TTC :: Volume #17

#801 Part 2: Yes 【Cage】 But is also, the institute of taking shelter(

Puxian At this time hears frowns, isolates the prisoner's cage instantaneously, keeping the voice of youngster from spreading, how whatever at this time the youngster calls out, desolate Yan It is not able to hear! 【普贤】此时听得皱眉头,瞬间将囚笼隔绝,让少年的声音无法传出,此时任由少年如何嘶喊,【萧延】都无法听见! This instead lets desolate Yan The unstable mood was lit instantaneously, in the hand the long bow the flowing light rotation...... he will draw the bowstring shortly, presented over a thousand golden light arrows simultaneously! 这反而让【萧延】原本不稳定的情绪瞬间被点燃,手中长弓顷刻间流光转动……他拉动弓弦,身后却同时出现了上千道的金色光箭! Projects instantaneously, true arrows falling like the rain! 瞬间射出,真正的箭如雨下! Puxian Launched directly Emperor territory, The fearful arrow rain will swallow all into! 【普贤】直接展开了【帝域】,将可怕的箭雨尽数吞入! Lets loose the little flower!” “放开小花!” Little flower?” Puxian Actually said solemnly: Zero number, You started from the birth, conducted the cultivation alone. Besides directly is responsible for your Song Ying, you should not contact anybody.” “小花?”【普贤】却沉声道:“【零号】,你从出生开始,就是单独进行培育的。除了直接负责你的宋樱之外,你不应该接触过任何人。” Lets loose him!!” But sees desolate Yan Keeps completely, „, otherwise I destroyed this place, making you not have a thing in the world!” “放开他!!”但见【萧延】完全不停,“否则我毁了这个地方,让你们一无所有!” The black bow called, a giant golden light arrow condensed instantaneously......, but this time, above the arrow absorbed, truly continuously bright red translucent aura- unexpectedly from desolate Yan But flowing vitality! 黑弓鸣动,一支巨大的金色光箭瞬间凝聚……但这次,箭头之上所吸纳的,确实一缕缕鲜红透亮的气息-竟然是自【萧延】身上流动而出的气血! With crazy flowing of courage vigor, desolate Yan Long-tail also again rapidly withered...... together, two, in an instant, six black long-tails thorough withered! 伴随着血气的疯狂流动,【萧延】身后的长尾也再迅速地干枯……一道,两道,转眼间,六道黑色长尾就已经彻底干枯! But the strength at this time, above the gold/metal arrow uniting, merely to far feeling, then known terrifying! The word of destruction base, says not empty! 而此时,金箭之上所凝聚的力量,仅仅只是离远感受,便已知恐怖!毁灭基地之言,所言非虚! I said again one time! The little flower, lets loose!” “我再说一次!把小花,放开!” desolate Yan The final two long-tails, are also direct in this time, but desolate Yan The body, in dies of old age rapidly, as if radiance and time of lifetime, poured into above this arrow all! 【萧延】身后最后的两道长尾,也在此时直接干枯,而【萧延】的身体,也在迅速地老去,仿佛是将毕生的光华与时间,都尽数灌入了这一箭之上! At this time, the strength of point of no return, condenses, lets sufficiently Puxian Changing countenance...... this is real, can achieve the imperial throne the might! 此时,箭在弦上,所凝聚的力量,足以让【普贤】动容……这已经是货真价实,能够达到帝位的威力! Since does not listen to advice, then......” Puxian Vision indifferent, you who should not be born, is the return dust.” “既然不听劝,那么……”【普贤】目光冷漠了下来,“本不应该诞生的你,还是回归尘土吧。” Dual Emperor territory! 双重【帝域】! Meanwhile, desolate Yan Also loosened the bowstring! 与此同时,【萧延】也松开了弓弦! Imitates will project like a meteor arrow shortly! 