TS :: Volume #48

#4712: God lonesome arrow

The Deathly Stillness strength, Aura of Life, Yan gate seven, are useless to the Saint bow, the absolute realm disparity is hard to make up, in view of this, only has god lonesome arrow. 死寂力量,生命之气,阎门七针,对圣弓都没用,绝对的境界差距难以弥补,既如此,唯有神寂箭。 Once displays, this Saint bow was controlled either, either dies in this, without other choices. 一旦施展,这圣弓要么被控制,要么死在这,没有其它选择。 Lu Yin felt that the soul was being swallowed, Karma, is actually equivalent to the soul, is the passing experience. 陆隐感觉灵魂都在被吞食,因果,其实就相当于灵魂,是自身过往的经历。 He no longer hesitates, lifts the both arms, 他不再迟疑,抬起双臂, Studies the offense dustfall to fade, the potential is a bow, the years make the string, the god lonesome arrow. 学着戾落尘衰,势为弓,岁月作弦,神寂箭。 The marrow, Divine Force gushes out, the periosteum, Deathly Stillness gushes out, green black two strengths each other twine, with forms arrow instantly, an arrow projects. 骨髓,神力涌出,骨膜,死寂涌出,一绿一黑两股力量彼此缠绕,与刹那形成箭矢,一箭射出。 God lonesome arrow. 神寂箭。 Is hard to describe that feeling, two completely different strengths are twining instantly, is only instantly, makes Lu Yin have to plant the torn into shreds misconception, but the Saint bow felt at this moment is strange, winding of Divine Force and Deathly Stillness, appeared instantly, just like a point, lightens had never had the Universe starry sky, lightened its ignorance, lightened frightened beyond description. 难以形容那种感觉,两股完全不同的力量在刹那缠绕,只是刹那,却也让陆隐有种被撕碎的错觉,而圣弓此刻感觉更是诡异,神力死寂的缠绕,出现的刹那,宛如一个点,点亮了从未有过的宇宙星空,点亮了它的无知,点亮了难以形容的惊悚。 The incomparable chill in the air wipes light speck to appear with that it only has looks dull that wipes light speck to be getting more and more near, is that what? 无比的寒意随着那抹光点出现,它唯有呆呆看着那抹光点越来越近,那,到底是什么? ka cha 咔擦 Crashes spreads to the Saint bow ear clearly, its stare blankly the front, in the god lonesome arrow injection palm in the bottle, in the bottle the palm, smash to pieces, is piercing, eruption, two completely different strengths like wanting thoroughly chaotic this Universe, forms the terrifying cyclone to sweep away the Saint bow, drove back the Saint bow forcefully, Blood spurts, cannot believing. 碎裂声清晰传入圣弓耳中,它呆呆望着前方,神寂箭射入掌中瓶之内,将掌中瓶,破碎,洞穿,随之爆发,两股完全不同的力量如同要彻底混乱了这宇宙,形成恐怖的气旋横扫圣弓,将圣弓硬生生逼退了回去,一口血吐出,不可置信。 impossible, impossible, in palm bottle unexpectedly by smash to pieces, impossible. 不可能,不可能,掌中瓶居然被破碎,不可能的。 That is the oneself universe two air/Qi, on the representative in the palm of character his name the bottle, is the pride of oneself, is the pride of given name, is foothold of oneself in clan is basic. 那是自己乾坤二气所化,代表上字其名的掌中瓶,是自己的骄傲,是名讳的骄傲,是自己在族内的立足根本。 Unexpectedly by smash to pieces. 居然被破碎了。 Moreover came from one life form that Eternal Life Realm does not arrive. 而且只是来自一个连永生境都不到的生物 Why can like this? 为什么会这样 ruler clan can jump the ranks the challenge, how to be defeated by the ants? 主宰一族才可以越级挑战,岂会被蝼蚁战败? Who can tell it happen what? 谁能告诉它到底发生了什么? Opposite, the Lu Yin arm turns sour, he has not thought that the effect is so good, before had also tried the god lonesome arrow, although is fierce, but is insufficient an arrow to decide the victory and defeat. 对面,陆隐手臂发酸,他也没想到效果这么好,之前也试过神寂箭,虽厉害,但不至于一箭定胜负。 