WORIOA :: Volume #4

#116: Unusuality of He Jiu

Withdrew quietly step Meng Qi when hearing He Jiu asks, thump, did he notice himself at heart? 悄然退后了一步的孟奇在听到何九开口询问时,心里就咯噔了一下,他注意到自己了? Unlike Wu Hengjian, Eastern Sea Sword Villa lineage/vein are the alternative sword cultivate/repair, have all sorts of keen intuitions, with Jiang Zhiwei honest in sword honest in heart, the autumn wind has not moved cicada prescience to be similar, even if only has looked at the influence, not necessarily cannot detect 12! 乌横剑不同,东海剑庄一脉是另类剑修,自有种种敏锐直觉,与江芷微“诚于剑者诚于心,秋风未动蝉先觉”相仿,纵使仅是看过影响,也未必不能察觉一二! What to do should? Meng Qi has not saved the lucky heart, the train of thought revolves rapidly. <- 该怎么办?孟奇没存侥幸之心,思绪急速运转。← He thought by the relations of Eastern Sea Sword Villa and Yun Family, if He Jiu believes that Wu Hengjian the matter of saying, the true cause of death that plans to clarify Old Master cloud, will visit directly, explained the reason, the confident and poised examination, believes that some Yun Family people will not oppose, why bother to offer condolences ahead of time, in revealing only part of the truth, with covered frankly and uprightly is dark spies out? 他原本认为以东海剑庄云家的关系,若何九相信乌横剑所言之事,打算弄清楚云老爷子的真正死因,会直接上门,说明缘由,大大方方检验,相信云家不会有人反对,何苦提前吊唁,藏头露尾,用光明正大掩盖暗里窥察? This judgment makes a mistake, he complied with the hundred flowers madame's request. 正是这点判断出错,他才答应了百花夫人的请求。 He Jiu is feared that direct request autopsy cold the heart of person of Yun Family, making them depart, what hidden secret knows, is worried to alert the enemy? 何九是怕直接要求验尸寒了云家之人的心,让他们背离,还是知道什么秘辛,担心打草惊蛇? His idea, Meng Qi is hard to be fully correct, now the aspect becomes the danger suddenly, must try to find solution self-help! 他的想法,孟奇难以猜透,如今局面陡然变得危险,必须想办法“自救”! But at this time used Eight-Nine Mysterious Art already to be late again, will be seen the clue! 而这个时候再用**玄功已经迟了,会被看出端倪! Therefore, does not do the unnecessary matter, hopes places the opposite party not to see through camouflage above, does the matter have does not agree depends on Samsara Talisman to flee? With Immortal Vestige the contact secret marks please Longevity Immortal Venerable do the He Xiu help conceal? 所以,不做多余之事,将希望放在对方没看穿“伪装”之上,事有不谐则靠轮回符遁走?或者用“仙迹”的联络暗记请“长生仙尊何休帮忙掩饰? But the former will let waste all previous efforts close to the matter of Lust Path, is the last option, the latter is sudden, He Xiu is not necessarily able to react...... 但前者会让接近**道之事前功尽弃,是最后的选择,后者事发突然,何休未必能做出反应…… Among the thought phonographs, the Meng Qi dangling view, partly obstructs the double pupil suddenly, inside is dark, the stellar lines fluctuate, round trip traceless, mysterious mysterious. 念头电转之间,孟奇忽地垂下眼帘,半遮双眸,里面幽幽暗暗,星线浮动,来去无痕,神秘玄奥。 His aura is reserved, does not make the aloof indistinct feeling appear externally. In the spirit sleep/felt, the coffin bier vanishes, cloud nine masters and the others disappeared, the vegetarian streamer incenses and candles vanish, only He Jiu, Huang Taichong, He Xiu and Wu Hengjian. 他气息内敛,不让超然飘渺之感外露。