,蓝血人施展秘术,不计后果爆发,强行施展自己还未控制的力量,化孕育为腐蚀! Even you are the soul, within the body does not have the water fluid, so long as you remain, contains the vitality! 即使你是阴魂,体内没有水液,但只要你还存在,就蕴藏生机! In the blue blood person vision completely hates, wishes one could to tear to shreds Meng Qi. 蓝血人目光之中尽是痛恨,恨不得将孟奇碎尸万段。 In he was anticipating when the Meng Qi vitality was corroded melts, suddenly saw that Meng Qi figure wriggles, changes gloomily blue, the water current unifies the adult, within the body is ripple cuns (2.5 cm) to swing, is resisting the corrosion and control. 就在他期待着孟奇生机被腐蚀消融时,突然看到孟奇身影蠕动,化作幽蓝,水流凝聚成人,体内有波纹一寸寸荡开,抵御着腐蚀和控制。 This! The eyes of blue blood person open the eyes enormously, looks at the smile of arrived Meng Qi taunt! 这!蓝血人的眼睛睁得极大,看到了孟奇嘲讽的笑容! He can turn into the same clan unexpectedly! 他竟然能变成同族! He really also has the special skill of strength of control water line! 他竟然也有驾驭水行之力的特长! Excels same in both sides, the strength differs in not the big situation, this corrosion to vitality naturally cannot have the effect of getting quick results! 在双方擅长相同,实力又相差不大的情况下,这种对生机的腐蚀自然起不到立竿见影的效果! Meng Qi grasps not many to the Heavenly Demon Merit core skill, was only depends on tried to find out initially the Old Zhong dispelling symptoms such as bloating line has browsed, regardless of Four Erosions of the Heavenly Demon or Heavenly Demon were extremely happy, can only simulate the little effects by Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, simply has not thought a moment ago won by this, was cultivation technique that under soul status can use are not purely many, moreover must cover up by them, making the spirit melt the electric current conducts deep level to the blue blood person body and Primordial Spirit fumble, grasped the secret of blue blood structure, can thus change, had the strength of certain control! 孟奇天魔功核心技巧掌握不多,仅是靠着当初摸索老钟头行气线路有所涉猎,无论天魔四蚀还是天魔极乐,都只能靠**玄功模拟出少许效果,刚才根本没想过以此取胜,纯粹是阴魂状态下能用的功法不多,而且必须靠它们遮掩,让精神所化电流对蓝血人身体和元神进行深层次“摸索”,掌握蓝血构造之秘,从而可以变化,具备一定的驾驭之力! Shivers again, is near extremely happily, the blue blood person slightly has absent-minded, behind Meng Qi grows two arms, has the seal law, presses in his top of the head, conceals accommodates the institute of Primordial Spirit. 再次颤抖,极乐又临,蓝血人略有失神,孟奇背后已是长出两只手臂,结出印法,按于他的头顶,藏容元神之所。 Le Weiyin, clouds over extremely strikes! 极乐为引,变天击地! Blue blood person Primordial Spirit falls into enemy hands, Sea of Mind rushes fluctuating, the memory fragment emerges numerous, first naturally is the impression most profound picture. 蓝血人元神失守,心灵大海澎湃起伏,记忆碎片纷呈涌现,最先自然是印象最深刻的画面。 Rocks gloomily blue, the wave is dark, in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) oceanic trench towers clear to exude the metallic luster great tower gloomily blue. 幽蓝晃动,水波暗起,万丈海沟之中耸立着一座幽蓝晶莹又泛着金属光泽的巨塔。 This seemingly great tower, has slightly differently, appears the column shape all over the body, the both sides have pairs of wing ash blue decorations, the tower bottom stand above a giant shallow small dish, the modeling is strange. 这看似巨塔,又有着些微不同,通体呈圆柱状,两侧有一对对羽翼般的灰蓝装饰,塔底立在一个巨大的浅碟之上,造型非常怪异。 Above draws is carving picture of the Spiritual God, Meng Qi, when concentrates an eye of resolution, suddenly the discovery has the wave to well up rapidly. 上面绘刻着一尊神灵之像,孟奇正待凝目分辨,突然发现有水波急速“涌来”。 Crash-bang, memory fragment collapse to extinguish of blue blood person, Sea of Mind exudes the dreadful monstrous waves, starts to collapse! 哗啦,蓝血人的记忆碎片崩灭,心灵大海泛起滔天巨浪,开始坍塌! Meng Qi grips the head of blue blood person single-handed, took back the both arms, after lost/carrying, at this time he frowns, looks that the blue blood person body colored glaze was shattered, turns into the detritus, melts the water, then evaporates rapidly, traceless. 孟奇已是单手握住蓝血人的头颅,收回了双臂,一手负后,此时他微皱眉头,看着蓝血人身体琉璃般破碎,化成碎屑,融化成水,然后迅速蒸发,了无痕迹。 arrived final, the Meng Qi right hand only remains a condensing blue gem, above has the mysterious pattern, inside has the wave to sway. 到了最后,孟奇右手只剩一枚凝聚的蓝色宝石,上面有玄奥的花纹,内里有水波晃荡。 Can separate prevents to spy on...... Meng Qi to take back the right hand spatially, looks at the stone of water-blue. “能隔空阻止窥探……”孟奇收回右手,看着水蓝之石。 