彷如流星般的一箭顷刻间射出! Dual Emperor territory At this time actually changes to two spheroids, the mutual attraction, circles mutually...... the screw! Pesters in the spheroid that and interferes with mutually, contains the strength of obliteration! 双重【帝域】此时却化作两个球体,相互吸引,相互盘旋……螺旋!互相纠缠与干涉的球体之中,蕴含着磨灭的力量! This startled day arrow, is unable to penetrate unexpectedly dual Emperor territory The force field...... does not know Puxian At this time feels better, dies of old age rapidly desolate Yan At this time definitely does not feel better! 这惊天的一箭,竟是无法穿透双重【帝域】的力场……不知道【普贤】此时好不好受,急速老去的【萧延】此时肯定并不好受! Why... this has these! Strength of revenge..., only then these!!!” He roared angrily: Swindler! Your this swindler!” “为什么…这有这些吗!复仇的力量…只有这些吗!!!”他愤怒咆哮:“骗子!你这个骗子!” Dual Emperor territory At this time had obliterated the light arrow most probably, sees only desolate Yan At this time roared, gave up drawing to project the second arrow unexpectedly, instead brandished the black long bow directly, the front surface toward Puxian Pound down! 双重【帝域】此时已经将光箭磨灭了大半,只见【萧延】此时一声咆哮,竟是放弃了拉弓射出第二箭,反而是直接抡起了黑色长弓,迎面就往【普贤】砸下! Puxian Also as if quilt desolate Yan This time action was startled, looks steadily the long bow pounds to approach itself...... suddenly, Puxian Waves to keep off, the huge spirit strength changes to up the shield, kept off the black long bow struck! 【普贤】也似乎被【萧延】此时的举动惊了,目不转睛地看着长弓砸向自己……猛然,【普贤】挥手一挡,庞大的灵力化作光盾,挡下了黑色长弓的一击! This is the world strongest bow, Houyi bends/bow, was treated as the hammer the same as cause by you unexpectedly, is really......” Puxian At this time sighed, was a pity that you were not the true that person, how otherwise I can meet below this arrow......” “这是天下最强的弓,后羿弓,竟然被你当做榔头一样使,真是……”【普贤】此时叹了口气,“可惜你不是真正的那个人,否则我又怎能接的下这一箭……” Collapsing...... 崩…… A resounding. 一声脆响。 Golden arrow, finally dual Emperor territory Rubs...... the thorough disruption. 金色的箭,终是被双重【帝域】磨断……彻底碎裂。 desolate Yan At this time stares to crack! 【萧延】此时瞪眼欲裂! Seeing only Puxian Ejected a palm fast, patted directly in desolate Yan In the forehead, whips the smashing his skull instantaneously. 只见【普贤】飞快地击出了一掌,直接拍在了【萧延】的眉心之中,瞬间将其的头骨拍打粉碎。 Little flower...... also......” desolate Yan But the both arms naturally let fall, the long bow straight insertion, supported his body, the words cannot be saying, his head then lost any support, followed close on to hang. “把小花……还……”【萧延】但双臂自然垂落,长弓直接插入了地,支撑着他的身体,话说不完,他的头便失去了任何的支撑,也紧跟着垂了下来。 Puxian Low nan said, you are not that person, how you will understand, his arrow......” 【普贤】低喃道,“你不是那个人,你怎么会懂得,他的箭……” In the prisoner's cage, sees desolate Yan At this time lost all sounds, the life aura did not have, the moth wing youngster fell on the ground all of a sudden. 囚笼之中,见【萧延】此时失去了一切的动静,生命气息全无,蛾翼少年不禁一下子跌坐在地上。 desolate Yan Suddenly kills, he happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised, but desolate Yan Suffers a defeat and flees in Puxian In the hand, makes him be bogged down in difficulties in difficult again. 【萧延】的突然杀出,他惊喜交加的,但【萧延】败亡在【普贤】的手中,却让他再次陷入艰难的困境之中。 