TTC :: Volume #17

#810: The people are silly, money are many, comes at once

But these two wharves, are Han transport/fortune Business Club has. 而这两处码头,均为【韩运】商会所持有。 Last wharf as the public wharf, has the chamber of commerce that many do the logistics business, because of route unsatisfactory relations, as well as water volume insufficient wait/etc factors, is unable to shoulder revolves the big freighter......, but is used to support a numerous medium small chamber of commerce, is reluctantly. 最后一处码头作为公共码头,有着诸多做物流生意的商会,但因为路线不佳的关系,以及水量不足等等因数,无法负荷运转较大的货船……但用来养活一众的中小商会,还是勉强可以。 ...... …… Mentioned sneaks the search, the first response of Aunt Ren can associate to such as the SOD society, the IP society and so on- wore the search officer of black leather clothing to be captured, always got a grip! 说起潜入搜查,任大妈的第一反应是会联想到诸如SOD社,IP社之类-身穿黑色皮衣的搜查官被擒获,老得劲了! Moreover this matter happened in the evening generally. 而且这事情一般都发生在晚上。 Therefore this time is in the evening. 所以此时是晚上。 In the evening, Chentang pass/test, Han transport/fortune Chamber of commerce...... chamber of commerce marine transportation wharf. 晚上,【陈塘关】,【韩运】商会……商会海运码头。 The populace secret, chamber of commerce master Han Jincheng is in the sea the monster sovereign Nine senior generals The adopted sons, have the elite Monster Race sailors of marine ten Chinese red army soldier to assist, only Han transport/fortune The ships of chamber of commerce go to sea will not come under the attack...... in the work places to be widely known, at night can see in the marine transportation wharf to have the form that in the sea Monster Race takes a walk. 大众秘密,商会主人韩金城乃是海中妖皇【九头大将】义子,拥有海上十八路的精英妖族水军相助,唯独【韩运】商会的船只出海才不会受到攻击……坊间盛传,每到晚上都能够看见海运码头上有海中妖族走动的身影。 This matter, Chentang pass/test Before without return, the naval district survives in name only, is not naturally able to regulate- Chentang After the return, newly appointed guards Sir river, seems during also still waiting and seeing. 这事情,【陈塘关】没有回归之前,镇守府名存实亡,自然无法监管-【陈塘】回归之后,新上任的镇守江大人,似乎也还在观望之中。 However Chentang At this time has returned to Human Race, Monster Race in marine transportation wharf appears and disappears, as if also restrained much. 不过【陈塘】此时已经回归人族,海运码头上的妖族出没,似乎也收敛了不少。 At this time, but sees above the marine transportation wharf, brilliantly illuminated, even late at night is still similar to daytime, several tens of thousands of stevedores, are removing goods the heavy tonnage ships that unloads cargo...... anchors to approach shore busily, more than 20 numbers, in the sea level of distant place, even can also see to wait to enter port or already the ships that departs. 此时,但见海运码头之上,灯火通明,即便是深夜也如同白昼似的,数万的码头工人,正在忙碌地搬货卸货……停泊靠岸的重型吨位船只,不下二十之数,远处的海面上,甚至还能够看见正等着入港或者已经离去的船只。 Big god, you looks at the ships where anchors, I counted the number initially, at least on eight ships, stood the Monster Race sailor!” Ren Ziling takes the telescope of night vision at this time, is taking a fast look around back and forth, is flabbergasted to say secretly: This Han Jincheng business, really does very greatly.” “大神,你看哪边停泊的船只,我初步数了数,至少有八艘船上,都站满了妖族的水手!”任紫玲此时拿着夜视的望远镜,来来回回地扫视着,暗暗乍舌道:“这个韩金城的生意,真做得很大啊。” Long Xiruo said: He is responsible for transporting, the cargo on ship is the major chambers of commerce subscribes, must sell to Alliance Each region. However control this wharf, Han transport/fortune The chamber of commerce described with the thriving business is not overrated, even also underestimated.” 