灵觉之中,棺柩消失,云九爷等人消失,素幡香烛消失,只余何九黄太冲何休乌横剑 At this time, he discovered that Huang Taichong eye of accumulated sword intent looked, therefore the spirit sleep/felt spread on own initiative the past! 就在这个时候,他发现黄太冲目蕴剑意望了过来,于是灵觉主动蔓延了过去! Bang! 轰! Resembles the Corporeal and Incorporeal sound empty sound to blast out in the mind, Meng Qi also looked again does not arrive at He Jiu, He Xiu and Wu Hengjian, in the pupil shines upon Huang Taichong figure, above has Thread of Karma. Some are tenacious, some move fast, some are bright, some are dim. 有无声虚响在脑海内炸开,孟奇再也“看”不到何九何休乌横剑,瞳孔里“映照出”黄太冲身影,上面有着根根因果之线。有的坚韧,有的飘忽,有的灿烂,有的黯淡。 But Meng Qi in heart blade as if can wield momentarily, receives and instructs them! 孟奇“心中之刀”似乎随时能挥出,将它们接引过来! Bang! 轰! The Huang Taichong eye narrows the eyes, is prompted by a sudden impulse, rises the meaning of unfathomable mystery steep, as if opposite monk is hiding the danger of being unable to put things clearly, can have the feeling of burr by oneself this Earth List powerhouse. If spies on again, what happened is very difficult to say! 黄太冲眼睛微眯,心血来潮,陡升莫名其妙之意,似乎对面僧人藏着说不清道不明的危险,能让自己这地榜强者都有芒刺之感。若再窥探下去,会发生什么事情很难说! Can have the dangerous feeling by oneself, this monk strength cannot be underestimated...... places the mourning hall, Huang Taichong does not have the general idea/careless. Also does not want to take risk, takes back the vision, casts down one's eyes, nose view heart. No longer looks to Meng Qi. 能让自己有危险感,这和尚实力不容小觑啊……身处灵堂,黄太冲没有大意。也不想冒险,收回目光,眼观鼻,鼻观心。不再望向孟奇 Sees that Meng Qi relaxes quietly, in him concealed Touch of Karma. Lived in Huang Taichong by the inner qi fear. 见状,孟奇悄然松了口气,他内藏沾因果。靠气机慑住了黄太冲 Although Huang Taichong karma does not have Dark Maiden to be like that grave, resists hopefully hardly, but can exude the feeling of danger eventually, but here is the Yun Family mourning hall, forgives him not to dare to act recklessly! 虽然黄太冲因果没有玄女那般深重,有希望硬抗,但终究会泛起危险之感,而这里是云家灵堂,谅他也不敢蛮干! Peeping at others itself/Ben is violates the taboo the matter, if therefore appears fights, affects the mourning hall, the Huang Taichong unavoidable reputation is damaged, as the Righteous Path person, some dangers had a premonition, he deeply will not peep inevitably. 窥视别人本就是犯忌讳的事情,若因此出现交手,波及灵堂,黄太冲难免名声受损,作为正道人士,又有危险预感,他必然不会深窥了。 The beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people, after synthesizing all sorts of factors, Meng Qi braves hardships and dangers to pass through finally! 天时,地利,人和,综合了种种因素之后,孟奇总算涉险过关! „Can yellow elder, once see the strange feeling the reason?” He Jiu sound transmission inquiry. “黄长老,可曾看出奇异之感的缘由?”何九传音询问。 Huang Taichong hesitated the evil ways: Law card is immeasurably deep, is hard to examine minutely.” 黄太冲沉吟了下道:“法证深不可测,难以细察。” Immeasurably deep......” He Jiu looks subconsciously to throwing over the law card of red cassock, seeing only his precious image is dignified, the vicissitudes are gentle, “深不可测……”何九下意识看向披着红色袈裟的法证,只见他宝相庄严,沧桑平和, The innermost feelings could not bear whisper, can make 8th Heavenly Layer yellow Elder say immeasurably deep, realm of law card was really fearful, how should have the Earth List strength! 