WDDG :: Volume #14

#1370: The disturbance before entrance

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Soon dawn time, that a group of Tiny Night Devil diverged on suddenly, does not know why they before the daytime approaches will all fly away, but these Night Devil do not fear up. 快要天亮的时候,那一大群小夜魔突然散去了,也不知道为什么他们会在白天来临之前全部飞走,而这些夜魔并不怕光。 If dawn, they not fierce, once were shone by the sunlight, will turn into Qi mist completely.” Bai Youyou said: My Master had tried in the past, even Night Devil King does not dare to appear in the daytime.” “如果天亮的话,他们没有厉害,一旦被阳光照射到,就全部会化成气雾。”白幽幽说道:“我师傅当年就试过,就算是夜魔王也不敢在白天出现。” Then can know where they do hide?” Shen Xiang asked. “那么能知道他们躲在什么地方吗?”沈翔问道。 deep underground!” 深地下面!” This made Shen Xiang think in Dragon Vein that crowd of Earth's Core Clan, they cannot appear in the daytime, by words that the sunlight shone, will die. 这让沈翔想到了龙脉里面的那群地心族,他们就是不能在白天出现,被阳光照射到的话,就会死去。 These Night Devil are like Earth's Core Clan, was cursed?” In the Shen Xiang heart has doubts, because the births of these Night Devil is a fan. “难道这些夜魔地心族一样,都是被诅咒了?”沈翔心中疑惑,因为这些夜魔的诞生一直都是个迷。 Dawn, the people relax, because had no loss yesterday evening, the person of dying was only these with. 天一亮,众人都松了一口气,因为昨晚上并没有什么损失,死去的人只是那些跟来的。 Shen Xiang turns into a winged insect, follows behind these hundred thousand people, at this time he is safe, even if there is what a fierce thing to appear suddenly, that still goes to front that large crowd. 沈翔变成一只飞虫,跟在这几十万人后面,此时他非常安全,就算有什么厉害的东西忽然出现,那也是冲着前面那一大群人去的。 He follows this group of people, but for can safer enters this Night Devil Underworld, seeks for the route of map indication, if that route is safe, he does not need to follow again this group of people. 他跟着这群人,只是为能更安全的进入这个夜魔地狱,寻找到地图标示的路线,如果那条路线是安全的,他就不用再跟着这群人。 Yesterday evening they arrived at the Night Devil Underworld, but today will definitely penetrate Night Devil Underworld. 昨晚上他们就到了夜魔地狱的边上,而今天肯定会深入夜魔地狱 Now entered in Night Devil Underworld, before not resembles, was so safe, in this filled danger(ous) everywhere.” Bai Youyou said, now she feels in this very danger(ous), because this fills the thick fog in the forest to be peaceful, this is not right. “现在进入夜魔地狱里面了,不会像之前那么安全,这里面到处都充满危险。”白幽幽说道,现在她就感觉到这里面很危险,因为这充满浓雾的森林里面非常安静,这非常不对劲。 Crossed two mountains, is noon, on the summit of that mountain, Shen Xiang examined a front topography a moment ago, what making him feel strange, he used Primal Chaos Spirit Eye by that thick white fog, has not seen the mountain the outline, this explained that front had a big plain. 翻过了两座山,已经是中午了,在刚才那座山的山顶上,沈翔就查看了一下前面的地势,让他奇怪的是,他用混沌神眼透过那浓浓的白雾,并没有看见山的轮廓,这说明前面有一大片平原。 Probably was close!” Shen Xiang suddenly is excited, because near that map above, on picture big plains, but here goes near the safe route, he knows which position on the map now finally oneself, such a, he must go to that safe route becomes very simple, front he can not need to follow now that group of people. “好像接近了!”沈翔突然兴奋起来,因为那地图上面边上,就画有一大片平原,而这里非常接近安全路线,他现在终于知道自己在地图上面哪个位置,这么一来,他要去到那安全路线就变得非常简单,他现在就可以不用跟着前面那群人。 