Master!” “主人!” In the meantime, in the channel, an old man is sitting a giant bottle gourd to fly at this time rapidly...... impressively is a medical officer Yuan room in base. 就在此时,通道之中,一名老者此时正坐着一口巨大的葫芦迅速地飞来……赫然是基地里的医务官元斋。 But at this time, in the Yuan room behind entered the battle condition puppet, true understanding. 而此时,在元斋身后的则是进入了战斗状态的傀儡,道真。 The Yuan room seems somewhat quite hurried, the clothes broke much. 元斋看起来颇有些匆忙,衣服破了不少。 „The donor that east district escapes, has grasped.” “东区逃跑出来的供体,都已经抓回去了。” Obviously, a Yuan room has not been idling in the past time, arrogated to oneself about 1/4 base regions by one person, actually solution these riots cultivated/repaired evilly. 显然,元斋在过去的时间里也没有闲着,以一人独揽了将近四分之一的基地区域,却解决那些暴乱的邪修去了。 The Yuan room got down from the bottle gourd at this time fast, arrived at the side of youth, but saw the neck place of youth, the heavy line, stretched out from the neckband in slightly, but did not pay attention to look, as if only will be regarded as anything dirty. 元斋此时飞快地从葫芦下来,走到了青年的身边,但见青年的脖子处,有一条黑线,稍稍地自领口之中伸出,但不注意看,似乎只会当作是脏了什么东西。 Master......” a Yuan room actually the vision concentrates at this time, in the eye flashes through wipes the panic-stricken color. “主人……”元斋此时却目光微凝,眼中闪过一抹惊恐之色。 Actually sees Puxian At this time inspires lightly, the careful black silk of that neck place, abated unexpectedly slowly, he gives alms to daoists with the Yuan: it's nothing, but the physical exertion was bigger...... you to think Saint sovereign soul Is that good seal, this is Azure emperor.” 却见【普贤】此时轻吸了一口气,那脖子处的细细黑丝,竟是缓缓地消退了下去,他与元斋道:“没什么,只是体力消耗大了些而已……你以为【圣皇魂】是那么好封印的吗,这可是【青帝】。” The Yuan room sighed, at this time swept around one, saw this pitiful condition, sighed, looked like the matter to terminate... this is the instigator.” 元斋叹了口气,此时扫了一眼四周,见此惨状,不禁又叹了口气,“看来事情完结了…这就是始作俑者了吧。” He looks was being imprisoned the youngster, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle, the surprise said/tunnel: „No. 13 experiment body?” 他看着被禁锢着的少年,眉头皱了皱,诧异地道:“第13号实验体?” Un.” The youth nod, hesitate saying: Ram should Cain hide the truth from his some special abilities, or because of not the well-known reason, he himself evolved, then hid, ram not clear...... I hope that best is the latter.” “嗯。”青年点了点头,沉吟道:“公羊应该隐瞒了他的一些特殊的能力,又或者因为不知名的原因,他自己进化了,然后又隐藏了下来,就连公羊自己也不清楚……我希望最好是后者。” Bang-!!! 砰-!!! In the meantime, above the tall wall of morgue, a wall bursts suddenly, but later a giant water scouring...... at the same time, sees only several forms, was thrown from that water current in ruthlessly! 就在此时,停尸间的高墙之上,一面墙壁忽然破裂,随后一道巨大水流冲刷而出……与此同时,只见好几道的身影,自那水流之中被狠狠地抛了出来! The people first heard one not to know that was cheerful, was the panic-stricken cry. 众人先是听到了一道不知道是欢快的,还是惊恐的叫声。 Waah...... saves a life!!!!” A female of short hair, is screaming at this time at the same time, later soon crash place time, suddenly a body 360 degrees swivel, then the both feet falls to the ground steadily, her instantaneous spread both hands, perfect score! Thanks, thank you!” “哇啊啊啊啊……救命啊!!!!”