龙夕若道:“他只是负责运而已,船上的货物都是各大商会订的,要销往【联盟】各地。不过控制这个码头,【韩运】商会用日进斗金来形容都不为过,甚至还小看了。” Ren Ziling said: I listened to money Fugui saying that Chentang pass/test Most chambers of commerce, the back has Alliance Some big financial groups support, is actually the agents of these financial groups...... , if no these big financial groups to operate in the back, Chentang The tariff so will not be low, sudden and huge profits can be imagined.” 任紫玲道:“我听钱富贵说,【陈塘关】的大部分商会,背后都是有【联盟】的一些大财团扶持的,其实是这些财团的代理人……如果没有这些大财团在背后操作,【陈塘】的关税不会这么低,这其中的暴利可想而知。” You look at a next six o'clock the direction.” Long Xiruo said suddenly. “你看一下六点钟的方向。”龙夕若冷不丁说道。 Ren Ziling looked hastily, actually sees the dim light of night above the sea level, at this time running water trundle is not normal, but under examining carefully, as if has what colossus, in water move in, but has not actually surfaced. 任紫玲连忙看了过去,却见夜色的海面之上,此时流水滚动似并不正常,但细看之下,似乎有什么庞然大物,正在水中移动,但却没有浮出水面。 What thing is this?” Aunt Ren asked with amazement. “这是什么东西?”任大妈惊讶问道。 Underwater wharf.” Long Xiruo is fast typical: Marine transportation wharf is divided into the two floors, the upper layer is, is the normal ship transport that we see...... the underwater wharf, is the genuine sudden and huge profits place, they are used to transport the contraband goods to use.” “水下码头。”龙夕若飞快地道:“海运码头分为上下两层,上层即我们所见的,是正常的船运……水下的码头,才是真正暴利的地方,他们用来运违禁品用的。” Well, when did the big god you investigate these?” Ren Ziling asked with amazement. “咦,大神你什么时候调查了这些的?”任紫玲惊讶问道。 Long Xiruo said directly: „It is not I investigates, yes Has jade The person in group, after he arrives, happen to mixed in a big financial group, this time was appointed, comes to send under custody the cargo, he...... you opens to connect the pattern in the dock in underwater wharf at present, I the angle of view share that he photographs surreptitiously to you.” 龙夕若直接道:“不是我调查的,是【有翡】团里的人,他降临之后,正好混入了一个大财团之中,这次被任命,前来押送货物,他目前就在水下码头的船坞之中……你开一下接连模式,我把他偷拍的视角分享给你。” „!” Aunt Ren operated hastily. “哦哦!”任大妈连忙操作了起来。 After entering the game, this travels together with the big god all the way, in Chentang pass/test Feeling also very smooth-, therefore, she almost forgot, the matter that the players have arrived at- is mainly, so far has not bumped into! 进入游戏之后,这一路上都与大神同行,在【陈塘关】感觉还挺顺利的-所以,她差点就忘记了,玩家们都已经降临的这件事情-主要是,到目前为止都还没有碰上! At this time, shared that to submerge the underwater wharf Has jade The after angle of view of member, the corner of underwater wharf, launches...... one in the line of sight of Ren Ziling, during huge hydrospace compared with imagination! 此时,共享了那名已经潜入了水下码头的【有翡】成员的视角之后,水下码头的一角,随之在任紫玲的视线之中展开……一个,比想象之中更加庞大的水中空间! „Does big god, this big brothers name?” Ren Ziling asked subconsciously- wanted is not Ahli that show fox, who was together well ! “大神,这位大兄弟叫什么名字哦?”任紫玲下意识问道-只要不是阿离那只骚狐狸,谁都好相处哒! Guo Zhan.” Long Xiruo said directly: We look for also to enter the underwater dock, aids him.” “郭斩。”龙夕若直接道:“我们找等会也进入水下船坞,去接应他。” How to go in?” Aunt Ren asked curiously. “怎么进去哦?”任大妈好奇问道。 Then saw Long Xiruo at this time the chuckle the sound, later rotated ring on a fingertip, immediately then two root volume extensions fell. 便见龙夕若此时轻笑了声,随后转动了一下指尖上的戒指,顿时便有两根卷转掉落了下来。 