Has the sound!” Long Xueyi said. “有动静!”龙雪怡说道。 „The front person stopped, the ground is shivering, the probably a group of build very big thing is flushing!” Shen Xiang looks at the ground, discovered that the ground has the trace of slight vibration. “前面的人都停下来了,地面在颤抖,好像有一大群体型很大的东西正冲过来!”沈翔看着地面,发现地面有轻微抖动的痕迹。 Around here is the thick fog, cannot see front to have anything, but here is the plain, this plain in all directions is the mountain, if there is a thing to clash, might is the beasts, because Night Devil, only will then appear at night. 这里四周都是浓雾,根本看不见前面有什么,而这里又是平原,这块平原的四面八方都是高山,如果有东西冲过来的话,很有可能就是兽类了,因为夜魔只有夜晚才会出现。 Is the beast tide, this group of people troubled, it is estimated that must die most.” Long Xueyi said. “是兽潮,这群人麻烦了,估计要死去大半。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang uses Primal Chaos Spirit Eye immediately, passes the fog, can see densely and numerously runs, is ordinary like the tide, is turbulent, is crazy, dashing time treads the land to shake. 沈翔立即使用混沌神眼,透云雾,能看见许多密密麻麻的奔跑过来,如同浪潮一般,非常汹涌,非常疯狂,飞奔的时候踏得大地摇颤。 This innumerable giant beasts roared suddenly, the roar was rock the earth, frightens many people to look deathly pale, because they know the thing that at this time came, was different from yesterday evening that Tiny Night Devil, although these Tiny Night Devil were the Human Immortal middle stage strengths, but actually feared Suppressing Devil Temple's power, that huge energy shield can make these Tiny Night Devil be at a loss. 这无数巨兽忽然一齐咆哮起来,吼声震天动地,吓得许多人脸色惨白,因为他们知道此时过来的这种东西,和昨晚上那种小夜魔不一样,那些小夜魔虽然是人仙中期的实力,但是却非常惧怕镇魔神殿的力量,那个巨大的气罩就能让那些小夜魔束手无策。 However at this time dashes is a leader giant beast, moreover several very powerful aura, it seems like are not only the ordinary giant beasts, powerful Beast King and Beast Monarch. 但是此时飞奔过来的则是一头头巨兽,而且还有几股非常强悍的气息,看来不仅仅是普通的巨兽,还有强大的兽王兽君 Goes to that safe route quickly!” Su Meiyao said. “快去那安全路线吧!”苏媚瑶说道。 The quantity of that giant beast, at least several hundred thousand, they waited obviously here very for a long time such, some people step into here, to/clashes enormously and powerful. 那巨兽的数量非常之多,至少有几十万,他们显然在这里等了很久那样,一有人踏入这里,就浩浩荡荡地冲过来。 Shen Xiang float arrives in the air, changes the human form, then displays peak Primal Chaos Spirit Eye, examines the front mountain. 沈翔悬浮到空中,变回人形,然后把混沌神眼施展到极致,查看前面的高山。 After that vast plain, bottle gourd shape mountain there , big mountains by this bottle gourd mountain, but in this mountain, will have a very small crack, only suffices two people to pass shoulder to shoulder, does not know that is the natural formation, some people excavate intentionally, in brief in that deep crack is very safe, giant beast what is hard attacks, moreover was not discovered easily. 穿过那片辽阔的平原之后,有一座葫芦形状的高山在那里,在这座葫芦山旁边还有一大片高山,而在这片高山中,会有一条很小的裂缝,只够两人并肩通过,也不知道是天然形成,还是有人故意开凿出来的,总之那深深的裂缝里面很安全,巨兽什么的难以攻击下来,而且也不容易被发现。 Shen Xiang flies immediately to the entrance of that safe route, he just flew away shortly , the rear area broadcasts an intermittent great war sound, the intense beast roar, intermittent qi wave has blown the thick fog to surge. 