TTC :: Volume #17

#802 Part 1: Yes 【Cage】 But is also, the institute of taking shelter(

„Does body have the difference? Although not the dead silkworm merit resurrects you, but has the sequela is also the unknown......” Ye Yan said kindly: „After leaving here, I lead you to make a detailed inspection, I have the doctor of getting to know each other well, is very good.” “身体有没有异样?不死蚕功虽然将你复活,但是否留后遗症也是未知数……”叶言关切地说道:“离开这里之后,我带你去做一次详细的检查吧,我有相熟的医师,很不错的。” As the saying goes cares chaotically, for example cultivator, regarding the control what kind of fineness of body, the slight illness small pain drinks the hot water, getting sick big illness/quick...... cultivator got sick greatly greatly, generally couldn't govern is not? 俗话说关心则乱,譬如修士,对于身体的掌控何等的精细,小病小痛喝热水,大病大疾……修士都大病了,一般也治不了不是? All right.” Little Luo SIR said: I feel now am very good . Moreover the skill has also been increased.” “没事的。”小洛SIR道:“我现在感觉很好,而且功力还有所提升。” „After hearsay not dead silkworm activates, truly can make the person skill increase.” Ye Yan nods, „, moreover may obtain talent magical powers, as the saying goes is survived to have the happiness in old age, this is your affinity, this wave does not owe.” “传闻不死蚕激活之后,确实能够让人功力大增。”叶言点点头,“而且还有可能获得一项天赋神通,俗话说大难不死必有后福,这是你的缘法,这波不亏。” Little Luo SIR nods, at once asks: Matter... was solved.” 小洛SIR点点头,旋即问道:“事情…都解决了吗。” Mediocre.” Ye Yan thinks saying: But, has not wasted time finally.” “不好不坏。”叶言想了想道:“不过,总算是没有白忙一场。” Said that Ye Yan felt where oneself have not owed probably, Little Luo has rescued...... him as if also to gain fully one wave. Although Saint sovereign soul Quilt Puxian On emperor seal, but this seal will untie with the increase of his strength gradually, is equal to him steady to grasp with steady steps thoroughly Saint sovereign soul Strength. 说起来叶言感觉自己好像也没有亏到什么地方,小洛已经救回……他似乎还赚足了一波。虽说【圣皇魂】被【普贤】帝上封印了,但这个封印会随着他力量的提升而逐步解开,等同于他可以稳步稳扎地彻底掌握【圣皇魂】的力量。 And, obtains Saint sovereign soul Hidden danger that later brings, quilt Puxian Eliminating, later similar turn into a demon event almost Ceases Ye Yan is also Nantianmen Half biological son, Nantianmen Hasn't felt better to him? 并且,获得【圣皇魂】之后所带来的隐患,也被【普贤】给消除了,以后类似入魔的事件几乎杜绝-叶言也算是【南天门】的半个亲生儿子了,【南天门】都没对他这么好过? After this, remaining things, particularly the conclusion of moth wing youngster, is not he can control...... behind this as if also to involve particularly 【The ninth prison Some. 这之后剩下的事情,尤其是蛾翼少年的结论,也已经不是他可以左右了……尤其是这背后似乎还牵涉到了【第九狱】中的某位。 On emperor, just now the base caved, reveals one to abandon Millennium demons teach Altar.” Song Jiaoxi said at this time suddenly, you have long known existence of Altar.” “帝上,方才基地塌陷,露出了一处废弃的【千年魔教】祭坛。”宋教习此时却突然说道,“你可是早就知道祭坛的存在。” Good.” Puxian Nods, past years annihilated Demon teaches Time, here Altar is the demon teaches one of 100 eight Altar on Twelve Altar, by Demon teaches Four big protect to teach one of the Dharma king Demon phoenix Son of Heaven Guarding. After war, Altar was destroyed, Demon phoenix Then is keep silent and lie low...... this place, because once constructed the Altar reason, the ground is reliable, afterward then the selected location becomes Cage Plan the place of selected location. You went in had not related, there already nothing at all, the ruins that but abandoned, as for the demon article that on the wall survived, nothing but was the eulogy Millennium demons revere The sentence, should to you also the value of it's nothing research.” “不错。”