TTC :: Volume #17

#800 Part 2: Yes 【Cage】 But is also, the institute of taking shelter(

His both hands standard is keeping off, keeps off is keeping off, has started to shiver unexpectedly uncontrolled got up...... the pain lets cloud Tianfeng the facial features unusual distortion! 他双手格挡着,挡着挡着,竟然已经开始不受控制地颤抖了起来……痛楚更是让云天风面容异常的扭曲! He absorbed the count ten soul needles, at this time carries dozens distinguished merit secret techniques, the martial arts skill, may be called the millenniums experience in every possible way, should the strength unparalleled, actually cannot do to this simple and crude...... attack! 他吸纳了支数十魂针,此时身负数十种奇功秘术,百般武艺,堪称千年经验,本应该战力无双,却奈何不了这种简单粗暴的……打击! Pain-!! 痛-!! The next quarter, cloud Tianfeng the knee place transmitted the pain of heartrending, is the knee is unable to withstand the load unexpectedly, in the short club by Ye Yan hand was shivered directly! 下一刻,云天风的膝盖处传来了钻心的痛苦,竟是膝盖不堪重负,生生地被叶言手中的短棍给直接敲碎! cloud Tianfeng kneels down instantaneously on the ground, another new short club direct racket...... this time brain buzzed to his head, chin directly patted displacement. 云天风瞬间跪倒在地上,又一根新的短棍直接拍向了他的脑袋……此时大脑嗡嗡作响,就连下巴都直接被拍的位移。 This time Ye Yan was too fearful. 此时的叶言太可怕了。 coldly snorted of second blade sovereign full forehead, Ye Yan aura, is he cannot even have the heart of resistance- this time hitting cloud Tianfeng was of dozens soul needles weak? 第二刀皇满额头的冷哼,叶言身上的气息,便是连他也生不起反抗之心-此时的打了几十根魂针的云天风弱吗? expert cannot induce the opponent strength- has to acknowledge, this cloud Tianfeng of little while, he is also unlikely hard to win! 并不,高手是能够感应对手实力的-不得不承认,这会儿的云天风,他恐怕也难以取胜! Finally, has scales of shoulder bone, should be the defense draws full cloud Tianfeng, was shivered unexpectedly forcefully the bone of whole body, at this time the shape like the mud, lies down on the ground, motionless, has not had the chest of fluctuating gently. 终于,拥有着一身肩骨的鳞甲,本应是防御拉满的云天风,竟是被硬生生地敲碎了全身的骨头,此时形如烂泥般,躺在地上,一动不动,未有轻轻起伏的胸膛。 The Ye Yan big hand wields, gale throws off cloud Tianfeng directly, actually hit to the second blade sovereign, gave you, but you owed me.” 叶言大手一挥,一股强风直接将云天风掀翻,却是撞向了第二刀皇,“给你了,但是你欠我的。” The second blade sovereign complexion is ugly, actually knows that cloud Tianfeng cannot bump into at this time, has governing under... in his brain by the air/Qi to have a question suddenly, is so this time Ye Yan, at the appointed time Azure emperor The three parties of inheritance compete, another two do have the opportunity? 第二刀皇脸色难看,却知道云天风此时碰不到,只好以气御下…他忽然脑中产生了一个疑问,如此是此时的叶言,届时【青帝】传承的三方争夺,另外两家有没有机会? Arrived you.” “到你了。” Ye Yan arrived at the front of moth wing youngster again. 叶言再次来到了蛾翼少年的面前。 Saw only the youngster at this time actually unhurriedly spread both hands. 只见少年此时却不慌不忙地张开了双手。 Ye Yan sneered the sound, doesn't revolt? Also has what move, can make...... me today, want to hit the person specially, you had better be able be somebody's turn me to hit tired till.” 叶言冷笑了声,“不反抗了吗?还有什么招数,都可以使出来……我今天,特别想要打人,你最好能够挨到我打累了为止。” I can... make him resurrect.” How to expect the youngster actually to narrow both eyes at this time, the chuckle was saying, must make a transaction with me.” “我可以…让他复活。”怎料少年此时却眯起了双眼,轻笑着说道,“要不要与我做个交易。” You said......” Ye Yan suddenly raise one's head, what?” “你说……”叶言猛然抬头,“什么?” You investigate Cage Base, even discovered the secret of morgue......” youngster the sound just like the demon sound, should know at this time „, my here has ability that can make the morgue corpse die and be reborn... these failure works that otherwise was traded, to be how vivid.” “你们来调查【笼】基地,甚至发现了停尸间的秘密……”少年此时声音宛如魔音,“就应该知道,我这边有着能够让停尸间尸体死而复生的能力…否则被贩卖出去的那些失败作品,又怎会生龙活虎呢。” Ye Yan hesitates instantaneously does not speak , if shadow if presently Saint sovereign soul phantom, is the light and shade is more uncertain at this time. 叶言瞬间沉吟不语,身后若影若现的【圣皇魂】虚影,此时更是明暗不定。 