内心忍不住低语了一句,能让八重天的黄长老说深不可测,法证的境界委实可怕,怎么都该有地榜的实力! Big of the world, occupies the overseas many or hides away the mountain forest powerhouse, even has the energy of Grandmaster, does not enter Earth List, the reputation does not reveal! 天下之大,不乏偏居海外或隐遁山林的强者,即使有宗师之能,亦不入地榜,名声不显! At this moment, Wu Hengjian takes back the vision, the doubts shakes the head: Not the feeling of being familiar.” 就在这时,乌横剑收回目光,疑惑摇头:“没有熟悉之感。” What he sees was dark Touch of Karma, aura already had eminent monk Meng Qi of delicate change! 他看到的是暗沾因果,气息已经有了微妙变化的高僧孟奇 The He Jiu rare knitting the brows head, Mo Fei/could it be that had once seen the law card in Eastern Sea? His does practice have some cultivation technique that oneself are familiar with? 何九难得皱了皱眉头,莫非自己曾在东海见过法证?或者他修炼有自身熟悉的某门功法 „Does yellow elder, the Fifth Uncle, how could you hear the law card of diving offshore islands?” His dark asked. “黄长老,五叔,你们何曾听说潜离岛的法证?”他暗里问道。 He Xiu and Huang Taichong thought deeply about a while, all shakes the head: „, Which Buddhism Hidden Lineage eminent monk perhaps has not been, puts up for the night in a temple to the diving offshore islands is not long.” 何休黄太冲思索了一会儿,皆摇了摇头:“未曾,或许是哪支佛门隐脉的高僧,才到潜离岛挂单未久。” The He Jiu restraining thoughts, had not asked again, after nodding the head gently , the steps forward, offer condolences to Old Master Yun Family. 何九收敛心思,没有再问,轻轻颔首后踏步向前,吊唁起云家老爷子。 Meng Qi and other humanities withdrew from the mourning hall, sees that to continue the layman. 孟奇等人本就退出了灵堂,见状继续外行。 Only then, Meng Qi felt relieved truly, hurried to stop Touch of Karma core technique, only thought the whole body to be weak, dizziness brain bulge. 直到此时,孟奇才真正放下心来,赶紧停止了“沾因果心法,只觉浑身酥软,头晕脑胀。 By his current strength, namely cannot put forth the blade, is only dark core technique, no means insist too for a long time! 以他目前的实力,即使不出刀,仅是暗心法,也没办法坚持太久! Law proves the Grandmaster to please do not bother to see me off.” Suddenly, the He Jiu sound conveys from the back. “法证大师留步。”忽然,何九的声音从背后传来。 The Meng Qi pupil contraction, almost hit a cleverness, the cold sweat nearly secreted, was seen the flaw? 孟奇瞳孔收缩,差点打了个机灵,冷汗险些泌出,还是被看出破绽了? He after the danger, is the rare anxiously calmer person, turns around slowly, holds their palms together: Amitabha Buddha, what does Benefactor have his matter?” 他历经危险,是少见的越紧张越冷静的人,缓缓转身,双手合十:“阿弥陀佛,何施主还有他事?” „The Buddhism eminent monks have many outstanding divine ability, can open the deva-eye, passes his heart, spreads photo big thousand all sorts, does not know that the law does prove master's matter to Mr. cloud to have obtained?” He Jiu is grand and vertical, the vision looks at Meng Qi profoundly, what thoughts did not know. 佛门高僧都具备诸多殊胜神通,能启天眼,通他心,遍照大千种种,不知法证大师对云老爷子之事可有所得?”何九雄伟而立,目光幽深地看着孟奇,不知起了哪门子心思。 The Yun Family people knitting the brows head, don't tell me few manor Zhuxiang obtains old gentleman taking advantage of the mouth of monk last words, cut the gordian knot to finish the struggle of Family Lord? 