【普贤】点点头,“当年歼灭【魔教】的时候,这里的祭坛就是魔教一百零八祭坛之中的上十二祭坛之一,由【魔教】的四大护教法王之一的【魔凤天王】镇守。大战过后,祭坛被毁,【魔凤】则是销声匿迹……此地,因为曾兴建了祭坛的原因,地基牢固,后来便选址成为了【笼】计划的选址之地。你们进去了也没关系,那里已经什么都没有,只是废弃的遗址而已,至于墙壁上残存下来的魔文,无非是歌颂【千年魔尊】的句子,对你来说应该也没什么研究的价值。” But at that time, we actually suffered a shadow of unknown origin to raid.” Song Jiaoxi hesitated saying: Finally that shadow even detonated the water course, directs of backflow water vermilion bird great lake.” “但当时,我们却遭受了一道来历不明的影子所袭。”宋教习沉吟道:“最后那影子甚至引爆了水脉,引朱雀大湖之水倒灌。” Shadow?” Puxian Wrinkled frowns, what characteristics can have?” “影子?”【普贤】皱了皱眉头,“可有什么特征?” Song Jiaoxi shakes the head, I only heard one to whisper, later consciousness is then uncontrolled, that was my very strangely pronunciation syllable. I do not know this whispering content, but I remembered it.” 宋教习摇了摇头,“我只听见了一阵低语,随后意识便不受控制,那是一种我很陌生的发音音节。我不知道这段低语的内容,不过我把它记下来了。” Saying, Song Jiaoxi the lip shivered, made unusual sounds. 说着,宋教习嘴唇颤动,发出了一道道奇特的声音。 The scraps/condescend cedar listens to listen to start to stare, the Song teacher was too fearful- this T meow which man really wanted her, but also how secretly fishy smell!! 屑楠听着听着就开始瞪眼,宋教习太可怕了-这T喵的哪个男人真要了她,还怎么去偷腥!! Quick, the Song teacher then stopped, hesitates saying: I send, as if no same effect.” 很快,宋教习便停了下来,沉吟道:“不过我发出来,似乎没有相同的效果。” Seeing only Puxian At this time thinks saying: Perhaps is the cultivation technique reason, may be other factor, you can remember this to be very good. How however doesn't similar dense phrase book place have the clue temporarily...... that shadow later whereabouts?” 只见【普贤】此时想了想道:“或许是功法的原因,也有可能是别的因数,你能记下这一段已经很不错了。不过类似的密语本座暂时也没有头绪……那影子之后的去向如何?” „After lake water flows in backward, we then washed out.” Song Jiaoxi shakes the head: Disappears without a trace.” “湖水倒灌之后,我们便被冲刷回来。”宋教习摇了摇头:“不知去向。” This matter place will pay attention.” Puxian At this time beckons with the hand, at present, first handles the matter of base. Zero number Had been cut to kill by me...... is you leads him to come after all, is delivered him by you last regulation.” “这件事情本座会关注的。”【普贤】此时摆了摆手,“眼下,先处理好基地之事。【零号】已经被我所斩杀……毕竟是你带他来的,也就由你送他最后一程吧。” Song Jiaoxi looked to this time desolate Yan The place that drops down, does slightly silent, said slowly: Gives me.” 宋教习看向了此时【萧延】所倒下的地方,稍作沉默,才缓缓说道:“交给我。” On emperor!” Sees only the second blade sovereign to seize the chance at this time, younger generation has the incident, hopes that can be permitted.” “帝上!”只见第二刀皇此时趁机走来,“晚辈有一事,希望能得到允许。” You said.” Puxian Said indifferently. “你说吧。”【普贤】淡然说道。 Second blade sovereign direct finger/refers of cloud Tianfeng, said solemnly: „The righteousness younger sisters of younger generation have been missing for three years, the life and death does not know that perhaps...... this person, knows its whereabouts only. Although he is the person in base, but requested earnestly on the emperor to be able it to teach me, after I interrogated, returned to surely completely!” 第二刀皇直接一指云天风,沉声道:“晚辈的义妹已经失踪了三年,生死不知……此人,或许是唯一知道其下落的。