一名短发的女子,此时一边尖叫着,随后快要坠落地的时候,突然身体三百六十度转体,然后双脚稳稳地落地,她瞬间张开了双手,“满分!谢谢,谢谢大家!” Sees only the scraps/condescend cedar to bow in thanks to the four directions at this time, later remembered anything to resemble, extended both hands hastily, Song Jiaoxi catching...... as for ram real person, at this time fell to the ground directly the later slippery shovel, ran out by the water current far away. 只见屑楠此时向四方鞠躬致谢,随后才想起了什么似的,又连忙地伸出双手,将宋教习给接住……至于公羊真人,此时直接落地之后一个滑铲,被水流冲出了老远。 The Yuan room sees that subconsciously spirit strength hand, ram real person fishing- after this, a Yuan room does not want to make the youth continue to consume the strength, then actuation liquor bottle gourd, rushed to the wall breakage place directly, absorbs the water current...... also really to attract with the wine pot unceasingly, obviously content free-air anomaly huge! 元斋见状,下意识地灵力化手,将公羊真人给捞了回来-这之后,元斋不想让青年继续消耗力量,便驱动身边的酒葫芦,直接冲到了墙体破裂处,以酒壶不断地吸收着水流……还真能吸,显然内容空间异常的庞大! Song Ying.” A youth brow wrinkle, saw the Song teacher to remain unconscious at this time, slightly hesitated, the finger gathered, a god of journeys light projected slowly, injected into within the body of Song teacher. 宋樱。”青年眉头一皱,见宋教习此时似昏迷不醒,略一沉吟,手指并拢间,一道神光缓缓射出,注入了宋教习的体内。 Her revolutions wakes slowly, sees to return the quilt the cedar to hug at this time, then wrinkled frowns saying: Your hand.” 她缓缓地转醒了过来,见此时自己还被啊楠抱着,便皱了皱眉头道:“你的手。” „... To few size.” The scraps/condescend cedar smiles embarrasedly, hastily Song Jiaoxi putting. “哦…至少量一下尺寸而已。”屑楠讪讪一笑,连忙将宋教习给放了下来。 At this time, a Yuan room raised the ram real person who fainted directly, woke it, while the sinking sound asked: Miss Song, can tell the old man, what's all this about... will the ram, why do this appearance?” 此时,元斋直接提起昏死的公羊真人,一边将其弄醒,一边沉声问道:“宋小姐,能告诉老夫,这是怎么回事吗…公羊,为何会搞成这副模样?” Actually saw the Song teacher the palm to lay out at this time, gives kept silent the hand signal, then did not pay attention, was subconsciously walks toward the side of second blade sovereign unexpectedly. 却见宋教习此时手掌摆了摆,做了个噤声似的手势,便不予理会,竟是下意识地往第二刀皇的身边走去。 The Yuan room foams with rage immediately, matter that this Song teacher can do the person mentality, is not one day two days. 元斋顿时吹胡子瞪眼,这位宋教习能搞人心态的事情,已经不是一天两天。 Ok, child, continuously this.” The youth shake the head, her innate lacked the sentiment.” “算了,鲁达的孩子,一直这样。”青年摇了摇头,“她天生就缺了情。” The Yuan room sighed does not speak. 元斋叹气不语。 Saw only the Song teacher line the blade sovereign place, however looked truly, was really moving in lays aside by the second blade sovereign in the body of nearby Little Luo SIR... side also by Ye Yan. 只见宋教习行到了刀皇处,然而真正看的,确是被第二刀皇给搬来放置在旁边的小洛SIR的身体…旁边还挨着叶言 The Song teacher squatted directly in the Little Luo SIR side, is gazing at his face shape silently, did not say a word. 宋教习直接蹲在了小洛SIR的身边,默默地注视着他的脸盘,却是一言不发。 