云家众人皱了皱眉头,难道少庄主想借和尚之口得到老爷子“遗命”,快刀斩乱麻结束家主之争? Although Yun Family attaches to Eastern Sea Sword Villa, but the independence is strong, non- is the pure dependency, if Eastern Sea Sword Villa meddles the matter of their family interior unreasonably, is very easy to bring out the rebound, creates the fissure, to other influence opportunity is not missed. 虽然云家依附东海剑庄,但独立性较强,非是纯粹的附庸,若东海剑庄无理插手他们家族内部之事,很容易激起反弹,造成裂痕,给别的势力可趁之机。 Meng Qi cannot find out the He Jiu goal, does not know that he is probing oneself eminent monk status, thinks, did not answer asked back: Which aspect doesn't know what Benefactor finger/refers of?” 孟奇摸不清何九的目的,也不知他是不是在试探自己的高僧身份,想了想,不答反问:“不知何施主指哪方面?” I want to ask the law to prove the Grandmaster completely the sentiment of Jiang Hu Fellow Daoist, displays divine ability deduce Old Master cloud the matter of died during meditation, looked whether has the place that we neglect.” The He Jiu ambiguous say/way, does not know that was suspecting Meng Qi is the fake monk, was asking that Old Master cloud cause of death, even found last words. “我想请法证大师尽尽江湖同道之情,施展神通推衍云老爷子坐化之事,看是否有我们疏忽的地方。”何九模棱两可道,不知是在怀疑孟奇为假和尚,还是在问云老爷子死因,甚或找到“遗命”。 Few manor lord?” Huang Taichong also does not know the He Jiu thoughts, doubts sound transmission. “少庄主?”黄太冲亦不知何九心思,疑惑传音 He Jiu said with a smile heroically: This, although also has the technique of calculation, but compared with River East Wang Clan and said that two Sects wait/etc. excelled at this field of endeavor, misses much. Meets an eminent monk rarely, how can not invite his deduce 12?” 何九豪迈笑道:“本门虽然亦有推算之术,但比起江东王氏、佛道两门等擅长此道者,还是差不少。难得遇见位高僧,怎能不请他推衍一二?” He attended to about him, making Huang Taichong not clarify his real goal. 他顾左右而言他,让黄太冲还是弄不清楚他真实的目的。 The hundred flowers madame is a little indistinctly tense, Unorthodox Path demon lineage/vein many do not excel at deduce Heaven's Mystery, in years past Poison Hands Demon Monarch was then one of them, now should the He Jiu probe, should do? 百花夫人隐约有点紧张,左道魔脉多数不擅推衍天机,昔年的毒手魔君便在此列,现在何九试探,该如何是好? The Meng Qi also worry is the probe, does not dare to neglect, is showing a faint smile to He Jiu, ties the take action seal gentle calmly. 孟奇亦担心是试探,不敢怠慢,对着何九微微一笑,平和从容结出手印。 His view thinks in the mind in secret Only I Am Venerated Gautama Buddha. The simulation, body Zhou Yin a little selects the colored glaze to highlight quietly, makes the dignified pure place, brings intermittent Zen sound, making mourning hall various people all nod the head, the law proves the Grandmaster is really one generation of eminent monks. 他暗中观想脑海内的“唯我独尊佛陀相。悄然模拟,身周隐有点点琉璃凸显,制造出庄严清净之地,带来阵阵禅音,让灵堂诸人皆是颔首,法证大师果然是一代高僧。 But the hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning opened the eye, panic-stricken does not believe that can Poison Hands Demon Monarch also plan Buddhist Law by Demon Art? 而百花夫人和婴宁则睁大了眼睛,惊骇不信,毒手魔君还能以魔功佛法 Buddha demon only in instant? What kind of new path did he take in the foundation? 或者佛魔只在一念之间?他到底在原本基础上走出了怎样的新路? He Jiu nods gently, the expression is invariable. Also does not know that performs the heart of suspicion. 何九轻轻点头,表情不变。也不知是不是尽去了怀疑之心。 Meng Qi is carrying precious image, pitied the mercy, the union saw cause of death perishing fruit a moment ago, with Jade Void Divine Deduction! 