他虽然是基地的人,但恳请帝上能够将其教给我,待我审问过后,必定完好送回!” Does not need to trouble.” Puxian As if only wants to do here trivial matters as soon as possible, „the present asked that this place helps you search for the soul directly.” “不必麻烦了。”【普贤】似乎只想尽快搞完这里的琐事,“现在就问吧,本座直接帮你搜魂。” Many thanks on emperor!” The second blade sovereign revealed wiped the happy expression. “多谢帝上!”第二刀皇露出了一抹喜色。 The Yuan room half-dead cloud Tianfeng will raise at this time, later wakes cloud Tianfeng who...... sobers first to know what directly oneself needs to face was anything, the decadent color of whole face. 元斋此时将半死不活的云天风提来,随后直接弄醒……清醒过来的云天风第一时间知道自己需要面对的是什么了,满脸的颓败之色。 I lost......” cloud Tianfeng to say at this time spookily: But I do not lose to you, but lost to the day... to lose to the fate.” “我输了……”云天风此时幽幽说道:“但我并非输给你们,只是输给了天…输给了命数而已。” If you do not dare to revolt the fate, why you have won here everyone.” Puxian Shakes the head, extends make a move, you are confess, accepts the method of this place.” “如果你连命数都不敢反抗,你凭什么赢过这里的所有人。”【普贤】摇了摇头,伸出手,“你是自己坦白,还是接受本座的手段。” cloud Tianfeng complexion immediately ugly/difficult to look at incomparable, on the emperor make a move, he only feared that a face second time the fuzzy memory can spit, you asked.” 云天风脸色顿时难看无比,帝上出手,他只怕脸自己两岁时候的模糊记忆都能吐出来,“你们问吧。” Yang Zi swallow, is where at present!” The second blade sovereign direct sinking sound asked that do not play the role of her appearance to deceive me again, the similar move, I will not be swindled twice.” “杨子燕,目前身在何处!”第二刀皇直接沉声问道,“不要再扮成她的模样来欺骗我,同样的招数,我不会上当两次。” She died.” cloud Tianfeng also said directly: Her soul also by carry away, is......, but, before her soul swam god carry away that I personally see, my truncation got down a small part quietly, the manufacture becomes Soul needle, By preparing emergency requirement, didn't expect also really used, moreover you were really also swindled.” “她死了。”云天风也直接说道:“她的阴魂也被带走了,是我亲眼所见的……只不过,在她的阴魂被游神带走之前,我悄悄地截下了一小部分,制造成为了【魂针】,本来是以备不时之需的,没想到还真用上了,而且你也还真上当了。” Soul needle......” Is the second blade sovereign brow wrinkle, you toward these things that on oneself inject? Soul needle Actually is what, why can enable you to grasp so many cultivation technique with remembering?” “【魂针】……”第二刀皇眉头一皱,“就是你往自己身上注射的那些东西?【魂针】究竟是什么,为何能够让你掌握那么多的功法与记忆?” cloud heaven air flue: Soul needle By Soul tears Is used as the basis, the product that I research and develop, borrowing is Soul tears Can compromise the characteristics of state of mind...... I the soul ball that sends from the roaming god, obtained many materials, can grasp these person before death memories, knowledge, as well as experience. This method, is quicker than any self-torture convenience, so long as uses right amount , will not have the sequela...... this is, truly epoch-making creation! Work that I do not have alone!” 云天风道:“【魂针】是以【魂泪】做基础,我所研发出来的产物,借用得是【魂泪】能够调和神魂的特性……我从游神送来的魂球之中,获得了许多的素材,也就能够掌握那些人生前的记忆,知识,以及经验。这方法,比任何的苦修更加的方便快捷,而且只要使用适量,甚至不会有后遗症……这才是,真正划时代的创作!我独一无的作品!” The second blade sovereign immediately coldly snorted- why to look down upon the person who cultivates to train hard industriously! 第二刀皇顿时冷哼一声-凭什么看不起勤修苦练的人! So that's how it is.” Song Jiaoxi actually opened the mouth to say at this time suddenly: But, this at most can be two creates. Soul needle Since already Soul tears Improves as the foundation, then makes truly Soul tears The inventor, is the epoch-making original.” “原来如此。”