Displacement scroll( mother scroll) 【位移卷轴】(母卷) Mysterious item: Disregards to tie, assigns to transmit to the scroll subvolume holder side, the limit is away from ten kilometers, ( 5 / 10 ) 神秘道具:无视结界,指定传送到卷轴子卷持有者身边,限制距离十公里以内, Displacement scroll( Subvolume) 【位移卷轴】(子卷) Mysterious item...... 神秘道具…… ...... …… ...... …… Guo Zhan, the scout family background, recovers at Spiritual Qi, quilt Has jade The department picks- Guo Zhan has never thought that a ability in his army, will serve as in play to play unexpectedly! 郭斩,侦察兵出身,适逢灵气复苏,被【有翡】部门相中-曾经的郭斩从未想过,他一身军中的本领,竟然会被用作于玩游戏! From the beginning, Guo Zhan is the rejection-, but concerned about the inherent responsibilities of soldier, he has to obey the arrangement of higher-up leader. 一开始,郭斩是拒绝的-但碍于军人的天职,他不得不听从上级领导的安排。 However until now, as Spiritual Qi recovers, in the exposure of the world, Guo Zhan idea had had the earth-shaking transformation...... 然而时至今日,随着灵气复苏,里世界的曝光,郭斩的想法已经发生了翻天覆地的转变…… Vision does not have the issue... this to be good clearly.” Guo Zhan the palm is touching the position of ear at this time lightly, said in a low voice: Regimental commander, at present I hold an office Zhao The goods of group are still lining up, it is estimated that must wait till the quick dawn time can unload cargo...... this period of time, I will attempt to look for the opportunity, what investigates the underwater wharf......, the big regimental commander you must come in......, isn't cannot...... also probably take a person...... purple Miss Ji? Good... good.” “视觉清晰无问题…这就好。”郭斩此时手掌轻触着耳朵的位置,低声说道:“团长,我目前所任职的【赵氏】集团的货还在排队,估计要等到快天亮的时候才能卸货……这段时间,我会尝试寻找机会,调查水下码头……什么,大团长您要进来……哦,不是不可以……还要带上一个人……紫姬小姐吗?好…好的。” Hears the big regimental commander since the previous time Scarlet mausoleum After special map, continuously and a player named purple Ji greasily in one, even this time arrives is also. 听说大团长自从上次的【赤王陵】特殊地图之后,就一直和一名叫紫姬的玩家腻在了一起,甚至这次降临也是。 According to big regimental commander passing habit, this is not very normal...... was guessing that actually this purple Ji is what origin- felt that the big regimental commander seems to be also supporting? 按照大团长过往的习惯,这就很不正常了……都在猜测这个紫姬究竟是什么来历-感觉大团长似乎还挺着惯着的? Guo does Zhan, what you make there?” “郭斩,你在那里做什么?” In the meantime, not far away broadcast the sound of shouting, Guo Zhan referred to the wall surface calmly, said at will: „, Is Brother Zhang! it's nothing, I look here stratified schematic drawing.” 就在此时,不远处传来了呼喊的声音,郭斩不动声色地指了指墙面,随意道:“哦,是张哥啊!没什么,我就看一下这里的分层示意图而已。” Saw only a capable 30 -year-old man to walk slowly, built Guo Zhan shoulder directly, said with a smile lightly: Having anything is attractive, this place I am ripe, follows the elder brother, will guarantee you bored not !” 只见一名精壮的三十来岁的汉子缓缓地走了过来,直接一搭郭斩的肩膀,轻笑道:“有什么好看的,这地儿我熟,跟着哥走,保证你不会无聊哒!” Guo Zhan asked curiously: What's wrong, this place really also has the place of entertainment to be inadequate.” 郭斩好奇问道:“怎么,这地方难道真的还有娱乐的地方不成。” Otherwise?” The men...... Brother Zhang smiled saying with a smile: Sometimes we unload cargo here, as soon as possibly is several days. In how many days can't squat daily in the guest room rest? Walks, three are the entertainment world, Han transport/fortune The chamber of commerce will do business, in three any fun pleasure has, especially can also find the Monster Race female......, we running ship, may be able do without this all the year round.” “不然呢?”