The people look at this silently, the second blade sovereign only felt that some physiology ill as, the reputation of Song teacher has listened, after all he also studies the palace to graduate, but never has had to do...... this Little Luo personal connection is very broad? 众人默然地看着这一幕,第二刀皇只感觉有些生理不适似的,宋教习的名头有听过,毕竟他也是学宫毕业,但从未打过交道……这小洛人脉还挺广的? Restrains your grief and accommodates change.” Is also acquainted with Little Luo SIR, the second blade sovereign has to say at this time in a low voice, Song teacher.” “节哀顺变。”与小洛SIR也算是相识一场,第二刀皇此时只好低声说道,“宋教习。” Song Ying has not paid attention. 宋樱没有理会。 But at this time, the sad and shrill weeping sound transmits together suddenly, then sees the scraps/condescend cedar not to know when has changed the crying mourning garment of complete set... even Puxian Has not become the discovery! 但此时,一道凄厉的哭声突然传来,便见屑楠不知何时已经换上了全套的哭丧服…甚至连【普贤】都未成发现! Mr. Luo, you...... you die quite miserable!!!” 洛先生,你……你死的好惨啊!!!” , The scraps/condescend cedar knelt on the ground by far directly, the slippery shovel came, actually just heard the side of Song teacher accurate, with it abreast in row, how „your to walk...... the baby painstakingly! The girl misses your instruction daily, has not pledged yourself with enough time, thanks your great kindness and great virtue!! You why so cruel, why!! Day being jealous person with outstanding ability... day being jealous person with outstanding ability!!” 远远地,屑楠就直接跪在了地上,滑铲而来,却精准地刚好听到了宋教习的身边,与之并排,“你怎么这就走了……宝宝心里苦啊!小女子日日思念你的教诲,还没有来得及以身相许,答谢你的大恩大德啊!!你为什么这么残忍,为什么啊!!天妒英才…天妒英才啊!!” This woman what's the matter? 这女人怎么回事? Not is only the direct-viewing feeling of second blade sovereign, looks from afar Puxian Also the Yuan room, is the expression is at this time strange. 不仅仅是第二刀皇的直观感觉,就连远远地看着的【普贤】也元斋,此时也是表情怪异。 Mr. Luo, Mr. Luo!” The cedar lies on the ground at this time directly, the hammer cries sorrowfully, looks like the filial daughter to employ professional mourners simply, my Mr. Luo!! You die quite miserable!” 洛先生,洛先生啊!”啊楠此时直接趴在地上,锤地悲恸大哭,简直就像是孝女哭丧般,“我的洛先生啊!!你死的好惨啊!” Crossed.” “过了。” The scraps/condescend cedar vibrates was instantaneously stiff... also really to stop immediately, is gaining ground, looked dull to the Song teacher- these words, was Song Jiaoxi says. 屑楠抖动的瞬间顿时僵了一下…还真是停了下来,抬着头,呆呆地看向了宋教习-这句话,是宋教习说的。 This... the teacher Sir, my does not see you not to cry , helping your one.” Cedar at this time expression embarrasedly, at once faintly said: Later, your tears, my entire package.” “这…教习大人,我这不是见你不会哭,帮你一把嘛。”啊楠此时表情讪讪,旋即幽幽地道:“以后,你的泪水,我全包了。” The Song teacher aspirates slowly, unemotional say/way: He who who kills.” 宋教习缓缓地吐了口气,才面无表情道:“谁杀的他。” The second blade sovereign said directly: Direct murderer had been extinguished by his teacher killed, as for the back chief instigator......, there, his enmity, was does not have.” 第二刀皇直接道:“直接的凶手已经被他的老师灭杀了,至于背后的主谋……诺,就在那里,他的仇,算是没了。” He puts out a hand referred to being imprisoned the youngster, No. 13 experiment body. 他伸手指了指被囚禁着的少年,第13号的实验体。 