孟奇端着宝相,怜悯慈悲,结合刚才所见“死因亡果”,用起了“玉虚神算”! Heaven's Mystery exposes. karma presses for payment, Meng Qi immerses wholeheartedly into, without the least bit is disturbed and afraid. 天机展露。因果追索,孟奇全心全意沉浸入内,没有半点忐忑和心虚。 Tip presents, fuzzy result vividly. Meng Qi suddenly one startled, raised the head, knits the brows slightly. Slightly loses one's voice: 点点滴滴呈现,模糊结果跃然而出。孟奇霍然一惊,抬起头来,微微皱眉。略有失声: Blue blood.” “蓝血。” He thinks that arrived with had not formed Sea Calming Bead to buy the East Pole Longevity Pill nine fingers of people at that time, the place of his broken finger gloomily blue clear, as if blue blood! 他想到了当时用未成形定海珠买下了东极长生丹的九指之人,他断指之处幽蓝晶莹,似乎正是蓝血! He and at that time also Old Master cloud on the scene what happened? 他和当时也在场的云老爷子发生了什么事情? What blue blood......” blurts to repeat is He Jiu, He Xiu and Huang Taichong! “蓝血……”脱口重复的是何九何休黄太冲 Especially He Jiu, Meng Qi since knowing him, sees is he heroic self-confident stances, as if among the world does not have the difficult matter, does not need to dread the enemy who and be afraid, always knits the brows rare, the rare big mood fluctuates, but at this very moment, his brow deep wrinkle, the expression change again and again, has the shock also to have the thinking. 尤其何九,孟奇自认识他以来,见惯的都是他豪迈自信的姿态,似乎天下之间没有难事,没有需要畏惧和害怕的敌人,向来少有皱眉,少有大的情绪波动,可此时此刻,他眉头深皱,表情变化连连,有震惊也有思索。 Blue blood do two characters make the person of Eastern Sea Sword Villa slightly rude merely? Meng Qi looked at the cloud nine masters, ten thousand and hundred flowers madames, Wu Hengjian again and others, discovered that they are bewildered, was unresponsive to the blue blood. 仅仅“蓝血”二字就让东海剑庄之人略显失态?孟奇再看了看云九爷、万手、百花夫人、乌横剑等,发现他们都是一脸茫然,对蓝血毫无反应。 Blue blood the secret of representative only few people know, even only then does the Eastern Sea Sword Villa high level know? Meng Qi is thinking looking pensive, but Ruan Family third master also quite cares about the person of this blue blood...... “蓝血”代表的隐秘仅得极少数人知晓,甚至只有东海剑庄的高层知道?孟奇若有所思想着,可阮家三爷也颇为关心这蓝血之人…… He Jiu restrained the look rapidly, hints submissively: Many thanks Grandmaster deduce, does not know that also has other harvest?” 何九迅速收敛了神色,拱手示意:“多谢大师推衍,不知还有别的收获吗?” He keeps silent about blue blood the matter. 他绝口不提“蓝血”之事。 No.” Meng Qi shakes the head to say. “没有。”孟奇摇头道。 He Jiu has not pestered this matter, even no longer pays attention to Meng Qi and the others, after having offered condolences to Old Master cloud, moves in Yun Residence directly, does not know that the plan makes anything. 何九并未纠缠此事,甚至不再关注孟奇等人,吊唁过云老爷子后直接入住云府,不知打算做什么。 ............ ………… Returns to the potential island to move in the inn courtyard, the hundred flowers madame covers up the startled color, said with a smile: this mistress even more feels the mister to be immeasurably deep, if given time, not necessarily is not another Demon Buddha, or is called the Buddha demon.” 