After the fumble, he discovered that the body structure of blue blood person is different from human and Monster Clan, the inhuman non- monster, the whole body does not have acupoint, in does not have the bottom of one's heart, but was covered with the tiny and illusory dark blue knottiness, each knottiness has the tally seal pattern, is colluding the strength of water line, is brimming with the flavor of prodigious skill. 在刚才的摸索之后,他就发现蓝血人的身体结构有别于人类和妖族,非人非妖,周身没有窍穴,内中没有肺腑,而是长满了一根根细小又虚幻的深蓝枝节,每根枝节都有符印般的花纹,勾连着水行之力,洋溢着鬼斧神工的味道。 Boasts of being the Spiritual God strange race? Mediocre......” Meng Qi snort disdainfully is thinking. “自诩为神灵的奇怪种族?不过如此嘛……”孟奇嗤之以鼻想着。 His hesitation moment, changes returns to law to prove the appearance of Grandmaster again, puts on yellow monk robe, throws over the red cassock, precious image is returning to seaside dignified, in the hand holds the stone of that water-blue, before direct arrived Yun Family mansion, seeks an interview He Jiu. 他沉吟片刻,再次变回法证大师的样子,穿着黄色僧袍,披着红色袈裟,宝相庄严返回临海,手中托着那枚水蓝之石,直接到了云家府邸前,求见何九 He Jiu hears to report, the induction to spread, suddenly felt that the strength of rich water line, in the heart moves, the complexion changes. 何九听见禀报,感应蔓延,忽然感觉到浓郁的水行之力,心中一动,脸色微变。 He sinks the mind, in making the servant ask the law to prove the Grandmaster to enter, without the trade goes to greet rashly, so as to avoid causes others to pay attention. 他沉住心神,让仆人请法证大师入内,没有贸贸然前去迎接,免得引起别人注意。 Meng Qi steps into the guest institute, discovered that here pond is dry, without least bit overstatement, the well also however, immediately slightly nod, Eastern Sea Sword Villa really knows the person of blue blood. 孟奇踏入客院,发现这里池塘干涸,没有半点水分,水井亦然,顿时微微点头,东海剑庄果然知道蓝血之人。 He Jiu and Huang Taichong and He Xiu cultivated vital energy skill|effort all are, sat well the waiting, until Meng Qi came , the servant withdrew from the courtyard, congealed the eye to look that to Meng Qi holds the stone of that water-blue. 何九黄太冲何休养气功夫皆是了得,端坐等待,直到孟奇进来,仆人退出院子,才凝目看向孟奇托着的那枚水蓝之石。 „Is this Grandmaster kills?” He Jiu restored the heroic self-confident stance, sprinkles however asks. “这是大师杀的?”何九恢复了豪迈自信的姿态,洒然问道。 Amitabha Buddha, the This Old Cassock itself/Ben treats leaves seaside, out traveling provides relief, who knows the halfway to meet this Benefactor, his inhuman non- monster non- demon, shouted directly hits to shout "kill", perhaps This Old Cassock affected other lives, unavoidablily Bing felt emotion to give up the demon to defend traditional moral principles bountiful.” Meng Qi proclaimed buddhist name single-handed. 阿弥陀佛,老衲本待离开临海,游历济世,谁知半途遇到这位施主,他非人非妖非魔,直接喊打喊杀,老衲恐波及其他生灵,不得已秉饶益有情戒除魔卫道。”孟奇单手宣了声佛号 Huang Taichong deeply looked at Meng Qi one, sighed: Grandmaster out of the ordinary, obsolete has not really misread.” 黄太冲深深看了孟奇一眼,感叹道:“大师果然不凡,老朽没有看错。” He and He Jiu exchanged the meaningful glance, said confidently: Person of Naturally Gifted this blue blood, the body and spirit is special, if over one big realm, Human Clan at all is not their opponents, naturally, arrived Grandmaster, law principle integrates Dharma Idol, can resist the talent reluctantly, can cope with the realm blue blood person.” 他与何九交换了眼色,坦然道:“这蓝血之人天赋异禀,体魄特殊,若不超过一个大境界,人族根本不是他们的对手,当然,到了宗师,法理融入法相,可以勉强抵御天赋,能对付同境界蓝血人了。” „The stone of view middle of the water, the Grandmaster killed the blue blood person to be equivalent just stepped over first Heavenly Stairway Exterior Scenery, the Grandmaster, if not Grandmaster, feared that has suffered the disaster.” “观这水心之石,大师所杀蓝血人相当于刚迈过第一层天梯外景,大师若非宗师,怕是已遭劫难。” They see Meng Qi to take the stone of middle of the water to visit, knows him with the arrived true blue blood person . Moreover the itself strength is truly powerful, therefore receives the exchange information and is being the idea of Righteous Path, disclosed hidden secret slightly.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 他们见孟奇拿着水心之石上门,知道他遇到了真正的蓝血人,而且本身实力确实强大,因此秉承着交换情报和自身乃正道的想法,稍微透露了秘辛。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Made up owed the chapter, asked the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket ~ ps:补上了欠章,求推荐票和月票~
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