宋教习此时却突然开口道:“不过,这最多也只能算是二创而已。【魂针】既然已【魂泪】作为基础而改良,那么真正造出【魂泪】的发明者,才算是划时代的原创。” Looked like stepped on to the sore spot half, cloud Tianfeng the sudden mood became excited, you understood anything!! You know anything! Who Yang Zi swallow is! However is one by the orphan girl who oneself parents abandon! Without the reserve of academic study, without famous teacher's guidance, but hit transported greatly, accidentally created Soul tears! She is not even clear Soul tears True value! Is I, will be I Soul tears The potential unearths, was I improves Soul needle! Was I created the method of dying and being reborn! The true talent, is I!!” 就像是被踩到了至痛处半,云天风突然情绪变得激动,“你懂什么!!你知道什么!那杨子燕是什么人!不过是一个被自己父母遗弃的孤女而已!没有高级知识的储备,没有名师的教导,只不过是撞了大运,偶然之间创造出了【魂泪】而已!她甚至还不清楚【魂泪】的真正价值!是我,是我将【魂泪】的潜力挖掘出来,是我改良出了【魂针】!是我创造了死而复生的方法!真正的天才,是我啊!!” Bang-!! 嘭-!! The second blade sovereign is only a fist, the direct bang above cloud Tianfeng face, stole others achievement talent, the labor always sees, you most shameless.” 第二刀皇只是一拳,直接轰在了云天风的面门之上,“盗窃他人成果的天才,劳资平生所见,你最无耻。” This fist rumbles, cloud Tianfeng faints in this, the second blade sovereign quite restrains, but if is Puxian Here, feared that has not used the illegal punishment. 这一拳轰出,云天风在此昏死过去,第二刀皇相当的克制,但若不过是【普贤】在这里,怕不是已经用了私刑。 On emperor, I did not have the issue.” The second blade sovereign implored the tone...... to learn that at this time Yang Zi swallow had died, and soul had been arrested, he also knows that the matter can only come here- no one, can, since 【The ninth prison In fishes the soul, since this has almost been ten thousand years cognition. “帝上,我没有问题了。”第二刀皇此时吁了口气……得悉杨子燕已经死去,并且魂魄已经被拘走,他也知道事情只能到这里-没有人,能够从【第九狱】之中捞走阴魂,这几乎是万年以来的认知。 Your righteousness younger sister's matter, this place was sorry very much.” Puxian Nods saying: You could rest assured that this humanities place will not put to death, and will send in directly Day firm In. This place guaranteed, he at least in Day firm Below ten places, will never come out.” “你义妹的事情,本座很抱歉。”【普贤】点点头道:“你放心,此人本座不会诛杀,并且会直接送入【天牢】之中。本座保证,他至少会在【天牢】十层以下的地方,永不出来。” The second blade sovereign nods, puts to death the temporary rapidness, if lets cloud Tianfeng under ten Day firm Always does not leave, suffers greatly, such result he instead can accept! 第二刀皇点点头,诛杀不过一时之快,若是让云天风在十层之下的【天牢】永世不出,受尽折磨,这样的结局他反而更能接受! On emperor, matter.” Second blade sovereign direct one package of fists, younger generation then no longer disturbs, said goodbye...... cage The matter of base, the younger generation did not disclose that manages.” “帝上,此间事了。”第二刀皇直接一包拳头,“晚辈便不再打扰,就此告辞……【笼】基地之事,晚辈绝不透露办点。” Has words to second.” Puxian Suddenly said, said I researched and developed many new cookbooks recently, making her have free time to compare notes the cook.” “给第二摩罗带句话。”【普贤】忽然说道,“就说我近来研发了不少新的菜谱,让她有空过来切磋一下厨艺。” „...... Good.” “……好。” ...... …… When the Song teacher did not know, arrived at the Little Luo SIR Side Ye Yan ran up to the one side very much tactful early, with the second blade sovereign does not know that is building what words. 宋教习不知何时,来到了小洛SIR的身边-叶言很是识趣地老早就跑到了一旁,与第二刀皇不知道搭着什么话。 ... Sees only the scraps/condescend cedar to be piteous as for the cedar at this time, looks like homeless defeat dog, does not know that looked for individual high cardboard box from there, oneself squatted- even is also nipping the handkerchief. 至于啊楠…只见屑楠此时可怜兮兮,就像是无家可归的败犬似的,也不知道从那里找了个人高的纸箱,自己蹲了进去-甚至还咬着手帕。 This female, how the whole body is the play......” by far, saw that this Yuan room was startled being startled, today's experience are really many.” “这个女子,怎么浑身都是戏……”远远地,看到这一幕的元斋不禁怔了怔,“今天的见识真多。” „A Yuan room, you have a look at also many survivors.” Puxian At this time the direct instruction said. “元斋,你去看看还有多少生还者。”【普贤】此时直接吩咐说道。 A Yuan room nod, bows does obeisance, then brings assistant true understanding, rides the bottle gourd to go...... as for the lake water of divulging, at this time has stopped, today sometimes spirit sometimes does not work Cage The base system worked as a chapter of person, this little while knows to fall the floodgate, sealed up the flooded region. 元斋一点头,躬身一拜,便带着助手道真,骑着葫芦而去……至于泄露的湖水,此时已经停下,今日时灵时不灵的【笼】基地系统当了一回人,这会儿知道落闸,封闭了被水淹的区域。 Puxian Then is sizing up Little Luo SIR by far, resembles is pondering anything. 【普贤】则是远远地打量着小洛SIR,似在思考着什么。 The technology of dying and being reborn is the taboo, relates to alliance ten thousand years of secret- theoretically, Little Luo SIR resurrected, naturally broke this taboo, originally should prevent, only However…… 死而复生的技术是禁忌,关系到联盟一个万年的秘辛-理论上,小洛SIR复活了,自然算是打破了这个禁忌,本来应该阻止的,只不过…… „Not dead silkworm......” “不死蚕啊……” The master chef in base sighed, the taboo truly was the taboo, but also would the exception time- for example, this by Oblique Moon Mountain The old ancestor creates personally 【Not dead silkworm The resurrecting coin...... does he seem like can look for that old ancestor's troublesome character? 基地的大厨不禁叹了口气,禁忌确实是禁忌,但也总会有例外的时候-比如说,这由【斜月山】老祖亲自创造的【不死蚕】复活币……他看起来像是能够找那位老祖麻烦的人物? Ok, the custom is they decides, bad custom is they, what can I say?” The base master chef smiled bitterly the sound, actually shut tightly the mouth...... he to turn around immediately rapidly, silent coughed two, saw only the throat place, had the black silk thread to climb instantaneously came up......, but this time, was not one ; second, two! “算了,规矩是他们定的,坏规矩的又是他们,我能说什么呢?”基地大厨苦笑了声,却又马上紧闭了嘴巴……他迅速地转过了身去,无声地咳嗽了两声,只见咽喉处,有黑色丝线瞬间爬升了上来……而这次,不是一条,二是两条! Puxian took a deep breath, in the eye the god is only mobile, two heavy lines just now abate slowly...... 【普贤】深呼吸了一口气,眼中神光流动,两道黑线方才缓缓地消退…… Celestial five faded... I also...... to the limit.” “天人五衰…我也……到极限了吗。” ...... …… You... are you okay.” Song Jiaoxi used the rare scruple tone to ask, cultivation technique of not dead silkworm, I had studied. Because lacks can activate this cultivation technique experiment individual truly, therefore I am not clear its principle am anything.” “你…你还好吗。”宋教习用着少有的迟疑的口吻问道,“不死蚕的功法,我曾经研究过。但因为缺少真正能够激活这种功法的实验个体,所以我也不清楚它的原理是什么。” Little Luo SIR said with a smile at will: Miss Song was the plan makes me be your object of study.” 小洛SIR随意一笑道:“宋小姐是打算让我做你的研究对象吗。” The Song teacher nods directly, and friendship of having no, „, I think very much.” 宋教习直接点了点头,并且没有任何的交情,“是的,我很想。” But I cannot die again one time.” Little Luo SIR said: Because I do not know, can also be so lucky next time, again stimulation not dead silkworm.” “但我也不能再死一次。”