At this time, the Ye Yan revolutions wakes the instance that slowly... both eyes opens, he sits up suddenly, later took a deep breath, before subconsciously covered the position of heart...... to faint the memory to come in waves, he only felt that the brain was murky. 此时,叶言缓缓地转醒过来…双目睁开的瞬间,他猛然坐起,随后深呼吸了一口气,下意识地捂住了心脏的位置……昏死前的记忆潮涌而来,他只感觉大脑昏沉无比。 Awoke.” The second blade sovereign greeted one simply. “醒了。”第二刀皇简单地问候了一句。 Ye Yan was startled being startled, to the vision of second blade sovereign, nodded later simply, silent. 叶言怔了怔,对上了第二刀皇的目光,随后只是简单地点了点头,沉默不语。 The second blade sovereign also nods, „seemed like good.” 第二刀皇也点点头,“看来是好了。” „It is not good.” Ye Yan smiled bitterly the sound, shakes the head saying that he sighed, turn head looks at the side is lying down Little Luo SIR, faintly said: He said, making my next generation also probably find him...... to be possible my for a lifetime, wanted to help him gather up dead bodies, where actually could not think his hometown.” “不好。”叶言苦笑了声,摇摇头道,他叹了口气,回头看着身边躺着的小洛SIR,幽幽地道:“他说,让我下辈子也要找到他……可我这一辈子,想要帮他收尸,却想不起来他的故乡在什么地方。” The second blade sovereign has to pat the shoulder of Ye Yan gently, is the salute. 第二刀皇只好轻轻地拍了拍叶言的肩膀,算是慰问。 Suddenly, the Ye Yan earth movement...... the speed could not compare demon fast by far time, is not too slow- sees only him to seek for anything in the ruins fast, even quick from ruins, found purple gold color ring! 突然,叶言飞快地动了……速度远远比不上魔化的时候,却也不算太慢-只见他飞快地在废墟之中寻找着什么,甚至很快就从废墟之中,找到了一枚紫金色的戒指! Ye Yan turned over two goods from the ring...... soul tears Medicament as well as crystal ball! 叶言从戒指之中倒腾出来了两件物品……【魂泪】药剂以及水晶球! Ye Yan!” The youth see that knits the brows to drink to stop. 叶言!”青年见状,不禁皱眉喝止。 It seems like no matter demon non- demon, Ye Yan wants to handle the same matter. 看来不管是魔化不魔化,叶言都想要做相同的事情。 Direct Ye Yan in the front of youth, on emperor... took away my inheritance at this time directly, I only strove for being able to save him!” 直接叶言此时直接在了青年的面前,“帝上…把我身上的传承拿走吧,我只求能救活他!” Why bother.” Puxian Heaved a deep sigh, actually puts out a hand, your calm.” “何苦。”【普贤】长叹一声,却是伸出了手,“你冷静一下吧。” A feeling of weariness, making Ye Yan consciousness murkily, resembled to faint...... he actually to break by biting immediately suddenly own lip, was sad and shrill: On emperor!” 一股倦意,让叶言意识昏沉,似马上就又昏死过去……他却猛然咬破了自己的嘴唇,凄厉道:“帝上!” Did not want stupidly, you could not save him!” The severe sound resounds together, was the voice of Song teacher... sees only her to look straight ahead Ye Yan impressively at this time, said solemnly: This so-called dying and being reborn, but is a lie!” “不要傻了,你根本救不活他!”一道严厉的声音响起,赫然是宋教习的声音…只见她此时直视着叶言,沉声道:“这种所谓的死而复生,不过是个谎言!” You said that anything......” Ye Yan is out of sorts instantaneously. “你说什么……”叶言瞬间失神。 Then saw Song Jiaoxi the half step to arrive at the Ye Yan side, from the scared his hand was the crystal ball seizing, later made an effort to defeat, this, was so-called dying and being reborn!” 