can only said that in the palm the bottle is very seemingly crisp. 只能说掌中瓶貌似特别脆。 Also possibly was the god lonesome arrow just restrained in this palm the bottle? 也可能是神寂箭刚好克制了这掌中瓶? Lu Yin is unable to understand. 陆隐无法理解。 The Saint bow suspects the life. 圣弓更是怀疑人生。 It raised the head, is looking at Lu Yin, who is eye light crazy „you are? It is not a human, human does impossible have you is so fierce? Moreover just recently that arrow not only Deathly Stillness strength, power of time, who are you?” 它抬头,望着陆隐,目光疯狂“你到底是谁?绝不是人类,人类不可能有你这么厉害?而且刚刚那一箭不止死寂力量,还有岁月的力量,你到底是谁?” Lu Yin lift one's hand, opens bow I not to have the duty to reply you again probably, only if, your little darling were held by me.” 陆隐再次抬手,拉开弓“我好像没义务回答你,除非,你乖乖被我抓住。” The Saint bow laughs wildly, are both eyes gradually redcatch me? Also matches depending on you? The ants life, dares smash to pieces I to hold the bottle, I will not put 圣弓狂笑,双目逐渐赤红“抓我?凭你也配?蝼蚁般的生命,竟敢破碎我掌中瓶,我不会放 You, you have died, I will study every inchs thoroughly your body, you definitely have the secret, I will let you compared with my pain 10,000 times. ” 过你,你死定了,我会将你身体每一寸都研究透彻,你肯定有秘密,我会让你比我痛苦一万倍。” Then, the pupil glitters unceasingly, then, six heavy. 说完,瞳孔不断闪烁,然后,六重。 Lu Yin in great surprise, immediately is the god lonesome arrow, an arrow shoots at it. 陆隐大惊,当即就是神寂箭,一箭射向它。 This increases a layered pupil hole seemingly to promote every time, since the god lonesome arrow exposition, uses it to end. 这每增加一重瞳孔貌似都能提升,既然神寂箭暴露,就用它终结吧。 The god lonesome arrow grazes to go toward the Saint bow, the Saint bow angrily roars, the universe two air/Qi sweep across, ruthlessly bang to god lonesome arrow. 神寂箭朝着圣弓飞掠而去,圣弓怒吼,乾坤二气席卷,狠狠轰向神寂箭。 The god lonesome arrow was contained, raises flies. 神寂箭被遏制,掀飞。 Lu Yin projects again. 陆隐再次射出。 Divine Force and Deathly Stillness that the god lonesome arrow contains were too few, can in the smash to pieces palm the bottle be he has not thought that may face the Saint bow that this moment combat power rises suddenly again, the effect was low. 神寂箭蕴含的神力死寂太少了,能破碎掌中瓶也是他没想到的,可面对此刻战力再次暴涨的圣弓,效果低了。 But an arrow not good on two arrows, two arrows not good on three arrows, Saint bow this are the levels of six layered pupil holes are the breakthrough limit, how long impossible continue absolutely. 但一箭不行就两箭,两箭不行就三箭,圣弓这达到六重瞳孔的层次绝对是突破极限,不可能持续多久。 Bang Bang Bang The god lonesome arrow demolishes void, although the coverage scope is minimum, power not sufficient writes off the Saint bow, but can actually consume its universe two air/Qi. 神寂箭爆破虚空,尽管覆盖范围极小,威力也不足以抹杀圣弓,但却能消耗它的乾坤二气。 The Saint bow raised forcefully six heavily five layered pupil holes, universe two air/Qi also eruption grew, resisted the god lonesome arrow, remoulded in the palm the bottle. 圣弓将五重瞳孔硬生生拔高到了六重,乾坤二气也爆发式增长,一面抵挡神寂箭,一面重塑掌中瓶。 Saw that in the palm the bottle appears again, Lu Yin release green Divine Force forms the long sword, a sword cuts. 眼看掌中瓶再次出现,陆隐释放绿色神力形成长剑,一剑斩出。 The Saint bends/bow the stare green long sword, blurted out that this is the Unknown strength, with just recently that Unknown same nature, you are Unknown or lord die together?” 