回到潜力岛入住客栈院子,百花夫人掩住惊色,笑道:“妾身愈发觉得先生深不可测,假以时日,未尝不是另一位魔佛,或者叫做佛魔。” Meng Qi has not paid attention to her words, looks that ten thousand and Ying Ning said: This status has brought to the Eastern Sea Sword Villa attention, cannot for a long time play the role, the old man crosses the name of the world by out traveling instantly to the city, re-enters by the original appearance again wishes the mansion.” 孟奇没有理会她的话语,看着万手和婴宁道:“这个身份已引起东海剑庄注意,不可久扮,老夫即刻以游历渡世之名离城,再以本来样子重回祝府。” Mister this is the experienced discrete word.” Ying Ning praised. “先生此乃老成谨慎之言。”婴宁赞道。 Enters the stage quietly, the Meng Qi change direction, sneaks the remote mountain, looked for a small stream murmur the place, washes off the external camouflage, monk robe turns into the azure garment. 悄然出场,孟奇改变方向,潜入深山,找了个小溪潺潺的地方,洗去外在的伪装,僧袍变成青衫。 Before making these, he has induced and inspected all around carefully, confirmed no one to track, no one spied on. 做这些之前,他都仔细感应和检视过四周,确认没人跟踪,没人窥探。 But when he plans to grow the hair, suddenly listens to arrived one to laugh: 可就在他打算长出头发时,忽然听到了一声嗤笑: Originally law proves the Grandmaster is Poison Hands Demon Monarch disguises as.” “原来法证大师是毒手魔君假扮。” Who? Meng Qi steps back, seeing the mountain stream floods blue, the waterdrop to condense suddenly, changed to a man who is throwing over the blue robe, the semblance was young, the appearance quite had the feeling of bewitching, stood in this place, resembled is not similar to have! 谁?孟奇退后一步,看见溪水忽然泛蓝,水滴凝聚,化作了一位披着蓝袍的男子,外表年轻,容貌颇有妖异之感,立在该处,似无相若有相! Blue blood person? 蓝血人? Didn't the mountain stream have the issue a moment ago obviously? 刚才溪水明明没有问题? Can they change to the ordinary water? 他们能化作普通之水? Why Demon Monarch did not speak, after Mo Fei/could it be that was exposed the camouflage, afraid terrified?” The water current exudes, the link lives in the surroundings. 魔君为何不出言,莫非被揭破伪装后心虚惶恐?”水流泛起,环住周围。 Do the Meng Qi corners of the mouth move slightly, expose the camouflage? law proves under the Grandmaster is Poison Hands Demon Monarch, under Poison Hands Demon Monarch is Great Sun loose practitioner, under Great Sun loose practitioner is Crazy Blade Su Meng, under Crazy Blade Su Meng passes through guest Meng Qi, you also fall far short! 孟奇嘴角微动,揭破伪装?法证大师之下是毒手魔君,毒手魔君之下是大日散人,大日散人之下是狂刀苏孟,狂刀苏孟之下才是穿越客孟奇,你还差得远! His expression is calm, the corners of the mouth bring back, the scholarly said with a smile: Why doesn't sneak attack directly? Does Mo Fei/could it be that have the matter to consult?” 他表情波澜不惊,嘴角勾起,儒雅笑道:“为何不直接偷袭?莫非有事相商?” This man hey: Followed you, looked that you also peeped anything, but you exposed the aura a moment ago, had not actually stepped over including first Heavenly Stairway, it seems like only obtained the clue from other place, the guidance, so, I do not need to return intentionally, invite the powerful helper.” 这男子嘿了一声:“原本只是跟着你,看你还窥出了什么,可你刚才展露气息,却连第一层天梯都未迈过,看来仅是从别的地方得到线索,故意引导,如此,我就无需回报,请强力帮手了。” He, the facial expression became the ridicule to be arrogant: 他顿了顿,神情变得讥讽傲慢: By your strength, what needs me to sneak attack?”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “以你的实力,何需我偷袭?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Second delivers, asks recommendation ticket ~ ps:第二更送上,求推荐票~
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