汉子……张哥笑了笑道:“有时候我们在这里卸货,一等可能就是好几天的时间。几天里总不能天天蹲在客房里休息吧?走吧,三层是娱乐圈,【韩运】商会会做生意,三层里什么好玩的乐子都有,尤其还能够找到妖族的女子……嘿,咱们长年跑船的,可不能没有这个。” TM, here is also sharing the angle of view with the big regimental commander! TM,这边还和大团长共享着视角呢! In the hearsay the big regimental commander had possibility emotion to have the problem very much, regarding unfaithful/stamen, imprudent masculine special was hostile toward...... previous time his colleague, but in the rest, brushed the little elder sister who several wear maid installed in the video of dancing, was punished to clean one month of restroom...... 传闻中大团长很有可能情感方面出现了问题,以至于对于花心,不检点的男性特别的仇视……上次他的一个同事,只不过是在休息的时候,多刷了几个穿着女仆装的小姐姐在跳舞的视频,就被罚去洗了一个月的厕所…… „... Has casino?” Guo Zhan said hastily: I have no interest in the woman, I only like gambling!” “咳咳…有赌场吗?”郭斩连忙说道:“我对女人没有兴趣,我只喜欢赌钱!” Originally your good this!” Brother Zhang haha smiles: Was skillful, the Elder Brother I just made several mahjong gamblers...... , do we play several together?” “原来你好这口!”张哥哈哈一笑:“巧了,哥哥我刚好约了几个牌友……要不,咱们一起玩几把?” Ok.” Guo Zhan nods, at once a vision revolution, I happen to know two friends, the person silly money many that or... on approximately same place?” “行。”郭斩点点头,旋即目光一转,“我正好认识两位朋友,人傻钱多的那种,要不…约上一起?” Brother Zhang actually knits the brows: Friend? What friend do you come for several days...?” 张哥却皱了皱眉道:“朋友?你才来几天而已…什么朋友?” Yes, mentioned also skillfully.” Guo Zhan is sighing the human affairs variable say/way at this time: These two friends, are in the same city come with me, was the old times acquaintance...... actually didn't expect, can meet in this remote place, did you say skillfully unfortunately?” “是啊,说来也巧。”郭斩此时感叹着世事无常道:“这两个朋友,与我是同一个城里出身的,是旧时相识……却没想到,能够在这偏远的地方碰见,你说巧不巧?” Brother Zhang hesitates saying: What company person is?” 张哥沉吟道:“是什么公司的人?” Guo Zhandao: Probably Chentang pass/test In some chamber of commerce, this time seems like for a group of slaves. Concrete is that company, I have not come and asked that...... this did not plan met the gambling house time, asks carefully? Our also many years disappear, so many years pass by, perhaps the will of the people changed...... Brother Zhang, or likes, I declined these two friends then am, in any case was not very ripe.” 郭斩道:“好像是【陈塘关】內某个商会的,这次似乎是为了一批奴隶而来。具体是那家公司,我也没来及的问……这不打算等会牌局的时候,仔细问问嘛?我们也多年不见了,这么多年过去,人心或许都变了……张哥要不喜欢,我回绝这两个朋友便是,反正也不是很熟。” This does not use.” Brother Zhang shakes the head, at once narrows the eyes to focus saying: Plays cards, the person is lively is fun, you called are. Waits to arrive at this place to come, I first arrange, tonight makes a general situation.” “这倒不用。”张哥摇摇头,旋即眯着眼道:“打牌嘛,人多热闹才好玩,你叫上便是。等会到这个地来,我先去打点一下,今晚做个大局。” Guo Zhanmiao understands, nods, hehe said with a smile: Brother Zhang should not be too ruthless, after all the friend must locate.” 郭斩秒懂,点点头,呵呵一笑道:“张哥可不要太狠了,毕竟朋友还是要处的。” Young fellow, promising.” Brother Zhang haha smiles: Must have your advantage!” “小伙子,有前途。”张哥哈哈一笑:“少不了你的好处!” ...... …… BOOM-! BOOM-! Two. 一个,两个。 Guo Zhan who the hand grasps the subvolume looks calmly two smog for the first time presently- sees the Long Xiruo instance, is polite to say hastily respectfully: Big regimental commander!” 手握子卷的郭斩不动声色地看着两道烟雾乍现-看见龙夕若的瞬间,连忙恭恭敬敬地执礼道:“大团长!” Sees purple Ji appears, Guo Zhanshao does to hesitate, but shouted one similarly respectfully, purple Miss Ji.” 