圣弓盯着绿色长剑,脱口而出“这是不可知的力量,与刚刚那个不可知同一性质,你到底是不可知还是主死亡一道的?” Lu Yin has not managed it, a sword sword cuts, shoots being lost in thought lonesome arrow. 陆隐没理它,一剑剑斩出,同时也射出神寂箭。 In the palm bottle face towards Lu Yin, swallows Karma. 掌中瓶面朝陆隐,吞噬因果 Lu Yin had that soul absorbed feeling again. 陆隐再次有了那种灵魂被吸收的感觉。 Planting-dagger. 植剑。 void, sword shades appear, several distance Saint bows are quite near, with the Lu Yin control, cuts completely to the Saint bow, forms the sword rain. 虚空,一道道剑影浮现,其中好几道距离圣弓相当近,随着陆隐控制,全部斩向圣弓,形成剑雨。 The Saint bow has not thought that also has this move, handles to guard, the body was ripped open by the sword rain, bloodstains have delimited, Lu Yin seizes the chance by the god lonesome arrow shoots towards palm in the bottle. 圣弓没想到还有这招,措不及防,身体被剑雨撕开,一道道血痕划过,陆隐趁机以神寂箭射向掌中瓶。 pang sharply, in the palm the bottle was hit by the god lonesome arrow, this time not broken, after all from six overlaps the pupil, but was also flown by the strength bang of god lonesome arrow. 乓的一声,掌中瓶被神寂箭击中,此次没碎,毕竟来自六重叠加瞳孔,可也被神寂箭的力量轰飞了出去。 The Saint bow spits blood. 圣弓吐血。 The Lu Yin planting-dagger, the sword shadow are again more than just recently. 陆隐再次植剑,剑影比刚刚还多。 The sword rain arrives, the Saint bow has no other choice, in the dispersing palm the bottle, changes into the universe two air/Qi to protect itself. 剑雨降临,圣弓不得已,散开掌中瓶,化为乾坤二气守护自身。 It was compelled already to be incapable of attacking, only has by the universe two air/Qi defenses. 它被逼得已经无力攻击,唯有以乾坤二气防御。 The sword rain entire tribe above the universe two air/Qi, cannot injure its slightest again. 剑雨全部落于乾坤二气之上,未能再伤它分毫。 The universe two air/Qi defended strongly, previously, the Saint bow by the universe two air/Qi as the attack, had not consumed many in the defense, at the present it is incapable of attacking, becomes the defense completely, suddenly even Lu Yin does to it not to. 乾坤二气本就防御极强,此前,圣弓一直以乾坤二气作为攻击,在防御上没耗费多少,而今它无力攻击,全部变为防御,一时间连陆隐都奈何它不得。 Its dead stare Lu Yin, the bloody water drops following the fur/superficial knowledge, dyed red under foot the hairline of jade. 它死盯着陆隐,血水顺着皮毛滴落,染红了脚下的玉的十字线。 „Do you really dare to kill me? You know what, if killed me to face?” “你真敢杀我?你知道如果杀了我会面临什么吗?” Told you, you will be chased down by entire Universe, your Karma will be marked, no one could save you, that Unknown will chase down you, to Lord took undeserved credit by this together.” “告诉你,你会被整个宇宙追杀,你的因果会被标记,谁都救不了你,就连那不可知都会追杀你,以此向主一道邀功。” You must die without doubt.” “你必死无疑。” Lu Yin is certainly clear, in the hand, the god lonesome arrow continues to attack the Saint bow, the universe two air/Qi circulations of this moment Saint bow, blocked the planting-dagger and god lonesome arrow completely, but no matter, just takes this opportunity to expand Divine Force and Deathly Stillness of friendly being enthralled lonesome arrow. 陆隐当然清楚,手中,神寂箭继续攻击圣弓,此刻圣弓的乾坤二气流转,完全挡住了植剑与神寂箭,不过无所谓,刚好利用这个机会扩大融入神寂箭的神力死寂 You cannot escape, the mark in Karma will be seen by the innumerable lives, Square Inch Distance does not have the place of your taking shelter again greatly.” The Saint bends/bow shouts even in this gem space, you cannot run away, you will become like this gem space general most precious object, was competed, becomes chip that will render meritorious service.” “你根本逃不掉,因果内的标记会被无数生灵看到,方寸之距再大也无你容身之处。”