沈翔立即飞向那安全路线的入口,他刚刚飞走没多久,后方就传来一阵阵大战的声音,已经强烈的兽吼,阵阵气波吹得浓雾涌动。 Shen Xiang in flight also came under a big influence, causing his speed to become slow. 就连飞行中的沈翔也受到了不小的影响,导致他的速度变得慢了许多。 „, Even Dragon Emperor and Phoenix King joined to fight, no wonder Elder Sister Youyou their Master wanted the severe wound to go back in the past, this Night Devil Underworld was very fierce.” Long Xueyi surprisedly said. “哇,连龙帝和凤凰王都加入战斗了,难怪当年幽幽姐她们的师傅都要重伤回去,这夜魔地狱果然很厉害。”龙雪怡惊讶道 Shen Xiang also induces to Dragon Emperor and that Phoenix King aura, can make them make a move, came very strong Beast King, and not just one. 沈翔也感应到龙帝和那凤凰王的气息,能让他们出手,想必是来了很强的兽王,而且还不只是一个 Shen Xiang used half double-hour, far away from that battlefield, he will not be affected at this time, the speed of advance was faster. 沈翔用了半个时辰,才远离那个战场,此时他已经不会受到波及,前进的速度快了许多。 Drew near!” The Shen Xiang acceleration goes through, conducted the space shuttle with the strength of Law of Space. “快到了!”沈翔加速穿行,用上了空间法则之力进行空间穿梭。 Shortly, he saw front that two ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain in the tiny crack that sees only, if not his eyesight is good, perhaps also sees. 没多久,他就看见了前面那在两座万丈高山只见的细小裂缝,如果不是他眼力好,恐怕还看见呢。 Now he also discovers a strange phenomenon, is the region that he is, unexpectedly did not have these thick fog in vain, enables front to have big sceneries to look very clearly. 现在他还发现一个奇怪的现象,就是他所在的这片区域,竟然没有了那些白白的浓雾,使得前面有一大片景色看得非常清晰。 Has the person!” Shen Xiang one startled, thinks that he looked clearly, can therefore see front to have the person, moreover was not only one, but was h more than ten. “有人!”沈翔一惊,就以为他看得清晰了,所以才能看见前面有人,而且还不仅仅是一个,而是h十多个。 Is that Phoenix Princess, no wonder cannot induce her aura a moment ago, never expected that she had arrived here!” Long Xueyi said. “是那凤凰公主,难怪刚才感应不到她的气息,没想到她已经来到了这里!”龙雪怡说道。 He Feng...... other that light people should be these big influences send, never expected that they also know that this security entrance where, that map does have many? Their unexpectedly comes quickly compared with me!” Shen Xiang feels uneasy, because of this person here, will have long known obviously. “还有贺枫……其他那的轻人应该都是那些大势力派来的,没想到他们也知道这个安全入口在什么地方,难道那地图有很多张吗?他们竟然比我来得快!”沈翔感到不妙,因为这人会在这里,显然是早就知道了。 You carefully read that map, above has many branch roads, perhaps on their maps, the walked branch road is different, possibly only then your is most correct.” Long Xueyi said. “你仔细看那份地图,上面有很多岔路,说不定他们的地图上面,走的岔路就不一样,可能只有你的才是最正确的。”龙雪怡说道。 Phoenix Princess He Feng these people have not fought with that flock of beasts, but comes to here, the goal is obvious. 凤凰公主贺枫这些人都没有和那群兽战斗,而是来这里,目的已经显而易见。 They hit, He Feng unexpectedly and Phoenix Princess hit......” Long Xueyi to be shocked, Phoenix Princess with Holy Dragon Crown Prince same existence, but is actually provoked by Ten Thousand Pill Immortal Country Prince now, if made Phoenix King know, Ten Thousand Pill Immortal Country will definitely not have the good fruit to eat. “他们打起来了,贺枫竟然凤凰公主打起来了……”龙雪怡感到震惊,凤凰公主可是和圣龙太子一样的存在,但现在却被万丹仙国的一个王子挑衅,如果让凤凰王知道的话,万丹仙国肯定不会有好果子吃。
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