看见紫姬出现的时候,郭斩稍作迟疑,但还是同样恭敬地喊了一声,“紫姬小姐。” Was too polite!” Aunt Ren hehe said with a smile at this time, originally was a handsome fellow!” “太客气了!”任大妈此时呵呵笑道,“原来是个帅哥!” This purple Miss Ji always felt that the actual age is... cruel? 这个紫姬小姐总感觉实际的年龄是…如狼似虎? Guo Zhanqing coughed two, big regimental commander, this Brother Zhang I mixed this period of time ripe, the status was Zhao Under group a staff of open sea company purchase section, 78 years of purchases experienced. However in secret, the company senior staff will become him to open the deacon...... this seems like enters truly Zhao The group internal person, can status. As for this Zhao The group, the back is Gold Dragon sacred place, The current helmsman is a female named Zhao Wumian, moreover......” 郭斩轻咳了两声,“大团长,这个张哥我这段时间混熟了,身份是【赵氏】集团旗下的一家远洋公司采购部的员工,有七八年的采购经验了。不过私底下,公司的老员工都会成他为张执事……这好像是真正进入了【赵氏】集团内部的人,才能够得到的身份。至于这【赵氏】集团,背后是【金龙圣地】,目前的掌舵人是一名叫做赵无眠的女子,另外……” Guo Zhan reports the news that he is investigating to obtain this period of time fast. 郭斩飞快地汇报着他这段时间所探查得到的消息。 Suddenly pulled out two rainbow sugar to come out as for Aunt Ren at this time, apportioned Long Xiruo one. 至于任大妈此时则是突然掏出了两枚彩虹糖出来,分给了龙夕若一枚。 Seven colors rainbow sugar?!” Guo Zhan was startled immediately, „isn't this exchange prize of time limit map time?” “七色彩虹糖?!”郭斩顿时惊了惊,“这不是限时地图时候的兑换奖品?” At first, this type of rainbow sugar, because the conversion price is lowest, moreover ability that as if only then distorts...... in the item game that but distorts similarly are many are, therefore the person of original intention exchange are extremely few. 起初,这种彩虹糖因为兑换价格是最低的,而且似乎只有变形的能力……而类似变形的道具游戏里面多得是,因此原意兑换的人极少。 But Scarlet mausoleum After map explanation, the stamina of rainbow sugar spreads started- particularly its zone ability can resist below all ultra steps to inquire about that the item going against heaven's will effect, the price had been fried extremely high. 但【赤王陵】地图解释之后,流传出来的彩虹糖的后劲才开始出来了-尤其是它的变装能力能够抵抗所有超阶以下探寻道具的逆天效果,价格已经被炒得极高。 True Dragon of divine land actually turns the dead fish eye to say at this time: Gives me this doing?” 神州的真龙此时却翻着死鱼眼道:“给我这个干嘛?” Refuses to accept to do, True Dragon of divine land always disdains to camouflage! 不服就干,神州的真龙从来不屑伪装! Sneaks the search!” Aunt Ren said at this time full of enthusiasm: Hits sneaking that lies not to have the technology completely, sneaking that does not replace does not have the soul! Must play to play the difficulty!” “潜入搜查啊!”任大妈此时兴致勃勃道:“把人全部打趴的潜入太没有技术,不换装的潜入是没有灵魂的!要玩就要玩有难度的!” Difficulty...... 难度…… What difficulty does this broken game have to you? 这个破游戏对你有什么难度可言吗? True Dragon of divine land looks scruple by rainbow sugar that the hard stopper comes, the innermost feelings are the rejection- is mainly this thing to her somewhat strange, and not good memories...... previous time in Scarlet mausoleum Time, why cannot look on the bright side of thing, becomes with the rainbow sugar zone......! 神州的真龙迟疑地看着被硬塞过来的彩虹糖,内心是拒绝的-主要是这玩意对她有些奇怪且不好的回忆……上次在【赤王陵】的时候,为什么就那么想不开,用彩虹糖变装成为……咳咳! Saw only Aunt Ren to crack with the teeth at this time directly a rainbow sugar, later after BOOM, then saw her incarnation to become a youth appearance of black becoming dark pupil. 只见任大妈此时直接嗑了一枚彩虹糖,随后BOOM的一声之后,便见她化身成为了一名黑发黑瞳的青年模样。 