便见宋教习快步地走到了叶言的身边,从失魂落魄的他的手中将是水晶球给夺了过来,随后用力击破,“这,就是所谓的死而复生!” The sound of sad and shrill crying loudly transmits together, transmits from that shatter crystal ball unexpectedly, at the same time, the Yin fog disperses together fast, phantom broken is stranded from the crystal ball together, the appearance twists, if shape crazy! 一道凄厉的嚎哭之声传来,竟是从那破碎的水晶球之中传来,与此同时,一道阴雾飞快地散开,一道虚影从水晶球之中破困而出,容貌扭曲,状若疯癫! „Is this... the soul?” The youth see that a hand move, then gives the direct imprisonment this soul, Song Ying, what's all this about?” “这是…阴魂?”青年见状,手一招,便将此阴魂给直接禁锢,“宋樱,这是怎么回事?” Saw it, this was the secret of dying and being reborn.” Song Jiaoxi implored the tone at this time, mentioned also simply, but started complex. They implant in the soul the body of dead, passes Soul tears Nourishing, thus lets the soul and new body can agree with, using the technique of special, guaranteed again the body is not corrupt, seeming like dies and is reborn...... is actually only deceiving cheap trick.” “看见了吗,这就是死而复生的秘密。”宋教习此时吁了口气,“说来也简单,只是做起了复杂而已。他们将阴魂种入死者的身体之中,通过【魂泪】的滋养,从而让阴魂与新的身体能够契合,再以特殊的手法,保证身体不腐败,看起来就像是死而复生……其实只是骗人的把戏。” Soul tears......” Youth hesitates slightly, at once knits the brows, soul...... soul? Does this soul come from where?” “【魂泪】……”青年稍稍沉吟,旋即皱眉,“阴魂……阴魂?这阴魂从何而来?” This I know!” Then sees a filial daughter takes the cedar to turn around at this time suddenly, at once again black and white roaming God vomiting, these two fellows brought, before they and cloud Tianfeng, is a connivance.” “这个我知道哟!”便见一身孝女服的啊楠此时突然转过了身去,旋即再次将黑白游神给呕了出来,“这两个家伙带来的,他们与云天风之前是同谋。” The youth the complexion sinks immediately, in the eye the god light/only flashes, two roaming God then hit to startle immediately, sobered directly- after is only came soberly, black and white roaming God sees the instance of youth, then revealed wiped color with amazement! 青年顿时脸色一沉,眼中神光一闪,两名游神便顿时打了个激灵,直接清醒了过来-只是清醒过来之后,黑白游神看见青年的瞬间,便露出了一抹骇然之色! Two people make the brothers many years, tacit as if made by Heaven, did not use any greeting, separated two directions to walk fast without delay simultaneously. 二人做兄弟多年,默契天成,都不用任何的招呼,二话不说就同时分开两个方向疾走。 Rolls!” The youth the mouth contains a day of constitution at this time. “滚回来!”青年此时口含天宪般。 Two roaming God body was pulled instantaneously, fell to fall one layer on layer/heavily! 两名游神身体被瞬间拉扯,重重地摔落到了一块! The second blade sovereign changes countenance, even if Ye Yan rebels, desolate Yan Going crazy..., even if Cage The base was done so the appearance, has not seen on the emperor true pissed... seems like has no alternative. 第二刀皇不禁动容,即便是叶言作乱,【萧延】发疯…哪怕是【笼】基地被搞成这般模样,都没有见帝上真正的生气…更多似乎是无可奈何而已。 On emperor forgives! On the emperor forgives!” Knows unable to flee, black and white two roaming God kneels hastily begs for mercy, we are just present the city......” “帝上饶命!帝上饶命!”自知无法逃离,黑白两名游神连忙跪地求饶,“我们只不过是奉城……” How to expect Puxian At this time actually the sinking sound one, interrupted two roaming God speech directly, lives is 【The ninth prison roaming God, a nether world clan, the illicit intercourse bystander, delivers the soul unexpectedly secretly, violates alliance taboo, cuts.” 