Come, comes me.” The youngster both hands spread, you were also very powerful at this time, but is not very perfect, I can make you perfect, making you have compared with a present more powerful strength, must make your only student die and be reborn, making him be able to continue to serve to present...... comes in your side, with my, revolts against this world.” “来吧,来我这边。”少年此时双手又张开了一些,“你很强大,但还不够完美,我能够让你变得更加的完美,让你拥有比现在更强大的力量,也要让你唯一的学生死而复生,让他能够继续伺奉在你身边……来吧,与我一趟,反抗这个世界。” Saw only Ye Yan to sneer suddenly the sound, why that... cannot be you becomes my slave, was adopted by us.” 只见叶言忽然冷笑了声,“那为什么…不能是你成为我的奴隶,为我所用。” Moth wing youngster mouth slightly, resembles is surprised. 蛾翼少年嘴巴微张,似是感到意外。 But at this time Ye Yan did not speak Wu De, suddenly suddenly make a move sneak attack- at his time strength, sneak attacked what kind of terrifying! 但此时叶言却不讲武德,冷不丁突然出手偷袭-以他此时的力量,偷袭何等的恐怖 Sees only the moth wing youngster to make the absent-minded, deep winter aura slightly flashes past, behind him a leaf of moth wing had been torn unexpectedly directly!! 只见蛾翼少年稍作失神,隆冬的气息一闪而过,他背后的一扇蛾翼竟然已经被直接撕裂!! Folded the youngster of wing, first is the pupil expands, later breaks the wing place to spurt blood crazily- he called out pitifully at this time! 折了翼的少年,先是瞳孔扩张,随后断翼处狂喷鲜血-他此时才惨叫了一声! It seems never has withstood this type pinnacle painful, the moth wing youngster at this time unexpectedly is helpless, fell down, wailed the scream! 好似从未承受过这种极致的痛苦般,蛾翼少年此时竟是不知所措般,倒在了地上,嚎啕尖叫! Originally is only one is wet behind the ears, blustering naughty kid.” “原来只是一个乳臭未乾,虚张声势的熊孩子。” Ye Yan sneered again the sound, gradually walks, stepped the back of youngster, grasped his another leaf of flying wing in this, pulls slowly, I from starting to have said that I want to hit the person...... you to today specially make me hit crisply!” 叶言再次冷笑了声,缓步走来,一脚踩住了少年的背,在此抓起了他另一扇的飞翼,缓缓拉扯起来,“我从开始就说过,我今天特别想要打人……你得让我打爽啊!” „... Does not want!” “不…不要!” Pulls slowly, pulls suddenly, the instantaneous pain, making the youngster as if ascend to heaven same place, the tension fracture feeling of this body, is to make the youngster the tears flow out unexpectedly at this time crazily! 缓缓拉扯,猛然拉断,瞬间的痛苦,让少年仿佛原地升天般,这种身体的拉裂感,竟是让少年此时泪水疯狂流出! Demon eye!” During the youngster are wailing, both eyes will change shortly jet black, the monster different god light/only shoots at Ye Yan both eyes together instantaneously! “魔眼!”少年在哀嚎之中,双眼顷刻间化作了漆黑,一道妖异的神光瞬间射向叶言双眼 Actually sees Ye Yan to close the eye quickly, at the same time, double refers to gathering, the instantaneous thorn...... inserted to the left eye of youngster directly exploded the left eye eyeball of youngster! 却见叶言更快地闭上眼睛,与此同时,双指并拢,瞬间刺向了少年的左眼之上……直接插爆了少年的左眼眼球! „... !!!! Good pain!! Good pain...... good pain!!!!!” “啊…啊啊啊啊啊啊,啊啊啊!!!!好痛!!好痛……好痛!!!!!” Ye Yan opened both eyes, at once a fist bang above the chest of youngster, breaks...... this fist effort control to be fearful the breastbone of youngster directly, might strange big has not actually struck to fly the youngster. 叶言睁开了双眼,旋即一拳轰在了少年的胸膛之上,直接将少年的胸骨震碎……这一拳力度控制可怕,威力奇大却没有将少年击飞。 He hair that held the youngster, towed the line slowly...... is drags the line unexpectedly the Little Luo SIR laying aside place. 他一把抓住了少年的头发,缓缓拖行……竟是拖行到了小洛SIR放置的地方。 Looks at Little Luo SIR injury, the Ye Yan lip trembles slightly, at once coldly snorted, looks this time youngster said: Saves him, do not negotiate the terms...... I to do the detective case penalty family background with me, I have the means that 1 million types can make you live to might as well die. 1 million insufficient, I will use the strength of remaining years of life, sufficiently collects 10 million meals to you.” 看着小洛SIR身上的伤势,叶言嘴唇微微一颤,旋即冷哼一声,看着此时的少年道:“救活他,不要与我讲条件……我搞探案刑罚出身的,我有一百万种可以让你生不如死的办法。一百万种不够,我将会用余生之力,给你凑够一千万种套餐。” Saying, Ye Yan presses down the head of youngster layer on layer/heavily, buckled ruthlessly above the floor! 说着,叶言重重地将少年的脑袋按下,狠狠地扣在了地板之上!
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