At this time, Lin Shihuatwopeople of the explanation that heard the Lin Tianyuecloud, the innermost feelingsalsoknewin the Helancountrypresent the fourth-ordermonsterinsectto meananything.
这时候,林世华二人听到林天云的解释,内心也知晓在贺兰国出现四阶妖虫意味着什么。EspeciallyLin Shigong, is during the shockat this moment.
特别是林世功,此刻还处于震惊之中。Pouringis nothe is not very calm, butpresents the news of fourth-ordermonsterinsect, compared withknowing the spirit stonesmineral lode of thatscalereserves, giveshisfeelingalso to shockincessantly.
倒也不是他不够淡定,而是出现四阶妖虫的消息,比得知那座不止规模储量的灵石矿脉,给他的感觉还要震撼。After all, the strength of fourth-ordermonsterinsect, thatisendurescompared withexistence of YuaninfantCultivator.
毕竟,四阶妖虫的实力,那可是堪比元婴修士的存在。ButNascent Soul Stageis strong
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