怎料【普贤】此时却沉声一哼,直接打断了两名游神的说话,“生为【第九狱】游神,幽冥一族,竟然私通外人,偷送阴魂,犯联盟大忌,斩。” Forgives!!!” “饶命啊!!!” Sees only the cold light to flash past, two black and white roaming God head separated instantaneously, tumbles the ground. 只见寒光一闪而过,两名黑白游神的头颅瞬间割裂,滚落到了地上。 The second blade sovereign started to speak but hesitated... stops finally. 第二刀皇欲言又止…最终还是止了。 Emperor General two roaming Shenzhan must such rapidness, in taste of eliminating a potential informant be too thick, at this time perhaps is not two little roaming gods can behind control, this will perhaps involve 【The ninth prison In some people...... 帝上将两个游神斩得如此之快,灭口的内味太浓,此时恐怕不是两个小游神能够背后把控的,这恐怕会牵涉到【第九狱】之中的一些人…… As a rule, perhaps this case really cannot check, can only hang, becomes the unsettled law case. 通常来说,这案子恐怕真的就查不下去,只能挂起来,成为悬案。 Second blade sovereign in the heart sighed secretly, subconsciously looked at Little Luo SIR... to be a pity this fellow- he actually very favored Little Luo SIR, has not actually waited till and his true fight. 第二刀皇心中暗叹,下意识地看了眼小洛SIR…可惜了这个家伙了-他其实挺看好小洛SIR的,却还没有等到与他真正的交手。 Wait!” “等等!” The second blade sovereign called out in alarm one at this time suddenly. 第二刀皇此时突然惊叫了一声。 His sound, attracted the people. 他的声音,吸引了众人。 Saw only the second blade sovereign to squat at this time in the Little Luo SIR side, put out a hand from the body of Little Luo SIR, twisted a several households of transparent as silk thread, what was this?” 只见第二刀皇此时蹲在了小洛SIR的身边,伸手从小洛SIR的身上,捻起来了一根几户透明似的丝线,“这是什么?” When does not know, the body of Little Luo SIR, presented many silk threads unexpectedly..., moreover is increasing continually, is the same like the silk. 不知何时,小洛SIR的身上,竟然出现了不少的丝线…而且还在持续地增加,就如同蚕丝一样。 „Not dead silkworm?” Puxian On the emperor actually also gawked staring, looks inconceivable that silk continuously emerges, this child... has such chance unexpectedly!” “不死蚕?”【普贤】帝上却也是愣了愣,不可思议地看着那一缕缕的蚕丝涌现,“此子…竟有如此机缘!” Really is not the dead silkworm merit?!” The second blade sovereign is inconceivable, Oblique Moon Mountain Secret, every profound studies resurrecting coin? This unexpectedly real, isn't the legend of deceiving people?” “真的是不死蚕功?!”第二刀皇更是不可思议,“【斜月山】秘传,人手一枚的玄学复活币?这竟然是真的,不是骗人的传说?” What do you mean?” Ye Yan hit to startle suddenly. “什么意思?”叶言猛然打了个激灵。 Only listens to call the scraps/condescend cedar to be fast typical at this time: „Not dead silkworm, Oblique Moon Mountain The benefits, can die and be reborn, I had personally seen one Oblique Moon Mountain The disciple, because of this cultivation technique, after dying, lived-, but also has the possibility, actually entered the condition of playing dead.” 只听叫屑楠此时飞快地道:“不死蚕,【斜月山】福利,可以死而复生,我曾经亲眼见过一名【斜月山】的弟子,因为这种功法,死了之后又活了过来-但也有可能,其实是进入了假死的状态。” „Not dead silkworm I have listened.” Ye Yan said solemnly: I mean, he... can restore, right!” “不死蚕我听过。”叶言沉声道:“我的意思是,他…能恢复过来,对吗!”
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