圣弓厉喝“就算在这琳琅天上,你也跑不掉,你会成为如同这琳琅天上一般的至宝,被争夺,成为立功的筹码。” Bang The god lonesome arrow bang drew back the Saint bow, the Lu Yin cold sound opens the mouth I to believe that therefore, did not kill you, may actually be able to control you.” 神寂箭轰退圣弓,陆隐冷声开口“我信了,所以,不杀你,可却能控制你。” The Saint bow grinned fiendishly you unable to control me, I had the method to escape, apply mechanically Karma, reversed Karma, or by my escape, either you were blocked me, may block me I dead instantly, when the time comes Karma marked same in your within the body.” 圣弓狞笑“你控制不了我,我有手段可以逃,套用因果,逆转因果,要么被我逃离,要么你拦下我,可拦下我的刹那我就会死,到时候因果标记一样在你体内。” Lu Yin exclaimed in surprise, this Saint bow may be more intelligent than former that fellow. 陆隐惊叹,这圣弓可比之前那个家伙聪明多了。 Fellow anything did not say, escapes, simply has not thought that it's possible was blocked, but the price under blocking is die. 那家伙什么都不说,自顾自逃,根本没想到有可能被拦下,而拦下的代价就是死亡 But this Saint bow face to is also not the main body, discrete saying, to let oneself hesitates. 而这圣弓面对的还不是本尊,却谨慎的说出来,就是为了让自己迟疑。 Said, can only you hit me, can't I actually hit you?” Lu Yin asked back. “这么说,只能你打我,我却不能打你了?”陆隐反问。 The Saint bow is breathing heavily, the pupil glitters unceasingly, six overlap is not steady, rocks unceasingly, possibly drops five momentarily heavily, but the universe two air/Qi of its body surface also can compensate to you in feeble me, but your anything cannot say outward, I even can recommend you to join to advocate Karma together, always you in lord die is much better.” 圣弓喘着粗气,瞳孔不断闪烁,六重叠加不稳,不断晃动,随时可能跌落五重,而它体表的乾坤二气也在衰弱“我可以给你补偿,不过对外你什么都不能说,我甚至能引荐你加入主因果一道,总比你在的主死亡一道好得多。” Why?” Lu Yin is puzzled. “为何?”陆隐不解。 Does the Saint bow eye narrow you unclear?” 圣弓眼睛眯起“你不清楚?” I cross the Bitter and Distressed level, you thought that what I should be clear about?” Lu Yin said. “我只是渡苦厄层次,你觉得我应该清楚什么?”陆隐道。 The Saint bow is aggrieved, scoundrel, but also really crosses the Bitter and Distressed level, oneself really lost to one unexpectedly the skeleton that Eternal Life Realm does not arrive. 圣弓憋屈,混账,还真是渡苦厄层次,自己居然真败给了一个连永生境都不到的骷髅。 But this skeleton was too strange 可这骷髅太诡异了 , Not only there is the defense that can resist the oneself attack, may press the oneself strength, the Unknown strength and lord the die together strength, even can fuse two strengths shortly, but its within the body these two strengths are also very boundless, look not. ,不仅有能抵御自己攻击的防御,可压过自己的力量,还有不可知力量和主死亡一道力量,甚至能将两股力量短暂融合,而其体内这两股力量也无比磅礴,看不到底。 Absolutely is comparable Wang Chen chen genius extremely. 绝对是媲美王辰辰的绝顶奇才 That Wang Chen chen has the present position, making existence of oneself this ruler clan dread, because is called the perfect life, can the showdown agree with existences of two Universe rules in the rascal level, but breakthrough Eternal Life Realm, is the showdown Lord sequence, but undefeated. 那个王辰辰之所以有如今的地位,让自己这个主宰一族的存在都忌惮,就因为被称作完美生灵,在无赖层次就能对决契合两道宇宙规律的存在,而突破永生境,更是对决主序列而不败。 The method of this skeleton is not under Wang Chen chen. 这个骷髅的手段不在王辰辰之下。 