Youth At this time wears the white shirt and black trousers simply, but why does not know, the whole body was moistened......, because moistened relations, shirt fitting body. 【青年】此时不过简单地穿着白色的衬衣与黑色的长裤,但不知为何,全身都被打湿了……因为被打湿的关系,衬衣贴合着身体。 Seeing only Youth At this time is combing the hair at will, revealed wiped neckband that the chuckle...... added on that to open wide- True Dragon of divine land stared in a big way the eye immediately, at once has transferred the face suddenly! 只见【青年】此时随意地梳拢着头发,露出了一抹轻笑……加上那敞开的领口-神州的真龙顿时瞪大了眼睛,旋即猛然转过了脸去! Grass...... 艹…… Xiruo rubbed the nose...... to bear fast! 夕若飞快地揉了揉鼻子……忍住! Too exciting, my TM uses the rainbow sugar time does not dare is so exciting! 太刺激了,我TM用彩虹糖的时候都不敢这么刺激! True Dragon of divine land is angry immediately, has turned around, frying the chicken is ominous, you make anything!” 神州的真龙顿时大怒,又转过了身来,炒鸡凶的,“你做什么!” Well?” Aunt Ren was startled being startled, looked at own both hands, embarrassed, became wrong! Originally if not establish, time will be according to the previous zone...... wait/etc, I will change one again! This is my child pounds, Graceful! I change am playing, cannot be seen by the lover! However the big god you have not related!” “咦?”任大妈怔了怔,看了看自己的双手,“不好意思,变错了!原来如果不进行设定,是会按照上一次的变装的……等等哈,我再变一个!这个是我儿砸,帅吧!我变着玩的,可不能被野女人看见了!不过大神你就没关系啦!” You turn into this appearance to make anything to feed! 你变成这个模样要做什么啊喂! Therefore Aunt Ren ate one, this time turned into an average not wonderful, dark complexioned male appearance. 于是任大妈又吃了一枚,这次则是变成了一个平平无奇,脸色黝黑的男子模样。 At this time, saw Aunt Ren to eat, Long Xiruo also has grudgingly cracking with the teeth...... she awakens suddenly the rainbow sugar, according to the rainbow sugar did not conduct the words of establishment, according to previous time...... 此时,见任大妈已经吃了,龙夕若也只好不情不情愿地将彩虹糖给嗑……她猛然惊醒过来,按照彩虹糖不进行设置的话,会根据上一次的…… My TM almost society dies! 我TM差点社死! True Dragon of divine land rubbed to replace Establishment -boom hastily secretly. 神州的真龙连忙暗搓搓地更换了设置-BOOM。 Instantaneously, True Dragon of divine land also turned into one to wear the eye, looked was the appearance of middle-aged man the ordinary household came. 瞬间,神州的真龙也变成了一个佩带着眼睛,一看就是普通家庭出身的中年男人的模样。 Can these two people, be good? 这两个人,到底能不能行啊? Guo Zhan in the heart sighed secretly......, but worked must do, then said sternly: Big regimental commander, we first supply to an end opening, in order to avoid by Brother Zhang was seen a clue comes.” 郭斩心中暗自叹了口气……但工作还是要做的,便正色道:“大团长,我们先对一下口供吧,以免被张哥看出点端倪来。” True Dragon of divine land does not beckon with the hand at this time patiently, stares saying: Knew, I am money am many!” 神州的真龙此时不耐烦地摆了摆手,一瞪眼道:“知道了,我是钱多!” I am the person am silly!” Aunt Ren also collected at this time lively, is raising hand hastily, the full of enthusiasm said/tunnel, we are the landlord family/home silly child female combine!” “我是人傻!”任大妈此时也凑齐了热闹,连忙举着手,兴致勃勃地道,“我们是地主家傻孩子女子组合!” Can a little tense feeling...... 能不能有点儿紧张感啊…… ...... …… „Are you money are many?” “你就是钱多?” The Brother Zhang doubt sizes up this country character face to wear the man of eyeglasses at present, wiped the chin, at once looks side dark batch of skins average asked without the remarkable man, said: You?” 张哥狐疑地打量着眼前这个国字脸戴眼镜的男子,抹了抹下巴,旋即看着旁边黝黑批皮肤的平平无奇男子问道,道:“你呢?” My name was Ren Sha ! Brother Zhang hao!” “我叫任沙!张哥好!”
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