小洛SIR道:“因为我不知道,下一次还能不能这么幸运,再一次激发不死蚕。” Song Jiaoxi wrinkled frowns immediately, resembled after making the difficult balance balance... the moment, she implored the tone slowly, considered as finished, I did not study this.” 宋教习顿时皱了皱眉头,似在做着艰难的天秤权衡般…片刻后,她才缓缓地吁了口气,“算了,我不研究这个了。” Many thanks pardon.” “多谢体谅。” Song Jiaoxi said: Your present skill increases, soon after represents Fire Cloud The participation, should be calmer. I anticipate you performance very much in battlefield.” 宋教习道:“不过你现在功力大增,不久之后代表【火云】参赛,应该会更从容些。我很期待你在战场上的表现。” You must observe.” Little Luo SIR asked curiously. “你要去观战吗。”小洛SIR好奇问道。 Song Jiaoxi said: I am this time to the adviser of war, at present four seed teams, have sent out invitation to me, asking me to help them do to be on site to instruct.” 宋教习道:“我是这次对战的顾问,目前已经有四支的种子队伍,向我发出了邀约,请我帮他们做临场指导。” Little Luo SIR blinks... in Dark Blue In the human alliance, Young Lady Ying is actually what kind of top student exists? 小洛SIR不禁眨了眨眼睛…在【苍蓝】的人类联盟之中,樱小姐究竟是怎样的一个学霸存在呢? However…… Song Ying 0 this time, I had not promised them, but I have not actually received the invitation of Tie Luosha at present, you... you, had better be able make the best use of the time.” 不过……宋樱0此时顿了顿,“我还没有答应他们,但我目前却还没有收到铁罗刹的邀请,你…你们,最好能抓紧时间。” Little Luo SIR blinks, this saying...... must understand what is heard. 小洛SIR还是眨了眨眼睛,这话……不能听不明白了。 Compared with this, the matter, I wants to ask your.” Little Luo SIR said at this time suddenly. “比起这个,有一件事情,我想要拜托你的。”小洛SIR此时却忽然说道。 Is anything.” The Song teacher asked directly. “是什么。”宋教习直接问道。 Little Luo SIR approached at this time slightly, said near the ear of Song teacher in a low voice any words...... seem like, exceptionally intimate appearance. 小洛SIR此时稍微靠近了些,在宋教习的耳边低声说了些什么话……看起来,异常亲密的模样。 Saw only on Song Jiaoxi the face to have the surprised color gradually...... 只见宋教习脸上渐渐有了惊讶之色…… Locates by far, oneself squat into the cardboard box the cedar, has broken by biting the third handkerchief, others also think that well boss blows in my ear......” 远远处,自己蹲入纸箱之中的啊楠,已经咬破了第三条的手帕,“人家也好想老板在我耳边吹吹嘛……” If boss is willing to help her blow...... thinks excitedly! 如果老板肯帮她吹……想想都兴奋! ...... Wanted and want the water! 啊……要、要水了! ...... …… ...... …… Ye Yan, the second blade sovereign, the Little Luo SIR three people, run into from the different places Cage Base, but three people actually leave at this time together. 叶言,第二刀皇,还有小洛SIR三人,是从不同的地方跑入【笼】基地的,但此时三人却一同离开。 After gazing after three people really to return to the ground, Puxian Looks that Song Jiaoxi said: Song Ying, the ram concealed the matter of No. 13 experiment body, after causing the heavy loss of base...... this, even if this can not go into one's past, perhaps he is unable to continue to be the senior research fellow in base.” 目送了三人真的回到了地面之后,【普贤】才看着宋教习道:“宋樱,公羊隐瞒了13号实验体的事情,造成了基地的严重损失……这之后,就算本座能既往不咎,恐怕他也无法继续担任基地的首席研究员了。” I am only responsible for Zero number Plan, desolate Yan Is last, since he has died, then I was not dull here.” Song Jiaoxi shakes the head. “我只负责【零号】计划,【萧延】已经是最后一个,他既然已死,那么我就不呆在这里了。”宋教习摇了摇头。 You are not many consider.” Puxian Resembles also wants to detain. “你不多考虑一下吗。”【普贤】似还想要挽留。 The Song teacher shakes the head very much decisively, „. Moreover, what was more important, my later work schedule is full.” 