The Saint bends/bow the eye light twinkle, is sizing up Lu Yin, Wang Chen chen position from her talent genius, therefore obtains the appreciation of ruler, but this person kind of skeleton? 圣弓目光闪烁,打量着陆隐,王辰辰的地位来自她本身的天赋奇才,因此得到主宰的欣赏,而这个人类骷髅? Its eye light opens you to call greatly early morning, I help you join to advocate Karma together, gives you comparable Wang Chen chen position, how?” 目光大睁“你叫晨是吧,我帮你加入主因果一道,给予你媲美王辰辰的地位,如何?” Lu Yin deeply looks that Saint bow first answered my issue.” 陆隐深深看着圣弓“先回答我的问题。” The Saint bow six layered pupil holes reduce to five suddenly heavily, body surface, universe two air/Qi also feeble, the Lu Yin sword rain cuts to fall ruthlessly, it resists reluctantly, saw that Lu Yin opens the god lonesome arrow, quickly shouted that you also do want take action?” 圣弓六重瞳孔骤然降为五重,体表,乾坤二气也衰弱了下去,陆隐的剑雨狠狠斩落,它勉强抵挡,眼看陆隐拉开神寂箭,急忙大喊“你还要出手?” Replied me.” “回答我。” Lord die to be pursued together, will not have the place of their taking shelter in Square Inch Distance, I can help you join to advocate Karma together, some I recommended, your position not under any Lord sequence, but depending on you talent method, even can obtain the appreciation of ruler, the comparable Wang Chen chen position, this now is much better than you.” Saint bow say/way. “主死亡一道是被驱逐的,在方寸之距不会有它们容身之地,我可以帮你加入主因果一道,有我引荐,你的地位不会在任何主序列之下,而凭你自身天赋手段,甚至能得到主宰的欣赏,媲美王辰辰的地位,这比你现在好得多。”圣弓道。 Lu Yin lets go, god lonesome arrow release, under pupil that in the Saint bow shrinks suddenly, the hit above its universe two air/Qi, this sword, demolished the universe two air/Qi ruthlessly, Lu Yin one step trod, the hand across the universe two air/Qi, held the Saint bow nape of the neck, carried it. 陆隐松手,神寂箭释放,在圣弓骤缩的瞳孔下,狠狠撞击在它的乾坤二气之上,这一剑,爆破了乾坤二气,陆隐一步踏出,手穿过乾坤二气,一把抓住圣弓脖颈,将它拎了起来。 The Saint bends/bow extreme anger, stare holds oneself Lu Yin stubbornly, to nearly, is not that able to breathe, what is most essential, its does like this hold oneself unexpectedly? Hateful, this ants, the scoundrel of this/should extermination of the clan, dare like this to grasp oneself unexpectedly. 圣弓怒极,死死盯着抓住自己陆隐,离得那么近,无法呼吸,最关键的是,它居然这样抓住自己?可恨,这个蝼蚁,该灭族的混账,竟然敢这样自己 Its pupil twinkle, first is returns to normal, then superimposes. 它瞳孔闪烁,先是恢复正常,然后叠加。 A Lu Yin palm pats conveniently, pats the dizzy it. 陆隐随手一掌拍下,将它拍晕。 If there is not fought before that ruler clan fellow, will also be really displayed that to apply mechanically the method of Karma by the Saint bow, when the time comes ran away by it either, either killed it, regardless of which situation is not Lu Yin wants. 如果不是与之前那个主宰一族的家伙交过手,还真会被圣弓施展那个套用因果之法,到时候要么被它逃走,要么杀了它,无论哪种情况都不是陆隐想要的。 Lu Yin impossible kills it in the gem space, because here has the too many powerful enemy, just like the Saint bow said that when the time comes Unknown could probably kill him to come to take undeserved credit to ruler clan. 陆隐不可能在琳琅天上杀它,因为这里有太多的强敌,正如圣弓所言,到时候不可知都会要杀他来向主宰一族邀功。 Has had the beforehand experience, Lu Yin naturally decisive take action. 有过之前的经验,陆隐当然果断出手 Surrounds the Saint bow, this fights very laboriously, but, has not ended. 将圣弓困住,这一战很辛苦,但,还没完。 Turns around slowly, behind, the form appears together. 缓缓转身,后面,一道身影浮现。
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