宋教习很果断地摇了摇头,“而且,更重要的是,我之后的工作排期已经满了。” „......” Puxian Said: No matter how, here has your position forever.” “……”【普贤】道:“不管如何,这里永远都有你的位置。” Do not say forever.” Song Jiaoxi unemotional say/way: True forever is, we are unable to know the next quarter matter.” “不要说永远。”宋教习面无表情道:“真正的永远是,我们无法知道下一刻的事情。” Cannot locate! 不能处了! Puxian Shakes the head, a vision revolution, then changed to Zero number The body of experiment body. 【普贤】摇摇头,目光一转,便转到了【零号】实验体的身上。 Because desolate Yan Had died, the black long bow then did not have the sound, but...... is supporting as the support desolate Yan Body. 由于【萧延】已经死亡,黑色的长弓便也没有了动静,只是作为支撑……支撑着【萧延】的身躯。 Houyi bends/bow. 后羿弓。 Puxian The vision slightly one, then attempted to extend make a move to come, to separate to wield a spirit strength to grasp spatially toward the black bow above. 【普贤】目光微微一并,便尝试着伸出手来,隔空挥出了一道灵力往黑弓之上抓去。 Unexpectedly just now touches the instance of black bow, the black long bow erupts splendid light unexpectedly suddenly, all of a sudden since desolate Yan In the hand is separated, later changed wiped radiance, vanished baseless does not see. 不料方才触碰到黑弓的瞬间,黑色长弓竟是突然爆发出华光,一下子就从【萧延】的手中脱离,随后化作了一抹光华,凭空消失不见。 Puxian In the eye flashes through surprised, later is hesitating the say/way: God bow has mystical powers, missing cannot hold... actually does not know, who the next master is?” 【普贤】眼中闪过一丝惊讶,随后才沉吟着道:“神弓有灵,无缘者抓不住…却是不知道,下一个主人是谁?” Why will he have this bow?” Song Jiaoxi asked suddenly. “他为什么会有这把弓?”宋教习突然问道。 Puxian Also is shakes the head... most starts with desolate Yan Fight time, he has not truly taken, looks like emerges out of thin air, is similar to vanishes now baseless general. 【普贤】也是摇了摇头…最开始与【萧延】交手的时候,他确实没有拿出来,就像是凭空出现,就如同现在凭空消失一般。 You do not know.” Song Jiaoxi asked again. “你也不知道吗。”宋教习再次问道。 Do not look that my age is big.” Puxian Sighed said angrily: How this was more ancient the bow...... said after all again that person shot extinguished nine days time, I am also a mortal. Because of once 【The gate of vestige Existence, makes the space and time confused, ten thousand years ago all sorts, will become for example yesterday.” “别看我年纪大。”【普贤】叹了口气道:“这把弓更加古老……毕竟再怎么说,那个人射灭了九日的时候,我也不过还是一个凡人而已。只是因为曾经【遗迹之门】的存在,才让时空错乱,万年前的种种,才会变得譬如昨日。” Puxian!” “【普贤】!” Shouts rapidly transmit, actually sees golden light to flash, some people broke through the single layer heavy base deck, descended in the morgue sector of lowest level...... seven Gold Dragon qi to twine, the Daoist robe whistling made noise- Yellow Dragon Great Emperor Yes! 一声急速的呼唤声传来,却见金光一闪,有人突破了一重重的基地甲板,降落到了最底层的停尸间区间之中……身上七道金龙气缠绕,道袍呼呼作响-【黄龙大帝】是也! I came! What happened, why did here do this appearance?” “我来了!发生了什么事情,这里为什么搞成这个样子?” „... flatter yellow, you came.” Puxian Nods, is all right, matter has been solved, you first go back.” “哦…阿黄,你来了。”【普贤】点点头,“不过没事,事情已经解决掉了,你先回去吧。” „......” “……” My TM had a mortal hatred of Guang Chengzi! 我TM恨死广成子了! Was individual can shout him flatter yellow! 是个人都能喊他阿黄了! Kunlun Mountains Twelve Emperor yellow, immediately foams with rage, you best give me an explanation! Snort!” 【昆仑】的十二帝阿黄,顿时吹胡子瞪眼,“你最好给我一个解释!哼!” Then, flatter yellow then angrily wields the sleeve to go. 说罢,阿黄便气冲冲地挥袖而去。
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